Sunday, August 17, 2008

Judging the Fans

This comment was posted under "Random Thoughts" today. Since that article has moved down the page quite a ways, I decided to post it here. The comment was submitted by Kristin and I think it speaks volumes.

To whoever said this: "The fact is most of KON'S fans are uneducated white trash fundies who think smacking your spouse is ok."

I cannot believe someone would have the audacity to make such a judgment on the fans. It is completely absurd! I am a highly educated female who is currently pursuing a Masters Degree on a full academic scholarship and I happen to be a big fan of the show. My college professor and even several other women in my graduate level classes are fans of the show as well.

No, we do not all agree on how everyone is portrayed but we are educated enough to know a few things. 1. Things are edited. 2. Not all parents are perfect 3. Other parents will do things you do not agree with and 4. TV is entertainment.

People need to take the show for what it is... You can have your feelings about the show and Kate but be mature enough to let others have their own views as well.


EveryoneLovesErin said...

I have to laugh inside myself when I see ignorant nonsense such as that.

I don't know what is funnier, the fact that the poster called fans of the show uneducated white trash fundies or the fact that this person called GWoP intelligent.

I think I'm more offended by the bigotry inherent in the comment than by the "insult" on the blog.
Assuming that all fans of the show are white christians...I cant even find the words to show my disgust.

Guess what, there is a whole world out there filled with people of other races, religions and creeds. I bet people those individuals watch TV, and they may even like J &K plus 8. If they do, what does that make them?

There are very few things that aggravate me more than blanket statements, assumptions and racism. Here, you get all three for the price of one.

Anonymous said...

My sentiments EXACTLY, nomoredrama!

Anonymous said...

I think that the name-calling and trash talk that is so prevalent on the other blog is a way of de-humanizing Jon & Kate. In that sense, it clears the path for more abusiveness.

When posters refer to the mother and father of the children as KON, it is a way to de-dehumanize them so further degrading them doesn't seem so bad.

I think that this kind of de-humanizing also has been extended by some posters on the other blog to those who disagree with them.

Anonymous said...

I am starting to realize that the other blog is just a place where people can vent their hatred for the family. I just don't get why people care so much about a show on TV when I'm sure there are homeless people in their neighborhood who could use some food. I'm sure the local church could use a volunteer. I'm sure the local women's shelter could use a bit of help. How about directing all of that energy towards something positive?

I don't know about everyone else, but I get upset or frustrated or mad it takes a lot of energy out of me. I just can't imagine going to that site everyday and posting such negative things over and over and over.

Maybe they are just insecure themselves and want to make someone else look so bad that they make them feel better about themselves.

Anonymous said...

I think that the name-calling and trash talk that is so prevalent on the other blog is a way of de-humanizing Jon & Kate. In that sense, it clears the path for more abusiveness.

I totally agree with this. It's why even when Kate does something that on the surface is positive (kisses one of her kids, for example), it has to be turned into a negative: either "damage control", or she obviously appeared angry, or the child flinched, so he must be afraid of her. She can't ever be allowed to be seen as having any positive characteristic, because it would maybe make people feel a little bad about how viciously they rip into her.

I don't know about everyone else, but I get upset or frustrated or mad it takes a lot of energy out of me. I just can't imagine going to that site everyday and posting such negative things over and over and over.

I know. The negative energy there is so palpable - that's why, even though I know there *are* more "moderate" posters there, I really can't imagine any of them staying long. I would think if you aren't feeling the level of hostility towards J&K that the blog owners and many posters do, you would find it an unpleasant place to visit.

Unfortunately, I think some people are energized by hate. I don't know; maybe they are angry about other things in their lives, and J&K provide a safe outlet to transfer that anger to.

Anonymous said...

The person who wrote this comment should be ashamed of herself.

Anonymous said...

The person who wrote this comment should be ashamed of herself.

First of all, are you referring to the original post or one of the comments that was written about the post?

Second, who are you to judge anyone?

Third, I think the only people who should be ashamed of themselves are the ones who are trying to drag down others.

Anonymous said...


I'm not sure, but I think that anon 8:07 was referring to this ...

"The fact is most of KON'S fans are uneducated white trash fundies who think smacking your spouse is ok."

anon 8:07 ... would you consider giving yourself a screen name so we know it is you. Instead of highlighting "Anonymous" when you post, you highlight the one above it that says "Name/URL" and then it asks you to put in a name. Obviously, you don't need to put in your real name.

I think that I usually recognize your posts but sometimes it is confusing with the other anonymous who come over and pot stir.

P.S. There is a "Linda" who is posting over at GwoP and I just want people to know that it isn't me.

Anonymous said...

Jenn said...

"I don't know about everyone else, but I get upset or frustrated or mad it takes a lot of energy out of me. I just can't imagine going to that site everyday and posting such negative things over and over and over."

I think in the short-term it can be engergizing. Especially, if you have convinced yourself you are "figting the good fight." But, long term I agree with you - I think for most mentally sound folks - or those of us who aspire to be :) - spending time in such a toxic environment is draining and unhealthy.

There's enough going on in this world that is actually disturbing that we have no control of. To actively seek out something that bothers you and spend so much time ruminating over it, I guess I just don't *get* it.

Anonymous said...

Let's see. An intolerant, rude, aggressive cyberbully who's also a few fries short of a Happy Meal. Yep. I'll bet I know exactly which one of those card carrying "advocates for the children" wrote that (and her screenname begins with the letter that falls between "O" and "Q" in the alphabet).

Anonymous said...

Can I get an amen sister? I am also tired of them judging fans of the show. I am starting my senior year of college this year and will be going on to get my master's. It really is pathetic that these people think that since we do not think like them, we must be uneducated. They judge anyone they can about anything. I have been called a bad mother, uneducated, and told that they feel sorry for my husband because I must "abuse" him if I treat him the way Kate treats Jon. I don't get those people.

Something I find even more interesting is that Serena commented to someone recently that she is glad she was raised with such great principles because she would never let her kids be exploited. I commented her back telling her that she obviously was not raised with great principles since she is running a hate blog. Obviously she didn't post it because it questioned her. I was not mean at all in the post. Basicallly she can question everyone else about their choice's, but no one can question her. I'm so tired of people judging every person that does not think Jon and Kate or terrible people.

Anonymous said...

I guess people don't realize that comments like that say more about the author than the ones actually being insulted.

I'm not mad at this person, I just feel bad for them. It's sad, really.

Anonymous said...

"Something I find even more interesting is that Serena commented to someone recently that she is glad she was raised with such great principles because she would never let her kids be exploited. I commented her back telling her that she obviously was not raised with great principles since she is running a hate blog. Obviously she didn't post it because it questioned her."

The obvious phrase that comes to mind is "they can dish it out, but they can't take it."

How many times have we had people come to this blog and tell us we should not be commenting on the other blog and its posters??? Heads up -- you are on the internet and anyone and everyone can see everything you say on there. If you don't like it, don't participate. (Guinevere addresses this point more succinctly in the post on the top of the home page.)

My point is that we are constantly told that the Gosselins have opened themselves up to the backlash they have suffered because they have made (portions) of their lives public. In a much much smaller way, we posters have done the same thing. When we come on the internet and post our opinions, others are going to have reactions to said opinions and they have just as much right to share their opinions as you do yours.

I am sure Serena probably thought you were very mean :), but in reality, you were just doing what she and her comrades spend all day doing. Giving an opinion on another based on snippets that you have seen of them.

Anonymous said...

Most of the comments make reference to the GWOP blog. My experience on the Imperfectparentblog has been that most of the Kate supporters are not educated past high school and some (Grandma) have even confessed to not having graduated high school. Their posts usually, but not always contain personal attacks towards other posters.
I am just stating my experience so don't jump all over me.

Anonymous said...

anon 8:07 ... would you consider giving yourself a screen name so we know it is you. Instead of highlighting "Anonymous" when you post, you highlight the one above it that says "Name/URL" and then it asks you to put in a name. Obviously, you don't need to put in your real name.

I think that I usually recognize your posts but sometimes it is confusing with the other anonymous who come over and pot stir.

I really don't post that often. But I'll think about it.

EveryoneLovesErin said...

Most of the comments make reference to the GWOP blog. My experience on the Imperfectparentblog has been that most of the Kate supporters are not educated past high school and some (Grandma) have even confessed to not having graduated high school. Their posts usually, but not always contain personal attacks towards other posters.
I am just stating my experience so don't jump all over me.

I understand that but even if that is someone's experience, it's still not ok to make a blanket statement lumping all fans into the same category as a handful. Just saying...I know it wasn't your comment so don't take this as "jumping on"

Anonymous said...

Or not...whatever.

EveryoneLovesErin said...

Or not...whatever.
I'm confused a bit, LOL!

Nina Bell said...

I think Fanny is responding to the post above you, nomoredrama.

Anonymous said...

Most of the comments make reference to the GWOP blog. My experience on the Imperfectparentblog has been that most of the Kate supporters are not educated past high school and some (Grandma) have even confessed to not having graduated high school. Their posts usually, but not always contain personal attacks towards other posters.
I am just stating my experience so don't jump all over me.

Is it jumping all over you if I say that I don't really see that The Imperfect Parent Blog has much to do with this site, and I don't get why this poster "Grandma" keeps being mentioned here, when as far as I know she's never even posted here?

It's not my place to tell people what they can or can't talk about, but I get the feeling there is some drama brought over from that blog that maybe only a few posters over here understand, know about or care about.

Anonymous said...

I don't even know what the Imperfect Parent blog is, but we seem to be accused of being like them an awful lot. And why not? It takes less intellect to just lump everyone that questions GWoP opinion under one umbrella. They need to save their energy for more important things, like making anonymous drive-by cyberbully insults and harassing the Gosselins.

Anonymous said...

"I am just stating my experience so don't jump all over me."

It sounds to me like blogging is the only thing you have experience in.

Anonymous said...

My experience on the Imperfect Parent blog is that anyone who doesnt hate Kate is ganged up on. If you dare question them when they MAKE SOMETHING TOTALLY UP they accuse you of attacking them and they bring out the name calling. Its kinda funny. How smart do you have to be to just call someone names? I wont even go into how uneducated the comment was that said kate supporters are liberals and the haters are conservatives. Apparently they havent heard of the Christian coalition. FTR I have a BA in English, a BS in Accounting, an MST and 2 yrs ago finished my MBA. Im happy to compare my intellect with the Kate haters over there, anyday. Grandma keeps getting mentioned, because she regularly puts them in their place, even without a hs diploma @@

Anonymous said...

I don't even read the ImperfectParent blog now, let alone post, because there's so much bickering between posters. The site is poorly run, unlike this one.
I readily admit to not being a fan of Kate. I just plain do not like what I see of her. I don't think that Kate slapping Jon is ok, I dislike her asking for "love offerings" when her family has plenty of money, and I think the kids are not disciplined as they should be. BUT, I know I'm not going to change anyone's mind, just as nobody else's post will change what I think.

EveryoneLovesErin said...

Am I missing the something....this isn't that blog.

Anonymous said...

I am starting to realize that this blog is just a place where people can vent their hatred for GWOP. I just don't get why people care so much about a website on the internet when I'm sure there are homeless people in their neighborhood who could use some food. I'm sure the local church could use a volunteer. I'm sure the local women's shelter could use a bit of help. How about directing all of that energy towards something positive?

I don't know about everyone else, but I get upset or frustrated or mad it takes a lot of energy out of me. I just can't imagine coming to a site everyday and posting such negative things over and over and over.

Maybe they are just insecure themselves and want to make someone else look so bad that they make them feel better about themselves.

Anonymous said...

On some level, am sure you are right Cindy. And at times people do seem to get carried away here with the whole GWoP. I do think that if you visit other message boards about other topics you will see far more obsessed peopled than you see here. Do you feel the same way about sports? Those people are surely fanatics in the true form and they really can go at it defending their team. Do you feel they should go out and volunteer? And how do we know that these people that frequent this site are not doing so in their lives? We don't. That is the whole beauty of these type of blogs. Distance. May I ask, did you submit the same comments to other boards?

EveryoneLovesErin said...

Of course she didn't....she just ripped the post submitted earlier by Jenn and put hatred for "GWoP" in place of hatred for the family.

I don't know if I "hate" GWoP but I have a very STRONG dislike for that site. The reasons have been listed over and OVER again but just to refresh your memory on why people have such we go.

1. GWoP is full of obsessed, borderline stalkers who spend free time looking up info on the family, their relatives, and anyone who has come into contact with them.

2. GWoP makes it a habit to jump to conclusions, exaggerate and even LIE about issues surrounding the controversy. If you try to argue against them and sound even remotely intelligent, your comment won't make it. (BTW, I just posted something yesterday that didn't make the, the censorship has not died down).

3. We have opinions on the controversy as well and would like a forum to express them. GWoP is the #1 blog fueling the controversy (or making it up). Since we can't post our thoughts there then, of course, we will post them here. I'd never be able to respond to a ridiculous comment made over there so I'll do it here. Why, because here we actually have BALANCE.

4. People get up in arms about GWoP because they claim to want to advocate for the rights of the children, all the while tearing them down along with their parents.
This, to me, is among their greatest atrocities. Right up there with the unfounded allegations of abuse.

5. They are extremely arrogant (see post left, likely by one of their members). They act as if they are the only intelligent people with the only correct point of view. When in fact, there are blogs dedicated to ridiculing their nonsense.

I won't even bother to "defend" myself. I spend at least 40 and up to 60 hours a week doing "what matters" and what is "positive" I know what I do with my time, the career path I've chosen (which will never make me rich), and the sacrifices I make every day. That gives me a free and clear conscience to do whatever I please with my down time.

Anonymous said...

Hey "Cindy"... Thanks for ripping off my comments. Are you not able to come up with your own thoughts and form them into words?

What is that supposed to prove, other than she can't think for herself? Way to go, you proved your point.

Anonymous said...

lol...if there's one thing gwop is good for, it's a laugh. Thanks Cindy!

Anonymous said...

I am starting to realize that this blog is just a place where people can vent their hatred for GWOP.

Oh, no, she is on to us! Our secret mission has been discovered! Activate the emergency plan!

What do you mean, there's no emergency plan? @#$%^ blog.

Hey, Cindy, at least you didn't accuse us of being Jon or Kate! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Emergency plan? We don't need no stinkin' emergency plan.

Whenever there's a post like Cindy's, I think we should just direct them to the quote on the front page of the blog.

Regarding GWoP:

"You have the right to your opinions. You don't have the right to not have your opinions questioned. We are sorry you don't like it, but that's the way it is." by Guinevere

Nancy said...

I agree that some folks at GWoP are over the top. Some seem to watch the show just to pick every little thing apart. I started out at TWoP because I love to snark, but never had a desire to analyze every move J & K make. I did think there was some "damage control" with this last episode; I believe the producers are very aware of the criticisms being made of the show. BUT I didn't see the kids being "hosed down" as abusive, and I didn't see anything wrong with the twins being sent in the house for being bratty. Kate didn't bring a blanket to the beach for the kids to sit on; silly mistake but not worthy of much snark. What was really not good IMO was Jenny being made to sleep with Alexis. Jenny is an employee, not family, and should have had her own space.
I am critical of this show, but I don't obsess over it.

EveryoneLovesErin said...

Jenny is an employee, not family, and should have had her own space.

I agree. I think it was kind of tacky to ask Jenny to room with Alexis, especially if she gets up over and over again in the night. If that was the case, she should be sleeping in the room with a parent.

I'll leave it tacky. I wouldn't call it inappropriate as some have implied.

Anonymous said...

I beg to differ with the comment above that using the acronym Kon is meant to dehumanize Jon & Kate. What about Brangelina or Bennifer in the case of Brad & Angelina and Ben and Jennifer Lopez? No one was trying to dehumanize them, seriously. I've used the Kon because it is easier than writing out Jon & Kate. Speaking for myself I thought it was clever that someone came up with that and I have no clue who it was.

Anonymous said...

I just think name mashups are stupid and overdone, and "Kon" is no exception. I write J&K, which is the same number of keystrokes.

Anonymous said...

Oh, are you thinking Kon = Con?

Well, guinevere, if you think it is stupid and overdone we should all just stop it!

No, seriously, I never thought of it as a put down.