Aug 11, 9:00 pm
"In this episode, Jon and Kate pack up the kids and head south for a speaking engagement and a trip to a nearby beach. But how will the sextuplets handle the long car trip now that they're a little older?"
Aug 11, 9:30 pm
"In this episode, Jon and Kate engage the curiosity of their animal-loving children by taking them on an open Jeep tour which follows wild horses dwelling along the coastal beach. They also climb a lighthouse and find out one of them is afraid of heights."
can't wait to see it...maybe it will be a "monkey munch" night tonight :)
I am just going to have to make a batch of Monkey Munch before the summer is over!
I know it will be a killer on the diet, but I just have to try it, it sounds so good.
I am curious whether this a PA treat? I am a native Californian, but my dad was born and raised in PA and he introduced us to "scrapple" (an acquired taste to be sure). I never heard of Monkey Munch, however, before watching J&K.
Anyway, I really looking forward to two new episodes tonight and chatting with you all tomorrow about them!
i made it for the first time a few weeks ago...YUMMY! yea, probably NOT a diet treat. i made a FULL batch of it according to the recipe, and my hubby and i didn't even hardly make a dent in it. not sure if you have a big family, BUT if it's just for 2...cut the recipe in HALF :)
Monkey Munch is also called Muddy Buddies. I have enjoyed it for years, usually around Christmas time. Ive made it 3 or 4 times in the last month just because its been such a topic of conversation lately.
It's been around for quite some years on the Chex box or website. I only make it at Christmas when there's plenty of help eating it.
I'm looking forward to seeing the scenery. I haven't been to the outer banks in years.
Is "scrapple" different from "monkey munch."
I'm going to make a fearless prediction that it's Kate that's afraid of heights. I don't think I'd lose money on that bet. :-)
Of course, maybe they're trying to fake us out, and it's Jon!
I guess it could be one of the kids. Just not Alexis, because we know she is fearless!
Scrapple is VERY different from monkey munch. It's a mixture of scallions (green onions), pork sausage and cornmeal, mixed with some sort of liquid (can't remember if it's water or milk), pressed into a pan and refrigerated overnight. Then you cut it into squares, fry it and serve it with maple syrup.
It's okay, but not something I understand going out of ones way to eat.
IIRC the Chex recipe calls it puppy chow. Kate is the first person I've heard call it Monkey Munch.
Around here it's called "Puppy Chow," and we make it at holidays and for tailgate parties before football games. It's GOOOOOD, but also quite rich. Plus, I always end up with powdered sugar on my.....shirt....when i eat it.
It's something quite easy to make, which is why it's a good project for Kate to make with the kids.
As if it's not rich enough, I have a friend that mixes M&M's in it. Have MERCY!
Okay, my prediction on the child afraid of heights. Hannah.
Someone on Friday said the next thing they know we would be posting organic recipes so I decided to post the "Monkey Munch" recipe on the side. And yes it is organic.
M&M's too - wow! I don't love the Puppy Chow name, but when I think about it, "Monkey Munch" doesn't sound appetizing either until you hear the ingredients!
Thanks, Ninabell for posting the ingredients!
Fear of heights? Hannah is a good guess. I'll say Joel just to be different....
When we were growing up my mom would make popcorn balls for Halloween and the holidays. She made them the same way as you do Rice Krispies bars with butter and marshmallow so they were always soft. We would use orange, green and red food coloring for the appropriate holiday. I don’t know, that recipe for Monkey Munch looks like it is really sweet.
I dont find it overly sweet, but I do admit being a chocoholic. Its only 1/2 cup of chocolate chips and the sugar is really minimal esp when you shake it up with the 9 cups of chex.
I don’t know, that recipe for Monkey Munch looks like it is really sweet.
The best thing about the Monkey Munch is that you can eat all that chocolate yumminess and not feel bad 'cause there some vitamin fortified cereal in there too.
It's like the taco salad...
I've been blogging all night ABOUT the family but haven't watched the show (they are DVR'd)....guess I should do that!
It's still a half hour away for those of us on the West coast. I am trying to get my chores done, (w/a short break to check this board!) so I can plop myself down and watch!
I have not watched it yet either but I made the mistake of reading comments on another board. You know what, I don't think it is such a mistake . Now I can pay more attention to what they cut down and see how ridiculous it is
Hey everybody!
Just watched the shows and found them to be really sweet. However, I have been corrupted as I can no longer watch a show without inserting the "What would their critics say" snark after questionable Jon and/or Kate comments or actions.
Several times tonight I caught myself saying something to the TV that I was sure I would read about elsewhere. ie: Kate - "The master bedroom was in the basement of all places. I didn't like that..."
Me - "Really? 'Cause I'm thinking Alexis isn't all that fond of it either...DOH!! What am I doing?!"
I also find myself praying before an episode, "Lord, don't let Jon and Kate give their critics ammo."
Then I end up cringing for Jon and Kate because I can already see the hangman's rope coming out for Kate's mis-pronunciation of the word "civilization" and for Jon yelling at his kids, "SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" (although that was a bit shocking to hear out of Jon).
Just for kicks, I should submit a post to Ninabell in the form of a parody episode re-cap in which I predict what the critics will write in their re-cap. And just like I can still recite a Catholic mass 25 years after switching churches, I bet I would be able to hit all the key snarks. Maybe I could entitle it, "Bless Me Father For I Have Snarked" The opening line would read, "It's been one week since my last re-cap". LOL! Okay, I'm getting waaaay too punchy. I'm gong to bed after I say three Hail Marys and one Our Father. Goodnight!
jessie --
I'm laughing so hard here.
What a riot!
I actually really liked the Wild Horses episode. When they were driving on the beach Kate seemed really into making sure the kids all got to see the horses. Her surpise and excitement about the jellyfish was pretty cool too. Totally surprising that they let the big girls get hermit crabs! I think that was a neat treat for them. And Jon waking up Joel from his nap was awesome! Sometimes I lay in bed with my son like that just before he goes to sleep and it's a super bonding moment between us.
There is a lovely post over at GWoP. Someone has made a animated post about Kate being a horse. How is anyone going to take them seriously with that????
Hi Jessie -
"Just for kicks, I should submit a post to Ninabell in the form of a parody episode re-cap in which I predict what the critics will write in their re-cap."
Please pretty pretty (with monkey munch on top), we'd love to see this!
Overall, I think this is going to be characterized as "another damage control" episode. Yeah, we had a "love tap", we had some mocking of Joel and Alexis (her constant need to pee the minute she gets strapped in the car!), we did have Kate telling Joel "she didn't want to hear him breath" (hehehe), but overall, Kate was pretty relaxed (hermit crab on the table anyone?), so I am just not seeing how we can attach a "gate" to this episode. Of course, the critics are creative -- I am sure they will see something I am missed!
anonymous said:
"There is a lovely post over at GWoP. Someone has made a animated post about Kate being a horse. How is anyone going to take them seriously with that????"
Remember ... GwoP does this "for the kids."
Here we go with what the criticisms (some that I've already seen and some that I predict).
1. Kate is a snob an obsessive compulsive because she packed all that stuff (ok, I technically can't argue there).
2. Kate is rude and doesn't do anything herself...always orders Jon around (again, can't argue. I kinda feel bad for him).
3. Kate is a terrible mother because she instructed her son not to cry or even breath (uh....yeah....and for the record they were total crocodile tears because he stopped on command).
4. The kids don't really want to be on this trip and are "working" (cuz lighthouse tours, playing with hermit crabs, going to the beach and swimming all equal work).
5. The jellyfish exaggeration....yeah, it was definitely an exaggeration but they are going to be all over that.
Ok, I'm going to stop now...I think its funny that one poster over there (obviously got offended because the Gosselins implied that there is nothing to do in PA). Uh, HELLOOO! (the quote Kate, LOL!). I've lived in PA all of my life and, quite frankly, there isn't much to do in their area.
But....but...Jon and Kate don't LIKE Joel! How could one of them POSSIBLY be shown kissing him or showing him ANY affection? Oh, I know. They read "Are Blog" and said, "OMG! We have to kiss Joel more! GWoP thinks we hate him!" Riiiight.
I was surprised that they let kids that little to the top of the lighthouse and frankly, it made ME nervous, let alone a fuss budget like Kate! And color me SHOCKED that it was Mady and Hannie that didn't want to go up to the top, either. They're the kids who seem to be most like Kate. Leah hanging her head over the edge? HOLY CRAP!
And yeah, I can also no longer watch this show without thinking, "Gee, I'll bet they'll complain about THAT." It's so predictable.
I actually agreed with Kate over the bedroom thing (although the house was BEAUTIFUL). If your kids are that young, you shouldn't be in the basement while the kids have their rooms on the ground floor. They could sneak out without Jon and Kate hearing them, and worse, if someone broke in, they'd have no protection as their parents would be in the basement and probably not hear what's going on. The other way around is okay, as long as there are two escape routes. Most insurance companies require that for basement bedrooms, anyway.
we did have Kate telling Joel "she didn't want to hear him breath" (hehehe),
LOL! That was the other one that I was thinking about! I heard myself saying, "yeah, like your father does on the confessional couch. You better not scratch anything either...DOH!" Thanks for reminding me of that one.
There were some really funny moments in these episodes. I laughed out loud at Kate's reaction to the fly trap because I could see it coming and knew that she would freak. That was pretty gross - I probably would have had the same reaction. There was another part where I laughed out loud at Kate's sideways, slightly panicked glance when whe was observing the hermit crab scamper across the table. That look was priceless like, "does anyone else think this is as disgusting as I do? No? Okay, I'll hold my tongue."
One thing I have always admired about Kate is that she truly seems to appreciate Jon's humor. He says some hilarious things and her laughter is genuine. I love the interaction they have with each other when they are sharing a laugh. She also - I almost passed out from the shock I know her critics were in - admitted a fault! She would never be able to back up a trailor with the big van. Pass the smelling salts! Okay, all better. LOL!
I also loved the moment captured between Jon and Joel. We call those zurburts (credit given to the Cosby show for coining that term) and my kids belly laugh just like that. Too cute! How about the part where they are looking at property (in Virginia and NOT NC I might add) where Kate says to Jon, "I'll wait in here with the kids" and Hannah says with a cute little smile, "Okay Mama!"
I just want to eat those kids up they are so cute! Of course, I shouldn't say that because someone might call CPS on me. LOL!
oh, and if Ninabell is game, I will take on the challenge of parody episode re-cap next week. Pass the Monkey Munch!
Yes please, you are a very talented writer and I welcome anything you want to contribute.
The horses were beautiful and I'm glad they all got to see that. I don't understand why this former IT guy, non college grad and his unemployed wife can afford an estate like the one they saw in VA. That floored me. A VA resident myself, I can tell you that our commonwealth and its taxpayers will not be as generous perhaps as the PA people are. Loved the beach house. Was that in the outer banks? Who among us as parents have not at one time or another said "Shut your mouth" to a kid or "Don't let me hear another sound". Come on. We must have a lot of saintly parents here if they haven't. Just wish we'd seen and especially heard more of the kids in this episode. I am losing interest in the couch stuff with J&K for sure. Not at all surprised that Hannah and Mady stayed back and loved it when the little, Leah was it, said to Kate "It was just a building". She certainly has not inherited the timid spirit of adventure, or lack thereof, from Kate that Hannah has. Loved that part.
oh, jessie...
already LMAO....
when i watch the show, i too can't help but think about how the "critics" will "rip them a new one" for basically nothing!
Okay! Already have the DVR set so that I can go over next week's episode with a fine-toothed comb - like the one Kate should have used to pull up Hannah's hanging hair when it was so "blazingly hot" at Sesame Place...WOW! That one just slipped out. I'm going to have to contain myself until next week. LOL!
For the record, I just read a comment at another site that was along the lines of "the basement is not good enough for the parents, but just fine for Alexis" snark that I predicted. Called it!
there was some discussion on another blog as to how shocking it is that jon quit his job where he possibly makes $100,000-$200,000 a year as an IT guy.
well, my BIL is an IT guy for a large dept. in the county i live in. he makes A LOT less than $100,000 a year! they have 4 kids and can barely make ends meet!
if this show was their big break to be able to have a nice home and provide for their very big family, then i thinks that great!
kate certainly couldn't go work full time, as daycare would be a fortune. if he's not bringing that much in to work full time, and the show can compensate for him not working....how wonderful for that family!!! i'm so happy for them.
no, we aren't all that privileged, but are we that jealous??? (not saying you brhinva, mostly the true haters).
AND, brhinva, they do speaking engagements too which brings in some nice money. once again...i'm very happy for them...
The Gosselins may be looking at million dollar homes, but they don't live a lavish lifestyle. Notice how Kate packs a million prepared meals for them for the trip? They are frugal enough not to be eating out at fancy restaurants along the way.
I enjoyed these episodes, though my DVR was acting wonky and I missed a lot of the sound on the first one. I'll have to rerecord and watch again. Kate was cute with the hermit crabs. Sometimes I can relate to her so well. They would freak me out, too, though they were kind of interesting, too.
Mady was sweet with her crab, "Do it for mama!"
It was, predictably, Alexis who was sticking her head through the bars at the top of the lighthouse. I was getting a little nervous watching them up there, too! It was also Alexis who said at the end, "It's just a building!" So freaking cute.
I am pretty sure that it was Alexis that said "it's just a building." Could be wrong, but I am Alexis' No. 1 fan (NOT in a creepy want to kidnap her out of the basement way I assure you). Alexis and Leah both have a lot of spunk. Hannah hangs back a bit more and that's totally fine too. (BTW someone mentioned on the other site and I did see it as well - Alexis hit Jenny as she was trying to buckle her in her car seat. Her way of signaling the need for ANOTHER potty break?)
I agree about Kate and "her looks". The show is entertaining with the sound down just to watching her exaggerated facial expressions and eye rolling. Kate with just a little bit of self-awareness and humor is someone I actually like.
Amy said: well, my BIL is an IT guy for a large dept. in the county i live in. he makes A LOT less than $100,000 a year! they have 4 kids and can barely make ends meet!
if this show was their big break to be able to have a nice home and provide for their very big family, then i thinks that great!
My feelings exactly. I kind of see this show as akin to winning the lottery. Am I going to be "jealous" that someone else won the lottery and I didn't? What a waste of emotion in reaction to something very random.
Lastly, "IT Analyst" is such a generic title. Based on the limited knowledge we have about Jon's education and previous job history, I think it's reasonable to infer that he was probably working in a lower-level "help desk" type of position. Even in the Bay Area where I am from, such positions might pay $45,000-$60,000 at MOST. I am sure the compensation would be considerably less in J&K's area.
agreed! very true about the compensation!
about alexis...i did see the slap, and my first thought was "bratty". i hate to say that, but i didn't like seeing her do that and i hope jenny corrected her! i, too, like the personalities of alexis and leah :)
also, this is their most recent show...i have YET to see a FULL TIME personal chef, a FULL TIME nanny (she works as needed), a gardener, or a personal assistant. ooohhh, the rumor mill is losing it's wind.....
Amy, you are SO naive! Just kidding. I think the rumor mill is probably 80/20 in that maybe 20% of what is reported has some truth to it. I wouldn't be surprised if they do have a gardener. That's not an unheard of middle class "luxury" and hardly qualifies one as living an opulent lifestyle. Much of the shooting takes place outside the house. Would we really want to see a weed filled yard?
If I place any truth in the chef allegation, I would guess they *might* have some prepared meals (organic, of course!)delivered to their home when they are going out of town or have had a long shooting day away from the house, etc. I think Kate is probably too much of a control freak to give up her kitchen and she actually does appear to enjoy cooking for her family (at least from what I have seen). Of course, this is all conjecture. I don't claim to know the "truth" (as some others do). And I don't really care that much either!
As for Alexis hitting Jenny, yes Miss Sassy did deserve to be disciplined for that. Not sure if that happened in the chaos of trying to get everyone in the car, however! Later in the car ride, she redeemed herself by bringing up her "alligator" again (I didn't see said alligator, however). I thought she might have tired of her alligator obsession by now, but apparently not!
LOL anya-
oh, i try my best not to be naive. IMO, what i think is naive is ppl actually believing that she has all of these "personal peeps" at her disposal, without an ounce of proof. once again, just me giving them the benefit of the doubt, b/c they are human and they deserve that! i know you were kidding with me :)
It's like the "fender-bender" story that I keep hearing related as fact (not just the "fact" that it occurred, but that Kate said she didn't stop because she's a "public person" and didn't feel safe doing so). I haven't seen any EVIDENCE that it actually happened, much less happened the way the GWoPpers insist it did. But so many people seem to believe it as gospel, and pass it on without questioning it. I guess people believe what they want to believe...
That's because the fender bender story is the Gospel According to Julie, the sister of Aunt Jodi, who has an axe to grind and tells private information about the family to perfect strangers on the Internet. In other words, girlfriend ain't too bright.
I can see it happening. Kate's a crappy driver by her own admission. No one got hurt. Give her a ticket and MOVE ON. It's not like she got a DUI (cough, cough, Matt Roloff).
LOL, i just learned that her personal chef also brings fresh flowers for her. that is sooo sweet of them, what an extra special touch :)
bbbwwwwahhhhh <------ that's me LMAO.....
i wonder if someone wipes her behind for her too???
so sorry, had to do it!
Amy, havent you heard? Kate doesnt believe in toilet paper! Its not possible that someone wipes her. The "proof" of the no TP rule is that its never been seen on TV! I bet you if they showed a roll, we would hear the screams about product placement but since we havent seen it, Kate refuses to allow any of the kids to wipe.
Amy; yes, that is part of the service... the organic chef delivers each meal with fresh flowers. (Watch and see the various beautiful flower arrangements on the Gosselins' table). At one time I knew the name of the service but didn't worry about writing it down. I think it has a woman's name in it.... Katharine, maybe. She is NOT a "personal chef" to J&K, LOL! She has other clients too! And the "personal assistant" and "nanny" are the SAME PERSON. Jenny does more than just babysit, so they don't call her a nanny, and she is not "just part time". Kate also has a "personal PR person" named Julie (not Jodi's sister Julie).
but nancy, how do you KNOW they have a chef? where do you get this info? just curious.
what i have seen on the show is that jenny helps "as needed" and runs errands. kate's doing good, 2 for 1, she's NOT that greedy ;)
anon-never heard the wiping thing?
The "proof" of the no TP rule is that its never been seen on TV!
Exactly, add that to the never-ending list! Because we know every aspect of their lives from watching a weekly half-hour edited TV show. And what we don't know we will:
a) badger unprincipled extended (very extended) family members and "supposed" neighbors to tell us or when that fails...
b) just make up.
i thought i read that someone either missed this epi or the recorder didn't work???
you can catch the re-run from last nite's show tomorrow at 8! they usually do the re-runs the following wednesday. just an FYI :)
I guess those "love offerings" and the sales of family pictures are really padding J&K's bank account. This is the "property" they looked at on last night's episode:
So, no, J&K have no need for our pity. They have taken very good care of themselves. Too bad they are allowing their kids to be chewed up and spit out by Figure 8/TLC.
How long do you think the series will last once even the most sheep-like viewers realize that J&K are now wealthy, live on a huge estate, and employ multiple household help? Isn't much of a challenge to raise 8 kids that way, IMO.
"How long do you think the series will last once even the most sheep-like viewers realize that J&K are now wealthy, live on a huge estate, and employ multiple household help? Isn't much of a challenge to raise 8 kids that way, IMO."
So I guess 'In Your Opinion' money is the only thing needed to raise a bunch of kids? If so, I'm sure your kids are in trouble.
If I was 'now wealthy, live on a huge estate, and employ multiple household help" would you hate me too?
Nice house I suppose but too fancy and doesn't have enough bedrooms. Not a kid friendly house.
How long do you think the series will last once even the most sheep-like viewers realize that J&K are now wealthy, live on a huge estate, and employ multiple household help? Isn't much of a challenge to raise 8 kids that way, IMO.
Yeah, no one's interested in the lives of rich people.
Well we know the GWOP gang will still be watching every second, so my vote is on indefinitely.
How long do you think the series will last once even the most sheep-like viewers realize that J&K are now wealthy, live on a huge estate, and employ multiple household help? Isn't much of a challenge to raise 8 kids that way, IMO
Oh yeah, raising six four years olds and two seven year olds is so easy. Care to try it? I'll even spot you all the freebies and help that Kate gets and see how non-bitchy you end up. My guess is that even with all the money, there will still be times you want to scratch your own eyes out and kick your husband right in the gonads for knocking you up. "Not challenging," my butt.
With all the complaining about Jon and Kate getting a swanky house, and "how can they afford it," you all did notice that they DIDN'T BUY IT, didn't you? But don't let that fact get in the way of your whining.
I would love to know who has that much time on their hands to look up the exact house and post it, as if we care! There are a lot of houses between PA and VA! It really is sad how consumed some people are with Jon and Kate's life! Sounds like someone is jealous that they can't live in a house like that. I mean let's be honest here people...if TLC wanted to buy you a house can you honestly say you wouldn't except it? I sure as hell would without hesitation! I guess that makes me a greedy, child exploiting, money grubbing witch then! I still fail to see where they exploit their children! I also would love to make a living by doing speaking engagements. I don't see any problems...am I missing something here? Besides the "inside" information from people that may or may not have even met her. Aunt Jodi's sister is making herself and Aunt Jodi look like complete idiots! I would never do that to anybody! I love my sisters, but they are big girls...if something is bothering them that bad then they would handle it themselves. They don't need me to do their dirty work. Are we in 7th grade again with the he said, she said, she did this to my sister so I don't like her crap? You would think grown women are above that!
How long do you think the show will continue? Until the sextuplets get to about first grade?
I love how the GWoP defenders just keep coming here and proving us right without even realizing it! I mean, the EFFICIENCY! They found out Jon and Kate's address in Virginia and posted it on the Internet before they even had a chance to buy the place! Awesome display of mad stalking skillz!
They found out Jon and Kate's address in Virginia
But Jon and Kate didn't even like that house or even make an offer on it. So how could that be their address in Virginia?
She was referring to the address of the house that a real estate agent showed them on the show Monday night.
LOL. Wasn't it kind of obvious she caught that? :)
I think the real estate agent wanted people to look up the house. She's probably hoping one of us would like to buy it.
That is very strange to look up the address of a house they looked at.
I'll admit that I can only handle small doses of Kate, she bugs me, but I like watching Jon and the kids. I thought the kids seemed so much older last night, very cute. It really looked beautiful there on the beach with all of the wild horses.
Don't you think the real estate agent was happy with the exposure of the house though?
Yes, I think everyone that gets a plug on that show is very happy to get the exposure.
I really enjoyed seeing the dunes, the horses, and the lighthouse again if only on TV. The kids were so cute and I hope they got to get out and enjoy themselves while they were there.
I keep hoping Kate can learn to relax and enjoy more little things in life like the sunset. At least she got a kick out of the horses and the jellyfish.
I find a few things funny about GWOP.
1. The fact that they are so threatened by this site that they lurk and troll. I guess if its not within their control to block and pretend it doesn't exist (like MULTIPLE posts I've submitted that WERE NOT rude, disrespectful or in violation of their TOS. They simply argued intelligently against what was said.
2. The fact they cannot stop contradicting themselves, talking out of both sides of their mouths and overall sounding unintelligent. One one hand the claim (and this is a laughable claim) that their site is aimed at ending the so-called exploitation of the Gosselins yet, yesterday, someone said (when confronted) "That's not the only reason we're here." I think Im going to post a whole blog on this at my site.....grrrr
If you are so convinced of the validity in what you say, then why be so defensive....?
Sigh. Oddly, I don't "hate" Kate and Jon. I know that those who support them are not likely to accept that, but it's true. I feel strongly about their choices, and I really dislike the way they treat each other and especially the way they treat the kids, but I don't hate them.
I feel sorry for their children. It seems to me that if you're going to go to the trouble of superovulating, being hospitalized, and then choosing to get pregnant regardless of consequence, you might wish to actually enjoy your kids without cameras around all the time.
How well would I handle twins and sextuplets? I would never be stupid enough to deliberately get pregnant when there was the slightest chance of HOM's, so I guess we'll never know.
That also means I will raise any kids I have without selling them to the highest bidder. What a horrible life I will have, boo-hoo.
Kate and Jon have made a conscious choice to use their children to make money. Is that evil? Nope. But it is, IMO, very very wrong. They will reportedly do 40+ shows this season. I wonder how many repetitive "OK, just one more take of that" hours that ads up to?
Heck, J&K could have even chosen to do what other HOM families like the Dilleys and the Septuplet family have done, and offer once yearly updates in print and/or on TV, so that your kids can avoid being filmed in the tub, on the potty, and while having screaming fits. Why not present the family in a more positive light? Why make it nearly a sure thing those kids will be mocked by their peers at school, IF they are allowed to go to school?
Eventually, TLC will be seen as just as manipulative, and Jon and Kate just as money hungry as the parents of the Dionne Quintuplets, who literally put their kids on display like animals for money.
Sadly, that realization will not come soon enough to prevent the 8 little Gosselins from being harmed. I think, frankly, the only child with any hope of turning out "normal" is Mady. She is fighting the cameras, and whether it's conscious or unconscious, I applaud her for not passively allowing herself to be victimized.
The boys are seen as dirty, and are raised in a home where their father is constantly put down and humiliated.
The little girls are seen as perfect, deserving of all they can get, and quite spoiled. Cara is painfully shy, and avoids the cameras when possible.
What a great life they have.
IMO they do have a great life. They have parents that are home with them much of the time. They get to do a lot of fun things and go to a lot of great places. They live in a nice house and will soon move to a bigger house. They love each other a lot.
I think when they are grown they will be grateful for the family they grew up in, grateful for the memories and that they were filmed. :)
Sadly, that realization will not come soon enough to prevent the 8 little Gosselins from being harmed. I think, frankly, the only child with any hope of turning out "normal" is Mady. She is fighting the cameras, and whether it's conscious or unconscious, I applaud her for not passively allowing herself to be victimized.
The boys are seen as dirty, and are raised in a home where their father is constantly put down and humiliated.
The little girls are seen as perfect, deserving of all they can get, and quite spoiled. Cara is painfully shy, and avoids the cameras when possible.
So, apparently "Chick" is a psychologist who has examined these children and, based on her examination and professional experience, has made the conclusions she made about the children from the above post. Otherwise, I know she'd never be so irresponsible as to post an opinion on something she has no evidence of other than what she PERCEIVES from a tv show....or any professional expertise to draw on.
and before someone says "You don't have to be a psychologist to know x, y, and z" Pennsylvania law says you do...
Anon @ 7:35
Do you live in Pennsylvannia? I don't.
Have you heard of the concept of free speech? I have.
As far as I know there are no laws prohibiting anyone from making any sort of statements they want to make on-line.
Gosh, I bet I could even express MY OPINION in public if I chose to do so, and I wouldn't be breaking any laws.
Hmmm.. let's try this again. Mady is fighting back, which some people label as behavior that demonstrates a need of psychological intervention.
The "tups" use tanrums to get their ways, and Cara pouts if she has to do something she doesn't want to do.
Kate uses people and then throws them away. Jon can't hold a job.
Nope, no sirens.
Sorry to disappoint anon @ 7:35, but I guess I do have the right to say what I want, just like you do!
Are you the same chick that e-mailed me last week? If so, I replied but have not heard back.
Nope, sorry Nina, that's not me.
I just stumbled across this site yesterday. It's actually a decent balance to GWoP. Take both sides with a chunk of salt, and we're all likely close to the truth of the matter, don't you think?
And I know you didn't ask this, but I was once actually a fan of the show, before I heard and read some of the more damning info available. In fact, the older re-runs I've seen were even decent portrayals of Kate, who many people I know simply despise. I actually empathize with her in some ways. It can't be easy to be a clean freak with 8 little kids, you know?
But the more I watched, and read, the more I felt that something was rotten in Gosselin Land.
So here I am. Looking for more info, and "listening" to various opinions.
Welcome Chick,
You certainly will get them from the two sites.
"The "tups" use tanrums to get their ways, and Cara pouts if she has to do something she doesn't want to do."
I have never met a four year old that didn't throw a fit to get their way and pouting is something just about any 8 year old will do. I still am not seeing how the kids are screwed up. On GWOP today, someone said that Mady needed to be evaluated for mental issues. That's insane to think just from watching a TV show. Not to mention it's just down right mean!
boo-gwop, the trolls have been saying that ever since the show started. It's very sad to me that people make that assumption based on an edited show.
The CPS issue came up right after the show started too.
boo-gwop, that was kind of my point. I was responding to anon @ 7:35, who seemed to think I had no right to an opinion. They even implied I was breaking some sort of law!
I happen to agree with you re: the comment about Mady needing mental health evaluation. That was mean and uncalled for. Of course, I happen to think, as I said above, that Mady is least likely to be screwed up, because she's fighting back against the intrusions.
In my opinion, the G8 are not being well served by having their behaviors broadcast for the world to see. Why? Because you can bet there will be massive teasing from their peers in a few years. "Colin can't POOOOPPPP!" "Joel taths like thith!" "Mady isn't the one the tups loooove!" "Alexis is a whiinneeerrrrr!"
Many parents say such things about their kids. J&K say those things for posterity.
Is Alexis going to be all aglow with love when she sees her parents mocking her last second demands to go potty?
Will Joel hug mom and dad 15 years from now when the family views the MANY shows where J&K mock his speech?
Will Cara and Mady be thrilled that their little girl tantrums were caught on tape for countless thousands to enjoy?
Will Hannah be happy that her first boyfriend can see her first potty success?
Will Leah, Collin, and Aeden feel all warm and fuzzy when classmates ask why their mommy hits their daddy all the time?
Will all eight kids completely support J&K's decision to tease the boys with cupcakes (aka Cupcakegate) and then refuse to let them eat their treats?
I'm guessing that in 5, 10, 20 years, the kids will have a hell of a lot of anger. In fact, I wonder how many of them will have cut THEIR mom off, the way she has cut HER Mom and Dad off.
Of course, I could be wrong. Maybe it'll be like the start of the movie "the Truman Show", and the G8will never actually realize that they are a source of money for their parents and entertainment for many others.
Or maybe they will be delighted to have been able to support the family as toddlers and grade-schoolers. What do you think the chances are of that?
The CPS issue is insane too. I attempted majoring in social work and could only handle one semester of it. I was so depressed from the things I saw. My last day volunteering someone literally
fell out and died! My professors told me some stories that I will never forget! I respect social workers so much to deal with the things they have to deal with. They are over worked and under paid. They see some very depressing things on a daily basis! I can't imagine what CPS would have to say if some anti gosselin creeper called them saying the Gosselins were being abused. They would most likely laugh in their face! As if social workers have nothing better to do with their time then investigate the Gosselins. According GWoP, someone there is a social worker. I find that hard to believe. Any social worker with some experience would see that there is no harm being done to the kids. Maybe this person that claims to be a social worker at GWoP works in a perfect little town, full of perfect little people, raising perfect little children. These people just simply have nothing better to do. The tups and the twins are all doing just fine. They are living a better childhood then I ever did. I never had those experiences and I am happy for them to be able to. Kate has said that she wants her kids to experience things that she never got to do. I see nothing bad about that.
Lord knows I hate to agree with gwop about anything, but I am starting to think that the show should be cancelled. I'm not sure that's really what they want (what would they snark about then?)but it does say it in their ms.
It isn't that I think the parents have done anything wrong, lets just put that out there before someone thinks I've switched sides...lol Ironically enough, it's those who want to "protect" the kids that make me nervous.
Things have already gotten way out of control on gwop and other "kate-hate" blogs and I'm really concerned about the lengths that these people have gone to, and what they might try in the future.
I can't speak for j+k, but I'm a mom and I know that the things that are being said would scare the crap out of me. If it were me, it would only take one creepy Fiona comment about "joely" to end it.
oh, and did anyone see the comments from Fiona about emailing the pastor of a church where j+k are scheduled to speak?
She asked him to basically defend himself and his congregation for haveing the j+k speak there. He responded with ' j+k are in line with the beliefs of the church'.
So Sabrinasmom sent him another seething email questioning his integrity and accusing him of getting a cut of the "love offerings'.
I did not make this up. This is exactly the reason that I am so concerned for these kids.
did i read that "mady is in need of some psychological intervention"?
wwhhheeeww...glad my 9 yr old niece isn't filmed for all the world to see! she is def tempermental and can be emotional. my niece is surrounded by 2 loving parents and fully supported emotionally and physically.
i'm no psychologist, but i'm pretty sure that age is when they start really expressing emotion and it's perfectly normal! i can't wrap my mind around why ppl think an intervention should take place??? if mady or my niece or any child of their age DIDN'T show that type of emotion, than maybe their WOULD be a problem....
Social workers are not only overworked and understaffed, but in most cases, woefully underpaid. The last thing they want or need is false accusations and wastes of their time. They take that EXTREMELY seriously. I know someone in their field who used to get calls from ex-wives or girlfriends, saying "so and so at this address is beating her child." They'd get over there, a police officer in tow, and find out it was a false alarm and the accusation was made by a psycho ex who was stalking or harassing the accused "bad parent." Not only does that waste the social worker's time, but the policeman they had to drag along with them is mighty pissed, as well. Our tax dollars wasted! Gee, thanks, GWoP.
I'm concerned about the Gosselin family sightings post but it also makes me laugh a little.
Go back to it and replace Jon or Kate with Elvis or Jimmy Hoffa.
You'll get a chuckle.
Fanny - I saw it too. Can you imagine that poor pastor having to deal with emails from these crazy, nasty people? I guess they really, really can't see how they come off. They claim the site is there to save the children and yet its mostly just nasty name calling and stalking. They dont get it.
There certainly are some less than desirable issues within the Gosselin home, but I think no one can deny that Jon and Kate clearly love their children. Jon is better at seeing the children as individuals. Kate sees them as a group. However wacky they may act, they desire to make memories for their children, and spend quality family time together. The children get along well (for the most part), love one another, and are very polite. They have two parents who desire to be home more for their children, and whether it's right or not, the financial benefits of this show have assisted them in these desires. As a public school teacher, and someone who has to hotline families from time to time, I am very bothered by some of the serious accusations people make against the Gosselin family. Are they perfect? Far from it. Do they warrant a call to CPS? Absolutely not. I don't necessarily like Kate, but I believe she does know she has issues.
I think people really need to take a step back before they make such rash decisions to personally affect the lives of Jon and Kate. I love the show, but hope they stop filming soon for the safety and health of their family. Thank you for this website, and allowing me to post this. It would not have been allowed at the "other" site, I fear.
Do you live in Pennsylvannia? I don't.
Yes, I do and so do the Gosselins which is why PENNSYLVANIA law is more than relevant to the discussion.
Have you heard of the concept of free speech? I have. As far as I know there are no laws prohibiting anyone from making any sort of statements they want to make on-line.
Yeah, you're also free to say that neon pink elephants are responsible for global warming. Just because you have freedom of speech doesn't make what you say relevant. Care to comment on quantum physics? Global economics? Or anything else you are unqualified to talk about?
I'd actually love to have a reading from the crystal ball that you have. You have the capability of predicting how the Gosselin children will fair with their peers...really? You are also amazingly able to get into Mady's head and discuss as if you know it to be fact why Mady does what she does...I take that back, you aren't a psychologist, you're a psychic.
Mady is fighting back, which some people label as behavior that demonstrates a need of psychological intervention
Hmmm...is the the same Mady that seeks out cameras, loves to talk in front of others, and is usually the first to want to be in the limelight (Go watch some Youtube episodes of their media appearances)? I think it's also the same Mady who, during the photo shoot for season three, posed like she was on the runway. In the last episode, she was a big focal point. Yeah, seems like she's really fighting.
The "tups" use tanrums to get their ways, and Cara pouts if she has to do something she doesn't want to do.
I love that you used this talking point (which by the way demonstrated that you don't even have a basic understanding of child development) and then when someone calls you out on the ridiculousness of this statement you say "that was kind of my point. I was responding to anon @ 7:35, who seemed to think I had no right to an opinion"
It was your point to make a ridiculous and illogical argument to back of your other point (which was also ridiculous and illogical)....
You can have your opinion all you want but don't expect the rest of the world to take you seriously with these types of "air tight" arguments.
and one more thing Of course, I could be wrong. Maybe it'll be like the start of the movie "the Truman Show", and the G8will never actually realize that they are a source of money for their parents and entertainment for many others. I'm pretty sure this isn't an original thought as this analogy is posted all over GWoP...so, maybe you should go back and copy and paste some more of their arguments then come back and use them....oh wait, you're already doing that...
I work for social services and so does my husband. He has worked in Child Protection for over 10 years now. He's now working in an intensive treatment unit that does a lot of family and individual groups. He and I watch the show together. From what has been displayed on the show there isn't even cause for an investigation. Out of all the people who watch the show, I'm sure there are a lot who are actually in a postition where they could determine if there was absuse shown and would contact proper authorities if it was waranted.
**again posting as Anon because I don't need everyone knowing my job. :) **
I also saw the comment they left to the preacher. Fiona edited her post and took down her comment to the pastor. She left up the fact that she wrote him, but took down the actual email. I emailed the preacher and told him that not everyone thinks that way. He emailed me back and was very nice about it. They just can't seem to understand why a preacher wouldn't reply back to them with the same hatred. They are so weird and can not handle the fact that not everyone thinks like them!
Anon 8:34,
Good for you for emailing the Pastor! The lengths these people go to is very sad. :(
I can understand why some people would write to a pastor about their concerns, but since I'm not an activist I probably wouldn't. I do think the Gosselins have a lot of nerve to ask for "love offerings" when they are already receiving a lot of money from ticket sales. And, although I don't think J&K are the greatest parents, I see no reason for anyone to "call CPS" and I haven't seen anyone on the GWoP say CPS should be called. I do think laws regarding kids on reality shows should be reviewed and tightened, though, for several reasons.
anon 7:57, if my comments are so irrelevant and foolish and what have you, why do you bother wasting your precious time and remarkable intellect responding? Why not just ignore silly old me?
That said....
--Do you live in Pennsylvannia? I don't.
----Yes, I do and so do the Gosselins which is why PENNSYLVANIA law is more than relevant to the discussion.
--------I still don't get why PA state law has anything to do with a free online exchange of thoughts and opinions. Please explain this, citing relevant PA laws that prohibit anyone from discussing PA issues and citizens on-line?
Have you heard of the concept of free speech?
--I have. As far as I know there are no laws prohibiting anyone from making any sort of statements they want to make on-line.
----Yeah, you're also free to say that neon pink elephants are responsible for global warming. Just because you have freedom of speech doesn't make what you say relevant. Care to comment on quantum physics? Global economics? Or anything else you are unqualified to talk about?
--------No, I'll leave the ignorant commenting to you.
----I'd actually love to have a reading from the crystal ball that you have. You have the capability of predicting how the Gosselin children will fair with their peers...really? You are also amazingly able to get into Mady's head and discuss as if you know it to be fact why Mady does what she does...I take that back, you aren't a psychologist, you're a psychic.
--------Damn! I've been unmasked! BTW, it's "fare" not "fair.
--Mady is fighting back, which some people label as behavior that demonstrates a need of psychological intervention
----Hmmm...is the the same Mady that seeks out cameras, loves to talk in front of others, and is usually the first to want to be in the limelight (Go watch some Youtube episodes of their media appearances)? I think it's also the same Mady who, during the photo shoot for season three, posed like she was on the runway. In the last episode, she was a big focal point. Yeah, seems like she's really fighting.
--------Yep, the Mady who sprays water at the cameras whenever she can, scowls at the cameras, etc. The Mady who's got enough spirit to defy her OCD mom on occasiona, who hasn't been broken yet by the disdain her parents have on occasion publicly expressed toward her. I really like Mady.
--The "tups" use tanrums to get their ways, and Cara pouts if she has to do something she doesn't want to do.
----I love that you used this talking point (which by the way demonstrated that you don't even have a basic understanding of child development) and then when someone calls you out on the ridiculousness of this statement you say "that was kind of my point. I was responding to anon @ 7:35, who seemed to think I had no right to an opinion"
----It was your point to make a ridiculous and illogical argument to back of your other point (which was also ridiculous and illogical)....
----You can have your opinion all you want but don't expect the rest of the world to take you seriously with these types of "air tight" arguments.
--------Whoosh! Right over your head. And kindly don't ASSume you have any idea what kind of knowledge or experience I have, OK? Also, if you think "the world" is reading this website, you are kind of silly. I am stating my opinions. I have no expectations that I will be "taken seriously" by people like you, who see threats and insults in posts on a blog. All you take seriously is yourself, right? So seriously do you take yourself that I am almost forced to mock you.
--and one more thing Of course, I could be wrong. Maybe it'll be like the start of the movie "the Truman Show", and the G8will never actually realize that they are a source of money for their parents and entertainment for many others.
----I'm pretty sure this isn't an original thought as this analogy is posted all over GWoP...so, maybe you should go back and copy and paste some more of their arguments then come back and use them....oh wait, you're already doing that...
--------Oh, so sorry. Is there another movie that fits the image of intrusive cameras filming all of someone's life and them showing it for public consumption? Please tell me what it is, and I will make sure to reference it next time.
P.S. Any response to the idea that making "family memories" widely available to anyone with the $$ to buy a DVD will ultimately have a negative effect on the G8? Please, share with silly little me your great knowledge? And be sure to make the point that absolutely NO kids the age of the G8 at any time now or in the future will have ever watched them on TV. That's a classic!
I can't speak for anon but I don't think that anyone who frequents this site believes that the world is reading what we say or even cares.
To Anon 6:45 a.m.
Thank you. I appreciate everything you had to say. It's much in line with my own thinking in the matter.
The only caveat I would make is to say that I think Kate does try and see them as individuals. Perhaps Jon may be better at that, but I have seen her acting where she is clearly focused on one child and that child's feelings. An example that comes to mind was "Movie Night". Hannah (her supposed favorite) was on Alexis' bed (you know the one in the dark dingy basement that everyone is up in arms about). Alexis' became upset about Hannah being "on her bed". Jon dismissed Alexis because (I think) he was on the bed too (snuggling with Hannah) and didn't want to deal with it. Kate spoke up a couple of times and said "Jon, that's her (Alexis') bed." She seemed to recognize that the children have little space of their own and their own beds probably have more meaning for them because of that. Also, Kate is generally very good about letting the twins have their own space (i.e., sitting at a table apart from the sextuplets when they go out to eat), etc.
I don't think any of us can really appreciate how hard it is to deal with eight individual personalities day in day out. Sure they make mistakes all the time, but I think generally they have good intentions. And I think Kate gets a bum rap far more often than she really deserves.
I agree with what you said, Anya, about Kate seeing the children as individuals. I think she does, too, I don't think I was clear in explaining that I think on the whole, Jon tends to focus slightly more on the individual than Kate. I don't mean that as a bad thing at all, just different perspectives. She certainly does focus on both the group, and the individual.
I don't feel like I can criticize Kate much, as irritating as I may sometimes find her. Like you said, I have no clue how I would respond to that stress.
I would really love to be a fly on the wall in the homes of the posters who so vehemently criticize J&K's parenting skills.
It would be utterly fascinating to observe such paragons of virtue raise their children.
anon 7:57, if my comments are so irrelevant and foolish and what have you, why do you bother wasting your precious time and remarkable intellect responding?
Never claimed to have a remarkable intellect or say I'm better than you. I can apologize for the sarcasm in my tone but I won't apologize for challenging your post. That's generally what happens on blogs..someone posts something and someone else may disagree, then a discussion starts...but wait, you're from GWoP where if someone disagrees, the post doesn't see the light of day...so you may not be used to this process.
I still don't get why PA state law has anything to do with a free online exchange of thoughts and opinions. Please explain this, citing relevant PA laws that prohibit anyone from discussing PA issues and citizens on-line?
Are we on a different universe, or did you not say in your original post that Sadly, that realization will not come soon enough to prevent the 8 little Gosselins from being harmed. I think, frankly, the only child with any hope of turning out "normal" is Mady. She is fighting the cameras, and whether it's conscious or unconscious, I applaud her for not passively allowing herself to be victimized.
The boys are seen as dirty, and are raised in a home where their father is constantly put down and humiliated.
The little girls are seen as perfect, deserving of all they can get, and quite spoiled. Cara is painfully shy, and avoids the cameras when possible.
This "opinions," as you claim, state..the little girls ARE SEEN....Cara IS....The Boys ARE....this reads as fact not opinion. And my original post, albeit not all that polite, was calling to question how you were able to arrive at these conclusions when you don't know the family and I'd bet money on the fact that you don't have an advanced degree in psychology (if you did, you'd never act as if you 'know what is going on' based on an edited television series).
Mady is fighting back, which some people label as behavior that demonstrates a need of psychological intervention if squirting a spray bottle at a camera (and this happened ONCE...not "WHENEVER SHE GETS THE CHANCE TO"), looking away for a second, swatting people away when you're angry, and having a tantrum are behaviors to you that "demonstrate the need for psychological intervention" then I am even more convinced that you've never actually MET a child.
I'm sorry that I'm making a ASSumptions about you, based on what I'm reading on a blog without getting to know you...It's not nice when people do that in fact, it's really annoying, isn't it? But its more than ok for you and the lunatic stalkers at GWoP to do make assumptions and speculations about the Gosselin family and their mental health then post it as if its a fact you can back up.
Oh, so sorry. Is there another movie that fits the image of intrusive cameras filming all of someone's life and them showing it for public consumption? Please tell me what it is, and I will make sure to reference it next time.
No, see, I'm all out of fictional stories to share with you. GWoP is coming up with enough of it for all of us.
(and, therein lies your problem, you need someone to GIVE you a thought...and they call Kate supporters Sheeple?)
Oh, and here's a freebie for you...
--------Damn! I've been unmasked! BTW, it's "fare" not "fair. and its P-E-N-N-S-Y-L-V-A-N-I-A, not PennsylvaNNia. But I give you that one....one point for finding a typo in my post....if you can't out-argue, might as well proofread :-)
Oh, so sorry. Is there another movie that fits the image of intrusive cameras filming all of someone's life and them showing it for public consumption? Please tell me what it is, and I will make sure to reference it next time.
And therein, sweetie, lies the problem. You need people to think for you and feed you what "fits" and what is true." I have no idea where "Do you think the world is reading this blog" came from....As Nina Bell said...." we don't the world is reading what we say or even cares"
igwhnbtd, aka nina,
I can't speak for anon but I don't think that anyone who frequents this site believes that the world is reading what we say or even cares."
Oh, I know there isn't worldwide interest here. :-) Just a bunch of people who share a common interest, even though the two main groups are poles apart.
My anon admirer seems to disagree, but.....
anon, YOU said the stuff about the world. I responded.
I quote:
"You can have your opinion all you want but don't expect the rest of the world to take you seriously with these types of "air tight" arguments."
August 13, 2008 7:57 AM
and then you say:
"I have no idea where "Do you think the world is reading this blog" came from....As Nina Bell said...." we don't the world is reading what we say or even cares""
August 13, 2008 4:20 PM
Go back and check for yourself. Sweetie.
FYI, the definition of opinion
{quoted here and cited in the post link:
"o·pin·ion /əˈpɪnyən/ noun
1. a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.
2. a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.
3. the formal expression of a professional judgment: to ask for a second medical opinion.
4. Law. the formal statement by a judge or court of the reasoning and the principles of law used in reaching a decision of a case.
5. a judgment or estimate of a person or thing with respect to character, merit, etc.: to forfeit someone's good opinion.
6. a favorable estimate; esteem: I haven't much of an opinion of him."}
certainly matches exactly what I am writing here. If you want to try to argue that point, feel free to find where I said I KNOW that the opinions I offer are true. Just don't come back with lame stuff like this:
"This "opinions," as you claim, state..the little girls ARE SEEN....Cara IS....The Boys ARE....this reads as fact not opinion. And my original post, albeit not all that polite, was calling to question how you were able to arrive at these conclusions when you don't know the family and I'd bet money on the fact that you don't have an advanced degree in psychology (if you did, you'd never act as if you 'know what is going on' based on an edited television series)."
I thought most relatively intelligent people would comprehend and understand I was not presenting anything as a statement of truth, rather as my OPINION. I am JUDGING the members of this show. I am ESTIMATING and APRAISING what I see.
But just for you, here's my very own personal disclaimer. ****What I write is my opinion, shaped by my observations, by the comments of people on a variety of G-Blogs, and by the attitudes of said people when they are commenting.****
And just in case you still don't get it, here's something YOU said (also at 7:57 am...)
"is the the same Mady that seeks out cameras, loves to talk in front of others, and is usually the first to want to be in the limelight"
Now I get to respond like you!
How dare you state that Mady loves the spotlight and seeks out the camera? Have you got PROOF that she truly feels that way? Have you MET her, or are you just using your psychic abilities to tell us things?
Bye now sugar!
And just to complete my transformation from mature adult to educationally precocious yet emotionally slow 7 year old....
(I would say "I know you are, but what am I?", and then "Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah!!!!", but I think that might be too much...)
fgf said...
They found out Jon and Kate's address in Virginia and posted it on the Internet before they even had a chance to buy the place! Awesome display of mad stalking skillz!
In all seriousness how is looking up a house for sale shown on TV stalking? Isn't that kind of stretching the facts? Jon and Kate didn't even want the house.
I'm really tired of arguing with you but, just because I can't leave it alone totally....
FYI, the definition of opinion
{quoted here and cited in the post link:
"o·pin·ion /əˈpɪnyən/ noun
1. a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty. ......
and on, and on, we get the picture
I'm glad you learned how to use dictionary.com. Now look up the definitions of psychological damage, abuse, and exploitation. While your at it, google "when is psychological intervention needed." I'm glad you are beginning to educate yourself. Make your momma proud.
And with that, I will no longer to continue this debate...its getting circular and uninteresting in my opinion (see, thats how we distinguish fact from opinion when writing...or did you sleep through that part of English composition)
Let's just agree to disagree. I wont post any more replies because, frankly, the discussion is old and I think we've both made our points.
dawnydell said....
In all seriousness how is looking up a house for sale shown on TV stalking? Isn't that kind of stretching the facts? Jon and Kate didn't even want the house.
Whether or not it is stalking, it certainly shows the individual(s) who did this appear to be way over-invested in the Gosselin's. Whether it's to "get them" or just because they want to be the 1st one on the block (I mean blog) to get the information and disseminate it, it borders on the creepy. Once again, the word "boundaries" comes to my mind. Where are they?
The fact that J&K did not want the house is not the point. We all know if and when they eventually move, we will have the same circus all over again with the address, house layout, price, etc. being researched and then distributed for all the eager eyes to see.
JON, honey, is that you???
someone suspects that Jon is posting on here? Will this alleged post be "retained" at GWoP along with the rest of the fictional "Jon" posts?
It would be fun if Jon really did post here but I kind of doubt he has the time.
Anyone could easily find out about the house the Gosselins looked at in Virginia. There was an article in the local paper about it. Who cares; they weren't going to buy it, it was just filmed for the show.
To those who say that the kids get to go a lot of fun places and do a lot of fun things: perhaps, but they are rushed through some of these places just to accommodate the filming,it appears. Also sometimes it seems to me the kids don't have much fun because of Kate's obsession with them not getting dirty. I don't see this as "abuse" though, and I've never seen anything that would cause anyone to "call CPS". What are people wanting to call CPS about?
I think Chick needs a "time out."
Seems to be a common thread when GWoP defenders come a callin'. They start out somewhat rational and then gradually drop the polite persona when they realize no one is being convinced of their mission of mercy. However, they continue to post, but the posts get longer and longer, and more rambling and accusatory. Oh, and they always have to have the last word, of course....just like Kate!
MCB, did you not see above where I admitted acting like a hyper-intelligent and emotionally stunted 7 yo where "anon" is concerned?
And please do take note that I let the discussion go with old "anon". There were lots of things I could have said to anon, but I don't really have the time or the energy to discuss something with a poster who refuses to answer most of my questions and responds to only a very few of my points.
nomoredrama, I know my sense of humor is a little tough to "get", but I was having a little laugh at anon's expense when I asked if Jon was here. Do I think Jon and Kate read all the blogs they can? Maybe. Do I think anything *I* said would catch their attention? Not likely.
This forum is, in it's own way, just as extreme as GWoP. Here, any criticism of JK* gets jumped on. There, any support of JK8 gets jumped on. No one on either blog has any need to feel that they are somehow "above it all" - from what I've read, we're all at about the same level of crazy.
Probably true Chick, and we all seem to be having quite a time getting to that level of crazy. And defending our points of view.
Far be it from me to deny that I'm crazy, but I see posting on this (or any) blog as fundamentally different from doing "outside" things - tracking down info on people associated with J&K+8, contacting various entities: essentially trying to interfere with the Gosselins' lives. I don't think people who just post on GWoP are crazy - though I think if you're posting stuff about wanting to see Kate "rot" or about how you worry that when the show ends Kate will "keep the kids away from you", you may be on the exit to Crazytown.
I'll cop to occasional forays into overinvestment. Ultimately, this is entertainment for me; I'm not on a mission and I don't have an agenda. It's easy to get caught up in wanting to win an argument or have the last word, and I don't think either side is more guilty of that than the other.
'This forum is, in it's own way, just as extreme as GWoP. Here, any criticism of JK* gets jumped on. There, any support of JK8 gets jumped on. No one on either blog has any need to feel that they are somehow "above it all" - from what I've read, we're all at about the same level of crazy'
Possibly, but the one huge difference IMO, is that GWOP is so full of outlandish accusations and speculation. There's so much frenzy and hysteria its almost laughable. But I must say, there is a new post (Something about Kate Lightening Up) that I thought was well-written. Maybe some of the more over-the-top posters should take the hint and lighten up also.
And please do take note that I let the discussion go with old "anon". There were lots of things I could have said to anon, but I don't really have the time or the energy to discuss something with a poster who refuses to answer most of my questions and responds to only a very few of my points.
For the record, chick...I ended the discussion...you would have continued if I did....as evidenced by the fact that you still can't let it go
(though, I admit I am guilty of this too...it must be the Irish in me, always up for a good debate)
P.S. Loved your ridiculous conspiracy theory on GWoP about Kate deliberately getting pregnant with sextuplets. Brilliant logic once again...but I digress.
And isn't is exactly like a GWoPer to twist the truth like that.
but they are rushed through some of these places just to accommodate the filming,it appears.
They do appear to rush, especially in large crowds but that could be for any number of reasons...not necessarily the film crew. You see this quite often with 'celebrities' and J & K, while certainly not A list, are well known enough that people want to stop to talk to them.
Oh, anon, are you stalking me?
Can't believe I already have attreacted THAT much crazy. You must be a very very bored person to be that interested in what I say and where I go on-line.
Poor thing.
I guess you need to have whatever fun you can, so feel free to keep taking digs, and yapping about me. I find it hilarious.
And pathetic, of course.
Bye for now, malicious little troll!
No, No, silly...don't flatter yourself. I visit GWoP and this board, and another board where your comment was actually featured by one of the members and ridiculed....so your brilliance is attracting the attention of others. I'd be happy to provide the link for you if you'd like...it's actually quite humorous.
And, as you say, pathetic.
Ummm you read both blogs so if she does the same she is "stalking" you? You do fit in well there with your conspiracy theorys and name calling, I give you that!
Oh, anon, are you stalking me?
I have to say, the comment over there from the person who said she dies a little inside because the sheeple are never gonna get it made me nearly spit water on my monitor. She doesnt die a little inside over the poor kids being called nasty names on the blog or about these people following the family around. Im pretty sure that if I start to "die a little inside" over this show I will be with it enough to step away from the TV/computer. The dramatics alone there make their "mission" laughable.
Maybe some of the more over-the-top posters should take the hint and lighten up also.
I think they called it the overstimulated ovary conspiracy but overstimulated ovarygate is shorter.
and another board where your comment was actually featured by one of the members and ridiculed....so your brilliance is attracting the attention of others.
Im pretty sure that if I start to "die a little inside" over this show I will be with it enough to step away from the TV/computer.
Great post!! I'm with you! I am not a Kate fan, but nothing Kate does is going to affect my life in the slightest, nor will it affect that poor person who is "dying a little inside" as we speak.
If one's insides die, what happens to the outside? Just askin.....
Nancy said...
"If one's insides die, what happens to the outside? Just askin....."
Ewww. Good question. I'd prefer not to think about it.
"nothing Kate does is going to affect my life in the slightest, nor will it affect that poor person who is "dying a little inside""
Exactly! This is exactly the type of post where the poster should take a step back and say, 'you know what - watching the show and discussing it is just too upsetting for me. I'm going to take a break.'
For the sake of her mental health, I hope she does.
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