Friday, November 7, 2008

Jimmy Cracked Corn and I Don't Care

Someone with a screen name of Jimmy Cracked Corn and I Don't Care ( that translates to - I frequent GWoP and am too chicken to give my real screen name) submitted a comment a few minutes ago to a response I made under the Sound Off -New House. We were asked in the comment section of that post if we were sure if the Gosselins had purchased the house. I responded with:

"We have no idea (meaning the moderators on this blog) if the house pictured on GWoP is indeed owned by the Gosselins. We are strictly going by what people are sending our way via comments and by reading GWoP. That being said, we should remember that it was only a month or two ago that we were being told that the move was to North Carolina both by GWoP and Julie.So who really knows? We just thought we would put this post up because another post was becoming off topic and it seemed like people wanted to discuss this topic."

Jimmy Cracked Corn responded with this:

"Gee, this blog is also actively participating in invasion of privacy and keeping the Gosselin hate alive. Great job. You are so above the GWoPPERS.....Not."

So, how do you feel about this statement. Do you think that this blog is actively participating in the invasion of the Gosselin's privacy and keeping the Gosselin hate alive?



Mom said...

Um, no. It's clear from the post about the house that it's a point of discussion (the house and possible move). No one here at this blog claims to know some "insider" who creeps around the internet looking for any crumb of scoop on the G family.

Jimmy can crack corn all day. I don't care! :-P

Guinevere said...

I don't think posting or looking at an aerial view of a house that may or may not be the Gosselin's is an invasion of privacy. I take more of an issue with those that took it upon themselves to track down the family's supposed new address (I have no idea what it is and don't care).

I don't see how simply talking about the family and the show is perpetuating hatred. Perhaps the original poster would care to clarify?

Robert said...

Yes - but perhaps not intentionally.

If you publicize a new house or a nice trip or whatever the G's have been given or purchased recently, you indirectly provide fuel to those who are critical of the way J&K have chosen to live.

Some people could take it as having the Gosselin's success rubbed in their face.

Sort of like - "Even though you hate Kate, look at the beautiful house they are getting out of this .. ha ha"

As I have said before, nothing the Gosselins do either takes a penny from or puts a penny in my pocket, so I could care less where they live.

I don't think the Gosselins really help their own cause much in this respect either, so this "fuel" is going to exist regardless if it comes from here or the show. If people want to have a reason to hate, they will find it no matter the source. You really can't account for a reader's motivation when you post something.

Samantha@IW said...

Absolutley not! This site in no way fosters or encourages Gosselin hate, and as far as I can tell has in no way invaded their privacy. We discuss the content of the shows and what we think about them. We discuss other Gosselin blogs. Posters on all sides are welcome here but HATE isnt well tolerated. (Nor should it be!) I wish "Jimmy" would stay on his side of the internet and let us stay on ours!

Nina Bell said...


Now I can not get that silly song out of my head. I also spent sometime on the internet looking up the origin of the song and the meaning behind it.

MonicaW42 said...

I don't see hate being promoted at this site or feel we are guilty of invasion of privacy. I don't see the mod's here going out and stalking information on the Gosselins. It's put out on other blogs and brought over for discussion IMO. We also don't put out financial figures, and other personal information as FACT and then post some links to blogs as fact. Facts are reliable news sources or the Gosselins themselves. Again My honest opinion.
I think the mod's do a great job here..

Tyra said...

Context matters. The 'cracked' poster needs to look at and understand the discussion here before equating it with what GWoP has done. Once GWoP posts something, it can't be 'un'-posted by any other blog, but there can and should be discussion about what was done (i.e., the posting of the photo of the house). Questions should be brought up about the ethics and judgment of the people who did it.

Anya@IW said...

Nina Bell said...OK Now I can not get that silly song out of my head. I also spent sometime on the internet looking up the origin of the song and the meaning behind it.

Yep, that makes more than one of us!

As to the charge, it's absurd. As we have seen often in the last couple of months, people that don't have convincing arguments for their position often resort to "muddying the waters" so they don't have to attempt to prove their assertions.

calebsmom said...

Just because someone on another blog said it was the Gosselin's new home, how are we to know that it is? Until I see pictures of the Gosselin family at that house, I won't believe it.

I don't like the idea of public records being so "public". The stalkers on the internet can have a field day. Even though the G's are on television, they do have a right to privacy.

Daisy said...

The accusation just made me laugh. In a word (((NO)))

Nina Bell said...

We don't know that it is the Gosselin's house. That is why I made the statement that I reprinted on this post part of which states:
We have no idea (meaning the moderators on this blog) if the house pictured on GWoP is indeed owned by the Gosselins.

I feel that this blog is actively participating in a discussion about issues surrounding the Gosselins.

Invasion of privacy is pretty much owned by GWoP. The have sole ownership of that in my opinion.

By the way, I don't really know how I came across this, but the Urban Dicitonary has a definition for gwop.

1. gwop
A slang term for currency that exists among street level hoods

So I was just wondering if the street level hoods would be gwoppers?

Anonymous said...

Yes, you do.

Ann said...

Reading and participating in discussions at this blog has tempered my negative feelings toward the Gosselins. I like them better now. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I think this site consistently talks about what is going on at GWOP, what is being said at GWOP, what is posted there etc. And in all those discussions the same hatred displayed towards the Gosselins by gwop is displayed towards gwop by posters here. I am starting to think that this site is becoming more of a "anti-Gwop" blog than a Gosselin blog. And I wish it wasn't so.

Anonymous said...

I've got to vehemently disagree with patricia's post.

There is absolutely no comparison to criticizing a group of completely anonymous posters from GwoP to an actual family.

Anya@IW said...

patricia said...
I think this site consistently talks about what is going on at GWOP, what is being said at GWOP, what is posted there etc. And in all those discussions the same hatred displayed towards the Gosselins by gwop is displayed towards gwop by posters here. I am starting to think that this site is becoming more of a "anti-Gwop" blog than a Gosselin blog. And I wish it wasn't so.

Thanks for your great insight, Patricia. We have NEVER heard this accusation before. I am sure there are some major changes coming to GDNNOP after your astute observation.

Seriously, in the unlikely event you are not a troll, you have repeated a charge that has been made and refuted NUMEROUS times. It's really getting old. And the fact is - it's not even true. GWoP posts - I am thinking maybe 20% or so of posts? Just a guess, but the point is the majority of posts do not have anything to do with GWoP. And even if they did. Oh well....

Nina Bell said...


You don't even post here?? Yes I am anti-GWoP. I do not try to hide that. I repeat myself frequently that we are not a "Gosselin" blog. I am not sure what that is. Coming over here and repeating those things over and over just does not make it so.

I posted the "snide" remark
about the definition of GWoP in the Urban Dictionary as a little experiment. I received quite a few comments which I rejected, that let me know that my comments were snide and inappropriate.

I am not quite understanding why it is ok for people to post unkind comments on GWoP about a family but we can not post unkind comments here about GWoP. GWoP is a public blog just like the Gosselins are a public family. It is GWoP's choice to be in the public eye.

madalainef,ohsusannah and jb -
Could you explain the difference?

Patricia, Could you explain to me why you would care about a blog that you never participate in?

And yes, I believe posting with the same screen name is important. It means that you believe in what you say and your opinion enough to stand behind it. Also jb, people who do not use the same screen name are the same people that participate in what I call hit and runs. They go on a blog and drop a comment just to stir up problems or attempt to make someone or something look bad. Then they run never to return with that screen name.

merryway said...

I like being able to say what I want to say. I feel comfortable saying it here. I like being able to comment on the hate and other crazy things that have gone on. I think some are like me and find it fun to watch and study. I want to know what others think of these goings on. I like to check my opinions and read things I haven't thought of. If you follow jimmycrackedcorn's theory, you'd never discuss anything hateful because you're adding to it.

I think that is prob the new J&K house. I won't believe it until I see it on tv. I really wasn't that interested in less they were moving next door.

Sarah said...

I started reading here recently, but one thing I appreciate is the way that posts I've seen so far are constructed. An issue is brought up, and then the post asks the readers to form their own opinions and post what they think. It encourages discussion, while a gushing post or a critical post has already drawn conclusions and just encourages people to post similar opinions.

MonicaW42 said...

In regards to what "Patricia" says...
I find it amazing that you call us GWOP haters, etc. GWOP has called many of us some pretty harsh things. I get tired of the old favorite "sheeple" over here. I love this blog and I am not a huge fan of this family, however just because I like a blog and to watch a show I am put into a category of a sheeple. So my point is: if we are "sheeple" then why don't we get the same "courtesy" you give us when we call you out on hate. Oh you don't profess hate on the GWOP site? Whatever.... I enjoy this blog because we get to state our opinions , whether pro or anti gosselin here.

And like Nina has said numerous times for the "illiteret", this is NOT a Gosselin blog. If you "look" there are numerous topics that come up. Yet it seems that trolls and fake names run rampant through here to stir up trouble.

Sorry Nina,
But some of these people need to learn to read as you have more than once made your point about this not being a Gosselin blog. Grrrrr I need to drink some coffee or something, its to early to get riled up. :)

Unknown said...

Another blog brought this topic up. They had photos, square footage, drive bys and more.

No-I do not think discussing it in this blog is the same at all.

For one thing no one on here is imbittered with such hate and disgust as the other board.

No one over here knows if in fact it truly is their house. According to Julie, Jon had house plans and sponser all lined up for the new home in NC.

I mean, come on, Julie did say it!

The comment from the CORN knows what goes on at the Gosselin Hate site and would love to bring this blog down to their level. It would make them nothing short of delirious happy to see GDNNP behave like they do.

It frustrates them so that it won't happen.

And one more thing-all the anon comments on the hate site goes hand in hand with their mentality. Too afraid to use a name!

Anonymous said...

Last night, I sent a comment that never got posted. I'll send it and another comment again.

I agree with Patricia.

In response to Linda, there is really no difference between someone posting anonymously or choosing some 'name' to post under. Criticism is criticism.

As for the term 'sheeple', what about the term 'troll'? Neither blog is better than the other.

HBIC8u said...

jb said...
Last night, I sent a comment that never got posted. I'll send it and another comment again.

I agree with Patricia.

In response to Linda, there is really no difference between someone posting anonymously or choosing some 'name' to post under. Criticism is criticism.

When we talk about the gwoppers, people don't come up to them in the grocery store and say "I heard this about you" or "People don't like you very much, do they?". They can't because to them you are nameless and faceless. You don't have to worry about what you say here because in the end if you don't like it you can turn the computer off. The G's can't get away from it, as evident by the posting of information about a home that THEY DON'T EVEN LIVE IN YET. Yeah, there is a very big difference and I suppose you'd see it my way if you had to deal with this in your everyday real life.

There is also a very big difference between talking smack about someone you don't know because of what you think they meant when they said or did something, or what you think their financial situation is. The anonymous posters Linda is referring to are putting what they mean in black and white. There's no need for speculation. It is what it is.

As for the term 'sheeple', what about the term 'troll'? Neither blog is better than the other.

Yeah, I don't think so. Calling someone "sheeple" because they don't see things the way you do is just childish. I assume that you don't know the Gosselins personally so how could you possibly know what is or isn't truth? If a "sheeple" is someone who doesn't buy your opinion as fact, then yeah, count me in.

The word "troll" is used here to describe a person who posts only to "stir the pot"(generally under a name other than the one they would use on their "home" blog) and doesn't add anything to the conversation. There are plenty here that do not share the same ideas about everything but are still adult enough to have a conversation about it rather than posting something nasty and running.

BTW, I guess you wouldn't be defending gwop if you didn't post on that blog. Is jb the name you use there? Just curious.

Anonymous said...

nina bell said:I feel that this blog is actively participating in a discussion about issues surrounding the Gosselins.

and then later said:

I repeat myself frequently that we are not a "Gosselin" blog.

I would say you're contradicting yourself.... Your blog domain is

That alone is enough to make your intent clear.

Nina Bell said...

Well madalainef

You did not answer my previous question, but I will address your statement.

When I said we are not a Gosselin blog it was in reference to Patricia's statement. And by the way, I have never seen Patricia post here before. We are not a love fest Gosselin bog like people from GWoP would like us to be. We like to discuss all issues surrounding this show whether they are pro or not pro Gosselin.

Kel said...

Shall we create our own little dictionary for further referance?

GWOPper-Someone who posts regularly to the GWOP website, or someone who dislikes everything about the G's and their show.

Gosselin Blog-a fan page that supports the Gosselins and has relitavely nothing negative to say about them.

Pro-Gosselin- Someone who in general supports the way the Gosselins go about their lives/business.

Anti-Gosselin- Someone who does not support the Gosselins or the way the conduct their lives/business.

Gosselin Nutral- Someone who doesn't agree or disagree with the way the G's conduct their lives/business, but think the show is entertaining and fun.

Anonymous Poster/Frequent name changer- someone who isn'g concerned about their web integrity for the sake of continuity or to hide their "Secret Web Identity". Or their Real Identity.

Troll- Someone who gets off on inciting discord.

Respectfully Submitted;

Anonymous said...

i think this blog does do a better job at allowing both sides comment. i used to be a frequent poster at GOWp and stopped when my comments were not allowed through because they were positive. i don't like the G's, i don't like what they are doing. but i also don't think its ever ok to insult children or nitpick the way they do. i like that both sides are given here.
p.s. monica- when you insult someone by calling them illiterate, you should try to spell it correctly

Nina Bell said...

Seeing the light,

Pretty funny post

Anonymous said...

nina bell said: madalainef,ohsusannah and jb -
Could you explain the difference?

and later said:

You did not answer my previous question, but I will address your statement.

I'll explain my comment but in the future if you'd like clarification, please post the original so everyone can see both sides of the issue. Paraphrasing comments can lead to misunderstanding, which is what I believe has happened here.

I don't see any difference between this blog posting nasty remarks about GWOP and GWOP posting nasty remarks about the Gosselins. I think it puts both blogs in a questionable light.

Although I realize this is your blog and respect that, I also find it a bit unethical for someone to post something as an "experiment" and use blog posters as test subjects. But, as I am sure many people would point out, I am free to find elsewhere to post or start my own blog.


Nina Bell said...


Not sure if I spelled that right. The reason I did not publish your comments and a few others last night was because I have a real problem with people only coming here with the intent to drop a critical comment and never return. Especially people that have never contributed to any on going discussion in the past.

I would love to discuss ethics with you. Why is it ethical for the anonymous posters to post the most idiotic statements on GWoP but I can't post a "snide" comment here to see what the reaction is.

The whole post was created due to a "snide" comment that was sent my way to begin with.

We do have people that post here on a regular basis that are not pro Gosselin. They appear to me to hold their own. I post here and I am not pro Gosselin. I am kind of middle of the road.

I really do welcome you here if you would like to come and discuss things with the regulars here. But to drop in every couple of months to let us know that we are snide or unethical, I can do without.

Anonymous said...


Reread my post. I made my points without 'defending' anyone. Your posts (and others like them) merely jump on anything that isn't on your 'side'. I did not declare a 'side' in my post.

And anyone who puts themselves in the public eye (and I mean on a mass market level - TV, magazines, etc.) knows or should know that it opens them up to scrutiny. They have the choice to not place themselves in this arena or to exit the arena and let the scrutiny calm down and eventually go away. Neither you nor I (nor anyone who comments on the internet) have put ourselves in that arena.

Nina Bell said...


GWoP has put themselves in the public eye. This blog has put themselves in the public eye. We both open ourselves up to criticism because of that. That is what you are doing right now. I accept that. Why can the people at GWoP not accept that they will be criticized for their views?

Regarding Patricia's post. Strictly a troll. Why do you think a troll is a negative term. It is what it is.

I welcome the term sheeple. BAAAAA If you are comfortable in your beliefs and you know how you feel, you don't let that term bother you. When I read the comment section under the posts at GWoP, sheeple is really the first thing that comes to my mind also. Much more than GWoPPers.

Anonymous said...

I am an anti-Kate person and my posts usually get published here, so I think this is a pretty fair blog. I can't say I'm totally anti-Gosselin, because I like the kids.... and I think that Jon is the better parent of the two.
I don't know who Cracked Jimmy is and I don't care. Thanks for making that song stick in my head.... Burl Ives' voice and all......

HBIC8u said...

jb said...

Reread my post. I made my points without 'defending' anyone. Your posts (and others like them) merely jump on anything that isn't on your 'side'. I did not declare a 'side' in my post.

Okay, I reread your statement and it is either a defense of gwop or just a lame attempt at putting this blog down in hopes that someone would come back and argue with you(you're welcome). I can understand wanting to defend something that you actively participate in, but if you truly weren't defending anyone I have to wonder why you would bother posting here in the first place.

I really have to laugh every time someone comes here to drop a snide comment and then whines about being "jumped on". Seriously? Did you really think calling a virtual "room" full of people hypocritical would go unchallenged? Did you happen to read the part in my last comment where I defined the word "troll"?

Please, tell me how I could have responded politely to that, and why you deserve the courtesy.

MommyZinger said...

I think the reason people always bring up GWOP here is because they are frustrated. Way back when I visited GWOP, it really bothered me that my comments never got posted. Many, many people have expressed frustration over that. So they go somewhere they can be heard and that is here.

You would never see GWOP post a topic like this about themselves. GWOP will never ask their readers what they think about everyone calling them crazies. I appreciate that the mods here are so open and willing to discuss topics like this. GWOP is content being one sided, hateful and ignorant.

Anonymous said...

nina bell said:

"I would love to discuss ethics with you. Why is it ethical for the anonymous posters to post the most idiotic statements on GWoP but I can't post a "snide" comment here to see what the reaction is."

I never said it was (or wasn't) ethical for GWoP to post what they do. What I said was that both blogs are in the wrong for posting the way they do at times (again, JMO).

The word "ethical" only came up in my last post regarding using blog posters as test subjects in an attempt at an "experiment".

These comments were about two separate issues.

Now if we wanted to talk about the GWoP and the idea that they are there for the kids yet post a lot of fluff about looks and superficial issues (versus the way she treats/doesn't treat her husband, children,people around her as it relates to psychological/physical damage on the children), then I would say that while they are living up to the "wants" list on their website, they are doing it badly. (JMO)

Nina Bell said...


I think you were upset because you were the one that responded to my comment. It is interesting to me, that no one that normally posts here responded to that comment one way or other. JMO

Nina Bell said...


I would also have to disagree with you on the term "fluff".

I am not seeing any fluff there at all. I see a lot of hatefull, jealous and bitter comments about people they really don't know.


Anonymous said...

nina bell said: I think you were upset because you were the one that responded to my comment.

Is this another experiment?

Nina Bell said...


If you want it to be.

themrs said...

this whole conversation is cracking me up. i don't even know what its about anymore:)

Anonymous said...

I know, this conversation is more interesting than the original post.

I will say that I originally came here because I was tired of GWOP hiding behind "helping the children." It had gotten completely out of control and it's much more sane here. Plus, they don't post my comments anymore, I think I may be on their radar because I thought the kids were cute once, my bad.

Anonymous said...

After reading all the the comments, I forgot what the original question was! So, to answer Nina Bell's question, I would have to say that this blog does not contribute to Gosselin hate.

When I first started trying to get answers to my own nagging questions about the Gosselins, I first found GWoP. And I was hooked. I didn't post, but I read daily. But then I got sucked into the whole PM drama, and when I found out it was a hoax, I think I finally saw the light about GWoP. They have an agenda, and that is to tear the Gosselins down any way they can, whether it's by calling Kate and Jon names, demeaning the children, making comments about Jenny, posting pictures of their alleged new home, or standing behind a liar. To many GWoPpers, the ends justify the means. In the recent months, I think the posts on GWoP have gotten meaner and meaner. I felt like some posters actually wished the family ill. I had to ask myself, "Do I really want to see bad things happen to this family? REALLY?" And my answer is no, of course not. So I'm glad their is a blog that allows me to read opinions from various sides, without feeling like I am contributing to some grand online burning effigy.

The agenda of this blog, I think, is to provide a forum for all sides, because so many people were getting "shut out" of GWoP discussions because they didn't tow the party line. It's a place to go to read posts that don't put a nasty taste in your mouth, which is what frequently happens to me when I read GWoP, which I still do (don't yell at me!), though not nearly as often.

I think it's a little naive to say though that this blog is not a "Gosselin" blog. It is a blog with a primary focus on issues surrounding the family and the show. You can easily say it is not a "Pro-Gosselin" blog, but not a Gosselin blog? A bit of a stretch, IMO.

Side note--I totally misunderstood what a "troll" was until I read some of the comments on this post! I always thought it was someone who read without posting, which is what I generally do. Thanks for the education!

Anonymous said...

i completely agree with mom of hope's post. that is my situation exactly. i got to a place where i actually felt "dirty" after reading GWOP. i don't wish any harm to that family, that's why i think the show needs to stop. i want them to have a long, happy life together. out of the public eye!

Nina Bell said...

Mom of hope,

Thanks for your comment. I actually clarified my statement further down by saying this:

"When I said we are not a Gosselin blog it was in reference to Patricia's statement. And by the way, I have never seen Patricia post here before. We are not a love fest Gosselin bog like people from GWoP would like us to be. We like to discuss all issues surrounding this show whether they are pro or not pro Gosselin."

So I think we basically said the same thing. Many people have posted here in the past and have stated we should stick to being a "Gosselin" blog and talk about the show. Such as the color of Kate's blouse or how she wears her hair. That has never been the intention of this blog. I believe those comments are made to bring attention away from statements made about GWoP. So that is basically what I was referring to. And I wasn't clear in my first comment. I realize that.