We've noticed that we've gotten an unusually large number of responses to this week's poll. We thought we'd start an open discussion thread so people can post about which unseen relative they'd like to see on the show and why.
Final results of the poll 12/08/08
Which unseen relative would you most like to see make an appearance on the show:
12/08/08 Final results of the Poll
Kate's parents 400 (71%) Kate's sisters 66 (11%) Jon's brothers 19 (3%)
Jon's mother 33 (5%) Sister of sister-in-law, aka Julie 42 (7%)
Votes so far: 560 Poll closed
Kate's parents 400 (71%) Kate's sisters 66 (11%) Jon's brothers 19 (3%)
Jon's mother 33 (5%) Sister of sister-in-law, aka Julie 42 (7%)
Votes so far: 560 Poll closed
I said Kate's parents. I would love to know who she gets her "anxiety issues" from, mom or dad. I'd love to see the kids with her parents. I am hoping for a family reconciliation, so Gran and Gramps would be a "must see episode" for me.
Hey, Nina...
Why didn't you give us Aunt Jodi as a choice? ;)
Hi Saint,
I can't take credit for the idea for this poll but feel free to write about any relative you would like to see on the show.
I picked Kate's parents as well. It would be nice if they did a Christmas show with all of their relatives. But then again, maybe some of them do not want to be on camera and have their motives picked apart by some salivatating "re-cappers".
I chose Kate's sisters. Back on the original TWoP J&K thread someone posted a link to a post her sister Christen made on a site where she sells her jewelry.
It was when J&K were on Oprah and she was telling her friends there about it. It was interesting at first-people were excited to hear she was Kate's sister and asked about her. Christen talked about helping with the sextuplets when they were newborn and about Kate's need to control things and how she had been like that, too. Then the TWoppers swept in and asked her such things as did she know that "everyone hates her sister?"
Who says stuff like that? The thread was shut down shortly thereafter.
Anyway, that's what I always think of when people ask why their friends and relatives don't defend them. They know what will happen and it would be pointless to try.
I have since read that supposedly they had a falling out because Kate wanted to charge her to put a link to her jewelry business on their website. Who knows? Personally I would have gone for it. With all the traffic their site gets she would probably sell a ton.
I would be most curious about Kate's parents.
Second would be a return of Jodi. I liked watching the two families interact as part of the show.
I chose the parent's because I have read quite a few things about them.
I think Kevin comes in as a close second. He appears to be a friendly guy and it would definetely be interesting to see Kevin and Jodi back in the picture.
The reason I chose Kate's parent's is because I would like to ask them what kind of child Kate was. Also, I would like to know if they see alot of Kate in Mady and if Kate was always correcting people's grammar when she was growing up.
Back on the original TWoP J&K thread someone posted a link to a post her sister Christen made on a site where she sells her jewelry.
It was when J&K were on Oprah and she was telling her friends there about it. It was interesting at first-people were excited to hear she was Kate's sister and asked about her. Christen talked about helping with the sextuplets when they were newborn and about Kate's need to control things and how she had been like that, too.
There were also posts (on TWOP) by "MasonDixonDad" who was rumored to be one of Jon's brothers. I am curious in light of the PM saga if "Christen" was really Kate's sister, etc.
Nina Bell said...I think Kevin comes in as a close second. He appears to be a friendly guy and it would definetely be interesting to see Kevin and Jodi back in the picture.
Yes, Kevin is friendly and also hot! No, I wouldn't mind seeing him again AT ALL!
I saw a re-run of the garage organization episode this morning. The way Kate and her brother interacted was so genuine. I was a supporter of Julie, because as I have stated, I would be defensive if I thought someone had hurt my sister. Looking at this episode, I couldn't help but think--what was gained? Nothing is worth hurting family relationships. I hope that Kate and Kevin and Jodi can have a good relationship again. Kevin and Jodi seemed like a good part of their lives--IMO.
I actually wouldn't want Kates parents on the show for the fact she already stated they don't have a good relationship with her parents. That show would be more for the Dr. Phil show to mend relationships. I picked Julie. I wonder if she would have the balls to say some of the things to Kate with the things she has said online and on her blog. It would be an interesting show but for that to happen Kate and Kevin/Jodi would have to move forward as a family and mend bridges first.
i miss baby benny. he was so cute:) i love the episodes he's in. just toddling around with his binky!
I said Kate's sisters. I'd like to see in what ways they are like Kate, or if they come off different.
I would like to see all of them! Mainly Kate's parents I suppose- bc they've been such a mystery. It would be very interesting to see her interact with them, I thought she was very sweet with Kevin so it would be fun to see. I would like to see her sisters bc I think it would be fun to see if they are alike, personally I'm NOTHING like my sister personality wise but we make the same facial expressons and gestures. Does anyone remember how many sisters she has?
I said the parents cause i just want to know if Kate's parents are embarrassed about how the show has ended up and what REALLY happened w/ Kevin and Jodi. I agree that if the parents came on it would be a Dr. Phil session.... BUT HEY... maybe they need that?!
I picked Jon's mom because it seems like they are very proud of their Korean background, so I think it would be nice to see their Korean family. It doesn't seem to me (although I have no basis for this statement) that the relationship with Jon's mom is as strained as Kate's with her parents.
On a related note, I just think it is so sad that neither Jon or Kate have a relationship with their living parents. I live 600 miles from my parents and I HATE IT.
I said Kate's sisters because I would like to see how they interact with eachother. I guess one of the things I have always wondered is this- just because we dont SEE all these people on the show, does it mean for SURE that they are not involved in the G's lives? Maybe they really dont want to be part of the show, but see the family on off days or keep in touch via phone or e-mail. How do we really know that all of these people have NO contact with J&K?
I'd love to see both of their siblings -- Jon's side and Kate's side.
People have problems with their family...and Kate's parent's may very well be non-supportive and have said things that may have been very hurtful. Just because people are family, does not mean they are good for each other.
I would be more interested in seeing the people who at one point loved them and helped them.
Jodi, Kevin and Beth. It would be great to see that reunion, but i am not going to hold my breath.
I wonder if Jon and Kate get lonely?
Gee, you think the GWoPpers are bombing the polls like they usually do when they're trying to push an agenda? One of their talking points has always been what an evil person Kate is for not having more of a relationship with her parents (even though blabber mouth Julie confirmed that the parents are not the most loving people on earth and that the other siblings are also not on good terms with them, with the exception of Clairissa, the youngest). In fact, it was Julie who told the blogosphere that Kate's controlling father's nickname is "little Hitler."
Gee, sounds like a warm, grandfatherly type, doesn't he?
Yeah, I'm thinking that you have some haters weighing in on your poll!
I wish Jodi and Kevin could be part of their lives again, whether it's shown on the show or not.
I think in reading their latest interviews in People and Redbook, even Jon and Kate said that no one in their family understands their decsions to do the show, including friends and neighbors. I read that as "it is pretty much us"
Also, the reporter said they wouldn't talk about Kate's parent's but used the chasm as describing the relationship.
Her absence of parent's could be a religious standoff on fertility treatments, to acting like an ass with the donations and volunteers. Who knows? Whatever it is it is big enough to blur all your families faces from your wedding video!
Regarding Kate correcting grammer, I think it is just Jon she does that with...and it makes her look ridiculous. Most of the time she corrects him and uses the wrong phrase herself! Who does that to their spouse on TV?
You know what will be funny, is when Mady starts correcting her mother! She is one smart cookie and that seems to be something Mady we do!
P.S. I would like to see Mady and Cara at a soccer game or taking dance lessons!
Samatha, I believe Kate has three sisters. I picked sisters too, although, like you, I'd love to see any of them. I say this with the caveat that 1) as others have said, just because we don't see them doesn't mean they aren't in their lives and 2) I fully support J&K's decision to decide who they want in their lives (and their childrens) and who will be on the show.
MoreCowbell, I agree 100%. As soon as I saw the number of votes and the way the vote was going, I KNEW there were others weighing in other than the regular lurkers and posters. And that's fine. It's just interesting that they think they are making some grand statement. It's just a silly poll folks!
FIONA said.
...Just because people are family, does not mean they are good for each other...
This is such a valid point that I never see mentioned on other sites. Ignoring this fact is one my irks with the ignorant hate.
I would chose anyone. I just hate seeing those precious children becoming so isolated from family, friends and playmates.
Speaking of GWOPPERS, the latest onslaught of hate is now directed to Jon and his breakout of pimples on his forehead. He must be taking testosterone is the guess.
Guess I shouldn't be surprised by the mean and hate, but seriously, talking about zits???? Poor, poor people over there.
Since they think we are all religious zealots over here perhaps we shook set aside a time each day for group prayer for the GWOPPERS!
I love my Dad soooo much but he and I do not see eye to eye on many things, including religion.
It is best for me that I limit my time with me otherwise I would be in emotional unrest all of the time.
Doesn't mean I don't love him and miss him terribly though!
And that would be a very personal and complicated thing to explain to viewers.
MoreCowbell said...
"even though blabber mouth Julie confirmed that the parents are not the most loving people on earth and that the other siblings are also not on good terms with them, with the exception of Clairissa, the youngest)"
Why do we have to name call? I applaud the fact that Julie stuck up for her sister. No one else did.
Family issues can stem from any number of things. I don't think anyone is qualified to say whether or not Jon and Kate are "horrible people" because they don't see (well, WE don't see) their families. We don't know the whole story.
Why do we have to name call? I applaud the fact that Julie stuck up for her sister. No one else did.
December 4, 2008 10:31 AM
I guess if there was a problem, Jodi needed to put on her big girl panties and handle it herself. Allowing her sister to blog about it, not the way a big girl should handle things.
What I was trying to say is that it's nice to see family sticking together.
HowYouLikeThemApples said...
What I was trying to say is that it's nice to see family sticking together.
I understand your point, however, there are a number of us who disagree with *how* Julie went about sticking up for Jodi. That's all. As has been said a number of times, many of us have sisters too and we understand the impulse to want to weigh in and defend our sibling. It's just the methods we decry - not the obvious love and caring Julie has for her sister.
* * * * * * *
Fiona, thanks for sharing your story. It's another good reminder of why *we* are not qualified to tell the Gosselins who should be in their lives.
I've always been interested in seeing more of both J&K's families. Jon's mom, siblings (how many does he have?) Kate's parents and siblings too.
And, I definitely would love to see some reconciliation between J&K and Jodi. I miss baby Benny, too!
Eloquently said, Anya.
Point well taken. :)
Why do we have to name call?
I don't like name calling either.
Regarding Kate correcting grammer, I think it is just Jon she does that with...and it makes her look ridiculous. Most of the time she corrects him and uses the wrong phrase herself! Who does that to their spouse on TV?
I do see wives correcting their husbands publicly. It's a personality trait I also find ridiculous.
You know what will be funny, is when Mady starts correcting her mother!
Mady already corrects her mother about things, and it's not something I want to see. I wish they'd edit that out. It's unattractive, though normal for some children, and it should be corrected, though privately.
This is off topic but I came across this link - apparently Kate was a P&G spokesperson on black Friday at the opening of their new store in NYC.
Here's the link if you're interested: (i'm sure you'll have to type it in)
No problem, it seemed relevant. My Dad, almost a minister of sorts, a treasurer for a large evangelical ministry, has many opinions on things that have divided us.
However, he may not be in my day to day life, he is in my thoughts always. It took along time to get to were I am, am he does not understand the hurt. I know he loves me tho.
Off topic, has anyone seen Twilight??? I am reading the second book currently, sooo good!
In order for someone to be shown in J&K they need to sign some sort of waiver to let TLC use thier image. If my child was in their class and went over for a playdate, I would not want my child on TV, therefore any playdate would have to be on a non-filming day. So why is it so far fetched to think that the kids dont see friends and/or family on non filming days? We only see a tiny slice of life, so MANY things go on that we dont see!!
And for Fiona- I did see Twilight and I am almost finished with the last book of the series, Breaking Dawn. The books are fantastic (the third one, Eclipse is my fav) and Ive been trying to read BD slowly since its the last one but I cant put it down!!!
Yes, participants would need to sign a waiver in order to appear on the show. That is why the family members' faces are blurred out in the wedding video. Not necessarily because J & K don't want them shown, but because those people either weren't asked or didn't give permission.
I don't know that I would want my kids on TV, on this particular show....but than you look at LPBW and their friends are on all the time. Do you suppose they get a stipend of some sort? Or just the benefit of being on TV with the Roloff's, enjoying their farm etc..
But we do see soccer games being filmed..is it too much of a leap to expect to see that kind of normal activity with Mady and Cara.
That kind of normal kid thing would make me, the viewer, really happy to know that they had a routine activity.
Maybe they are gone too much to be on a team, who knows?
I just hope Jon and Kate strike a balance between the Gosselin brand and a normal life for their kids.
Stephanie, I am obsessed with these books! I keep texting my daughter with my reactions. I have never liked fantasy at all, but after seeing the movie over Thanksgiving with her, I am hooked. Edward Cullen...now he is hot!
Okay, I sound ridiculous. Back to reading!
BTW, love the term, "re-cappers"...synonomous with ge-woppers"
Kikibee, I read Christen's posts back in February as well. I was horrible how people attacked her! I do believe that the lady posting as Chisten is indeed Kate's sister. I believe that because she posted somethings that only Christen would know.
The day after the Gosselins were on Oprah Jon and Kate had a speaking engagement in Ohio. Christen wrote that she was going to see Kate and Jon at that engagement.
My husband and I were at that speaking engagement and Kate pointed to Christen and made a joke about them being "mutts" and that her sister was in the audience. (They had been asked what their heritage was...hence the joke).
I would love to see Kate's parents. Kate wrote a lot about her relationship with her mother in Mulitple Blessings. It seems that they were very close at one point!
I would also LOVE to see Beth again.
Fiona, that's sad, but that's just the type of example which I was thinking. Religion often seems to a play a role in those situations.
I would be surprised if Kate and her mom have not talked in all this time. It could go either way.
I know this is off topic but for some crazy reason I decided to read the lastest posting on GWOP and the little amount of comments posted over there. I think those women are sick in the head and need to get some mental help because it can't be healthy. geez, if that's all the enjoyment these women get is to look into the crystal ball and see what the children will be at age 50 and high five each other for a wonderful post I feel sorry for them all. I think it's fine to have discussions and discuss with people about this show but when it gets down to the psychology aspect in their discussions something is missing with these people.
The true colors have come out from GWOP:Secondly we wanted to make various things about the Gosselins public. Thus the main or sole purpose of this blog is NOT dealing with child exploitation and it gets wearying when people try to insist that it is. I put up the blog and still remember why I did it. :) The blog being solely about ending child exploitation was not even a thought in my head.
They are just a group of grown women who can't see beyond the end of their noses and a hate group to discuss there sick desire to harm a family with no responsiblity. Pity is right but not at Jon and Kate. sorry for my rant, it's been along day!
This is a bit OT too, but I have to comment about the recent comment at GWOP about the "purpose" of their blog. I'm smelling something, and it isn't sweet. Looks like true colors are showing over there. That, coupled with no anons should make things interesting over there, to say the least.
Indianprincess--Great post!! I have said before and always wondered why mothers (from what I've read most of them are) can exude such hatred. Sad part is that in some way or another they're teaching their kids that hatred.
I pity those fools. (yes, the Mr. T in me came out).
Anya-I agree with you. It was how Julie went on and on and on, and to me, comes across as a jealous, hateful person. And, the gwoppers are praising Julie like she's some hero. Geeze, that was funny to me to see how they idolized this woman.
And, Stephanie, you are right. There is indeed a waiver that needs to be signed. I would think that's why you don't see their friends on camera.
As for LPBW, I don't know why their soccer matches are filmed, except I would imagine those kids are older. Don't know for sure, but I'm just guessing.
One last thing on gwop...anyone who can't sign their real name to something and hide behind an anon is a coward. Use your real name or pick a screen name and stick with it. They certainly do have a sick agenda over there.
Now that I read what I wrote, I see it could be read either way.
I would think that Kate and her mom have spoken some in all this time.
For all we know, Cara & Maddy may phone their grandparents all the time. There's a lot of stuff we don't know.
Indian Princess:
What's the title of the post on GWOP in which these delightful women discuss this?
And I seem to remember that Watchoverthem came over here to tell us all how she is a CASA and how she has worked on legislation regarding this matter.
Wonder what she is thinking now?
I know this is off topic - but I want to know the difference between snark and hateful/nasty comments.
I thought "snark" was a combination of "snide" and "remark". I used to get in trouble from my mom when I gave her snide remarks. :)
Is it just that one is delivered anonymously and the other isn't? Or that one is said "behind someone's back" via the internet and the other is more direct?
Is it okay to snark, if the comment appeals to someone's sense of humor? Like laughing at someone who slips on a banana peel? I used to get in trouble for doing stuff like that too - it's not nice to laugh at someone, only with them.
Is it that "good" snark has some clever twist of the phrase? So it's okay to say hateful things as long as its delivered in a clever manner?
What makes a comment "snarky" versus "hateful"? Why does it seem okay by people to be "snarky" and not okay to be "hateful"? I need help understanding the difference because I don't see it.
Oh and of course, we can't forget the absolute Queen of Hyprocisy -- Julie.
She should be feeling some remorse for entangling her sister's family and her sister's nieces and nephews in this nest of venom.
But she would never ever admit that she was wrong for her involvement with Penn Mommy and the Gwoppers.
I think the whole point is that we dont know anything! We can assume all we want, but at the end of the day no one really knows. Maybe Julie had some insi. info, but she wasnt in the house all the time. She got the story from Jodi and that was that. Everyone is bias when they tell thier story, you know what I mean? Im not saying that Kate was right or that Jodi was right, just that we have no idea what went down. At all.
Ive stopped reading gwop because its so sad to me. They talk about the kids and protecting them. What about the day when Mady or Cara get online and google their name and up pops gwop. A hateful site that says hateful things about thier parents, their siblings AND them. Is that protecting the children? Id take watching J&K over reading gwop ANY day! Do I think the G's are perfect parents or people? No way. But am I a perfect mother or person? No way. I do see love between J&K and thier children and that is what keeps me watching.
Just wondering, what is Penn Mommy and Twop?
Linda, the discussion is called "Tups turn 50", it was not something I should have read on a day like today in my world but it happened and now I'm sorry I did because now I'm snarky!
Thanks Indian Princess.
I'm hoping (although I doubt it) that Jodi is still in the kids' lives. I really enjoyed watching those interactions, and would love to see more.
What makes a comment "snarky" versus "hateful"? Why does it seem okay by people to be "snarky" and not okay to be "hateful"? I need help understanding the difference because I don't see it.
Hateful = hate-full Like the GwoP post about the ‘tups turning 50. Who walks around taking pride in their ability to ‘snark’ on a child?
At first glance, I noticed that the writer was careful not to give any of the ‘tups a dire future (i.e., drug addict, criminal). In the past, GWoP posters have envisioned things like a future as a serial killer for one of the kids; maybe this writer at least learned not to go there. But the writer is not skilled enough to write a satire; they’ve simply written something that reveals their own prejudices.
Notice the future the writer gave to Hannah. She, out of all the kids, gets the complete package of things that would make her supposedly ‘elitist’ mom squirm. There’s a great deal of veiled hostility and disdain in the description of future Hannah’s imaginary Duggar travel trailer lifestyle, including an estranged relationship with her mother. Why put all of that into Hannah’s pretend ‘future’? I don’t buy that Kate is the only target of that little scene.
In the swipes supposedly aimed at Kate, I think the writer and the commenters reveal a great deal of snobbishness about supposedly ‘lower class’ lifestyles and occupations: Jon as a Walmart greeter, imagined in a tone of great disdain. Nothing like insulting two for the price of one. I mean, really! If you happened to work at the job that these commenters are presenting as the perfect humiliation for hated Jon or hated Kate, wouldn’t you feel like you’d been slapped in the face, too?
And the whole claim of innocence of any gay slur in envisioning one of the boy ‘tups as a ‘fabulous fashionista’? BS! In some twisted minds, ‘fabulous fashionista’ is code for ‘gay man’ (hang on tight to those stereotypes, and maybe you’ll be ‘safe’!), and it’s not even subtly presented. At all! In their twisted logic, having a gay son is more karmic payback for Jon and Kate. A gay son! How terrible! They’ll claim that it’s just because Jon and Kate are so ‘traditional’, and that’s why a gay son would be traumatic for them, but I call BS on that, too. The people who can envision having a gay offspring as being any kind of a ‘punishment’ or ‘payback’ are revealing their own bigotry.
Fiona- Regarding the show LPBW and their children's faces being shown. I have no experience or expertise in television but my guess it has something to do with the ages of the kids....Mady and Cara's friends would still be very young and need parental consent for TV, however the Roloff children I believe are close to 18. Just food for thought :)
I have been a lurker for a long time now and have been debating getting into some of these conversations and this is the perfect one!
I would like to see Kate's sisters. I read the book and she mentions her sisters and her mom, but never really her dad. I think her sisters would be able to give us more of the background to that than her parents would. I don't think that there was a falling out with the sisters, rather I think that they don't want to be on the show. I know in the book it was mentioned that at least 1 of her sisters lives in a different state.
I would love to see Jodi and Kevin on the show again, or at least have it mentioned somewhere....even if online, that they are working out the issues they have had.
OK- Totally off topic...I love the pic of the giant snowman on the home page! Very cute.
I would like to see any family...whether it be Kate's or Jon's. Not on every episode, but, every once in a while to know they exist. It would seem more like the reality show that it is suppose to be.
Sorry mods, I put this comment on another post but I thought it might work better here, you choose :)
Yesterday, I read on GWOP that they were not a child advocacy sight. So I wrote a comment that actually got through! I highlighted for them their own "what we want" section of the blog. It clearly states that their goal is child advocacy and to change child labor laws. I asked them to explain why they only cry advocacy when it's convenient....
There was no answer.
Just my opinion but when a topic has seemed to run its course here, the comments drift to GWOP and their latest posts.
On topic, I have at times experienced friction with one or another family member. However, never have I been estranged from all at once. In addition to cooled freindships, their lack of close family ties must be lonely for them. It is hard to comprehend how their entire network doesn't understand why they do what they do, or how best to help them.
I feel most for the children because it is in these other important relationships that our value lessons are reinforced. I taught religious education classes for ten years and never wanted my own children in my classes because the need to hear the same sound advice from other adults is so important. My own teenaged son has forged two great friendships. One with his father's best friend and one with the father of his own best friend. He values their opinions and I'm thankful particularly as he is entering that "my parents know nothing" stage.
I guess my point is that you can fill your life with learning experiences and such but something is missing when your life is not also filled with memories of growing up with extended family and friends. Some of my children's favorite memories include apple picking with a group of 25 "family friends" or vacationing on a lake with four families in the same (very large) house for years. The tups are coming upon the age that they will remember people and events and I hope their circle of family and friends will widen in the future.
Actually, T-Bag, Sharla did answer you:
That is there, but it is also not ALL that is there. Besides wanting something does not equate to being the sole reason for existence. I've considered removing that button and if people want to hang us for not slavishly following two statements in a button, I may just have to do that.
So, now, instead of a mission to help children who are being exploited, it's a 'statement in a button'?
And 'Love GWoP' said this:
I think it's ridiculous that others come on here and try to tell you the purpose of YOUR blog or what is supposed to be discussed.
Interesting, huh?
Before the mean recap by Threefarmers, the last GWoP post I had read was about the new property, and that was to respond to a post here. I regret reading anything at all. It is a horrible site with nasty, nasty posters. I am ashamed for them.
I went back and read comments in the recap, and found one (from anonymous, imagine!) that starts "Hey sheeple." It's too stupid to go bother rereading. It was in defense of Threefarmers (poor Threefarmers!) who had to suffer the sting of my calling her recap mean to little Hannah Gosselin.
I offered a response to GWoP, but it didn't go through (of course.)
Here it is:
Anonymous at 4:16 PM wrote: Hey sheeple- Seems that you all think that 3F's recap was just plain mean- mean to Kate and mean to the kids. I think that this anonymous poster is calling across the blogosphere to GDNNOP where I wrote that Threefarmers' recap is mean.
It is mean. It is mean to Hannah Gosselin who may or may not be supporting her parents. If she is not supporting her parents, then Threefarmers is wrong and mean. If she is supporting her parents, then Threefarmers is right about that and mean. Eitherway, ThreeFarmers is mean, and so are the other commenters who egg her on and pile on to the criticisms about a little girl.
There are some people who believe Jon and Kate are wrong to film their children's private moments to be recorded, replayed, and open to scorn.
Threefarmers provides the scorn.
Please stop.
As long as gwop continues to supply us with astounding posts and comments I can assure you that it will continue to come up here whether a topic has "run it's course" or not. As we are rational people (mostly) they continue to stupify us all. They are a part of the Gosselin world and this is a blog where all things are discussed.
Well, "Tups Turns Fifty" is another nasty piece of GWoP. In the comments, many that applaud the "brilliance" of wishing broken relationships on the family, is one that says,
" fxfanatic said...
OMG, Laughing at Joel.
Normally, I don't pick on the kids individually but this is too funny!!!!
Isn't it nice to know she doesn't, normally pick on kids individually? She prefers to pick on whole groups of kids? Or she prefers to bully with a group of her own kind? Frankly, I don't believe her. Bullies often lie along with their bullying. Well, I hope Sharla and Threefarmers and Scaryskiernj wake up soon to regret what their little hobby really has become and what it encourages in others.
Perhaps then someone should open a new discussion with regards to astounding GWOP posts. That way when those of us want to read comments about the poll, we can do so without distraction and those that want to talk about GWOP can do the same.
This is not related but felt I had to share...
I just read that the Duggars will be taping the birth of baby #18 for their TLC show.
I honestly think the Duggers are the ones who are exploiting their kids more so than any supposed exploitation of the Gosselin kids.
18 kids. How the heck does that mother have time to devote any attention to them? It's really unfair to a majority of the kids. The older ones seem to watch over the younger ones. Nice teenage years for the older ones.
I'd much rather see Stacy and Clinton suprise the Duggers with a makeover. Seeing Nick cut Michelle Dugger's hair into a cute haircut of 2008 would be priceless! :)
Perhaps then someone should open a new discussion with regards to astounding GWOP posts. That way when those of us want to read comments about the poll, we can do so without distraction and those that want to talk about GWOP can do the same.
Conversations that occur naturally don't stick to one topic, unless you're on TWoP, and militant moderators are busy quashing any step out of line. As long as people are civil, I personally don't see anything wrong with letting conversations follow their natural flow. I have no problem with skipping over things I don't wish to reply to.
Perhaps then someone should open a new discussion with regards to astounding GWOP posts.
I second Ruthe's suggestion. Though, in the absence of the GWoP thread, perhaps Ruthe and those who are distracted by "GWoP comments" should scan quickly first, so they can skip the comments about GWoP that raise undesirable feelings of discomfort.
I see value in pointing out the hypocrisy of those who ridicule the Gosselin children out of one side of their mouths while bemoaning the possibility that they have been left open to ridicule by their future peers from the other side of their mouths.
I honestly really do think the Duggars are great people. I admire them for the lifestyle they lead, even though it's certainly not for me. However, it bugs me to no end that people say Kate Gosselin's a bad mother because we never see her parenting and in the same breath say that Michelle Duggar is an amazing mother. Michelle Duggar admitted that she doesn't dress or feed the children, their buddies do. She takes care of the littlest ones, the most recently born. How is that any different than Jon being the one to dress the Gosselin kids?
We only see glimpses of their lives, both of these families. Why do people automatically think that because the Duggars seem nice on their 22 minute show they take it for what it is more than the G's? Both of them are making money off of their children. The Duggars just seem nicer.
Am I missing something? What does this comment mean?
I put up the blog and still remember why I did it. :) The blog being solely about ending child exploitation was not even a thought in my head.
Conversations that occur naturally don't stick to one topic, unless you're on TWoP, and militant moderators are busy quashing any step out of line. As long as people are civil, I personally don't see anything wrong with letting conversations follow their natural flow. I have no problem with skipping over things I don't wish to reply to.
I agree.
I really like it is the way it is. You get more insight and it doesn't seem to wander off too far. If it does, the mods have stepped in before.
I sense alot of hostility from her post to you!
From my own experience, the more you hang there, the more hate filled you become. It is like a terrible infection, and one post feeds another.
I do think we should have a dedicated place to discuss GWOP!
They are not allowing any room for rebuttal over there, and the things they are discussing allow for a different POV!
I think in some sick twisted way, they think the more they target the kids, the more they will get to Jon and Kate. This is a terrible and inhumane way to make a point.
They have never been able to stick to their rule of not demeaning the kids.
I like the Duggar's too and if Michelle wants to wear her hair long, so be it. Those kids all seem very happy.
Another explantion from the Farmer!
(in response to the Tups Turn 50)
ThreeFarmers said...
And how does this post help stop the exploitation of these innocent children?
Ok, Sasha222. The name of this blog is Gosselins Without Pity. It is a gathering place -- a virtual piazza -- as it were, for people who share the same opinions -- or not -- about the Gosselins. The vast majority of the people here are sickened by the way J&K have put their children in the position of having to support their family.
Folks here are also upset by the way J&K fraudulent market themselves as experts on everything from penny pinching and parenting to electronics. It has been well established that J&K are still taking "love offerings" based on the premise that they won't be able to provide things like weddings and an education to their children in the future, despite the fact that they are more well off than those from whom they choose to take.
Unfortunately, being an arsehole isn't illegal and no single post (INCLUDING YOURS) or group of posts will do much to stop them, but by keeping this blog active with a variety of opinions and new people finding us everyday, perhaps, over time, we will convince enough people to quit supporting them and the sponsors who hire them. If this blog dies and there is no longer a continuous flow of information, humorous or otherwise, then that process will slow considerably.
Fiona brought over this a comment from 3Farmers with this in it:
Folks here are also upset by the way J&K fraudulent market themselves as experts on everything from penny pinching and parenting to electronics.
Experts on everything? Experts on electronics? Haven't seen that, 3F! It's too bad people "over there" aren't upset about people fraudulently marketing themselves as former Gosselin voluteers with negative insider information or attendees from the vow renewal ceremony!
So they justify whatever nastiness--against the kids or whomever--because they think they can get people to stop watching? How can they think they are so morally superior? I am baffled by the logic.
Also, they are doing just the opposite of their goal. They are creating interest in the show. Attention whether it is positive or negative will keep the show around because people are talking about it. When people quit talking about it, indifference is what will eventually take it off the air.
I opened a new post for open discussion if anyone would like to bring this discussion up a thread.
Sorry Fiona, I didn't write that, Sharla or whatever her name said that on GWOP on one of her comments. I'm not good at quotations and bolding.
However, it bugs me to no end that people say Kate Gosselin's a bad mother because we never see her parenting and in the same breath say that Michelle Duggar is an amazing mother. Michelle Duggar admitted that she doesn't dress or feed the children, their buddies do. She takes care of the littlest ones, the most recently born. How is that any different than Jon being the one to dress the Gosselin kids?
It bugs me that people say that Kate's a bad mother or compare her to Michelle Duggar, period. I hate the idea that there is only one type of mom a woman can be, and anyone who strays a hair from that ideal is a bad mom.
I also dislike the sexism inherent in comments about how "lucky" Kate is that Jon takes care of the kids. They are his kids, as well. Neither of them are working out of the home (ostensibly; it does seem like Kate is doing more stuff outside the home these days with her trips to NYC). Even when Jon was working, it was reasonable to expect him to help take care of his kids when he was home. It wasn't reasonable to expect that it would be Kate's job solely, 24/7.
I sense alot of hostility from her post to you!
Actually, Fiona, the reply I brought over was Sharla's (GWoP mod) response to T-Bag's post there. And I agree, it was hostile. She had no answer to T-Bag's pointing out the blog's front page mission statement, and hostility is the typical response when logic and reason are lacking.
The Duggers are new-ish to TV and I dont watch them as much as J&K (I can only take the Duggers in small amounts!) but I havent seen any "outside" children playing at the Duggers house. Ive seen family, but they do not attend school either. The lack of "outside' friends seems to be a big critism of J&K, but people seem to eat the Duggers up. I also have an issue with calling Michelle a "better" mother than Kate. As for J&K, all thier children are young and they cant pass younger kids on the older ones. This is why they have a nanny, to help care for thier children. The Duggers have their own nannies- in the form of older daughters. That may be the right way to parent in their eyes, but is that fair to the older siblings? They may love it, but they dont have a choice- they cant simply say no I will not care for my buddy. I think the Dugger children are way more sheltered than the Gosselin children too. Every family has thier faults and I choose to focus on my family and what we can do better than pick on another set of parents who arent perfect either. Who knows what any of us would do if put in the same situation.
Thanks IndiannPrincess,
I figured that out, finally..
And I do agree with Guin, a mother, or mothering comes in many different forms. I think it comes from what you have learned as a chid from your own mother, partly, and from what you choose to be your own mothering style.
So people are more sweet and nurturing by nature, and for others that does not come as easily.
Comparing Kate and Michelle, just because they BOTH are mothers, really doesn't seem fair. It is like comparing an apple and orange-they both are fruit and round, but that is about the extent of their likeness!
I'm really curious about Kate's family. I thought she and Kevin seemed to have a good relationship, and perhaps they still do, but really the only reason I'd want to see them is just to "SEE" them.
Family is tough. I never thought that as an adult I would have so many conflicts with my family. I can't imagne having one child without the help of my mother, let alone twins and then Sextuplets. Regardless of our clashes of will, I would want her around. I think Kate has either dealt with her feelings about her mom and dad and has learned to emotionally detatch from the hurt, or she's shoved it into a box and shoved the box wayyy under the bed. Compartmentalization has it's place, and I think in respect to raising happy children, our issues with our own parents should be dealt with and not brought forward into the relationship with our kids.
That being said, some people don't have an aching parent hole in their hearts. For some people the only family they need is the family that they married and "Created". Perhaps Jon and Kate are very similar in that respect- which makes their family extremely nuclear.
The point, if I have one, is that regardless of "Who" their family includes, they have created a warm and loving family environment for those kids. All of them love their parents, and that is what is really important.
Kelley, your comments very much echo my own thinking on these private family matters. I especially agree with your statement that we would like to see them just to see them.
It's kind of similar to wanting to see the latest picture of the Pitt/Jolie kids or see some star really open up about their lives. Somehow we think we will gain a glimpse into their *real* lives and who they really are as people.
I think people who chose to do reality t.v. open up so much of their private lives to the public, I am not surprised that they want to hold something back. Whether it's people in their lives who are not shown on t.v. or not providing detailed descriptions of the current status of all their family relationships.
We all have a desire and need for some privacy. I actually think it's healthier for all involved - participant and viewer - when NOT everything is revealed and laid bare.
Great comment Kelley...I am a master at shoving the box under the bed....great analogy.
Kelley, you are so right when you say that some people only cling to the little, immediate family they have made. I think it's more common than we know. Just because I don't really understand that concept doesn't mean it's wrong and they very well could have very valid reasons for the way they choose to live as a family. On the other hand, like some have said here, maybe there are people in their lives they just don't show on any of the episodes and perhaps the people themselves don't want to be seen. Who knows?
Most people have at least 1 relative they just can't be around. Anyone who doesn't have this is very, very lucky.
I think it might have been Guin who mentioned that Julie was jealous of Jodi's relationship with Kate.
I think that is a very good point and I tend to agree that Julie probably did indeed feel threatened by Jodi's famous SIL.
Truly, I am not trying to be petty, but it kindof makes sense. Julie was hearing about all of the fun Jodi was having with Kate, and I bet Julie was unhappy about it.
Kindof explains alot.
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