We would like to do a few different things with this blog. One thing we have in mind is sort of a Topic Of the Day. So watching Jon and Kate plus 8 we all see how Kate handles her day. Tell us how you handle your day - things that keep you on task. What keeps your household running smoothly?
I am a working mother of two sons who are active in sports. I try and make lists everyday and follow them. Also staying off the phone is a big help.
I don't work but I also have eight children from the age of 1 through 15. Actually the 15 year old who is in high school keeps me busier than the rest. My house is organized chaos but the thing that helps me the most is the job list that my kids are assigned. To know that the trash will be taken out every day, toys picked up and the dishes done among other things, allows me to get the things done that I need to and is a big relief off my mind.
I cook every other Sunday - very large quantities of food and freeze it in smaller containers. This really helps me organize meals and cut down on food prep during the work week.
I have a nanny and a housekeeper and I am still not organized.
I work from my house. I had one of those companies come in that help you organize your life. It was well worth the money and they showed me ways to cut costs also.
I take a lot of long hot baths and make my husband watch the kids! He He
Try to go out to dinner as much as possible.
Some days you can just never get organized. I keep it together by always having my morning coffee and making sure I get to watch the View. Than the rest of the day just kind of falls in place.
I am never organized. Ever! But somehow we always make it through the day and my kids don't seem any worse for the wear.
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