Summer is over and we are all looking forward to seeing some of our favorite shows back on the air. There are also some new shows on the upcoming schedule that look interesting. What are some of your favorites and what new ones look interesting to you? Also, any comments on last night's Emmy show?
I really miss "The Office".
Can't wait for it to start. I have more that I will list later.
I watch SVU, Heroes, House, The Office, sometimes Grey's...Of course, thank GOD for a DVR because I rarely get to see them at their designated times.
I LOVE Desperate Housewives and Dancing with the Stars. I'm a big Cold Case and Without a Trace fan too, but I never know when they are on; since I go to school in a different time zone, I'm always used to watching things earlier.
I heard the Emmy's had a few crunchy moments, but I didn't actually see it. I was glad "30 Rock" won for best comedy.
Shows I am looking forward to seeing again:
-The Office (seems like a popular opinion!)
-30 Rock
-Dancing with the Stars (my other Monday night habit)
-Brothers and Sisters
-Desperate Housewives (to see if the flash forward 5 years 'works' or not)
-Amazing Race
I haven't paid attention to any of the new fall shows, with the exception of something that has Simon Baker in it. I have no idea what the show is about, but did I mention Simon Baker is in it?!
HEROES - finally tonight, it's been a long wait!
Law & Order anything - SVU, CI, etc.
I'm a true crime investigation story person - now that satellite has ID (Investigation Discovery), I'm all over it. Aside from that, 20/20 and Dateline mysteries are some of my favorites.
Since I don't have HBO I can't watch my new shows when they come out but I enjoy Big Love and Dexter. I also watch Lost and sometime's Grey's.
I don't *think* I watch too much TV, but when I add it up...
Anyway, lots of good stuff premiering soon:
Dancing with the Stars
The Office
The Amazing Race
30 Rock
Brothers and Sisters
America's Next Top Model already premiered. I think maybe Lost won't be on until January, but I'm not sure. Who knows when Big Love will be back on, but when it is, I'll be there.
There's probably a few I'm forgetting. Yikes.
Count me as another Big Love fan.
Nikki cracks me up! Actually, she kind of reminds me of Kate. She's a very um determined individual and is fiercely protective of her family!
I'm looking forward to Grey's Anatomy and Dirty Sexy Money, the most. Also Private Practice and Brothers and Sisters. Plus, I think I will tune into ER, since it's the final season. It used to be Must See TV, but the past two or three years, I haven't been faithful about watching it.
Oh, and Survivor and Dancing with the Stars! WHOOO!
Okay, I already posted, but I'm testing to see if my photo is showing up.
I'm super excited for Heroes tonight, and Pushing Daisies on 10/1. Other than that I wathc Mad Men (and that will be off in a month), and Psych (which is gone until January). I've been watching Privileged on the CW but only if I have nothing else to do (cute but not much beyond that).
The Emmys this year were not good. I was surprised by Josh Groban's mimicking ability, however and liked his montage (I think I'm in the minority).
bigsis88 I'm a Cold Case fan and learned the hard way to always make sure to record from 9 p.m. all the way through midnight to make sure I don't miss it because the football season can really mess up the Sunday night schedule. I hate when that happens!
In the summer it used to come on TNT between 11pm and 4am, but of course, I don't have time for that now. And I can't even record it because our school has weird rules about cable packages. To continue my TV list: America's Next Top Model and Gossip Girl (even though I'm not hooked on the 2nd season yet) are my "watch to snark" shows. I love Monk too, but I'm ready for it to end/get back to the Trudy mystery.
PS. My sisters (who are triplets) are turning 14 tomorrow! (That definitely has nothing to do with this blog/post, but I'm just so excited my babies are growing up!) =)
Happy Birthday to your sisters, Bigsis88! Did they start high school this year?
Some of my favs are Grey's, Private Practice, Brothers and Sisters. I started watching Army Wives on lifetime and Burn notice during the summer and I really like them both. It's nice to have something to watch all year round!
I like watching cold case too because it's filmed right here in Philly!
I watch House, partly because it's a great show (IMO) & partly because of the hotness that oozes from Hugh Laurie.
I watch SVU at times, but turn it off when the cheese & ick factor take over the hotness that is Christopher Meloni.
I am so, so shallow.
Hi Bella Donna.
Just saw your other post and wanted to say welcome.
I think you and I think similarly when it comes to how we decide what "must see" t.v. is!
P.S. Love your name....
What, no one looking forward to the Duggar's new series? Exploited AND semi-educated, maybe they'll take some of the heat off of the Gs.
What with the strike and summer it'll be hard to get back into "there's a show on tonight I want to watch" mode rather than combing through the cable guide looking for something halfway interesting.
I watch House, Brothers & Sisters, various L&Os,
The Office, ( loved Amy Ryan's new character thinking Kevin is "special"),30 Rock. Can't wait for Dexter to start.
As for the Emmys, I thought Ricky Gervais and Steve Carrell were hilarious. ( If you haven't seen the original Office, check it out). I liked the Josh Groban medley. And I was really glad to see Tommy Smothers get his Emmy finally. Because I am just that old.
OK to finish my list,
All of the Law and Orders, The Shield, Cold Case, Friday Night Lights, Criminal Minds, Without a Trace, The Closer, Rescue Me, ER, Entourage, Curb Your Enthusiasm, 24(however it has gotten out of hand), October Road, The Dog Whisperer, Damages - Two and a Half Men. I am probably missing some. We Tivo all of these shows and then catch up on weekends, holidays and vacations.
I forgot about Friday Night Lights. I LOVE that show. I'm still working my way through season 2 DVDs. I understand that unless you have DirectTV (I don't), you won't be able to watch the new season until February, when it premieres on NBC (it'll be shown earlier on some DirectTV channel - I don't remember which one).
Bella Donna!
I think Hugh Laurie is so freaking hot as well. Mmm Mmm MMM
No they are in 8th grade. Where we live, the cut-off birthdate for starting kindergarten is Sept. 1st, so they, and I, were those "old kids" in the class each year.
Anyone planning to watch the new show (a Figure8 production, of course) about the family with 6 autistic children? I have read that it will be a series, and I pray that it will NOT. Those kids really don't need the bright lights and confusion, and since the mom is on anti-depressant medication, I'm sure she doesn't need the stress of filming either.
I am looking forward to the Duggar shows, though; go figure! There will only be 10 episodes, (which I think is plenty) and I'm sure the parents would not allow anything inappropriate to be filmed and shown. I really like this family.
dotsicle said...
Anyone planning to watch the new show (a Figure8 production, of course) about the family with 6 autistic children? I have read that it will be a series, and I pray that it will NOT. Those kids really don't need the bright lights and confusion, and since the mom is on anti-depressant medication, I'm sure she doesn't need the stress of filming either.
No, I haven't heard about that one. Will it be a one time documentary? It would seem to present some issues to contend with.
I am looking forward to the Duggar shows, though; go figure! There will only be 10 episodes, (which I think is plenty) and I'm sure the parents would not allow anything inappropriate to be filmed and shown. I really like this family.
See, I like the Gosselins much more. They are much more relatable to me. To each his/her own!
I probably wouldn't watch a show about a family with 6 autistic children for more than one episode because I work with families in this real life situation all day, m-f. It wouldn't be entertaining for me and it would probably just remind me of work. When I come home, I try to leave the families I work with on the other side of the door.
The Duggars. I've seen some of their specials but not really interested in a series. I will occasionally catch LPBW but not really an avid watcher of that either.
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