Jon and Kate express their appreciation for how fortunate they are to have all their needs met, so this holiday season they want to give back to others who are not as fortunate. The whole family visits a children's hospital to give holiday gifts.
There is also an article on the St. Jude's website entitled: "Jon & Kate Plus 8 visits St. Jude to teach their children about giving."
1 – 200 of 238 Newer› Newest»Can't wait to watch!
Okay, allow me be the first to call what gwoppers will say..."that's damage control"..blah blah blah
I see that they traveled all the way to St. Jude's. Why did they have to go so far, to give gifts. Why couldn't they give back to their own community, that has done so much for them?
happymama said...
I see that they traveled all the way to St. Jude's. Why did they have to go so far, to give gifts. Why couldn't they give back to their own community, that has done so much for them?
Interesting that they went to St. Judes. I see your point about giving back locally. It appears that are focused on using their 'celebrity' to give children's cancer charities publicity (I am thinking of the garage sale, etc.)
I just wonder how emotional an episode it will be. I have a hard time watching the St. Judes commercials that are periodically shown. I am *not* proud of that. It's just a tough thing having to watch these precious young ones and their families deal with such an awful illness.
Anyway, it will be interesting to see how it's handled and I am sure St. Judes appreciates the recognition.
I agree with you. I too have a hard time watching the St. Jude's commercials. It makes me feel sad. But, St. Jude's is a wonderful place for children in need of treatment. They do an excellent service, and I am happy that the Gosselins went there. I know that St. Jude's doe appreciate it.
It looks like the green wagon in the picture has the "Multiple Blessings" books in it. Could those have been some of the gifts that they gave out?
Of course they are crying "damage control." In fact, the show hasn't even aired and they are complaining over there already. lol
I of course had to leave a comment asking them why they complain when they don't give back then when they do they complain about that too. And, not only that, they are now complaining about how J&K went all the way to St. Jude to donate rather than donate in their own area. WTF? They are just unreal!!!!
So now they complain about who they are giving back/donating to. It never ends. J&K can't win.
I remember hearing Kate say they support St. Jude's and pediatric cancer research.
Perhaps happymama they did give back to their own community, it's just St.Jude's that's featured for this show(which will most likely generate donations to St. Jude's). If using their "celebrity" causes donations then that is a good thing.
It is indeed terrible to see kids with cancer. Their lives are so young and they are so brave. A lot of posters say that their children watch the show. This could quite be educational and teach them that not all kids are healthy (like those in their direct lives) and to empathize and sympathize with sick kids. What a great lesson.
Damage Control..whatever! What's wrong with St.Judes? I can't wait to watch this episode. Showing your children to give is a wonderful thing. Someone will find something to complain about it. Children with cancer will benefit from it and it's a blessing! And imo IF gwoppers are going to boycott St. Judes then they should be ashamed of themselves because life isn't always about their snarky hate for Kate Gosselin. Children deserve to have the best medical care in the world and does it really matter who promotes their charity and Hospital?
I personally don't care where they give back so long as they are doing it.
I always work long, long days on Mondays so I doubt I'll be home until after the episode airs but I'll be sure to DVR it like I always do.
I love St. Jude's--great facility for children! :-) I'm confused about what the Gosselins actually gave. In the article, they mention the toys from Kmart and $1/person. So they gave $10 plus some toys? Does that sound correct? I guess I am going to have to wait and see the show but I guess I thought they would be bringing toys and the check from the yard sale? Maybe the check went to another charity? Anyway, just wondered if anyone knew more.
There is a business behind all of this and that's what I think a lot of people don't seem to understand and I think that's what generates all the hate towards Jon and Kate.
St. Jude's is a highly recognizable charity that is not camera shy. Jon and Kate have given to cancer research before and thus TLC worked with St. Jude's to allow the show to be filmed there. It's a win-win no matter how you look at it. St. Jude's gets exposure, J&K give back, kids with cancer get a cool experience and TLC gets a show.
Could they have given their time to a charity back home? Well who is to say that they have not? Just because it has not been filmed doesn't mean it doesn't happen. It's funny that people take everything else they don't see to be fact but this they can't fathom for the life of them.
Many charitable organizations, specifically smaller once are less inclined to open their doors to an entire camera crew. Let's remember that Jon and Kate are not from a sprawling metropolis (at least not by my NYC standards)
The business and legal issues surrounding such a production seems to be forgotten or perhaps just not understood.
A lot of people have made mention that the kids don't "play" with other kids, or that other kids haven't been present with the exception of close family friends. The explanation for that is simple as well in order for a child to be shown on television interacting with the Gosselins consent forms and releases all have to be signed. Many many parents won't do that because they fear for the safety of their children (with good reason)
If you look at a show like LPBW you see the same 5 friends over and over again. It's not that they don't have more than 5 friends. It is just that those friends' parents were willing to sign off on it.
I have visited St. Jude's hospital. We give to them monthly. They are an awesome hospital.
Those commercials are hard to see sometimes, but just think how they hit home with so many thousands of people. And, non of our families are immune to having any terrible illness or disease strike any of our own family members or close friends.
We have a child in our family with leukemia (ALL). He just turned 4. His treatment ends next August.
I think it's great that the Gs are giving - staged or not. It is awesome pr for St. Jude's and even better awareness for these types of childhood diseases.
This seems like a really heart felt, generous episode. I am excited to see the kids responses to all of the children who are sick, as well as if Kate is shown going through a "this could happen to any of my children" kind of moment.
At this point though they really are damned if they do, damned if they don't. People complain that Jon and Kate never give back (on the show, since we have no way of knowing what their actual charitable donations are), then its shown as a part of the show and its damage control. How is that fair? The response is always that this doesn't have to be on TV, but at the same time when its not then haters speculate that Jon and Kate are going about with their selfish lives.
There is something so wrong with the way some people think-- I can't imagine living my life waiting for someone to fail, especially when that someone is a stranger who has a TV show. Must be a really sad, lonely existence. This Christmas season Jon and Kate used their show to help a cause which any person should find worthy-- consider yourself blessed that your child is not in St Jude's and move on.
An excellent charity and a great show idea!
Well done, Gosselins!
In addition to what Andie says, St. Jude Hospital makes a big fundraising effort every December. It makes sense that the Gs would connect with their charity especially this time of year.
Good for them and good for St. Jude's.
I cannot wait for tonights show, I think it will be interesting to see how the kids and J&K react. I am glad to see that they are going to St Jude's I love this hospital and what they do. If I had a child with cancer it would be the place I would want to go.
I think them bringing the kids gifts is a great idea more than donating a check and just walking through the hospital...no child should have to spend Christmas (or any day) in the hospital and the kids will remember the gift more than someone who brought some money (I know they need the money too).
Lizabeth wrote:
The response is always that this doesn't have to be on TV, but at the same time when its not then haters speculate that Jon and Kate are going about with their selfish lives.
That's the part that always gets me. They bitch up a storm when they decide that J&K do not "give back" and then they bitch up a storm when they are shown giving back. Nothing is ever good enough. Now they are emailing St Judes with their crazy nonsense. I admit that I enjoy reading their delusions of grandeur. They really do think that hateful email after hateful email from a couple dozen people to pastors, P&G, and St Judes will be the downfall of this family. Meanwhile, hundreds of people stand in line for a chance to meet Kate.
Apparently J&K had $1.00 added on to their Kmart bill to donate to St. Judes. ($1.00 per person)
This demonstration of how easy it is to add that amount to your bill is being criticized. I would think that some of those posters might be visited by three spirits on Christmas Eve.
Lizabeth said. consider yourself blessed that your child is not in St Jude's and move on.
Yes Yes Yes.
I have a friend whose job requires him to sometime dress as a mascot and visit the children's ward. He's always affected by the children in good and hard ways, and it takes him a while to get back to normal.
Making more Christmas candy..yum.
I am glad to see that Jon and Kate appear to be givng back and perhaps have come to realize what they do have, and how lucky they are. (Not blessed, but lucky)
Celebrity's have always been in a unique situation that allows their voice or presence to be associated with a charity to gain awareness. This is a good thing.
But don't we all know that Jennifer Aniston and Robin Williams were not a paid spokesperson?
The only thing I see wrong with this, and I think it is TERRIBLY wrong, if indeed the G's are being paid their normal fee for this episode.
If that is the case, they aren't really giving at all-but just using a cause like St. Judes to further their own celebrity.
Teaching their kids to give back, to learn about sick children is an important lesson. But we don't have to see the G kids on TV, on Jon and Kate Plus 8, visiting St. Judes to accomplish this. I can guarantee the local media covered this quite well.
Why make a show out if it unless Jon and Kate plan to add to that $10 contribution at KMART the proceeds of this show.
Yes, it is good they are shown giving back-I just hope their intentions were pure.
So untill I see the credits roll that the entire proceeds of tonight's show will be donated to St. Judes hosptial, then to me it was just a media event.
I don't think Jon and Kate have to damned if they do-but low key would have been just as effective in what they wanted to accomplish.
And as far as givng locally, maybe the do-I hope so...but working in a huge medical facility myself, and with very sick children who are often times dying, I see nothing wrong with choosing a hospital at Christmas time if that is what moves you.
When my daughter was younger, every December we went thru here toys that she had outgrown and took them to the children's hospital where we live.
She got her picture taken and got to help sort the toys with the volunteers. It was an amazing experience for her that she still remembers.
Looking at this simply and even religiously--what is wrong with people helping people?
Who knows if they were invited or invited themselves. The point for me is that I have personally extra knowledge of St. Jude's. Doesn't that make this successful?
Does anything else really matter?
Hope everyone has happy, healthy holidays.
Lizabeth said..
There is something so wrong with the way some people think-- I can't imagine living my life waiting for someone to fail, especially when that someone is a stranger who has a TV show. Must be a really sad, lonely existence. This Christmas season Jon and Kate used their show to help a cause which any person should find worthy-- consider yourself blessed that your child is not in St Jude's and move on.
December 15, 2008 5:28 AM
EXCELLENT Lizabeth. Excellent and so right on!
If you read the article carefully you will see that the Gosselin kids were not in the hospital but on a closed-circuit television outside where they could talk to and wave to the patients. Good thing i guess cause there is no telling what kinds of germs those kids had. But they could have done the same thing from PA via Satelite.
I guess the point in this episode is to show that they are in fact giving back to a VERY worthy cause. If thats called "Damage Control" or not.... St. Jude's got their money.
The problem i have and i also stated this over at GWOP, The State of PA and their residents have given so much to the Gosselins, the least they could have done was give back locally to boost the local economy. This did not need to be broadcasted for a J&K+8 episode, it could have even been done annoymously. But because they are receiving so much flack for being a "greedy", "give me, give me, give me", "i'll take anything thats free" family this was the only way to make people see the opposite.
The icing on the cake though is only adding $1 per person to the donation. This family is raking in Millions of dollars and THATS all they could top off?? COME ON!! The toys were from Kmart, and seeing as though Kate is a spokesperson, the toys were more than likely free to her. And because Kmart is a sponsor of the Thanks & Giving Campaign at St. Jude, Jon & Kate should not be receiving credit for this donation. The only donation they gave was $10 bucks and their time. How do you call that "giving back"?
I cant wait to see this episode and I think it's great that they wer there and tht itwas filmed. St. Jude's is very well known but the more publicity they get the more donations they get as well. There are people who will see tonght's episode and donate- period. St. Jude knows that, as do the Gosselins and TlC. People complain when what they give is made public- but if it isnt on camera it is assumed that they don't give at all. Typical. Anyway I look forward to seeing it air but the St. Jude specials are so painful to watch, hopefully we will see some smiles on those precious little faces.
The problem i have and i also stated this over at GWOP, The State of PA and their residents have given so much to the Gosselins, the least they could have done was give back locally to boost the local economy. This did not need to be broadcasted for a J&K+8 episode, it could have even been done annoymously. But because they are receiving so much flack for being a "greedy", "give me, give me, give me", "i'll take anything thats free" family this was the only way to make people see the opposite.
I don't understand. You're saying the Gosselins could have contributed to Pennsylvania charities anonymously, but you're assuming they haven't? Or that they should not do so anonymously because they need to prove to people that they are "giving back"?
I really think it hardly matters. It's not as if the whole state of Pennsylvania hates the Gosselins. It's not as if the whole state helped them, except those that did so as taxpayers, and the Gosselins certainly haven't been the only beneficiaries of taxpayer funds.
So, people who hate the Gosselins, inside and outside of PA, are going to continue to hate them. I firmly believe that there is NOTHING that Jon and Kate Gosselin can do that will be viewed in anything other than a completely negative light by these people.
In general, I really don't like to see criticism of charity, either for it not being enough or it not going to the right recipients. It just seems like bad form to criticize others for giving. I would suggest that people worry about themselves and how charitable they are being, rather than criticizing other people for not being charitable in the right way.
The problem i have and i also stated this over at GWOP, The State of PA and their residents have given so much to the Gosselins, the least they could have done was give back locally to boost the local economy. This did not need to be broadcasted for a J&K+8 episode, it could have even been done annoymously.
How do you know they haven't SAHM? Your own statement was that it could be done anonymously. Anonymity = no one knows.
SAHM: There time goes along way. I used to work for the Children's Wish Foundation in Canada. Time is the most giving gift. To bring in the most money you get people who are well known to help support your cause to get the most donations. Don't think Jennifer Aniston, Robin Williams, Antonio Banderas etc isn't doing this for free. I can't say they are neither but most celebrities ask for a fee to use their likiness for a cause. Charities are willing to spend a fee for celebrities knowing they get times fold in donations from that said celebrity. Who care if Jon and Kate went to St.Judes and if it means more donations for the Childrens Research Hospital the power to them. Stop making it a how dare the Gosselin's do this because Children benefit from it. That's the most important blessing!
What a wonderful thing the Gosselins are able to do and a great cause they are giving to!
I am sure that they are so happy to be in a position to be giving back!!
I am excited to see the show!! I am sure it will be very nice!
This is a nice way to kick off the holiday season!
I was going to write a lengthy response to some of the more *unique* posts on this thread re: how much the Gs gave; why they didn't give locally; blah, blah, blah.
Instead I'm going to send a "God bless us all, everyone" to some of our more unique posters.
If reading about people giving toys to a bunch of chronically ill and dying kids can tap into anger and judgement, then watching the actual episode is going to really unleash it.
Geez oh Pete, it's the holiday season.
"God bless us all, everyone."
Linda, you are so right!
I am thrilled to see the Gosselins giving back and St. Judes is a wonderful charity. I am looking forward to seeing this episode!
People who question others' charity is just wrong. If we questioned them on who and what and how they donated their money/time this year, I'm sure we won't get many answers. Or at least truthful answers.
Not to get all religous here, but I am a woman of Christian faith and I believe that this is yet another way the Lord has provided for the Gosselins. He's put them in a position to brighten the smile of a sick child and hopefully generate more donations to pediatric cancer research. The G's are His messengers.
Theresa and Linda...I couldn't agree with both of you ladies more!!
To the people who questioned the dollar thing.....has anyone stopped to think that it was probably while they were in Kmart at the checkout counter that they were asked "Would you like to donate a dollar to St. Jude?" (you know how they do that periodically at the stores) and they said yes. But, that doesn't mean they haven't given more in some other way directly to the organization.
Some like to assume they haven't. I will assume they have. But none of us may never know how much they have or haven't. And frankly, I don't think it matters. If all someone can give is a dollar then that's great. St. Jude themselves even say if all you can give is a few bucks that's fine by them. Every little bit counts!
Yes, it is good they are shown giving back-I just hope their intentions were pure.
I'm not sure why it matters. Good works are good works. I'm not even sure what constitutes "pure" intentions when it comes to philanthropy. If someone is generous out of ego - because it makes them feel good about themselves - are their intentions less pure? Being entirely selfless is fairly impossible for anyone with a consciousness, so I think the act should count more than the intent behind it (and in any case, it's impossible to know what is in another's heart, so the intent and motivations of others can only ever be speculation).
The icing on the cake though is only adding $1 per person to the donation. This family is raking in Millions of dollars and THATS all they could top off?? COME ON!!
We haven't seen the episode yet so it's impossible to know, but my guess is the kids were shown giving $1 each so the audience can understand that every dollar counts. The majority of donations to charities are in small denominations which add up. If 100 people give $1 per month that adds up to $100, which adds up to $1,200per year and so on. Maybe some kids watching will be inspired to give up $1 of their monthly allowance to a charity.
There are those who tend to throw up their hands and feel certain they can't afford to give to charity when the reality is 99.9% can indeed afford it and charities are very grateful to those who consistently donate, whether it's $1 or $1,000. Showing that on a show like Jon and Kate might help get that message across.
Again, we haven't seen the show so it's speculation. Bottomline, giving is good no matter how, why, where, or how much.
Maybe Im a cynic but when the contributions aren't derived from things they had donated as Jon clearly stated the yard sale items were. When the contribution doesn't mention a corporate sponsor, Kates a spokesperson for, maybe I'll see the light.
Not long ago everyone discussed the show in defense of the Hawaii trip. The arguement was TLC makes up the venue, they have to go, in exchange for advertsing. Didn't Kate herself say that. What makes anyone think this is nothing short of a scripted event that helps St. Judes (an awesome charity btw), gives K Mart airtime and provides TLC with a show. Also the TLC stars often seen as takers in the past get a chance to give back.
Theresa, I might be wrong but as a Christian myself I don't think thats how things work. Not gonna get into a religious debate but your speaking about the "prosperity gospel", this tends to benefit the individual not the whole. What answer would you have for people who are generous, Christian and out of work?
Personally and only my opinion they use the church as a screen because those people are usually more generous, forgiving, and less judgemental as a rule. They would suffer less scrutiny at the hands of those people than the world.
Thinking back, I seem to remember a big stink being made because Kate folded the check she gave to the Ronald McDonald house. (gasp! a local charity) I clearly remember some people talking about trying to find out how much the check was for. Plus all the backlash because they made money for pediatric cancer by having a yard sale. Just more evidence that for some people, the Gosselins can do no right. So many judgments from people who consider themselves to be far better Christians than the Gosselins--the check couldn't possibly be big enough, a yard sale is uncouth, that hospital is too many miles away.
Fiona -
We will never know the amount of money they give St. Jude's. I'm sure we will not see anything in the credits stating every dime they made from the epi will be given to St. Jude's. Who knows, the amount they are giving could equate to more. Even so, the PR St. Jude is receiving from this will bring in even more money.
When I was a fundraiser, it wasn't all about the money. We used a saying...
"Give of your time, talent and treasure."
This indeed, is what the Gs are doing.
Linda, every year my wife purchases toys at a reduced price after Christmas. We take those to Lowe's home improvement the next year for Toys for tots. I never get to see the smile we helped to generate. I don't see the kids we touch, but I always enter the store with a smile as wide as can be knowing we helped, in some small way.
I’m unaware of this new rating system for charitable giving. So, the sincerity of someone’s donation is dependent on its size, location and recipient? And does this new system apply to all of us, or just the Gosselins?
The bottom line is they are giving a charitable donation AND the show will raise awareness – and probably donations too – for a very worthwhile cause. Perhaps most importantly, they’re trying to teach their children the value of giving. I don’t see the negative.
SAHM said:
The problem i have and i also stated this over at GWOP, The State of PA and their residents have given so much to the Gosselins, the least they could have done was give back locally to boost the local economy.
Then join with me and applaud the Gosselins for:
1. Supporting a local private school (or two) by sending their children there. These schools provide jobs to teachers and other staff, as well as others who provide goods and services to the school and their families, and help the public schools keep their teacher-student ratio down.
2. Buying a nice, big, fat piece of Pennsylvania in a lovely county where they will pay school, township, and county taxes on the property, and getting that home off the market so the next million-dollar plus home can get sold, profiting realtors, movers (and in this case,) lawyers.
3. Buying organic and supporting the local farmers who grow it. Adverising organic, prompting others to buy it, making it all the more affordable.
4. Visiting PA tourist spots and businesses: the bakery, the ice cream stand, the dairy farm, the pottery place, the zoo, the railroad museum, two PA amusement parks, the crayon factory, the restaraunt, and more. Aren't you happy to see PA featured on a highly-rated cable program week after week?
5. Drawing attention to the Hershey Medical Center, and giving to a charity that provides for PA families (and others.)
6. Promoting the local "luxuries" affodable to the PA middle class: an occasional manicure/pedicure or massage, a round of golf, ice cream for dinner.
Thank you for your concern for the PA taxpayer. The Gosselins aren't breaking us, though, no need to worry.
You are so right. I read somewhere that the administration from one of the amusement parks the Gosselins visited said their business had increased substantially since that episode aired.
NC Resident,
Your post didn't really make sense to me.
Do you object to the Gosselins giving the money from the yard sale to charity? They sold items that others gave them out of generosity, and then they gave the $$$ to a charity. Do you object to that?
Do you think it is wrong for K Mart, the corporation that Kate works with/for, to ask Kate to be involved, not just with promoting layaway, but also with their corporate charity work?
You wrote:
"What makes anyone think this is nothing short of a scripted event that helps St. Judes (an awesome charity btw), gives K Mart airtime and provides TLC with a show. Also the TLC stars often seen as takers in the past get a chance to give back."
Do you have a problem with the Gosselins, previously seen as the ones who benefited from charity, helping a charity now that they are rich? Do you have a problem with them being involved with a scripted, or at least arranged, charity event that promotes not only an awesome charity but also a corporation and a cable station? What is wrong with everyone benefiting?
I think it's OK to get paid for your work on a show promoting a worthy cause. It may be better to donate the money you earn to another local charity. But people get paid to work for charities all the time. So either way, the Gosselins haven't done anything wrong. And they're not on a vacation, are they?
I don't care if they got paid for the episode- St Jude's didn't pay them for it. But every time this episode is shown in reruns, on dvd, wherever, St. Jude gets a free commercial. The same goes for any other charity/business they have mentioned or been to.
Somehow, I don't think any of them are complaining.
I just wish the Gosselins didn't have to make a whole episode about their giving. Ok, so they gave to a GREAT CHARITY... but then made a show about their giving and got PAID for it. I am glad for any publicity and profit St Jude's got out of it, but it was spoiled for me by TLC having to SHOW Jon and Kate's giving. It could have been mentioned without taking a whole dang HOUR.
I just wish the Gosselins didn't have to make a whole episode about their giving. Ok, so they gave to a GREAT CHARITY... but then made a show about their giving and got PAID for it. I am glad for any publicity and profit St Jude's got out of it, but it was spoiled for me by TLC having to SHOW Jon and Kate's giving. It could have been mentioned without taking a whole dang HOUR.
Well, you know, you don't HAVE to watch it. Just sayin'.
NC resident said...
Theresa, I might be wrong but as a Christian myself I don't think thats how things work. Not gonna get into a religious debate but your speaking about the "prosperity gospel", this tends to benefit the individual not the whole. What answer would you have for people who are generous, Christian and out of work?
NC resident, I'm not following what you mean? No, I certainly don't want to get into a religious debate either, that's for sure. I did not allude to or reference prosperity theology. Nor, am I going to give an answer to your question about Christians who are generous and out of work. This is not the forum for that.
I am merely pointig out that my opinon is and I believe God has made the G's His messengers...relating to awareness of St. Jude's and hopefully more donations to the cause. The G's are in a position to raise awareness.
Please don't read into my post anything more than what it is.
One other thing. I really don't believe the Gs have that much creative control over what is filmed.
I'm also not certain that Figure 8 sees all of these as actual episodes when they are taping. Depending on what they see on the cutting room floor may tell them what constitutes an entire epi or not.
Does that make sense?
Saint, maybe they could just do something without all the fanfare. It's like look at us, see we gave back. They get paid to do it is my point, big deal. Its a show guess I'm just saying they don't strike me as generous, just opportunistic.
On your 6 points the kids tuition was donated I think.
The house according to reports not in their name.
The organic cow was donated in exchange for advertising. The show blurs out food lables that are not sponsors.
Tourist spots exchange for advertising.
Hershey Medical Center managed just fine before J&K came along. But the Gosselins did renew old debates regarding fertility treatments and abuses of the same regarding the safety of the baby and mom.
So show me where J&K spent a dime, TLC maybe, Figure8 probably.
Just wish they would be honest.
Maybe its me but the more they talk the less I believe.
Theresa, I'll clarify my point Danny Thomas founded St. Judes, Elvis donated alot financially when he was alive. No one ever referred to them as messengers of God for their great works. I doubt even J&K feel worthy of being called messengers of God. Simply put as a Christian myself I respectfully don't agree with your opinion on this.
I'm just going to say..Happy Holidays and hope there are happy children in this world. I could care less if Jon and Kate are greedy SOB's and is using this as another way to steal the souls of there children for profit. The charity they stamped there name on is a wonderful hospital for children who NEED it. Merry Christmas!
IMO...I feel sorry for you all WHO don't get the the blessings these children have for a hospital like this and if Jon and Kate want to do a show to promote this fine place and give awareness then don't watch the show, boycott the sick chilren and just be grateful(sp)in your own lives. I'm sick of people who can't see the greater picture with this. snark! oh yeah...baaaa! Now I'm going to celebrate my bday with my family!
"Give of your time, talent and treasure."
This indeed, is what the Gs are doing.
December 15, 2008 12:47 PM
And getting paid for it.
Perhaps most importantly, they’re trying to teach their children the value of giving. I don’t see the negative.
December 15, 2008 12:53 PM
Ok, kids, let's pack up for a trip to Memphis for the weekend.
That means round trip airfare for 10, including crew, hotel accomodations, food etc....how much are we talking here to raise awareness? Think of what could have been donated without making this a media event?
I am truly not trying to be cynical here....but I don't see the reason behind carting six 4 year olds to "do" this.
The idea behind this show was to donate money...it sure looks like alot of money was spent to make this happen...
Could Jon and Kate have done this another way, perhaps gone alone, without making a "show" about it?
Could they all have done a commercial similar to what Jen and Robin did?
I don't know...
I just wish the Gosselins didn't have to make a whole episode about their giving. Ok, so they gave to a GREAT CHARITY... but then made a show about their giving and got PAID for it. I am glad for any publicity and profit St Jude's got out of it, but it was spoiled for me by TLC having to SHOW Jon and Kate's giving. It could have been mentioned without taking a whole dang HOUR.
Not having seen the episode yet Im not sure exactly how much is shown or what exactly happens. BUT- this show is abou their life. This is a big event charity or otherwise. If you truly are pleased that t Jude's is getting publicity then you shoul be thrilled if it were a two hour special rather than one. The more the better. The more people connect to the story the more likely it will stay with them and they will donate, it deserves more than a slight mention- it being St. Jude.
If it were mentioned in passing this is how I presume the response would go: "Can you BELIEVE she had the gall to BRAG about working with St. Jude??!!!???? I will believe it when I SEE it! If they really visited sick children then WHY wasn't it SHOWN on tv??? They can spend a whole episode on Dutch Wonderland but not a CHARITY??? The least they could've done was devote an episode to a worthy cause! But of course they didnt bc they weren't getting any big FREEBIES! BLAH, BLAH, BLAH!"
Enough already.
Why do KMART and TLC have to benefit-why should they benefit? This isn't about a win-win, it is about a charitable contribution. Is it necessary that big corporate gets a piece?
What is wrong with everyone benefiting?
at all?
Kikibee said...
I don't care if they got paid for the episode- St Jude's didn't pay them for it. But every time this episode is shown in reruns, on dvd, wherever, St. Jude gets a free commercial. The same goes for any other charity/business they have mentioned or been to.
Somehow, I don't think any of them are complaining.
December 15, 2008 1:37 PM
Yes, you are correct. And Jon and Kate Gosselin are St. Jude's paid spokespeople-so we can at least call it what it is and be honest about it.
I mean this isn't like advertising for a tropical resort or anything like that. The G's aren't really getting anything in return, are they?
"I am truly not trying to be cynical here....but I don't see the reason behind carting six 4 year olds to "do" this."
And let the masses bitch about the fact that they had the audacity to leave their children at home again?
NC Res,
I get your point...good post.
And I don't think the G's are God's messengers by a long shot.
More like messengers of Gymboree, The Gap, Juicy Juice!
SamanthaNC said...
"I am truly not trying to be cynical here....but I don't see the reason behind carting six 4 year olds to "do" this."
And let the masses bitch about the fact that they had the audacity to leave their children at home again?
December 15, 2008 3:57 PM
You know, it might have been more appropiate to take just Mady and Cara, if they felt the need to do this.
nc resident said...
Theresa, I'll clarify my point Danny Thomas founded St. Judes, Elvis donated alot financially when he was alive. No one ever referred to them as messengers of God for their great works. I doubt even J&K feel worthy of being called messengers of God. Simply put as a Christian myself I respectfully don't agree with your opinion on this.
December 15, 2008 3:09 PM
Okay, I see now what you mean. And, I agree to an extent. Thanks for clarifying to me.
have a great night!
Not taking sides in this debate per se but I think some of this discussion about J & K's intentions centers around their general personailities and everyday life style. Unfortunately, the Gosselins are not known for the "generiosity" in their every day life. (ie.We see Kate complaining about Jodi even though Jodi has selflessly watched her children more times than we can count) We see them receiving a lot of freebies and gifts but very rarely see them giving back, whether it be money, time, donations, volunteer work, etc. Some celebrities spend quite a bit of time giving back to others, reaching out to others, donating their fees to charity consistently, etc. We just don't see that with the Gosselins. I would love to see them serve others during a trip (like with Habitat for Humanity) rather than just soak in all the luxury and freebies they can. It would make a greater impact if this becomes what they "are know for" instead of taking advantage of all the freebies they can.
Now, St. Jude's is a great start (along with the Ronald McDonald house). I am hoping that giving to others becomes new "habit" for the Gosselins and not just something they think of doing around Christmas (though this episode was filmed earlier in the year). St. Jude's benefited from this situation no matter what J K's intentions were.
IndianPrincess said:
"...boycott the sick chilren..."
What on earth is that supposed to mean? That isn't very nice! Just because I don't agree with how the "giving back" is being exploited does not mean that I am one of the "boycotters" from that other site. St Jude's is a wonderful charity and why would anyone boycott the children?
Nancy, it's wasn't supposed to be a nice comment. Gosselin haters talk about boycotting everything else the Gosselin's are linked too. I was being snarky because they can't see the good in promoting a wonderful cause like St. Judes when the Gosselin's are promoting the hospital. The judgemental comments those haters don't understand when they comment of the why the Gosselin's could do a show like this they are affecting sick beautiful children and not so much the Gosselin's. St. Judes is a blessing and does it matter why the Gosselin's want to do an episode? And in the end it benefits all the children who are there in the hospital getting treatment and just maybe some viewers many end up giving a donation because they watched the show.
Indian Princess
Happy Birthday!!
Thanks Nina Bell! Have a good night!!
Fiona said:
Ok, kids, let's pack up for a trip to Memphis for the weekend.
That means round trip airfare for 10, including crew, hotel accomodations, food etc....how much are we talking here to raise awareness? Think of what could have been donated without making this a media event?
I am truly not trying to be cynical here....but I don't see the reason behind carting six 4 year olds to "do" this.
December 15, 2008 3:48 PM
(Apologies if this whole cutting and pasting of the original message doesn't work...am trying it for the first time.)
I understand where you’re coming from. But I really think the donations and awareness that could be raised for St. Jude’s as a result of the episode will go well beyond what it costs to get them all there.
As for why all the kids had to go…why shouldn’t they? I agree with SamanthaNC…if the little kids hadn’t gone, the discussions would center around how awful it was to leave them behind.
YAY!! Bev is back! I am SO thrilled-- yet another person who wasn't actually out of their life who has a good reason not to be on the show any longer. And having alone time with Cara and Mady was also really sweet.
K, back to the show-- just really wanted to express my delight in Bev being shown again :)!!
I posted this over at GWoP and only copied it because I feel this way:
I really don't give one hootenany what anyone thinks tonight. J&K's show helped show awareness for St. Jude's. Not what J&K do there, but the kids at St. Jude's.
I will have a lot to think about tonight when I go to bed across the hall from a healthy 7-year-old boy and 5-year-old girl.
nc resident, for the record, TLC doesn't give any money to anyone other than to pay figure 8 for the show. If there are costs that the producers figure into this equation, it still is only seen by TLC on paper as the "cost" for having the show on their channel. In other words, they don't donate to St. Jude, pay hotels, ask for places to shoot an episode, etc.
teach me to be still, you are right. Many celebrities do give to charities in one way or another, but are you aware that many of these "donations" are made with the name of the celebrity but are actually paid by the company they are booked with? An example would be, in the past when the music industry was more viable than it is today, an artist would "donate" and their label would cough up the money. Not a dime came out of the artist's bank account. I'm not trying to be argumentative, but there are all sorts of things that go on and are never revealed.
I am not happy to say this, but I really have felt like tonight was a commercial. Yes, great, to go to Kmart for the presents, fine, show how to give at the register.
These are actually great things for people to see.
But the value of reading whatever book that was? It was so horribly staged (so were other things because I saw all the staff around), but who stages reading with kids because a sponsor says to? I'm sure it was a fine book, but "wow." I really can't say anything else about it.
That could be it for me.
nc resident -
This show (with all it's faults) brought awareness to the great work that St. Jude's Hospital provides.
And all you can do is pick at it.
Seriously, right now I'm hoping your hard heart will soften a little bit.
I have to agree with you. This episode seemed staged and like a commercial.
I sure do miss the episodes when the tups were babies. These new episodes just don't hold my interest.
What? Bev MOVED on her own? Kate didn't banish her??
Oh my!
First let me say that I feel all of the comments about Jon and Kate paying 'out of their pockets' or 'using their own money' are irrelevant. They get paid for being on the show. Any money they have is *because* of the show. Because of that I have no idea why people seem to be bothered that we see them using show money for gifts that they are giving to sick children who may not have another Christmas to celebrate. Seriously? Where else would they have the money from? All they have is through and because of the show-- why is it such a ginormous issue that we see them using $10 of their own money or that Kmart comped wrapping paper, or that they write a check and show it on TV? Take this for the good it can bring-- showing people the need for cancer research, allowing families some hope and children some joy.
I am so upset at how some people are antagonizing and reaming out Jon and Kate for giving back. The comments being made are ALL speculation. Until someone can prove to me that Jon and Kate did not spend a cent of their own money or time to do this trip I will choose to take the positive side and be thankful that children have a place to go when they are sick, whether they have the funds or not.
I hugged my nephew tighter today- he was born 6 weeks early and NICU for awhile. I am so grateful that he is healthy and happy- I got him giggling so hard he got the hiccups today, and would not have it any other way. The fact that this show (whether you agree with it or not, whether you think it was a commercial or not, and whether you choose to care where the money came from or not) brought to light how many struggling families they are. I consider myself blessed that at this time I am able to give, and pray that if I was ever in their shoes that others would do the same for me.
FIONA said
"Yes, you are correct. And Jon and Kate Gosselin are St. Jude's paid spokespeople-so we can at least call it what it is and be honest about it."
No, I said St. Jude's DIDN't pay them. They got paid by Figure8/TLC. St. Jude's got a commercial that they didn't have to pay to produce or buy airtime for.
Jon and Kate got a sweet Christmas episode of their show and perhaps a learning experience for them and their family.
Beautiful episode. Really special. God Bless all those children.
OK, first of all - let me first say this. It's a discussion about the show tonight, so let's not hit each other over the head with "it's the holidays, why are you so negative" or ... "why are you so mean, it's for sick kids" --- Ya, we know that. That being said, CindyMom - you hit the nail on the head. Here's where I get a little aggravated. This show, in general, has become so staged ... so scripted .... and basically, a commercial for the sponsors. It's not enough to just see a brand name in the background anymore. Now - there's a whole discussion IN the show about "oh, we just love this product, and the kids always ask for it, and blah blah blah, and let me read you this very special book" ... it's really ridiculous at this point. Everything they do seems to be connected to sponsorship in a very "over-the-top" way. It's no longer a natural glimpse into the Gosselin's life.
So --- that's my feeling on it, and yes, I'm glad they had a show that focused on St Jude's - and yes, I know it's going to do a lot for the charity. But really ... it's just getting hard to watch this show now. Doesn't anyone else here see this ????
All I am really seeing when I read your post is one very aggravated/angry person. It is hard to get past that and see your point
Nina Bell ...Being aggravated about something and wanting to share it does not make me an angry person, rest assured. If you see that, then OK, you see that. That's for you to decide. I can live with that.
You have a right to share your opinion. I am just telling you that I get lost in your message because I feel a lot of anger. Maybe it just comes across that way and I am wrong. I apologize.
That's fine. No problem. But seriously, what do you think about all this advertising? It's just too much, compared to similar shows. I can't see why such a successful show needs to do that? They're already #1 for the network, right? I long for the older shows ... they were infinitely better!
What? Bev MOVED on her own? Kate didn't banish her??
Hehehe I thought for sure I read that everyone the kids ever loved was unceremoniously dumped by Kate but here was another oldie stopping by. Gee she even hugged Jon and Kate.
But really ... it's just getting hard to watch this show now. Doesn't anyone else here see this ????
Personally speaking, I enjoy it as much as ever. If I ever get to the point of being agitated from a show, I just do not put it on my television.
Well I see your point. Let's hope they re-group and think that over for next season.
NC Resident,
Here's my response to your response:
My six points were about the Gosselins supporting the local economy, and nothing you've written disputes that.
On your 6 points the kids tuition was donated I think.
Well, you think wrong. They send their children there, which is one way to support it, no matter who pays the tuition. If the children don't attend, the tuition isn't paid by anyone. And only the parents can make the choice to send the children to their schools. How do you know that the tuition is donated, NC Resident? Penn Mommy said it. Do you know the Penn Mommy story? Do you know this "fact" has been invented by a CA blogger with no connection to the Gosselins?
The house according to reports not in their name.
So? It's not for sale is it? Your point just illustrates mine, which is that they paid a LOCAL lawyer to help set up that trust.
The organic cow was donated in exchange for advertising. The show blurs out food lables that are not sponsors.
These are contradictory, and, as a bonus, side-by-side, so they're easier to deal with. My point wasn't about the cow. It was about supporting local organic farms by buying food, which may or may not include a cow. They still promote organic! Your point is if the cow is donated, that's advertising, and you criticize it. If the labels are blurred out, it's not advertising, and you criticize it. You are unfair. My point stands: they promote the local organic farms and someone locally gets more business and sees a profit.
How do you know that the cow was donated, NC Resident? Another lie by Penn Mommy! Julie didn't know, and wrote that she and Jodi wondered about it. She asked Penn Mommy! How would Penn Mommy know? Remember, she is a liar from CA, not a former Gosselin volunteer. You're wrong about that cow, NC Resident. It is wrong for you to repeat Penn Mommy's lies.
Tourist spots exchange for advertising.
Yes, we agree. That is an example of promoting the local economy. Thank you.
Hershey Medical Center managed just fine before J&K came along.
But the Gosselins did renew old debates regarding fertility treatments and abuses of the same regarding the safety of the baby and mom.
Well, since I am very conservative about fertility treatments, I have no problem renewing old debates them. What's your objection to these debates?
And "Hershey Medical managed just fine?" Did I say the Gosselins saved it? What is this point you're making? I defend the Gosselins against the accusation about their not giving back locally, by giving an example of their giving back locally, and you just don't accept it?
Maybe Hershey Medical should check with you before they let the Gosselins in next time they knock, uninvited, on the door of Hershey Medical Center. Too bad HMC didn't have anyone who knew how to get rid of that TV crew touring their hospital, unwanted. Or maybe they wanted the exposure. And maybe it's good for the local community, including the people who work there. (And maybe the Gosselins aren't 100% horrible, and you could just admit it or ignore a valid defense of them?)
So show me where J&K spent a dime, TLC maybe, Figure8 probably.
Just wish they would be honest.
Maybe its me but the more they talk the less I believe.
My point is that they bring money into the local community. I have no doubt AT ALL, that as taxpayers they've put far more in than they had to take out the year after the sextuplets were born. You know what I like, as a Pennsylvanian? I like Figure 8's North Carolina money in my little Commonwealth. That's the point.
And what's the lie you're talking about? What do you have trouble believing? Why do you still believe Penn Mommy if you're so skeptical?
momtotwoboys, I didn't think your post seemed over-the top angry. I think the product placement has gone amok on this show also. I don't think it's a concidence the Tales of Desperaux book was being read during this episode (with today's air date) knowing the movie will be coming out on Friday.
FIONA said...
Why do KMART and TLC have to benefit-why should they benefit? This isn't about a win-win, it is about a charitable contribution. Is it necessary that big corporate gets a piece?
What is wrong with everyone benefiting?
at all?
Fiona, I do not understand this comment.
I'll take a stab at responding anyway...
Kmart and TLC do not have to benefit. But there is nothing wrong if they do. I can watch a KMart commercial. Or I can watch the Gosselin show during which Kate buys KMart toys for children at St. Jude's.
Kmart benefits both times.
St. Jude's only benefits one time.
I'll take the latter.
Saint -
Rock on!
Its funny that you bring up PennMommy tonight Saint because I thought of her when I watched this episode. When I saw REAL children fighting for their lives it made it all the more sick that at close to the same time the Gosselins were there giving a little joy to those kids, a mother was pretending to lose her son just in an attempt to make the Gosselins look bad. There is a special place in hell for PennMommy.
Fiona said:
Ok, kids, let's pack up for a trip to Memphis for the weekend.
That means round trip airfare for 10, including crew, hotel accomodations, food etc....how much are we talking here to raise awareness? Think of what could have been donated without making this a media event?
And the airlines thank you, Gosselins, and the hotel staff is happy to have to provide extra rooms, and the restaurant staff is happy to sell you ten dinners (and they don't really care who picks up the check.) And is anyone here from Memphis? Do you mind this PA family not spending their money in PA for this trip? Aren't you all happy some a Tennessee waitress got her 20% tip on ten dinners instead of two or four?
Do you ever travel between states, Fiona? Do you take your family? Or does your daughter stay home so that you can give that money to charity? I do not actually want answers to those questions. My point is, parents get to take their children to Memphis if they want. If they donate to charity while there, why criticize?
My daughter is turning 11 this weekend, and she LOVED The Tale of Desperaux. It's cute. She and her two best friends, who passed this little story among themselves last year, are going to see the movie together. They all also have pet hamsters, so that had something to do with their connection to the story. They are not "grown-up" girls, and I don't mind at all. I recommend the book for 8-12 year olds (and their moms and dads,) especially if they love a pet rodent.
Having said that, the scene with Kate reading felt false to me, too. I was happy to see Kate reading to her kids, but with the voice over and eight stuffed toys, it was too commercial-ish. It was an odd moment in the middle of a nice program, and it has happened before. I noticed this when they played with the some of the V-Tech and Wii toys at home. These product placements seem so insincere. Jon and Kate try, but they're not that natural. By contrast the other parts of the show, at the hospital, with the kids, seemed very sincere, which is nice.
I havent seen the episode yet but I keep reading about the book/movie Tale of Despereaux. Kate read it and mentioned the book? Then I'm guessing the makers of the movie donated generously to St. Jude and thats why it was read. This wasn't some scheme cooked up by the evil Kate. Charity and PR happen all the time, especially with donations from large well known donors like Universal.
This family did a nice thing by giving Christmas presents for these sick children and very good for the tups and twins to see this.
However, I cannot help but wonder if Jon and Kate paid for these toys from K-mart, which is what Kate has been endorsing(sp) in her interviews (the lay-away program).
I sure hope this money came from both Jon and Kate's pockets and not from TLC or K-mart.
CincyMom said...
I posted this over at GWoP and only copied it because I feel this way:
CincyMom, are you two-timin' us? LOL
Momoftwoboys said:
I long for the older shows ... they were infinitely better!
I understand, you liked the spontaneity more. I agree, though the show still has that, especially with the kids. I think Jon and Kate just aren't that great at the commercial-within-a-show-voice-over. I think that if these become a much bigger part of the show, people will just tune out. We'll see. I don't think it's too much now, but everyone's different. I prefer the product placements to the meldowns, though.
Happy Birthday Indianprincess! And many more :)
Then join with me and applaud the Gosselins for:
That was your introduction Saint. Fact is it was not the Gosselins money. You don't like it but you missed the point. I didnt get that from Julie or PM I saw the organic cow farm listed on the credits. On the blurred products my point is even if it's organic if its not a perk it's label isn't shown agreed? So we agree they only promote things that they receive in sponsorship. They give someone elses money, (yard sale). Maybe it's a matter of symantics. Do you honestly believe they paid for the gifts at Kmart.
Linda in the Christmas spirit, Bless you and may I thank you for your personal attack on my "hard heart". While you were bashing my heart, my wife addressed three contribution letters, (one to St Jude's) to charities. Not to mention Amvets donations earlier this year, American Cancer Society, Heart Association and about 8 others. Just because I don't buy into J&K do not label me as a hater or a hard hearted person. The St. Judes children are deserving and also hard to watch. Even the Grinch sheds a tear at the sick children shown tonight.
Michelle said:
I sure hope this money came from both Jon and Kate's pockets and not from TLC or K-mart.
I hope K-Mart paid for them. K-Mart gets a lot of advertising from the Gosselins, and it's bigger and richer than the Gosselins. I hope people watching the program donate to St. Jude's.
Many, many people Do donate to St. Jude's hospital and many more people will donate in the future.
Are Jon and Kate really giving back as they said they were during this episode?? if K-mart is the one supplying the toys for the Gosselins to give to these children. It sounds like K-mart has given to this hospital and Jon and Kate only delivered.
However, maybe Jon and Kate did buy all the toys and gifts that they gave to St. Jude's hospital??
I don't know for sure?? Does anyone know for sure? Does anyone really care?
NC Resident:
You don't like it but you missed the point.
Right back atcha!
My point is that if SAHM wants the Gosselins repay the residents of PA by supporting the local economy, she ought to applaud those six examples of the Gosselins supporting the local economy. Having the Gosselins film in a bakery, ice cream shop, or local farm promotes the local economy.
Your point is that it wasn't their money.
My response is basically you have NO IDEA about the money...tuition, house, or cow, except through nasty rumors invented by a proven liar. (I think you are irresponsible to do so.)
Julie claims that Jodi paid for her part of the beef, so someone paid for the beef. Jodi is local, isn't she? So her money counts? And again, how do you know that the Gosselins pay nothing of their own money? What you saw on the credits for the oragnic beef show is a thank you. I also looked at those credits for just this information after the Penn Mommy Lie was exposed. It does not confirm that they received free meat; it's just a credit and names the farm. You know, if you look very closely at the credits for the movie Last of the Mohicans you'll see the state of North Carolina is also thanked. I assume that was because the movie was filmed there, not becasue the state paid for the production of the movie.
You assume the worst, and I make no assumption at all.
I have to agree that you seem veeeery picky about others people's charity, including this statement of yours:
Saint, maybe they could just do something without all the fanfare. It's like look at us, see we gave back.
Then you followed this admonition to the Gosselins to keep their charity humble, with:
Linda, every year my wife purchases toys at a reduced price after Christmas. We take those to Lowe's home improvement the next year for Toys for tots. I never get to see the smile we helped to generate. I don't see the kids we touch, but I always enter the store with a smile as wide as can be knowing we helped, in some small way.
And now this:
my wife addressed three contribution letters, (one to St Jude's) to charities. Not to mention Amvets donations earlier this year, American Cancer Society, Heart Association and about 8 others.
I watched the program tonight and I thought it was really nice. I thought the Gosselins did something really valuable with their airtime.
they did a wonderful thing leave them alone !!!!
michelle said...
Many, many people Do donate to St. Jude's hospital and many more people will donate in the future.
Yes, thank you Michelle.
Are Jon and Kate really giving back as they said they were during this episode?? if K-mart is the one supplying the toys for the Gosselins to give to these children. It sounds like K-mart has given to this hospital and Jon and Kate only delivered.
However, maybe Jon and Kate did buy all the toys and gifts that they gave to St. Jude's hospital??
I don't know for sure?? Does anyone know for sure? Does anyone really care?
I don't know and it sounds like you don't know. I guess all I can say is, you brought it up, do you care?
I'm not the one holding up hoops for these people to jump through to give donations for a worthy cause:
Stop taking trips! Give to charity! Give anonymously! Give locally! Tell us where you got the money! No fanfare! No kids! Give stuff! Give cash! No corporations! Don't blur the labels! No product placement!
What happens when we find out K-Mart gave toys and a cash donation AND the Gosselins gave toys and a cash donation?
I'm gretzy. I'm going to bed.
Goodnight Saint
I feel as though so many people are mouthing off about an industry they have no idea about. Anyone who has worked in the entertainment industry knows that celebrities get free merchandise, ranging from small items to the massive and expensive. This is not a Gosselin-only affair. It's a perk of being in the entertainment industry.
NCresident, I'm sorry but nothing you say makes any sense and it seems as though you spend the entirety of your day contradicting yourself and apparently can't seem to grasp the idea that all these "problems" you see are not problems at all they are simply the entertainment business works.
The house is not listed in their name. It's listed to a trust. This is COMMON practice among celebrities. They don't want every psychotic human being stalking their information. Jon and Kate did it and after the behavior of some absolute mental cases i've seen on other blogs, I don't blame them..
Have you ever watched ANY other reality type show? 99% of the time you will see some products shown and some blurred out. Again common practice and not one that Jon and Kate have any control over at all.
They have scholarships, actually big mistruth on this one. Scholarship FUNDS were set up but they were never guaranteed full scholarships. no one knows how much money is in those accounts at the current time. FUND does not IMPLY a free ride. I could open a fund today and if I only put 100 bucks in it well than that's the fund.
Saint my first reference to charity was simply to say I feel good about giving. I think your no assumptions idea is flawed as you must assume I was bragging or demeaning J&K in that post.
And now this:
my wife addressed three contribution letters, (one to St Jude's) to charities. Not to mention Amvets donations earlier this year, American Cancer Society, Heart Association and about 8 others. Whats up with you on that one. I was telling Linda that I can't be that cold hearted and donate, please?
BTW the farm was listed on their personal website
So stop assuming I cannot read for myself and that I align myself with someone I don't even know.
You really get upset about all this, why?
Do I care, you ask?? Well... I care about people who are in need (no matter what age) and I care about sick children/adults. I care about people's feelings. So, yes, I do care.
If Kate and Jon paid (out of there pocket) for all the toys that were donated, Great! If Jon & Kate were given these toys by K-mart to take to St. Jude's hospital, fine.
Who really knows for sure and why do you get so "worked up" about my own opinion?
I'm sure I wasn't alone when I was teary eyed several times throughout this episode. I think the awareness towards this cause was great. I would think that everything was donated by Kmart and the various sponsors or part of the expenses of the show. I don't have expectations of charity from the them. While $s are what makes the world go, I know there are many ways to give. It's just not of interest to me how much J&K give back.
The kids did good picking out presents for the kids, that's always a hard concept especially surrounded by toys. If I was ever going to use helpers, it would have been to wrap all those presents. I loved how Mady was wrapping hers. It was neat that the kids talked via their setup at the center. I enjoyed the tour and learning more about the hospital.
I would think that J&K had limitations on what they could bring in to distribute to those they visited.
I could have done without the second trip to Kmart with the twins and the reading of the Tales of Desperau really seemed Trumanish. It didn't appear that any Gosselins were harmed during the filming of this episode so if that's what it took for all the pieces to fit together to raise awareness for St. Jude, then I'm fine with it. I wouldn't think that future episodes wouldn't be such a commercial since this episode was donated entirely to St. Judes. My biggest peeve with the show tonight was again on the couch I would just like to hear Jon more. It had seemed like Kate wasn't interrupting as much for awhile.
Okay, I'm emotional about this episode. I just finished watching it. I've invested a lot of my time with the Children's Wish Foundation of Canada and being around children with cancer makes your own life seems easy. This episode made me think about all the children I met who had life threating illnesses and what a blessing to get to know some of them. St. Judes is wonderful. It's about the children and no one else really.
Just finished watching the episode and that little Ellen girl at St Judes was heart breaker. :( I was glad to see them donating to a wonderful cause.
Andie, what contradictions do you find? A comment was made here that the house purchased by the Gosselins benefited PA. My comment is since it is in trust we have no idea who purchased or owns it, still confused? One thing I am confused on is this, maybe since you seem to be in entertainment you can enlighten me. The show is their life they say, can it be both life and script. Much of the discussion seems to be tonight about what is something they woulkd have done on their own and what Figure8 scripted to please Kmart, anmd other sponsers.
Finally anytime you feel Im confused don't worry I am at times, confused that is. LOL
Jersey Girl said... Personally speaking, I enjoy it as much as ever. If I ever get to the point of being agitated from a show, I just do not put it on my television.
Jersey Girl said...
Its funny that you bring up PennMommy tonight Saint because I thought of her when I watched this episode. When I saw REAL children fighting for their lives it made it all the more sick that at close to the same time the Gosselins were there giving a little joy to those kids, a mother was pretending to lose her son just in an attempt to make the Gosselins look bad.
Thanks. You saved me some typing!I agree completely with you on both these points.
I have to say I am a little bummed out by some of the negativity tonight. I respect everyone's right to share their opinion, but it's just a bit depressing when we have episode that showcases what a wonderful institution St. Judes is and also demonstrates that celebrity and corporate partnership can bring much needed attention and support to worthy causes and instead people want to haggle over product placement or what % the Gosselins may or may not have given out of their own pocket.
In my opinion, I thought it was one of the best episodes we have seen in a while. I thought Jon and Kate seemed very sincere and truly moved by the experience.
On a lighter note - I can't let the opportunity pass by without commenting on Alexis' adorable puzzled expression when Hannah smacked her. "I don't know why her do that!?"
Anya, I too was moved and 3 hours later I'm still emotional. It was a really great episode. This show was about the bigger picture and everyone should be blessed tonight. Those beautiful children have it hard and the things they have to go through so does it really matter who paid for what? This episode really struck a cord with me. Tomorrow I will put it back together. Bless those children!
Unfortunately, the Gosselins are not known for the "generiosity" in their every day life. (ie.We see Kate complaining about Jodi even though Jodi has selflessly watched her children more times than we can count) We see them receiving a lot of freebies and gifts but very rarely see them giving back, whether it be money, time, donations, volunteer work, etc. Some celebrities spend quite a bit of time giving back to others, reaching out to others, donating their fees to charity consistently, etc. We just don't see that with the Gosselins. I would love to see them serve others during a trip (like with Habitat for Humanity) rather than just soak in all the luxury and freebies they can.
We do see examples of the Gosselins' generosity; it's just that every example is denigrated or somehow determined not to "count" by people who are determined never to give them credit for anything. Kate could build 10 houses for HfH with her bare hands, by herself, and the response would be the usual chorus of "damage control", etc.
OK, first of all - let me first say this. It's a discussion about the show tonight, so let's not hit each other over the head with "it's the holidays, why are you so negative" or ... "why are you so mean, it's for sick kids" --- Ya, we know that. That being said, CindyMom - you hit the nail on the head. Here's where I get a little aggravated.
With all due respect, and I could be wrong (I don't keep, like, notes on other posters, or anything), but I don't think I've ever seen you say anything positive about the show. So it strikes me as slightly disingenuous to come off like you have problems with this episode, or problems with certain trends you've seen in the show lately, when it seems like it's more the case that you don't like the show and don't like the Gosselins. Again, I could be wrong. But I do think it's fair for people to be put off about the carping about an episode that was all about supporting sick kids. That's not saying you can't carp, but people might disagree with you more strenuously than if it were a more frivolous episode.
For myself, I am not bothered by the advertising, precisely because it was so upfront. I don't usually care about (or even notice) product placement, but if I do get annoyed, it's usually because the product placement was subtle enough to feel a bit manipulative (but not so subtle that I didn't notice it). I don't think there was any ambiguity about Kmart and The Tales of Desperaux sponsoring this episode, likely in exchange for contributions to St. Jude. It seems eminently reasonable to me. I can stand to watch Kate say a few words about how cute the book is (it does look cute) or how great Kmart is, if it means that St. Jude's will benefit. I'm not sure I get why people are so bothered by the advertising. I don't think it keeps us from seeing plenty of real moments with the kids, and that's mostly what I'm interested in, anyway.
I also don't get the absolute OBSESSION with insisting that J&K aren't really doing anything good, because the money isn't coming out of their pockets. 1) We don't know that and 2) who cares? Seriously, no one has explained WHY they care so much. Just that it's really, really important to them that J&K aren't really donating or contributing anything, and that they are lying when they claim they are. Which, see 1) above and also, I haven't seen them lie about it. What I mean to say is, I don't recall statements that conclusively state that they, say, paid for the items at Kmart out of their own checking account. So whether it's true or not, I don't see how they can be accused of lying about it.
While you were bashing my heart, my wife addressed three contribution letters, (one to St Jude's) to charities. Not to mention Amvets donations earlier this year, American Cancer Society, Heart Association and about 8 others.
Should we take your word for this? You don't seem to believe J&K make charitable contributions; in fact, you've chosen to believe the words a liar and a fraud (PM) and have repeated her lies. Maybe you'd like to provide us with some documentation to support your claim?
I thought this was a sweet episode with a lot of nice moments; it was great to see Bev (hmm, I thought she had DISAPPEARED?).
BTW, happy birthday, Indianprincess!
Oh, can I just be a grammar pedant for a sec? Because this bugged me: near the end of the episode, a little notice flashed on the screen; I think it was about podcasts (?) of J&K+8? Anyway, it read, in part: "Take the Gosselin's with you wherever you go..."
Argh! It's "Gosselins'"! Plural possessive (right? I'm not so good with the actual grammar terms; I just usually know when something is egregiously wrong). Are monkeys writing these things now? What happened to proofreading? THAT bugs me far more than any product placement could.
michelle said...
You really get upset about all this, why?
Do I care, you ask?? Well... I care about people who are in need (no matter what age) and I care about sick children/adults. I care about people's feelings. So, yes, I do care.
If Kate and Jon paid (out of there pocket) for all the toys that were donated, Great! If Jon & Kate were given these toys by K-mart to take to St. Jude's hospital, fine.
Who really knows for sure and why do you get so "worked up" about my own opinion?
December 15, 2008 10:16 PM
Michelle, what are you talking about? Was I upset at your opinion smewhere? Are you confusing me with someone else? I can't explain this until I know. Thanks.
I’m so glad the children got to see the “laundry folder lady” – for the life of me I can’t remember her name! They seemed so happy to see her and I’m glad that she is still a part of their life, especially the twins. As mentioned in the show, they were extremely close so I’m glad they got to see each other during this trip.
I’m glad the children at St. Jude’s were the recipients of J&K give back – it’s so important that with everything these children are going through that Christmas can still be an exciting time for them and that with everything their parents are going through – buying gifts doesn’t have to be one of them. And the tups/twins should learn at an early age that they are very lucky that they have their health and have benefited so well financially from this show so that they can give to those less fortunate. That’s something I planted in my own children at an early age – it feels so much better to give to those in need especially when your needs are being met and in some respects exceeded.
The only thing I didn’t like is that it was filmed and IMO I don’t think a dime came from the G’s own pocket – it was filmed so they were being paid - most likely K-mart fronted all the gifts since Kate is their spokesperson. It just seems wrong in some way – but as long as the children of St Jude’s were the benefactors I guess I just need to get over that feeling.
I only got to watch the first 45 minutes of the show this morning before leaving for work so I’m looking forward to watching the rest this evening - - all in all, a good show.
Michelle wrote....
However, maybe Jon and Kate did buy all the toys and gifts that they gave to St. Jude's hospital??
I don't know for sure?? Does anyone know for sure? Does anyone really care?
Yes, there are people who really care. That's why Kmart is getting calls asking them who paid for the toys. I'll never understand why some people are so invested in a family from TV.
While you were bashing my heart, my wife addressed three contribution letters, (one to St Jude's) to charities. Not to mention Amvets donations earlier this year, American Cancer Society, Heart Association and about 8 others.
And arent you glad that the masses aren't blogging away for proof. Or that you are or lying or if it is the truth that you didnt have pure intentions. Or furthermore just where did you get this money to donate anyway? Or.... if your wife addressed the letters, did she also write them? Did she write the check? And if so should you realy get any credit?
You can donate and not be attacked for it- how lucky you are.
ncresident -
While you were questioning the Gs motives and objecting to the show, you and your wife contributed to St. Jude Hospital. In that sense, the show's purpose was fulfilled. That's what's all about.
For the life of me, I can't understand people's surprise that this show is partly scripted. I'm not even part of the entertainment industry and I know ALL REALITY SHOWS ARE SCRIPTED.
It doesn't matter who paid for what, donated etc. It got the message out to donate and give to others and I hope St. Jude's gets a hefty increase in donations and monetary donations to help the kids now and in the future.
Fiona, I think the Gosselin kids will remember their trip to St. Jude's, just as your daughter remembers donating to your Children's Hospital. A nice humbling experience for them.
And before some of the bitchers and moaners here and on the other blogs start tearing my opinion apart, let me start by saying the following:
Our nephew HAS leukemia (ALL). He is only four years old and was diagnosed right before his 2nd bday. I KNOW what his parents go through on a day to day basis. I see him on good days (there are many) and bad days (there are many). I have sat for hours at the hospital to give some much-needed alone time for his parents (who, at the time he was diagnosed had an infant to take care of). I see the steroid fits - or "roid" rages as we call them. I see the fevers that keep him in bed. I see and share the tears this family our family sheds for his parents, who want to do everything they can for their children.
This epi was quite an emotional one for me and my H (who sat through the entire hour with me). Why did a man who usually cracks a joke or two about me being so "into" a show sit and watch with me? Because he knew it had to do with St. Jude's and a trip to Memphis. He felt (for the first time) CONNECTED to the show and the Gs. I mean, isn't that a good thing?
A little back story. When my H and I began dating in 2002, one of our first trips was to Memphis. We LOVED it. We have gone every year up until we had our little dude in 2007. Sometimes, several times a year. We've done the Peabody Hotel thing. (YES, the ducks do have their own mini palace atop the roof!) We've eaten at all the fun places on/near Beale and off the beaten path! We also have close friends there.
St. Jude's has always been special to my family. One of the largest donors of St. Jude's happens to be a relative of my mom. And, I'm not BSing when I say this. Their family name is everywhere over at the hospital and Marlo Thomas has even stopped here (to our city) to visit with this family.
The reason I bring up this St. Jude donor and her family is because they do ALOT for St. Jude's and they are also a very prominent family in my city. No one in my city (a very big one) faults this family for spreading wealth and awareness with St. Jude's.
The fundraising arm of St. Jude's is the American Lebanese Syrian Associated Charities (ALSAC).
My mother is Lebanese. My grandfather (her dad) and his parents were immigrants. Another reason this charity is near and dear to our hearts. When Danny Thomas founded St. Jude's, many Lebanese/Syrian Americans were some of the first donors to his worthy cause. And, these were the "working class" folks.
My H and I spent our honeymoon in Memphis in 2006 and for the first time went to visit the hospital campus - which is absolutely beautiful. We spent hours in the Pavilion (where the G kids stayed) learning about Danny Thomas and the history of St. Jude's. We spent a lot of time in a reflection garden outside where there is several little benches to sit and watch the fountains and landscape. While we were there, we saw a dad and his little girl (maybe 2) who was wearing a mask. She was too frail to walk on her own and her dad carried her through the garden and sat with her. It just broke our hearts. My eyes well up just writing about it. We immediately decided that every month, we'd automatically send something to St. Jude's. That was our wedding present to each other.
Little did we know our nephew would be diagnosed with leukemia just 5 short months later.
SAHM - St. Jude's helps ALL children - those from PA, those from NC, those from wherever! And, ditto what Saint said.
FIONA - If you honestly believe that Jennifer Aniston and Robin Williams didn't receive "comps" for being spokespeople, then you might want to do some research.
Celebrities have publicists. They also have price tags for making personal appearances for charity events, etc. It is possible that neither Jen or Robin received an actual "check" for their endorsements, but I bet they didn't pay for their airfare, hotel, etc.
Also, does anyone have an idea about how much it costs to produce the marketing videos, annual and monthly appeal donor letters, billboards, annual reports, etc. that St. Jude's produces? It costs ALOT of money. ALOT of money. WAY more money that what the G's make in an episode.
St. Jude spends an average of $650,000 annually (This is from their 2007 annual report). This includes fundraising admin, as well. With that said, isn't it amazine that 85.3 percent of every dollar that is given goes directly to help the current needs of the hospital? So just think 85.3 cents of every extra dollar you give at Kmart, Gymboree and a long list of other retailers REALLY DOES HELP!
The Gosselins visit to St. Jude was to help support and bring awareness to their "Thanks and Giving" program. The SAME program Jennifer Aniston, Robin Williams, Antonio Banderas and the other celebs have lended their image too. You can read all about it at:
There is a special part all about J&K's visit there. And, I think this episode is much more valuable to St. Jude's than another public service video.
NC RESIDENT - Why do you really care about Kmarts involvement? I'm really curious. Product placement happens all over television, radio, newspapers, etc.
Perhaps you would like to read about all the corporate sponsors and what they contribute to St. Jude's by going here:
Doesn't it make sense to do a little cross promotion if Kate is already a Kmart spokesperson? Makes sense to me.
The kids, from what I could see, had a fantastic time. Why leave them at home with a sitter? I mean, did everyone see how happy those St. Jude's kids were to be chatting with the G kids on that closed circuit TV?
Did everyone see how the parents of the St. Jude's kids were taking pictures of their children with J&K? Did some of you miss that? Those kids (and their parents) were delighted to have met Jon & Kate Gosselin! Maybe they can relate to them! Maybe their kids love watching the G kids on TV? Did you see how proud the little girl was when she showed her daddy what Kate wrote in her book?
GEEZUS people - can you just step back and look at all the good this epi is doing - regardless of what looks staged?
I'm sorry for my rant. Those of you who know me a bit better know I do wear my heart on my sleeve and I'm very sensitive when it comes to any backlash the Gosselins receive over charity.
Thanks for reading.
I'm sorry to hear about your nephew. Sorry isn't suffecient but it's all I know to say. As a mother my heart bleeds for him and his parents- they are blessed to have you.
I agree 100% with your "Rant" and shout a loud DITTO to the disgruntled/cynical/petty masses.
NC Resident said:
Saint my first reference to charity was simply to say I feel good about giving. I think your no assumptions idea is flawed as you must assume I was bragging or demeaning J&K in that post.
I didn't assume you were bragging or demeaning, in fact, I was careful not to do so. I simply stated my opinion, partially to support Linda (who describedyou as "picking" earlier.) I said that you seem picky about other people's charity. Then I showed an example from your writing to support that: your comment that the Gosselins should give without fanfare.
I showed two more examples (without comment) from your writing, where you described your own giving, which is no longer anonymous. I was hoping you would defend yourself to make this point:
You say you wrote those examples to 1. express that giving makes you feel good, and 2. defend yourself against an accusation of hard-heartedness.
I don't really have a problem with that. I think that part of the reason the Gosselins did charitable works on their program is 1. to show and express that "giving is better than receiving" and 2. defend themselves from accusations of greed, gluttony, and thanklessness. I think they had other reasons, including promoting a favorite charity. Another reason might be (I don't kow but I think) that this show gave mom and dad the bulk of the camera time, and took the cameras off the kids more. Anyway, I extend to you the courtesy of believing your reasons, and I do the same to them.
Regarding the cow: you brought up the cow. Why did you bring up the cow? My original response was to applaud the Gosselins for promoting local businesses on their program, helping the local economy. If it's their money, I am right. If only Aunt Jodi paid for haly a cow because of the show, I am still right. If a TV company from North Carolina paid for the cow, I am still right! If the farm gave the beef for free in exchange for airtime, I am still right! So you see, your point about the cow is lost on me.
Regarding the credits, website about the cow: I know you can read. And you know I know you can read. I don't know why you wrote that I am assuming any differently. Your link didn't work for the wayback machine, but I was able to get there anyway. For anyone interested, this is the page NC resident linked.
This is not proof that the Gosselins used anyone else's money for the beef or received it gratis. It is a page that draws the readers attention to Natural Acres, and links to their site. I consider this supporting a local organic farm, by the way.
Regarding aligning yourself with PM: I did not accuse you of aligning yourself with her. That would be a heavy accusation, indeed! Julie and GWoP get that distinction. I said you are repeating a rumor that Kate had her half of that cow paid for. That rumor was started on Penn Mommy's blog by PM herself. You tried to show evidence that the cow story is true by pointing to the credits and the sixgosselins web page. But as I have pointed out, there is no mention of the beef being free to them, only promotion of the farm and a thank you. So, NC resident, you wrote that the beef was free as if it was a fact. Where did you get your information? I think you are repeating a rumor. I pointed out who started it. This is just like the tuition rumor, which you haven't been able to defend either.
My point is: Be careful what you read on the Internet. Be doubly careful about spreading negative information about someone that you can't prove. I think it is wrong to do so.
Finally, I understand you and your wife have raised one or two sons who fought overseas in recent years. That's sacrifice enough for me, and I have admired you for it since I read the Thanksgiving thread. I do not think you were trumpeting your charitable works here. I brought it up, with reluctance, in defense of the Gosselins who I applaud for what I saw as a really nice episode. You don't have to "buy into the Gosselins" to appreciate the episode.
Well, Mom, I just read your post. It is very well-written and heartfelt. Thank you. I am truly sorry that your nephew is dealing with this disease, and hope and pray he gets well soon. My cousin had the same disease and she is now a happy, healthy young wife with the most beautiful head of hair in the world. She lost it all under treatment, and when it came back luxurious and curly, we all joked that God had a "do-over" with her hair, until he got it just right. Also, a neice is a cancer survivor with a happy and unique story. If A-Mom-ynous is reading, she can turn to page ten of her running magazine (with the sextuplet parents in it) to see a photo of my now-strong neice, and read a short article about her.
Happy endings are ahead for your nephew, too, Mom.
In this episode, at least, I think the Gosselins have done much more good than harm. I applaud them for it.
Mom, I cannot imagine the pain of having a little one so close to you sick. As I said in my earlier post, I hugged my nephew tighter and am so thankful that he is healthy and safe. We should all take a step back from nit picking and the back and forth to remember no matter how these donations occurred, they did occur. At least giving happened-- is it really relevant whether Kmart gave toys or Jon and Kate paid for them? Those children got toys either way, and I am positive will be so excited Christmas morning to get something at all.
Its Christmas-- the season for giving and counting blessings. I hope we can all agree on that much.
If they had stayed in Pennsylvania and given back to a local charity, someone from the "other" board would have said that it was simply damage control. Just as they are saying about the entire episode.
These people are damned if they do, damned if they don't and I for one, am sickened at the comments posters make about them and their children.
They are people who gave back to a wonderful charity. We have friends that lost their 23 month old son 26years ago to a rare form of cancer. St. Jude's stepped in and helped when the parents decided to make the trip to Tennessee to admit him. Unfortunately, he died before being admitted. But they were kind, compassionate and extremely helpful with the process and as a result, our friends give a lot of money and do a lot of mouth piecing about St. Jude's. Fabulous charity.
Any charity that is fortunate enough to have a celebrity spotlight is lucky. So why not St. Jude's?
I would like to start a campaign to do away with the harrassment on the other board. Aren't they breaking some sort of internet laws? Anybody? I just hate it that the hurtful things that are said about these kids is allowed to be on a public message board.
I rarely read the comments, but today I did and of course I posted. But I am certain they won't put it out there for public viewing because I disagree and am considered a sheeple.
Thanks so much for the heartfelt post and I'm so sorry about your nephew.
St. Jude's Hospital also has a special place in my heart because Danny Thomas spent some of his childhood in my hometown. His niece was my high school English teacher and almost everyone in this city knows of the good works of St. Jude Hospital.
Again, sorry about your nephew.
Mom, great post and I will say a prayer for your nephew. I can relate, my sister died of leukemia 41 years ago (I never knew her) but my mom would tell me stories about her. She was only 4.
I don't think St. Judes was around at that time, I am so glad to hear that children are surviving Leukemia in today's world, I don't think that was ever the case 40 years ago. And that has to be in large part to St. Judes cancer research for children.
another topic - Maybe Jon and Kate matched Kmart's toy donation. Why? Because in the beginning of the show Jon states each kid was allowed to pick 3, and he did too. that's approx. 27-30 toys. Then, he states in a voice over while they were wrapping they had 60 toys to wrap.
I don't care either way, maybe it was bad editing. I'm just happy that those children received 60 gifts period!
After reading how many waited in line to see Kate in Michigan, I am excited to know how many more donations this hospital will receive after viewers see the show. They have a LOT of supporters out there. They did state it was not to pat themselves on the back, it was TO RAISE AWARENESS.
Job well done Jon and Kate. I don't care who paid for the stuff, St. Judes wins, and that's all that matters.
I'll be honest, the negativity on this post is really disappointing to me. Yes, there were some really staged moments in this episode. But the bottom line is, a good charity, that ALWAYS needs help, was highlighted in a major way. People were reminded to think of others more than themselves, and to be grateful for all they have. How can you have issue with that? The Gosselins will not always be famous. They will not always be around. But think of the exposure they helped give St. Jude's yesterday. That is something that will potentially last much longer than the Gosselins' fame.
I'd also like to say that thanks to this show, I am now very aware of product placement in other shows. It happens ALL THE TIME. That means all those other people including the women on "The Real Housewives," who DEFINITELY DO NOT need free gifts or more money, the Roloffs, and the Duggars are all getting those perks.
I am not a J&K fan, I think they are phony about a lot of things much of the time, but this show was a GOOD one because it was pretty much an informational show about St Jude's! I know this wonderful hospital will receive more donations from being spotlighted on the Gosselin show.
I doubt if Kate spent her own money at KMart, and I don't care. St Jude's got the gifts!
Sure, I could have done without hearing Kate repeat that SHE was hospitalized, when the focus was supposed to be on the sick kids, and that book-reading scene was staged, of course.... but now that I have seen the show, I know why they made it an hour long.... to BENEFIT ST JUDE'S, not to benefit the G's.
(Isn't Alexis cute!!)
I just read some of the latest GWoP comments on this topic. It's nut over there! This is the first time I have been tempted to join the Princess GWoP Snark thread (I haven't.) I used to think they were a bit too rough on GWoP, but not anymore. As Kate would say, "Lordy be!"
LOL Saint! I love the Princess forum. They snark, but they have the abilty to identify the crazies in such a sarcastic way, it cracks me up!
This morning, I played J&K from last night for my daughter. My kids actually don't really watch the show because they mostly see the parents and not much of the kids to keep their interest.
At the end of the show, my daughter (who is 5) said, "Can we do that Mommy?"
And I said, "What?"
She said, "Buy toys for kids who need them."
It made all my frustration go away and I think the show really taught her something from another source. It echoes our family's values.
(Guin: I was so careful with my post. Hope I didn't make any grammar errors :) You make me remember just because it is on a computer, grammar still matters.)
Cincy Mom, I am so glad your daughter 'got it.' Giving back is so important especially when the economy is going so poorly.
Saint, have I mentioned lately how much I love your posts? They are so close to my own thoughts, but frequently said more eloquently :)!
I don't dislike the show at all, but I'll be the first to admit that my comments lean more on the side of critizism (not always though, and that's why I like it here, rather than GWOP). Most people DO lean one way more than the other, so that shouldn't be an issue - as long as I am respectful in my posts to others here, the children, and the Jon and Kate, which... if you check ... I am! I've been told it's perfectly OK to post here if I am respectful, so I hope that hasn't changed. My point was that product placement has gotten out of control and it's something I've noticed more and more and dislike. If you continue to my next post, you read that I like the show, and long for some of the better episodes - before things got too commercial.
You're right though - I picked a sensitive episode to discuss this, so maybe it seems like I'm not feeling for the sick children ... so not true, I just decided to mention it now, since it happened yet again. I DO think the show was great in terms of what they did - I'm not saying otherwise, and I could care less about the whole "who paid for the toys" discussion.
CindyMom made a great point, and I wanted to agree with it and continue the discussion. I think the "real" momments are getting less and less - and the staging/product placement/scripted momments seem more and more. My hope is that they figure this out, and get back to basics, because this show is a lot of fun to watch otherwise.
Maybe off topic - they seem to be hiding Jenny the babysitter/nanny in recent episodes but I did see her in last night's episode - squashed up against the elevator wall. Why are they trying to hide her lately - we know they don't do this by themselves; they've said it on numerous shows that they still need help when going out so why try and hide her? It just makes me wonder when I see things like that.
NC Resident,
No reality show is going to be 100% reality. Things are edited and spliced together to look a certain way.In addition to that both TLC and Figure 8 have an agenda to meet and sponsors and advertisers to keep happy. My problem is that everyone seems to think Jon and Kate have complete control over what is promoted and what is not. That's completely not true. While their promotion of local businesses and how they mention it during interviews is their own doing the BIG company promotions you see (The movie)is likely the doing of the company and not a personal promotion by Jon and Kate. Even the Juicy Juicy is not their own promotion it's TLC more than likely.
As for the personal promotions it is again a business transaction. They are promoting local business who probably wouldn't have the money to pay for an commercial slot. The organic farm has likely benefited ten times over from the episode. I don't you will hear them crying foul anytime soon. It's marketing gold for them.
TLC doesn't rely on your viewership for money directly. They rely on the popularity of the show to draw in advertisers. They have to keep those sponsors satisfied and happy to continue to get their money.
You can't blame the pair for what the business as a whole does but if you are going to hold them to that standard you have to hold every other celebrity to the same standard.
As for the contradictions. Here is the deal. Everyone wants to see them give back and have moaned that they are greedy, they aren't helping out ect. They do it and they get bashed for it because of the way they did it. If you hadn't seen it it would simply be assumed that they don't give back. You don't see them give locally so you assume they don't. Who is to say they don't and it's simply not filmed.
So --- that's my feeling on it, and yes, I'm glad they had a show that focused on St Jude's - and yes, I know it's going to do a lot for the charity. But really ... it's just getting hard to watch this show now. Doesn't anyone else here see this ????
December 15, 2008 7:34 PM
Yes, I do see it. From Emma Watson promoting her movie, the books and stuffed mice, KMART and the Peabody hotel, one huge commercial in which St. Judes did benefit at the sake of the movie corporation, the Hotel chain, the KMART chain...and of course the Gosselin chain.
It was moving to actually see the children and parents...and the plug for St. Judes was great.
I thought Kate did a nice job in the interview chair and the kids are so big and cute.
Glad to see Nana Bev too!
I am just surprised that Kate was appointed the Grand Duck Master for the day!
Thanks for all the information on St. Judes. The dollar amounts are staggering. The good they have done in these children's lives and families is indescribable. How sad that your little nephew is coping with such an ugly diseases.
Also, does anyone have an idea about how much it costs to produce the marketing videos, annual and monthly appeal donor letters, billboards, annual reports, etc. that St. Jude's produces? It costs ALOT of money. ALOT of money. WAY more money that what the G's make in an episode.
Good point, I do think a lot of people aren't aware of the costs of the fund raising. I thought it was impressive that an entire hour of airtime was given to raise awareness.
For the life of me I don't understand why the expectations are so high for the Gosselins to do charitable works. If they rec'd before, the people who gave shouldn't have expected anything in return. It's like they want a public running a tally of how much they give. I've never thought of holding anyone up to this sort of speculation in regards to charity. I think I might have said this before but to those who have such a keen interest, I would bet a little bit of money that J&K support their church by tithing.
Those kids will be in thoughts throughout the day. It's nice to think this episode is permanent in the series and will be repeated to help bring awareness in the future.
I got your comment...didn't bother me at all.
Yes, I do see it. From Emma Watson promoting her movie, the books and stuffed mice, KMART and the Peabody hotel, one huge commercial in which St. Judes did benefit at the sake of the movie corporation, the Hotel chain, the KMART chain...and of course the Gosselin chain.
I respectfully yet firmly disagree. Not "at the sake of" but because of.
First let me say that St. Jude's is a great charity, and should be commended that only 15% of the money raised is used for administrative purposes. A while ago (I want to say around the time that Marlo Thomas was on Friends) Dateline did a piece about fundraising tactics and using celebrities at special events to promote the charity. She stated that St. Jude pays nothing (including hotel and airfare) for their celebrity endorsements. Whether this is 100% true I don't know and don't know if they get around that by having airfare and hotel sponsors who donate the cost of travel for the celebrities. But I think it's a pretty safe bet to say that St. Jude's probably doesn't pay much for their celebrity endorsements. My guess is that the celebrities are doing it as a favor to Marlo Thomas, which is why St. Jude's doesn't have to pay as much as other charities.
The show is being presented as watch Jon and Kate and the kids give back - I think it's a fair question to ask how much they personally gave back. They received the toys from Kmart, and St. Jude's is a charity that Kmart supports. Kate is a spokesperson for Kmart so assuming that Kmart is donating a bulk of the toys isn't coming out of left field. Of course we don't know actually what happened, but in the same way, we don't actually know that Kmart and the Tales of Deveraux paid to be part of the show. If Kmart did pay for most of the toys, I think watching Jon and Kate at the cash register appearing to pay for the purchase is dishonest. If Jon and Kate did not pay for the toys, I would feel much better about this episode if they said Kate is a spokesperson for Kmart, and she is the best person we can think of to deliver our (Kmart's) donations to St. Jude's and pass them out to the children. This is what I believe really happened, based on nothing but my own assumptions. (Was there a mention that Gosselins were using their yard sale money to go shopping at Kmart? If so, I missed it.) I do think having the Gosselins deliver the presents to the families at St. Jude was a great choice, it looked like the families were really excited to meet them. The one thing I wished the Gosselins had done in this show was to make an announcement after the show stating that while they appreciate the fact that fans sends the family gifts for Christmas, they would appreciate it if people made donations to St. Jude, local children's hospitals or Toys for Tots. I think it would have gone along with the theme of the show, and maybe if people did that the Gosselins wouldn't have to hold a garage sale every year to sell the abundance of things that they receive.
That means round trip airfare for 10, including crew, hotel accommodations, food etc....how much are we talking here to raise awareness? Think of what could have been donated without making this a media event?...Could Jon and Kate have done this another way, perhaps gone alone, without making a "show" about it?
I'm sure TLC paid for all those costs out of their production budget, so no, I don't think they could have gone without making a show of it. And I do think the publicity and donations St. Jude will receive from this episode will be very beneficial.
I hope K-Mart paid for them. K-Mart gets a lot of advertising from the Gosselins, and it's bigger and richer than the Gosselins.
Saint, just curious - how does Kmart get a lot of advertising from the Gosselins? Isn't Kmart paying the Gosselins? Also, in these tough economic times, I wouldn't be so sure that Kmart is bigger and richer than the Gosselins when all debts and liabilities are added in :-). Kmart was near bankruptcy before the recession, I don't know that the situation has improved.
Seriously, no one has explained WHY they care so much. Just that it's really, really important to them that J&K aren't really donating or contributing anything, and that they are lying when they claim they are.
In the big scheme of things, I really don't care what the Gosselins do. However, in terms of having a conversations on a blog dedicated to talking about the show with people who have varied opinions about the show, I care because it supports my opinion of J&K. Why does it bother you that people care that much? Just for myself, I would like to see the Gosselins do some public charity that does not appear on the show (ie, Jon and Kate taking pics a speaking engagement and donating the money to a charity, for example) in a consistent manner for me to buy into Jon and Kate as giving people. Please note that I am NOT telling Jon and Kate what I think they should be doing. I am giving an example to answer your question on what I think they should do as truly "giving back."
I don't think there was any ambiguity about Kmart and The Tales of Desperaux sponsoring this episode, likely in exchange for contributions to St. Jude. It seems eminently reasonable to me.
What I mean to say is, I don't recall statements that conclusively state that they, say, paid for the items at Kmart out of their own checking account. So whether it's true or not, I don't see how they can be accused of lying about it.
This is one of the problems I have with your arguments, Guin. We don't know the facts are true in either statements, so why is the first one eminently reasonable, and the second one is not? In the show, Kate is standing next to a register getting a receipt. Generally, that implies you are paying for something and it would be eminently reasonable to believe the Gosselins did indeed pay for it (at least, that is what the show wants you to think.) After all, the title of the show has something to do with the Gosselins (not Kmart) giving back. At the same time, it is possible that Kmart donated the toys. Chances are, we will never know who actually paid for the toys. I would like to know for the sake of resolving these types of arguments once and for all. I think the show brings these type of speculation on itself. If it had full disclosure, people wouldn't be always questioning the G's motives.
For example, I wouldn't think less of Jon and Kate if they said we took the money we raised from our garage sale and since I am a spokesperson for Kmart, they matched the amount that was raised.
I'll be honest, the negativity on this post is really disappointing to me. Yes, there were some really staged moments in this episode. But the bottom line is, a good charity, that ALWAYS needs help, was highlighted in a major way. People were reminded to think of others more than themselves, and to be grateful for all they have. How can you have issue with that?
Yes, St. Jude's is a great charity and deserves to be recognized for the good work that they do. But at the same time, this post is about commenting on the show. Maybe Nina could do a separate thread about our favorite charities, and it wouldn't contain the negativity of this one?
Having said that, the scene with Kate reading felt false to me, too. I was happy to see Kate reading to her kids, but with the voice over and eight stuffed toys, it was too commercial-ish. It was an odd moment in the middle of a nice program, and it has happened before. I noticed this when they played with the some of the V-Tech and Wii toys at home. These product placements seem so insincere. Jon and Kate try, but they're not that natural. By contrast the other parts of the show, at the hospital, with the kids, seemed very sincere, which is nice.
I was going to respond to your previous post about traveling, but decided no to. You have your opinion, I have mine.
Then you brought up Kate reading the book and it soundind commercial...well that's how the entire show felt to me and other people as well. But you have point by point told as who cares if St. Judes benefits....well I think people do care, especially in today's economy that corporations are not spending more judiouscly.
You are right, the airlines got paid, the Peabody etc...why not have somehow directed ALL that money to St. Judes.
It just didn't feel very sincere to me. Hope that makes sense.
My problem is that everyone seems to think Jon and Kate have complete control over what is promoted and what is not. That's completely not true. While their promotion of local businesses and how they mention it during interviews is their own doing the BIG company promotions you see (The movie)is likely the doing of the company and not a personal promotion by Jon and Kate. Even the Juicy Juicy is not their own promotion it's TLC more than likely.
While I don't think that Jon and Kate have said we want Juicy Juice as a sponsor at the same time, I think Jon and Kate can say we don't drink this, and won't show the kids drinking this when you are filming.
Saint, just curious - how does Kmart get a lot of advertising from the Gosselins? Isn't Kmart paying the Gosselins?
Yes, they are paying them for advertising. Right?
I've seen a lot K-Mart in my Gosselin-reading.
As for who is richer, apparently neither you nor I know. Thanks.
This was directed to Guin, but...
you said: "In the show, Kate is standing next to a register getting a receipt. Generally, that implies you are paying for something and it would be eminently reasonable to believe the Gosselins did indeed pay for it (at least, that is what the show wants you to think.)"
I think you made a good point. Now I think that they paid for the K-mart stuff 9or some of it as someone above pointed out) themselves. If you saw Kate paying (I missed that, but I do believe you) and you think that it implies that she paid for the stuff, why assume otherwise?
On the yardsale show, they did say what they did with the money (pediatric cancer--I can't remember the exact name of that fund.) So why question it?
I was able to watch this episode this morning. After thinking about it for a bit I came to the conclusion that this was about St. Jude's and not really about the Gosselins. It was the perfect platform to give this amazing organization publicity especially when the economy has tanked and money is tight for all good works organizations. Every dime they spend on promotion is a dime less for their cause. Product placement is usual and customary in this industry.
Start watching for it in other shows including sitcoms and movies. It is part of the deal. Using this episode to teach their kids something is admirable IMHO. It was an effort made by all and it spent so much more time in and about the hospital, patients and families. I also believed the emotion shown as J & K were on the couch. I think they were extremely touched by what they saw and it made an impression on them. I know it made me more aware of St. Jude's and very, very grateful that my children did not have to go through anything like this. Mom, I am sorry to hear that your nephew is ill. I pray that he will get through his treatment and come out on the other side to live a wonderful, happy life. With the devotion of all the people we saw working so hard last night, I know this is possible.
I think the Gosselins are damned no matter what they do. The bottom line is this is a tv show and the reality of the entertainment industry is that of ads, perks, promotions, and staging no matter which "reality" show we are discussing. It's common knowledge for those of us who have always worked in this arena. My defense of the Gosselins, in this case, is less about liking them and more about knowing how these things work. Also, if they didn't do episodes like this, what would they show us? The family walking around the house all day? TLC is not influenced by websites. Believe me. They are very happy with the revenue that this show is bringing in and let's be honest; for everyone who hates/loathes/dislikes and/or enjoys bashing this family, there are thousands who feel differently. If this wasn't the case the show would have been cancelled a very long time ago.
I intend to keep St. Jude's on my charitable giving list. We are cutting it some this year and refining it to go to what we consider the most important at this time and the health of children is at the top of our list. I'm going to accept this episode in that spirit and give the parents a break for doing a charitable and good thing by highlighting this incredible and well run organization that touches so many lives and heals on so many levels.
Jon and Kate did give back to their community! Any child that is suffering from cancer IS our community, no matter what part of the country they are in. St Jude's turns no child away so the children in the Gosselin's immediate area who are suffering from this horrible disease will be taken in and treated.
I don't understand why people even go to that other site and read the hate that is being spewed out of the mouths of such unhappy people who have nothing but hatred in their hearts.
I'll be honest, the negativity on this post is really disappointing to me. Yes, there were some really staged moments in this episode. But the bottom line is, a good charity, that ALWAYS needs help, was highlighted in a major way. People were reminded to think of others more than themselves, and to be grateful for all they have. How can you have issue with that?
Yes, St. Jude's is a great charity and deserves to be recognized for the good work that they do. But at the same time, this post is about commenting on the show. Maybe Nina could do a separate thread about our favorite charities, and it wouldn't contain the negativity of this one?
I guess I should have clarified what my point was. I was not attempting to discuss my favorite charity - I was commenting about not only a topic that was part of the episode, but also the comments about this episode. My frustration is that the internet, in many places, seems to be screaming for the Gosselins to do something. They do something that is rather worthy, and now people are picking it apart unnecessarily. I don't care whether the Gosselins did it because they wanted to, or whether Figure 8, or TLC, or Beth, or WHOEVER told them to do it. The episode still served a purpose, and highlighted something that is worthy. I'm really surprised at the strong internet response to this episode (in fact, the response began before the episode was even aired). I guess I naively thought that there wouldn't be much to complain about in an episode about doing things for others, besides the things that people always pick on (it being set up, appearances, etc.).
I think people need to gain a tiny bit of perspective. It's not like "Gumgate" happened all over again, or anything super dramatic.
You had some great points, aap, I just wanted to respond to your comment directed to me.
(Can you tell that this is day two of a snow day, I can't leave the house, and I'm bored?!)
It didn't appear that any Gosselins were harmed during the filming of this episode so if that's what it took for all the pieces to fit together to raise awareness for St. Jude, then I'm fine with it.
Saint -
If you saw Kate paying (I missed that, but I do believe you) and you think that it implies that she paid for the stuff, why assume otherwise?
Because in the days out episode, we saw them pay for clothes at Banana Republic (Kate even mentioned something about going over budget), and it was been reported (not verified though) that they get those clothes for free. So it wouldn't be the first time the show has implied that the Gosselins has paid for something when they didn't.
As for the Kmart comment, maybe I misread what you wrote? All of the Gosselin related Kmart comments I have read seemed to have come from advertising and/or PR from Kmart. To me, it's just Kmart getting what they paid for, not the Gosselins supporting the brand because they are faithful shoppers at Kmart, kwim?
Mom, thank you so much for sharing your family's story and all the background information. I know much more about St. Judes today than I did yesterday thanks not only to this episode, but to the background information you gave us.
I think I mentioned earlier that I sometimes have a hard time watching the St. Judes commercials (sorry, that doesn't seem the right word, but I can't think of a better one). After last night, I think it will be easier. I saw a lot of hope and joy in this institution. There are miracles and breakthroughs happening all the time there thanks to small and large contributions of time and money. The Gosselins raised awareness with this episode and maybe reached some new folks that are normally too scared to find out more about St. Judes because the idea of kids with cancer is just too scary.
Once my budget returns to normal (after Christmas!), I plan to make a contribution to St. Judes and will let them know that I was inspired by J&K and by the stories of people like Mom.
Scarfoot -
Thanks for clarifying!
excellent post really think you said what I had difficulty expressing. Just so you all know I would accept J&K saying we were chosen by Kmart because I am a spokesperson to deliver toys to these wonderful children at St Judes.
Fiona said,
I was going to respond to your previous post about traveling, but decided no to. You have your opinion, I have mine.
OK, I did say that I really didn't want an answer to your own personal travels because I really don't believe you should have to defend that, so that's understandable.
Then you brought up Kate reading the book and it soundind commercial...well that's how the entire show felt to me and other people as well. But you have point by point told as who cares if St. Judes benefits....well I think people do care, especially in today's economy that corporations are not spending more judiouscly. You are right, the airlines got paid, the Peabody etc...why not have somehow directed ALL that money to St. Judes.
Actually, I agreed that it might be better to send all the corporate charity money to St. Jude's, but it is not wrong not to. It's not either/or for me. And regarding judicious corporate spending; I don't agree that it is necessarily more judicious from an economic standpoint to give all the charity money directly to the charity. It might be better, economically, for the corporation, to benefit from some good press, too. More exposure= more customers= more profits= more jobs in tough economic times= more people spending $$$= another donation next year!
My point-by-points were mostly about the Gosselins promoting the local economy, and at this point, I took the opportunity to show how other people, in other states, besides the Gosselins benefit from their TV show.
It just didn't feel very sincere to me. Hope that makes sense.
That makes sense to me, yes, that product placement feels insincere. It doesn't seem wrong to me. I agreed with Momoftwoboys that it seems stilted or something. I think it is a valid point to raise and discuss. She wasn't criticizing the various entities involved as much as saying that it took away from the cuteness of the kids and enjoyment of the episode. I see that, and I still think it was a valuable episode. I'm not a big fan of product placement in the show for the same reason as Momoftwoboys, but I still don't think it's wrong for a corporation to work with the Gosselins to raise $$$ for St. Jude's and to benefit as well.
I like corporations. My husband works for one, and profits are important. We have profit-sharing, so profits put a few morsels on my plate, too.
You wrote a very good post...and so sorry for your nephew.
This episode touched everyone I think, and brought more awareness to St. Judes. I believe that was the agenda here and no one will argue that.
I keep that part of the show seperate.
Jon and Kate Gosselin are still the same people to me. They seem to be making an effort to change their perception, and if so then I applaud them for that.
I don't know what was in their control or not. If KMART donated all, or not.
I do think that Jon and Kate do have the ability to say, "we matched KMART's donation" or something of the sort, if that is in fact what they did.
I understand what everyone is saying on here....both sides. When it comes to Jon and Kate I always am a bit skeptical.
Thanks for all the nice words ladies! I'm off to work right now and we'll continue reading.
Boy, it really true that no good deed goes unpunished. I am truly surprised at the negativity surrounding the episode.
They had to accomplish a few things with this episode. 1. Give attention to St Judes 2. To show people how accessible giving to charity is--you can do it at Kmart! 3. Show what the family experienced since it is a show about them. No matter how "staged" some of the situations are, the reactions are real 4. Satisfy the people paying the bills.
Corporations donate to charities because they get something out of it. Hopefully they also feel good about doing it but the bottom line is that they get recognition for their efforts and the charities very gladly give them that recognition by publicizing their name, giving them award, etc. Why do the corporate bigwigs go on Jerry Lewis' telethon with the large cardboard checks to present. People remember them and feel good about doing business with them. It's the way it is done; the Gosselins didn't invent it.
I don't understand why the Gosselins are held to some sort of higher standard. And I don't think it is right to condemn based on assumptions. If we saw them paying for the toys, maybe it's because they did. If not, I don't even care. St. Jude got an hour of TV that will be repeated again and again over the years; the sick kids got to meet the Gosselins (which they seemed pretty happy about)and the Gosselins got to meet the sick kids which they seemed really touched by; Kmart got their plug. Win-win-win-win.
(Guin: I was so careful with my post. Hope I didn't make any grammar errors :) You make me remember just because it is on a computer, grammar still matters.)
Ack! I'm not going over everyone's posts with a fine-tooth comb. I'm as prone to errors as anyone. And as I said, I'm not really good with the "rules" of grammar - usually I just have a sense if something looks right or not. Gosselin's is not going to be right, unless it's referring to a single Gosselin - Jon, Kate, Alexis, etc.
I do believe in trying to be clear and correct in communication, even on internet message boards. Maybe it's because I'm not much of a texter, so I never got into the habit of acronyms and abbreviations.
In the big scheme of things, I really don't care what the Gosselins do. However, in terms of having a conversations on a blog dedicated to talking about the show with people who have varied opinions about the show, I care because it supports my opinion of J&K.
Does it really, though? I mean, if the toys were donated by Kmart, how does that support your negative opinion of J&K? Even if you believe that the show is edited to make it look like J&K are donating the gifts, rather than Kmart, wouldn't that be a production decision? I don't think that J&K snowed the producers into erroneously believing that they were making the donations, when it was Kmart all along.
I guess I just feel like we (using the collective "we" here) get into these arguments about little details that 1) we can't know the truth of either way and 2) aren't really that important, anyway. Of course, 2) is JMO - but that's how I feel. It's like the consignment shop business all over again.
Why does it bother you that people care that much?
Well, for the reasons I stated above - I think it's picayune and petty stuff, and sort of a case of "not seeing the forest for the trees." That said, I hope I don't come off like I'm trying to direct the conversation or cut off avenues of conversation. If it bothers people, it bothers people. I personally just don't get it, and I do feel, honestly, like for some people it's just because they want to have one more thing about J&K to bitch about. When J&K behave in an obviously negative way, then people have THAT to complain about, but when they do something positive, lo and behold, the same people find the worm in the apple there, too.
Just for myself, I would like to see the Gosselins do some public charity that does not appear on the show (ie, Jon and Kate taking pics a speaking engagement and donating the money to a charity, for example) in a consistent manner for me to buy into Jon and Kate as giving people.
Fair enough. I would just point out that I've read more than one comment to the effect that what J&K must do is do something charitable and not publicize it at all, on the show or otherwise. These posters don't seem to get that if J&K did donate anonymously (and maybe they do!), the posters themselves wouldn't know about it.
This is one of the problems I have with your arguments, Guin. We don't know the facts are true in either statements, so why is the first one eminently reasonable, and the second one is not? In the show, Kate is standing next to a register getting a receipt. Generally, that implies you are paying for something and it would be eminently reasonable to believe the Gosselins did indeed pay for it (at least, that is what the show wants you to think.) After all, the title of the show has something to do with the Gosselins (not Kmart) giving back. At the same time, it is possible that Kmart donated the toys. Chances are, we will never know who actually paid for the toys.
Yes, that's true. Which is part of the reason I choose not to focus on caring who paid for the toys, and instead focus on the good being done.
I just don't see the fact that the Gosselins were filmed at the cash register as some sinister plot to fool the viewing public into believing that the Gosselins paid for stuff when they didn't. I think the scene was included for continuity, and more importantly to showcase the $1 donations that each of the kids made.
I would like to know for the sake of resolving these types of arguments once and for all. I think the show brings these type of speculation on itself. If it had full disclosure, people wouldn't be always questioning the G's motives.
Do you really believe that?
I'm not even sure what full disclosure would entail. I think a 30 or 60 minute show by its nature involves a great deal of editing. People make assumptions. For me the issue is whether they are reasonable or fair assumptions. I mean, one could assume that the whole family took a private jet to Memphis - we didn't see them on the plane, right? And isn't it so horrible that they would be so greedy and wasteful of resources as to use a private plane? I'm sure this seems like an exaggeration, but this is the sort of anti-Gosselin speculation that goes on ALL THE TIME. Before the show, people were assuming that J&K selfishly allowed their kids to interact with sick kids without a thought to the sick childrens' welfare. That turned out not to be the case (and why people thought that the hospital would allow that is beyond me).
What I feel I'm fighting against (pretentious phrase, but I don't have time to phrase it better; this post is already so long!) is the assumption that every "inconsistency" or instance of non-full disclosure masks some evidence of evil or some deep dark Gosselin secret. You may be satisfied with a little more transparency, but I do not believe that is true for the majority of anti-Gosselin posters. They are going to complain and criticize no matter what; that has been proven over and over.
Fiona -
We must have been typing at the same time. Thanks for your comment.
I also meant to thank Mom for her great post, which really put what the show was about in context. My best wishes to your nephew.
Jan said....
I don't understand why people even go to that other site and read the hate that is being spewed out of the mouths of such unhappy people who have nothing but hatred in their hearts.
I find some entertainment value from reading there. Who wouldn't get a little chuckle reading the lists of companies getting emails each week from the crazies? (Or reading which products are now being boycotted) When they post their emails, I literally laugh out loud. Most of the things they write are outright lies and then they go on to talk about what liars the Gs are. Does anyone really think these people wont ever buy from P&G or Fisher Price or whoever else again? Its comedic! They really think they will "bring down" the Gosselins. Being generous with numbers, I would say there are maybe 50 people who post there regularly. Those 50 use at least 2 names each. It gets to be fairly easy to match the multiple personalities. The hypocrisy is the part that amuses me the most. They cry for the children in one breath and then in the next they are calling Hannah and Mady terrible names. They scream at what bad Christians Jon and Kate are and then the next minute they discuss how fat she is or jump into a huge discussion about hair. They can't see through the planks in their own eyes and I admit I find it pretty funny.
There are a couple of new webisodes- one talks about why they chose to donate to Pediatric Cancer Research. Kate follows the stories of some of these children, so its something she is personally invested in. Jon and Kate both mention how blessed they are to have healthy kids.
The article on TLC's website states "Mady, Cara and the sextuplets looked on as their mom and dad gave out sticker books, copies of Kate's favorite CD, Praise Baby, and Jon & Kate Plus 8 DVDs. The toys they purchased went to St. Jude's holiday store, to be given out on Christmas Day. " (Emphasis added).
For my part, I am going to take that for what it says-- J & K bought the toys themselves and gave them away. *If* that is not the case then at least those kids have a few more gifts for a wonderful Christmas morning.
JMO, of course, but seems like all the splitting of hairs has become detrimental to the point this episode tried to put across. Yes, this is a good forum to discuss episode questions and issues. At the same time, is it really worth all of the petty debating if it means someone loses sight of the good that happened?
Here's where we differ! You wrote,
Because in the days out episode, we saw them pay for clothes at Banana Republic (Kate even mentioned something about going over budget), and it was been reported (not verified though) that they get those clothes for free. So it wouldn't be the first time the show has implied that the Gosselins has paid for something when they didn't.
Ok, it would also not be the first time a scurrilous rumor was invented by one screen name, repeated by another (same person, though) and then accepted as fact by a lot of unsuspecting people who can't really remember where they heard it or when. This is why the tuition comment and the organic cow rumor bother me so much.
I used to think of myself as the "Julie defender" here. Now I think of myself as the "Penn Mommy Lie Stamper-Outer."
Please, aap, come up with a source for that rumor that Kate got those clothes for free from BR and faked paying for them. Because I saw the episode and it looked like she paid for them. And Julie didn't know! Penn Mommy jumped in with all that crappy verification.
I feel so strongly about this b/c of why I came to GDNNOP.
I linked over from PM and early on while I was here, Linda mentioned that Fiona might have been questioning PM b/c she thought she was a fraud. Fiona corrected it by telling Linda that she was actually more concerned about sinister CPS hints and remarks, but I was left thinking, "A fraud? No wonder PM is really angry...I'd be angry too, if people thought I wasn't even real!" What I couldn't accept was that a fraud would verify all this stuff, for Julie, who wrote that JODI didn't know the answers. I could only conclude that PM wasn't just a "former Gosselin volunteer" but someone even closer than Jodi because Julie asked her questions. Well, I was wrong about it, wasn't I? My assumption that PM had to real b/c she knew so much was false. And, yes, I felt like the A$$ that A$$umers are supposed to feel like.
So when the PM story broke, Guin and others, in comments, wrote things (paraphrasing) like, "They'll say it doesn't matter and then repeat all these lies this woman made up." And that's what happened. Then GDNNOP had an open discussion and some mods here asked people to back up what they are saying with decent sources. I love the truth more than I like being right, so I started doing two things (as a hobby...no connection to my real life): following links to see if PM really is P-Momma, atheist-blogger, and checking out these Gosselin stories. Some seemed real (asking for the nurse in 2005) and some are bogus (remember the story about Jon scolding the woman with cancer who was late picking up her child from school...classic PM!) Most are bogus.
So I do not accept that there has been a first time for that, aap. I think, rather, you have also been fooled, as I have been, and I invite you to check it out. I firmly believe it is wrong to spread false information about people, though I don't think that this is what most commenters intend to do. I believe you've assumed something false about the Gosselins: that they would lie about budgeting for clothes they didn't actually budget for.
I know they get free stuff, I don't believe they lie about it though.
Should we take your word for this?
Guinevere I just saw your post on my contributions, would be more than happy to email them to you if you wish. Last year we donated 3,355.68 with about 71k in income.
On the Organic farm issue the Gosselin website advertises them. Do you think it was done for free? More likely it was aired as a show, J&K promoted them on the Gosselin website and the meat was donated for advertising. Did it benefit the farm, hell yes, I think I saw his website saying orders were up alot, after the show aired.
So why the need for the show to imply they paid for the purchase. Same with Banana Republic.
The reason is simple. If middle America watching realizes they get these things free many would be less in tune with the show, and since viewers equal ratings which drives advertising placement TLC cannot let that happen.
How do we know Jon and Kate didn't pay for the Christmas gifts? I forgot: Kate is a spokeperson for Kmart and Kmart is a sponsor of St. Judes so they couldn't possibility pay out of their own Salary they get from Figure 8.
Come on people we don't know Kmart flipped the bill and paid for the gifts. Kmart is a corporate sponsor which means they donate a lot of money already to St.Judes so the logical explaination is Jon and Kate bought the gifts with their own money. They said they bought the gifts and I can only go by what they said as fact until it was proven they lied..
Mom, your post was touching and thanks!
Mom, I just saw your post as well and am sorry for any child that is sick. I wanted to post this to confirm what you said regarding charities. It's obvious that St. Judes exceeds what is expected of charities by maintaining operating expenses.
A Whenever you consider donating to charities, it's a good idea to check them out.
The Charities Review Council can help you do that. The nonprofit agency reviews charities (including food banks) using 16 standards, one of which is how they spend their money, said council spokeswoman Helen Ng. The council recommends that at least 70 percent of funds collected by a charity be spent on programs rather than promotion or other operating costs. Anything less doesn't meet council standards, she added.
aap said... ...I would like to see the Gosselins do some public charity that does not appear on the show (ie, Jon and Kate taking pics a speaking engagement and donating the money to a charity, for example) in a consistent manner for me to buy into Jon and Kate as giving people.
After reading your post, I can understand why this would be of interest to some as to what kind of people of J&K truly are, as in curiosity about their personalities. My personal view is that people can do so much good just in their daily life, so I don't use that type of marker.
NC Resident,
The reason is simple. If middle America watching realizes they get these things free many would be less in tune with the show, and since viewers equal ratings which drives advertising placement TLC cannot let that happen.
Or, maybe they paid for them, and the beef and the clothes weren't donated for free. Maybe. I don't know, and you haven't shown me otherwise.
I do know that Penn Mommy made up that beef story, though. At that point of the year (September) Julie asked her if Kate got the meat for free b/c Jodi didn't know. I like that Jodi admitted that she didn't know instead insisting on it one way or the other. I think that is fair.
NC Resident:
On the Organic farm issue the Gosselin website advertises them. Do you think it was done for free?
The Gosselin website mentions "sponsors and friends" and then had several links (many pictures missing in the wayback machine.) What, do you think, is the difference between a sponsor and a friend? I think it's free stuff vs. stuff we like or places we visited and used the facilities for filming our show. I don't know though.
NC Resident:
I'm still on that organic farm...do you think Kate paid for the organic macaroons and the two treats she let the twins pick out?
I had a question but I think I posted it on the wrong thread or I might have sent it into limbo. With the overlap in conversation, I sometimes forget I'm not where I started reading.
Anyway, does anyone know where the rumor of the free clothing comes from? I'm sure that there's benefits for all who participate in the show. But, I find it hard to believe that J&K get every article of clothing free as it seems to others.
Lizabeth, I always forget about those webisodes, thanks for mentioning them.
One of the other thoughts I had about Kmart is that Kate is being sought after by two big companies on opposite ends of the financial pole. Kmart is trying to hang on and P&G well, they're P&G. What does that say about the popularity of J&K +8 ? These companies see them as very desirable promoters.
Mom--I'm praying for your nephew and you and your family. I hope the Christmas season is a good one for your family despite the trying time for your nephew. Children have the most special resilience. My prayers are with your nephew as he fights.
Guin--I really like reading your posts. You have a way of wording that teaches at the same time. But you said this the best and I feel the same way...
What I feel I'm fighting against (pretentious phrase, but I don't have time to phrase it better; this post is already so long!) is the assumption that every "inconsistency" or instance of non-full disclosure masks some evidence of evil or some deep dark Gosselin secret. You may be satisfied with a little more transparency, but I do not believe that is true for the majority of anti-Gosselin posters. They are going to complain and criticize no matter what; that has been proven over and over.
December 16, 2008 10:53 AM
I also think, even though they put their lives on the tube for us, that there's a lot that they don't, and that should stay private and nobody's business but the Gosselin's.
I like this point of yours:
I also think, even though they put their lives on the tube for us, that there's a lot that they don't, and that should stay private and nobody's business but the Gosselin's.
I have come to the conclusion that there are more important things in life for me to worry about than whether J&K bought the gifts they took to St. Judes or what kind of house they live in or where their clothes come from. I have enough real life drama to deal with. If you believe, please pray for my family. My son lost his job in October 3 weeks before he got married and his new wife lost hers on Friday. They can't afford their rent and their student loans (they had to pay their own way thru college) and have to move into her mother's house. My daughter who has suffered 3 miscarriages in two years is pregnant again and I am holding my breath that everything goes okay this time. Sorry to vent but I guess this is what I needed to cure me of worrying about the Gosselins. They certainly don't worry about me.
I don't know why people have such a hard time believing they paid for those toys themselves. From what I remember they were pretty basic things(CandyLand, trucks).
It's not like they bought Nintendo DSs for everyone. Even if they all cost $20-$25 that is still under $1500.00. If Kmart donated them I would expect them to be more high end. Besides, Kate probably used her employee discount.
(And best wishes to the families of Mom and MrsRef.)
Thanks again to all for your well wishes to our nephew. He is a resilient kid - a real tough cookie.
I think it was Lizbeth who said something about "splitting hairs" and I think that may sum up what's going on here.
Many mentioned that this was a good thing for the Gs to do and I couldn't agree more. Let's hope that this is just a tiny glimpse of their charitable efforts. Honestly, is every there every move our business.
As far as the way back machine goes - yes, it appears that they posted their "favorite vendors" etc. All I can say about this is "that was then, this is now." There life has drastically changed since then. I think many people look at their old "wishlists" etc. and think "how greedy" or whatever. But, at the time, they were indeed struggling. I have no doubt in my mind about that.
Think about it. After having my little one, I decided to go back to work part-time...one reason was to be with my dude as much as possible and the other reason was that childcare alone would eat up over half of my salary!
The only other thing I want to say today (like I haven't said enough already, lol) is that I don't think J&K should be raked over the coals when they say things like "we've been blessed" etc. If you (or they) truly feel in their heart that they are blessed, who are we to criticize and say things like "lucky is more like it."
I remember at the time our nephew was diagnosed with leukemia, I was almost 20 weeks pregnant. My H and I were nervous wrecks at my 20 week ultra-sound. We both were so elated with happiness to know that his heart, other organs and overall growth were on target. I remember almost feeling bad sharing the news with my bro and sis in law (or anyone for that matter) because our family was going thru such a nutty time. I remember K saying something to that effect on another show about feeling guilty and I can really understand it. If she feels "blessed," let's give her that.
{MrsRef} - good thoughts going your way. The {} symbols are a hug! :-)
Thank you JerseyGirl I think you said it all.
nc resident You haven't proven that they got anything for free. Let's see the hard facts, not your supositions.
I think there is a big difference between luck and a blessing from the Lord.
Just saying....trips to Utah, Hawaii are not blessings in my mind....healthy babies, very much so.
Maybe it is splitting hairs, but I guess that is what this blog is for. :)
Who's to say what's a blessing for someone else. We all see life differently.
I believe it's likely they get some free clothing. Wouldn't there be a budget for clothing as part of the show? Wouldn't a lot of stuff they do on tape days be part of the budget and paid as such? That seems logical to me anyway.
My wish would be that every Children's Hospital had such great support for sick kids. That place was amazing.
Mrs. Ref:
Sending good thoughts your way. I know it must be so hard to see your children going through all this. I hope things take a bright turn as soon as possible. Until then, please vent! Maybe even snark a bit if it helps to take your mind off your troubles!
Paula said:
nc resident You haven't proven that they got anything for free. Let's see the hard facts, not your supositions.
Anything, you gotta be kidding. Really not going to keep debating each person that demands proof. Do yourself a favor, watch the Yard sale episode. Jon said those were things people GAVE them. Least they could have done as previously stated was tell people to donate to St. Judes instead of them. BTW ever wonder how people knew where to send those gifts? Since the Gosselin family wants to remain so private.
Here is a start:
1.) Home remodeling
2.) Strollers, clothing in fact Paula it was stated they had a trailer full of items from her fathers church.
3.) 6 matching cribs
4.) Juicy juice
5.) diapers
6.) soap powders
7.) Giant food store $5000.
8.) Utah, Disney, Hawaii trips
Want me to stop there?
Now what exactly do you have proof they paid for? You see I think since you want to call me out you might be required to submit the same evidence I'm required to provide. Lets see receipts. Kind of silly isn't it? Ask Saint to send you the link on how much support they had. Or are you talking about what they got free recently.
Mrs ref, you and your family will be in my prayers and thoughts.
I didn't even read this whole thread and I found it funny that so many have issues with the fact that they get things for free. Mom was right, they were struggling once and asked for things and got them. They are no longr struggling, but still getting things for free. It makes people mad because they dont feel this family should get anything free anymore. My question is why not? Isnt that what the rich get?
ncresident. its fine you made up your list. The fact is that we should like the family and enjoy the show for what it is. Not gripe and list things the may or may not have gotten GRATIS. The Banana Republic episode saw them paying for their own items, yet someone makes up a total lie at GWOP and that of course became fact. I seriously feel they got a nice discount for filming the show. But that much free clothes? think not. I mean the he was taking out his credit card from his wallet and Kate was upset she was over budget. Even if they made up that part, why does it matter to you so much.
Too many people think the new fun thing to do is catch them in lies to make the point about hating them. The fans feel what they want to and the haters opinions will never change. Its the people in between that get the most confused and the haters thrive on that. This show was at its best last night and the perfect episode to end the season. BRAVO JON & KATE!
I am not trying to stifle discussion, but I was really hoping after Mom's heartfelt post, we could get back to talking about the actual episode and/or St. Judes. Instead we are arguing over whether the Gosselins received free diapers four years ago. This discussion just feels out of place to me and I don't think anyone is going to change their minds at this point, so I would love if we could put this topic to rest.
Okay...So you got me really thinking when it came to mentioning businesses in the credits and payment for items. So, I went back into my TiVo for any old episodes. Jon's Hair-raising experience was on there and at the very end a thanks to "Kevin and Jodi Krieder and Family" - If mentioning in credits equals TLC/ Figure 8 paying for items, can we then assume that Julie was lying all along and Jodi did get paid by TLC/ Figure 8??
Second- Regardless of who paid for what in the St. Jude episode, it was heart wrenching, heartwarming, and really nice. I'm glad they did it. The only part that upset me was the need that Kate had to defend their actions. It's a shame that people out there NEED the explanation.
I want to add to the prayers for your nephew--Mom. Watching a little one battle an illness is the worst thing imaginable.
IMO--it was a wonderful showcase for St. Jude's. Who cares if the product placement is cheesy. Who cares who paid for it all.
All I could see was some very sick children smiling sweetly at a family that they might enjoy on tv.
I'm sure watching tv is one of the few things they can do.
I noticed that Kate spoke to the kids with genuine interest. She didn't speak down to them or gush as some adults do. I'm sure it was difficult for her, because contrary to some folks beliefs, I think she has a heart. I think she probably mentioned her hospital stay to say that she understands what it is like to be confined, but I don't think she was in any way saying her ordeal was comparable.
Yes, the show has changed. How could it not? They are marginal celebrities now. They appear to be trying to do something positive with that celebrity. Cut them some slack.
NC Resident,
Ask Saint to send you the link on how much support they had.
Nevermind, I don't want to know...
You responded to a comment of mine defending the Gosselins because they promote the local economy. You haven't shown their show doesn't support the local economy, instead, somewhere in there, you actually said, "Hell yes!" to whether an appearance on the show helped the business.
Too contradictory for me.
Now you are crabbing about stuff people donated when they were in need?
You seem determined to see the Gosselins in the worst possible light. That is the point you have finally made.
Baby Mama said,
"This show was at its best last night and the perfect episode to end the season. BRAVO JON & KATE!
Agreed...best show they have done so far this season!
Mrs. Ref -
Sending warm thoughts your way and the way of your children.
ncresident -
Why do you care so much?
What is your point with all of this?
Do you think that none of us realize that these items were free or donated or gratis?
Do you think that none of us realize that the Juicy Juice is/was a product placement? Do you think that none of us realize that the bedtime story was a movie promo?
Help us understand why it is that this irks you so much.
Mrs. Ref,
I am a believer, and will surely pray for you and yours. Take care.
Thank you Anya.
I don't care who paid for the gifts... The children will appreciate them no matter who wrote the check!
The Gosselins have actually given St. Jude's a perpetual gift, because each time this episode is shown.. and we ALL know how often J&K+8 episodes are rerun... new people will find out about St. Jude for the first time and grab THEIR checkbooks!
As far as I'm concerned, this was a great episode that benefited everyone involved!
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