There is an article regarding Beth Carson co-writing Multiple Blessings called "Slices of Life" in today's Reading Eagle.
There is also an article in Parent Dish called "Kate Gosselin - Her Side". You must disable your pop up blocker to read the article. There are nine short pages with pictures and you can scroll down the pink bar on the side to read each page. This article is not related to the article above about Beth Carson.
Nice article about Beth. Who knew she had so many talents?
I have to say (ahem), she doesn't sound like a person who's been badly treated by the Gosselins or has somehow been ostracized or feels ignored as the author of Multiple Blessings.
Pray tell, could it be that, though proud of her accomplishment as a first-time author, she truly believes that writing the book was a "calling" and that, although she wrote it, "Kate and Jon lived it"?? That as a co-author/ghost writer it's not HER story to tell??
Although she doesn't address her present relationship with the Gosselins, she also doesn't say ther ISN'T a relationship.
I, for one, would really like it if people would stop assuming because we no longer see people on the show that they have somehow been been treated badly by Kate. We've seen quotes from one of the Nana's (can't remember which one) in GH, Carla on a recent show, and now here's Beth seeming pretty darned contented with the situation.
Do we really need to look any deeper?
Can people stop jumping on every rumor of Kate's bad behavior and BEING SURE IN THE FIBER OF THEIR SOUL that, because Kate is snippy on the show, that said rumor MUST be true?
Look, I'm all for speculation. But, IMO, support and spread of blatant, unfounded rumor should stop. (Pollyanna anyone?) Except for a highly prejudicial source about Jodi's relationship with the Gosselins, there's very little else to go on BUT speculation.
I hope more posters will give some leeway in the "everybody's been cut out by the Gosselins" theory.
What's the old saying? "When you hear hoofbeats...think horses, not zebras."
Why do you think Beth hasn't joined Kate at the book signings? Obviously she is the author. Usually the author signs the book, not just the person who "lived it", this seems weird. I would love to have Beth sign the book. Beth seems like such an amazing, giving and loving woman, friend and mother. She seems like an awesome role model.
Maybe Beth said something about the family, but it didn't make it in the story because the reporter is focused on the piece being about Carson and not the Gosselins.
Things could be all peachy.
It is a bit odd the silence on the issue. No casual comments about eachother and how neat the book's success has been, how the Gosselins appreciate Carson's help. It sounds like she has asserted that she wrote it, not Kate at all. Obviously there wouldn't be a story without Kate, but seems Kate would show some verbal nod to Carson.
Thanks for putting up the article about Beth. I know that I am not the only one who has wondered what has happened to her, and why she has not been with J&K to promote the book.
I agree with Marci that it does not appear that Beth is unhappy with J&K, although the article does not indicate that they have as close of a relationship as it previously seemed on the show.
Can I just say 'ditto' to everything Marci wrote?? Seriously-- that is exactly my opinion as well!
So many people speculate and make assumptions but in the end we honestly cannot know details. For all we know Beth was the one who needed a break from the friendship because of the cameras, and it was she who stepped out of Kate's life in some way. Or they may still be best friends who choose to not talk about it as much as before.
TLC knows the drama they have created, and are most likely intentionally editing the show so that they get the response (positive or negative) that they want. In the end, though, these are real people with feelings and lives and interests outside of this show-- is it really our business?
Jodi3, as far as the Michigan book signings, Kate only did those because she was already at Zondervan in Grand Rapids to do the audio book. It seems like it wasn't a 'book tour' as much as a 'lets capitalize on the fact that she is here and have her sign books in the area to get more people buying them' situation. JMHO :)
The post description states the article is about Beth co-writing the book when in fact Beth clearly states the Gosselins lived it, but Beth wrote it.
I think there has been if not an end to their friendship at least a cooling in the relationship. I also think Beth has so much class that she would not reveal all of the details but she probably had had enough of having all of the credit go to the Gosselins.
I read on the Zondervan site that Beth is finishing her Bachelor of Arts degree. Perhaps with the kids being older and Beth trying to complete her degree that it prevents her from being as actively involved.
Right on Marci! Totally agree with you on all that you wrote!
Speculation is not fact. Assumption is not fact. In fact, let's all remember (I'm showing my age now) what Hawkeye Pierce of the old MASH show said about assumption: "you make an ass out of u and me".
If people don't like Kate, then so be it. But, don't spread lies either. That's just wrong.
It's nice to see Beth get some public recognition and to find out what she says is her contribution to the book. I don't think Kate or Beth would publicly trash the other, I think their silence on the subject shows that they are no longer friends. It doesn't have to mean they hate each other now, but I think they parted ways over some sort of falling out. I would think that both would be smart enough to not allow their current relationship to affect book sales.
While Carson is listed as a co-author on the book, she makes each of their contributions clear.
"They lived it and I wrote it," she said.
You could read more into this, but it's still not enough info. To me it seems like she might be wanting to get some credit since her name has not been mentioned more than 1 sec on these promotions where we have seen J&K discuss the book.
It's interesting to find out they secluded themselves on some weekends to work on it.
I really the painting Beth is standing by. She seems talented.
Nice article.
I assumed Beth helped, but that Kate did most of the writing.
This raised more questions than answers for me. Why is Jon's contribution not mentioned? It doesn't really sound like he helped write or tell the story either. Was he added later after he helped do revisions?
I don't know what to think. I am happy for all of her success, though. I haven't read or even thought to read the book before this article. I wonder if I'll get it for Christmas?
It was nice to hear an article about Beth's contribution to the book.
The book really is a great read.
Nice article about Beth. I agree that it was time she got some recognition. And I think Kate not mentioning her at all has been very tacky, to say the least.
Didn't we hear something about Beth wanting to write children's books? Maybe she is using her connection with Zondervan to get her own book(s) published.
I would expect both of them to act with professionalism as it is best for the book sales. However it is my own opinion that there was a falling out.
Funny that Lizabeth mentioned it not being "our business" yet we choose to chat away about it everyday on this blog!
People also mention frequently how much "class" Beth has. That also gives me a chuckle. She paled around with Kate for quite awhile, essentially giving her approval for their claim to fame. From the traveling to the babysitting she did help Jon and Kate's success until it seemed she was no longer needed or finally said her peace.
I will just say your association with people speaks volumes about oneself.
Either way, I am glad Beth spoke up.
That's a good point that maybe, if there is an estrangement, it would be awkward to pretend otherwise and bad for book sales to discuss.
They worked together on the book--of that, there is no question. So maybe they don't talk so much today, it doesn't mean they really do need to address.
**Unrelated to book--can anyone tell me why I can't use Google unless I register everytime? It always tells me my password is wrong.....
I just watched the video clip and Kate said the book was easy to write. Hmmm...
I assumed from the beginning Beth wrote the book and Kate told her story. I never thought Kate wrote any of it because why would Beth be involved in the first place. I don't feel Kate was lying for saying she wrote the book because she kind of did by telling Beth her story. Beth just wrote her story down and I would expect Jon to be on the cover because he's the father of those Mulitple Blessings. It was a nice article and to hear from Beth. Reading this article I would assume Beth wrote this book with Kate and not so much wanted the spotlight on her seeing how it's a story about the Gosselins. Beth should be proud of her work. It was a very thoughtful book and well written. Of course, Kate would say it was easy to write because it's easier to tell your story when someone else is writing the book for you. :)
Beth is a class act.
She will not say anything negative because she cares about the kids.
People also mention frequently how much "class" Beth has. That also gives me a chuckle. She paled around with Kate for quite awhile, essentially giving her approval for their claim to fame. From the traveling to the babysitting she did help Jon and Kate's success until it seemed she was no longer needed or finally said her peace.
What does this mean, Fiona? Do you mean to say you think Beth has no class because she befriended and supported Kate and her decisions about the show?
Beth is a class act.
She will not say anything negative because she cares about the kids.
Why do you laugh at the Gosselin kids on GWoP if you think keeping quiet is classy? Why are your comments so negative? Just asking...
I'm still a bit unsure on what part each woman played in writing the book. The book was very much in Kate's voice, so I wonder if Beth's part was more in the way of transcribing and editing (though I would guess the publisher also has an editor?). Each seems to consider themselves the author - if there is any strife between them (and I'm not saying there is - we really don't know), then maybe that's at the heart of it.
I don't know that "class" is the first word that comes to my mind in association with Beth - it's not a word I use a lot, anyway. But she seems like a perfectly pleasant woman. I don't have strong feelings about her one way or another, really.
FXfanatic: Beth is a class act.
She will not say anything negative because she cares about the kids.
Very will written FXfanatic, and maybe the posters at GWOP can learn from how classy Beth is. That's the kind of person Beth is and NOT a person to make snarky comments about Kate and her children because the friendship isn't there anymore. It shows her character and the person she is.
I saw this article on the other site also. I made one last comment on this site saying that Beth is a beautiful Christian woman on both the inside and outside. A great artist and very creative. I wish I had a friend like Beth in my life.
I just don't understand why Kate does not mention this during interviews?? Apparently Beth contributed alot to this book.
I really do hope that Beth and family are still friends with Kate and Jon. How great for the twins and tups to have Beth in their lives. I would have only wished, when I was growing up, to have the love and care from someone like Beth. I really believe that Beth loves those children.
Thanks for posting the article--I have been wondering why we haven't seen Beth much, esp. considering she co-authored the book and it's a best seller. TLC very well might be "creating drama" by editing OUT positive comments about Beth on the show. However, I have seen several live interviews with Kate and she never once mentions or thanks Beth for her help in writing the book. That's just odd. If Beth were just a ghost writer, then perhaps I wouldn't expect Kate to mention her. But to never talk about or thank Beth during these interviews, when she is the co-author and a friend, is unprofessional on Kate's part and adds more fuel to rumors.
Please tell me where I can go to see the video. :)
It appears that the video is not working at this time. I checked the original home site and it is not working on that site either.
Nina Bell,
Thank you for your information. If you do find it's working later, please let me know. :)
Happy mama
The video is working and it is down on the Multiple Blessings Book Signing thread.
Saint said...
People also mention frequently how much "class" Beth has. That also gives me a chuckle. She paled around with Kate for quite awhile, essentially giving her approval for their claim to fame. From the traveling to the babysitting she did help Jon and Kate's success until it seemed she was no longer needed or finally said her peace.
What does this mean, Fiona? Do you mean to say you think Beth has no class because she befriended and supported Kate and her decisions about the show?
December 12, 2008 11:37 AM
I am not a supporter of the show in the theory that the kids don't have any consent to their privacy being taken away...their private moments filmed, their childhood on DVD for entertainment purposes.
Beth did indeed aid Jon and Kate in the first 2 years of the show in many ways. She was on camera quite a bit, and did not seem to mind it.
I have never thought Jon or Kate were very impressive people from the first moments I saw them on TV, from the news articles in which they were quoted.
So I have always had a doubt about what kind of person Beth was.
I certainly think her helping to feed and hold babies was done with the best of intentions...after getting to know Kate and the show started, I just don't know.
I was on the GWOP site before coming here, since the Princess forum was talking about the Reading Eagle article being posted there.
At the end of the comments there were a couple of good points made. (At least, they seem good to me since they're what I was thinking too.)
A summary of their thoughts and mine:
When a famous person writes a book, such as an official biography, they often don't do the actual writing: They have ghost writers. Some writers truly are "ghosts" in that they're not mentioned on the cover or in the credits. Others have some kind of mention, for example "as told to such-and-such."
This makes me think of the biography "Geisha Of Gion," the life story of Mineko Iwasaki (who wanted to set the record straight after some parts of her life were fictionalized in "Memoirs Of A Geisha".) Someone mentioned Sudandese supermodel Alek Wek; when her bio came out a coupla years ago she was on all the talk shows--but not the New York Times reporter who actually did the writing.
For Beth to not be part of the book promotions is not unusual at all. The ghost writer doesn't get the "glory" but rather a good chunk of the royalties. I'm guessing that's because in most cases, people want to meet/watch the celebrity to whom the book is attributed, rather than the actual writer who most people haven't heard of.
Then again, fanatics of the show HAVE heard of Beth. In this case, they probably see her as a bit of a celebrity too since she was on several episodes. So maybe the usual rules about ghostwritten celebrity tomes shouldn't be applied in this case.
Bottom line: Though it was no secret that Beth Carson wrote some/most/all oif the book, it's still nice that the local newspaper interviewed her about it. That's a lot more publicity than other ghost writers get!
See, the thing is, though, Beth Carson is not a professional writer, as far as I know. I don't know that she's any more qualified to write/ghostwrite a book than Kate Gosselin is. So I'm not sure why some people are so sure of what role Beth played in writing the book.
It seems that a lot of people take Kate and Jon for what they say on the show or in interviews. So, why not take what Beth says in her interview? And she clearly says that while the Gosselins lived it, she wrote the book.
I believe Beth wrote the book. Of course along with Kate's help. I don't understand why this is such an issue. Beth's name is clearly on the cover of the book. I have read every comment in detail here but did someone say Beth did not write the book?
I also read what the copyright attorney wrote over at GWoP and it made a lot of sense.
While we are at it, can we also take this statement that Beth said as the truth too?
"I hope the book is an honest approach to things you don't hear in the show," she said, referring to "Jon and Kate Plus 8" airing on the TLC.
So what is in the book appears to be true. Because I seem to have read on certain blogs that the book is full of half truths or basically lies. So Beth is telling the truth here also right?
I was responding to Guinevere's comment: So I'm not sure why some people are so sure of what role Beth played in writing the book.
Guinevere said...
See, the thing is, though, Beth Carson is not a professional writer, as far as I know. I don't know that she's any more qualified to write/ghostwrite a book than Kate Gosselin is. So I'm not sure why some people are so sure of what role Beth played in writing the book.
Guinevere-I think the point people are trying to make is that knowing Kate's grasp of the English language she could not have written this book. I did read it and it was very well written. What we have seen of Beth on the show, she seems to be very articulate and well spoken. Hence,
people assume Kate told her the story and Beth was the one who molded it into a book. JMO
Kuromi said...
Bottom line: Though it was no secret that Beth Carson wrote some/most/all oif the book, it's still nice that the local newspaper interviewed her about it. That's a lot more publicity than other ghost writers get!
December 12, 2008 3:28 PM
Perhaps Beth wanted to use that interview publicize her art work? After all, she is next to her art piece, not holding the book. Seize the moment.
"I hope the book is an honest approach to things you don't hear in the show," she said, referring to "Jon and Kate Plus 8" airing on the TLC."
Perhaps this is Beth's way of saying "read the book to know how life really is with the G's before judging about it from an edited show".
booboo19 said...Guinevere-I think the point people are trying to make is that knowing Kate's grasp of the English language she could not have written this book. I did read it and it was very well written. What we have seen of Beth on the show, she seems to be very articulate and well spoken. Hence,
people assume Kate told her the story and Beth was the one who molded it into a book. JMO
Hmm. I read the book. It wasn't badly written, but it wasn't exceptionally well written either IMO. Of course, I may be unfair -- I am comparing it to some other of the quite superb memoirs I have read, think "Angela's Ashes", Glass Castle, "A Hearbreaking Work of Staggering Genius", etc. In comparison, "Multiple Blessings" was rather pedestrian. And there is nothing wrong with that. I enjoy reading People magazine and The New Yorker! The Gosselins had a fascinating story to tell and great prose wasn't really necessary.
I have no idea who wrote what percentage of the book. I'll take Beth's word that she feels she did most or all of the writing, with one cavaet - good verbal skills do not a writer make....
Fiona Said-
"I have never thought Jon or Kate were very impressive people from the first moments I saw them on TV, from the news articles in which they were quoted.
So I have always had a doubt about what kind of person Beth was."
Jon and Kate seem like friendly people, why wouldn't they be able to make friends? Many people who are far more abrasive than Kate have very dedicated and loyal friends. I'm not particularly interresting or impressive and I have lots of close friends.
Why would Jon and Kate's lack of "impressiveness" cast the shadow of doubt on Beth as a person?
I don't follow your reasoning.
I tend to believe what Beth says when she says "I wrote it, they lived it." I also agree with the others who have stated that this was a way for Beth to get some credit while, at the same time, not blogging or selling her story to the tabloids.
IMO, it seems as if there was a falling out. As others have pointed out, I arrive at this conclusion based on what is not said. I'd be willing to bet money on it.
Unlike some others, though, Beth has opted to take a higher, more classy road. I respect that.
It makes me sad that all of these positive relationships have (allegedly) ended for the moment. I hope if there was a falling out that things can be repaired.
When authors co-write, there is a lot of "bouncing" of ideas and rearranging of phrases and sentances and themes that get so jumbled up that it's impossible to remember who started what. You agree at the beginning of a project that no matter who's work ends up being the final product, that each person's input was as valuable as the other's.
Just for an example, if Samantha NC and I decided to write a book about the "Blogging Atomosphere Surrounding Reality TV" she and I would spend hours bouncing ideas over IM, meeting to get things outlined, and then we'd probably write sections of the book separately, and then send our work to one another for input, style revisions, and corrections. The volume of work may be different, she may decide to re do several of my pages and I may decide to re do hers, but that is the agreement we would have made. Now say that the book was written from her perspective about blogging. I would not expect her to credit me in interviews but by the nature of the book, I would have to mention her in my interviews.
The reason it doesn't matter? My name would sit beside hers on the book and our pay for the writing of the book would be agreed upon before hand. It's all business.
That is how I see things.
Not to belabor the point, or come off as an expert on the publishing world (I'm not), but my point was simply that ghostwriters are generally, if I'm not mistaken, professional writers. Beth Carson may be a better writer than Kate Gosselin - I would agree that Kate is not outstanding at verbal communication, which may or may not be a clue of what kind of writer she'd be. It's not been clear to me whether the writing I've seen on the Gosselins' website is Kate's or Jon's, but I haven't been hugely impressed. Though I also have not found it *that* bad; every day I see people write posts on message boards that are well nigh incomprehensible, so maybe my standards aren't high enough.
I do recall that at the end of the book there are some pages that I guess were taken from Kate's diary when she was in the hospital waiting to give birth. The writing is less polished than the text of the book, naturally, but words are spelled correctly and it's not an embarrassing piece of writing.
I (obviously) also read the book, and agree that it was competently written but I would not go so far as to say it was "very well written". It was definitely Kate's voice, so either Beth mimicked that in her writing, or she cleaved pretty close to Kate's wording when she wrote. It's sort of weird to me to think of Beth writing as if she *were* Kate - the book is first person narration. I know that this is sometimes the case with ghostwriters, but again, I don't think that Beth is a professional. I lean towards it being a collaborative effort, with Beth perhaps doing transcription of conversations and some editing and organizational duties. How clean a product they delivered to Zondervan - how much further editing was required - of course, I'd have no idea.
This is not meant as a slam on Beth. I have nothing against the woman. She seemed perfectly pleasant on the show - though I confess I did not find her to be unusually articulate or well-spoken, but we really didn't see her talk *that* much, that I can recall.
It just annoys me that this has to be another opportunity for people to get digs in at Kate; the implication is that she can't possibly have written the book, because she's not as intelligent and articulate and classy as Beth. Kate says she wrote the book; Beth says she did. In the abasence of evidence, I lean towards it being a collaboration, probably with a fair amount of editorial help from the publisher. But that's just a guess. I'm not sure why everyone is so keen to claim it. I liked Multiple Blessings; it was quite readable. But the Pulitzer Committee won't be calling, so I don't think they have to worry about haggling over the prize.
On the "other" site I noticed people praising Beth and saying how classy she is that she hasn't spoken out against Kate. Or hasn't said anything bad.
So I asked over there, why is it that Beth is referred to as a "class act", "gracious and kind", etc. because she hasn't trash talked Kate or spoken of their relationship or lack there of? And yet Kate hasn't said anything either but she is called all sorts of nasty names and is accused of hiding something?
Why the double standard?
I imagine my comment won't even get posted there. But, I would like to know why we have two women here who haven't said one bad word about the other, and yet one is praised for that and the other is condemned and accused of hiding something? Is doesn't make sense and it isn't fair.
I agree with Guin about the writing style of the book. As I was reading the book, I thought several times "Beth helped with this?" because I felt it very much reflected the style in which Kate writes and speaks. I was, frankly, not very impressed with the writing style. I thought it was on the verge of poorly written. It certainly could have been worse, but it could have been much better, too.
Carp said, "But, I would like to know why we have two women here who haven't said one bad word about the other, and yet one is praised for that and the other is condemned and accused of hiding something? Is doesn't make sense and it isn't fair."
That's a great point, Carp. Did you aldo notice that at GWoP, Beth is praised for saying nothing, and Julie is praised for telling too much? Only Kate loses.
Great point Carp,
I was going to mention that when I published it but then I got sidetracked. So did your comment get posted on GWoP?
I think Kate loses no matter what. "They over there" (or shall we now just lable them TOT, as our own special word, so we know who we're talking about)are indeed praising Beth for not talking and Carp they did give an answer to the double standard, but it was in true TOT fashion: no answer at all. Kate only loses because they have so much hatred.
In the meantime, she is doing a book tour, getting on with her life and providing for her kids (and along the way making contacts for her future efforts), yet TOT is still caught up in dissecting an edited show...and repeats at that.
I personally believe both ladies didn't say anything because they are still the best of friends. And, if there was something going on, it's none of our business.
I also thought that was a great point as well. The Gosselins are definitely damned no matter what they do.
Oh dear, Carp, you've got your answer. Apparently Kate couldn't possibly have anything bad to say about Beth, 'cause she's practically perfect in every way.
Kate, on the other hand, is, as we all know, eeevil, so Beth has lots she could say. If she just would, of course.
I'm going to really play devil's advocate here...
When I finally read the book last week (I was on the wait list at my library for almost two months!), there was one thing that struck me as odd: An anecdote that describes Kate meeting Beth.
The story is that when Beth showed up at the house to volunteer for the first time, she gave Kate an envelope. Several weeks passed, during which time Beth continued to come over and help and the two ladies struck up a friendship, before Kate finally had a chance to read Beth's note.
The book says, "...a handwritten letter, telling me who my new friend was--a devoted wife, mother, and Christian." It goes on to say, "Beth soon became my mentor, my sounding board, and my coach as I walked this seemingly hopeless and lonely road."
My first thought upon reading this: Uh, that's a little awkward, for the book's writer to be writing about herself in such glowing terms! If Beth wasn't the official writer/co-author/ghostwriter/whatever you want to call it, that would have been less weird. But knowing that she wrote this book (at least, according to the credits and the Reading Eagle article, she did), it really seems strange that she would insert such glowing terms about herself. I don't think I've ever seen a co-author or ghostwriter ever do that.
Sure, maybe Kate felt so strongly about Beth's friendship that she insisted this be put in. But if that's true, then critics should actually be complimenting Kate for her thankfulness to Beth!
Thus, I kind of wonder about Beth's true intentions--and how it might have effected the ladies' friendship today. True cynics might think Beth became a volunteer in order to become close to Kate and eventually be the one to write the Gosselins' life story. Wasn't becoming a writer one of her dreams? In that case, maybe Kate realized this too late, and that's why the two seem to be staying far away from each other.
Remember Julie claimed that Kate had told Jodi, "No one makes money off my kids!" Maybe the book is what Kate was talking about. Not that Kate would have been right, but it does look awfully suspicious, at least to a cynic.
I miss Beth! Who knows if she is a looney or not! She loved / loves those babies and that's all that matters. Something went wrong, and I am willing to bet my pay check on Kate!
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