Sunday, February 15, 2009

New Episode - Home Sweet Home

Jon & Kate have successfully moved themselves and their brood to a new, more spacious house. Although the big move is over, there's lots of work to be done!


amycornwell said...

I love Monday nights :-)

merryway said...

I want to see the new furniture and how they are going to decorate. I was hoping Kate gets help picking stuff out since she has said decorating isn't her forte'. Maybe a pro will show up. There house before looked so sparse for quite a while. I can't believe how I love this silly little show. I really want to see how the house is going to look when it's finished. It's the mundane everyday life of buying furniture, sick kids, trying to do stuff when they always have to go potty, etc. that I just really enjoy. Very much what was described in the NY times article Quiltart linked on the open disc. I still have not come across anyone who watches it. They just don't seem to be in the same circles that I am in. I'm glad this is here, or I just wouldn't have anyone to talk to about it. My bf is not a “kid” person so she's not interested, she is a librarian. She says the dvds are always being checked out. I didn't think to ask about the book, she prob wouldn't notice that.

marci said...

I've read some people reference a dented appliance in the preview for this show.

I don't know if they're showing different previews in different areas or if I just keep missing the appliance bit, but the preview I saw shows them choosing flooring and painting the basement. They show the tups in adult-sized t-shirts painting the basement walls blue, Kate saying, "Noooooo," about something, and then someone wiping blue paint off the white baseboard.

It certainly makes sense not to unpack boxes or move much furniture in until you're done painting or laying new flooring.

I like to catch those remodeling shows once in a while, good for ideas, so it should be fun to see what the Gosselins choose to change or leave in the new house.

I imagine Kate will stress with the kids painting (I sure would!), but it's good she allowed it anyway....helps the kids bond with a new home if they feel like they helped personalize it.

Hope everybody got the day off!

Jenn said...

I missed last weeks episode so I'm hoping to catch last weeks plus get to watch this weeks.

MonicaW42 said...

I haven't seen any promo's for the new show with appliances in it either. TLC is anti West Coast :)~

Anonymous said...

I honestly do not understand why people want to watch somebody pick out flooring, complain about free appliances, receive free furniture, and have her house painted? I think tonight's episode will be VERY boring and I do not plan on watching.

Anonymous said...

Can I just vent for a minute...
I am so sick and tired of hearing everyone say that Jon and Kate begged for the free furniture! Oh my word, maybe I am watching a different show but never have I caught them begging for anything.

Lizzy said...

I really love home improvement shows-- partially because I grew up in fixer upper homes where we got new ideas for things to change from This Old House, and partly because I am looking to buy my first home this year and eager to collect ideas.

I think the kids will love painting, though Kate will freak out about the mess. I can't blame her for that though-- if I had 6 kids that were 4 years old I would not let them near gallons of paint to use on the walls. *I* can't paint the walls without getting it all over me and everything else, so I cannot imagine how the kids would do :)!!

Anya@IW said...

Lizabeth said...I think the kids will love painting, though Kate will freak out about the mess. I can't blame her for that though-- if I had 6 kids that were 4 years old I would not let them near gallons of paint to use on the walls. *I* can't paint the walls without getting it all over me and everything else, so I cannot imagine how the kids would do :)!!

Ok, I can so relate because I am the world's worst painter. I have tried it before, but the mess coupled with the fact that I notice every little imperfection drives me crazy. There are rooms in my house that definitely need repainting, but I just can't bring myself to do it. Although it goes against my nature, I think I would prefer to wait until I have the money and hire someone to do it.

The kids *will* love painting. This is another producer "idea" that the kids will actually benefit from, cause no way Kate would allow this otherwise...LOL.

Anya@IW said...

Beth, the critics who claim they are "begging" lack critical thinking skills.

Anything the Gosselins have acquired the last few years free-of-charge has been through some combination of marketing and/or endorsement deal.

If that's begging, than add Tiger Woods, Peyton Manning and several others to the beggar's list....

Quiltart said...

Beth said...
Can I just vent for a minute...
I am so sick and tired of hearing everyone say that Jon and Kate begged for the free furniture! Oh my word, maybe I am watching a different show but never have I caught them begging for anything.

Beth, am I ever with you on this one! There are some who say J&K beg for everything. Maybe I'm not watching the same show, because I've never heard them beg for anything! On every show in the past few months, they have acknowledged how fortunate and blessed they are...

Another subject... I notice the promos have the Duggars and Roloffs "giving back" in upcoming episodes. The G's have already done this by gone to St. Jude's in Memphis, but it was not considered enough. I figure that the other two families will now be lauded for their humanitarianism.... but the Gosselins are never going to be able to do anything that will satisfy their critics... This really drives me nuts!

Anonymous said...

I don't think ( I could be wrong ) that the Duggars will be handing out their books and DVD's to the people in El Salvador, and I'm pretty sure Matt Roloff didn't take a wagon load of his books and DVD's to Iraq to pass out to the people there. Their goal was to go help and bring attention to a cause, not promote themselves.

( Before I get ripped, consider I'm just offering another opinion. You can't deny that the G's did this when they went to St. Judes. It's on tape. )

Nina Bell said...

Ok Carol F

I won't deny it.

Nina Bell said...

I am not sure if the Gosselins read the manual regarding charity work. They probably just don't understand the rules.

Anonymous said...

Nina Bell, your last comment made me laugh so hard!!

Anya@IW said...

Nina Bell said...
I am not sure if the Gosselins read the manual regarding charity work. They probably just don't understand the rules.

Sure wish I could get my hands on that manual. Funny thing is, "the rules" seem to change all the time. And it's almost like there is a whole secret section for people whose last name starts with "G" and ends with "N".

Anya@IW said...

Nina Bell, actually you do NOT look like someone who cares and I happen to know you don't.

People are wasting their time trying to get a rise out of you.

Your Faithful Minion,


Ann said...

Regarding the begging for free furniture:
Beth and Quiltart, I agree with you!

If people think that the Gosselins used last week's show to beg for free furniture, then they have to believe the show is recorded in real time. Don't people understand that last week's show was recorded months before it was aired? How could they be begging for furniture that they needed before Christmas on a show they knew would air after Christmas? Obviously, the furniture deal was in place. It wasn't begging, it was dropping hints about this upcoming episode.

As I said on the open discussion thread, "There's no way she was looking for free furniture when it's clear they already found it!

Lucky Gosselins."

Ann said...

Did the Gosselins give out their books when they went to St. Jude's (I forget?) I just went to an academic fair for a private school. (It's a real brainiac school. Let's just say there are no reading comprehension problems there.) Anyway, a fifth grade girl did her book project on Multiple Blessings. It was an adorable project. She got the chance to meet Kate and get her book signed when Kate was at a local Christian book store. She was so happy to talk to me about it!

Anonymous said...

My 10 year old child and I worked on a bedroom renovation together. It was a good experience, but required LOTS of explaining, patience, and extra cleaning to do the painting together.

I'll be anxious to watch.

lulubae said...

Another subject... I notice the promos have the Duggars and Roloffs "giving back" in upcoming episodes. The G's have already done this by gone to St. Jude's in Memphis, but it was not considered enough. I figure that the other two families will now be lauded for their humanitarianism.... but the Gosselins are never going to be able to do anything that will satisfy their critics... This really drives me nuts!

And people fail to mention that the Roloffs and Duggars doing this is also self promotion. I mean come on, they are getting paid for doing the show, thus getting paid by filming the appearance at whatever charity/place/humanitarian thing, etc., that they are doing. I really hate the double standard. I wish the focus would be on the issues brought to life. It's obvious that if they didn't have a tv show they might or not do these same things, but you can't tell me the tv show aspect of it isn't a primary factor in making it possible for them doing them.

Ok, rant over! Haha!

As for tonight's episode, I get some people not being interested in the home improvement/decorating aspect (alas, don't watch!!!) but I'm remodeling here at home so I'm watching a lot of home improvement stuff for ideas and such. I'm looking forward to it, as well as to those 8 little faces!

Hope great weekends were had by all!

EveryoneLovesErin said...

If people think that the Gosselins used last week's show to beg for free furniture, then they have to believe the show is recorded in real time. Don't people understand that last week's show was recorded months before it was aired? How could they be begging for furniture that they needed before Christmas on a show they knew would air after Christmas? Obviously, the furniture deal was in place. It wasn't begging, it was dropping hints about this upcoming episode.

OMG...I cannot understand why this is such a hard concept for people to get. It cracks me up. They don't need to beg..people are probably competing to get their stuff on an episode.

I'm going to guess (I know this is going to make me sound like a rocket scientist so prepare to be dazzled) that they have a team of individuals employed by TLC whose sole responsibility is drumming up advertisement for the shows. I would even bet (I'm shuddering at my brilliance now) that there are people who work specifically on the J&K +8 show for that purpose.

It's a BUSINESS people. Whether you agree with the premise of the show or not. This is how it works. Complain about exploitation if you wish. Complain that Kate is a bitch. Please, come off of this attempt to make it seem like Jon and Kate are crying poor mouth and the unenlightened masses are falling for a sob story. Get educated on how tv (and public life in general) works....

Jenn said...

Do you think Whirlpool is a sponser? lol

Lizzy said...

Wow I really liked this episode-- it was not as boring as I would have thought and had so many adorable kid moments (which I personally have missed!!)

First thing I noticed was that they are promoting Whirlpool which is great-- I like that Kate mentioned saving water, esp with how much they do. She was also really excited about them (the Duets haha) which I thought was cool.

Ack!! Her new fridge! Imagine picking things that actually match when you are setting up a new kitchen set. I like the stainless steel look too- I will have to keep that in mind for my new house :).

I liked watching them shop together-- they were joking and enjoying each others company...It was nice for Jon to admit Kate has grown in her taste. Kate ended up loving Jon's choice which was cute-- oh and it was so great to see her pick up Colin (I think it was Colin-- he wasn't in the frame till she picked him up upside down!!) then flip him back around and give him a hug and kiss. So cute :). Kate and Jon were both kissing on and playing with the kids at different points which is great to see on the show.

The kids painting was so sweet-- Kate seemed to be enjoying it as well as the kids and it was a neat family activity. How funny that Colin painted in a methodical way :). Seems like the editors made it seem like a disaster for the commercials when in reality it was a good activity. Kate freaking out about her own mistake painting was funny too.

Alexis takes the cake for her "I can be beautiful and color at the same time" comment-- that she loves her braids and her clips. Aaden with his "I did the roof... I did the roof..." little somg was cute also.

I have to agree with Kate that its irritating when Jon talks over her, but its a bit of the pot calling the kettle back there ;). Oh, also. I saw a promo for next week when they get the puppies-- the kids were SO excited (no shock there!!) and Kate seemed to have fallen in love with the puppies too.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful house. I loved watching the kids be kids. I'm happy for them. What a wonderful place to raise your family.

Does Kate really not realize she is the worst offender when it comes to talking over Jon.
Maybe someone could give her a caffeine IV before the next interview. She is really starting to look "exhausted". But she comes across so different during the actual taping--playing with the kids, etc.

All in all, I thought it was a cute episode.

Ann said...

I know this is going to make me sound like a rocket scientist so prepare to be dazzled
Nomoredrama, brainiac.

Ann said...

Does Kate really not realize she is the worst offender when it comes to talking over Jon.

I rarely mind his interrupting, I almost always mind her "scolding." (More than Jon does, that's for sure. He's very tolerant.) I don't like when they are explaining a story (alone or together, interupting or not) and the story is derailed so that Kate can make some correction.

My favorite part of the episode: Collin's methodical almost-rectangular painting. We laughed aloud at it. He's a little engineer!

Anya@IW said...

nomoredrama said... Get educated on how tv (and public life in general) works....

Thanks, NMD. Very well said.

Thanks, Lizabeth. I always appreciate seeing your recaps. Heightens my anticipation of the show.

amycornwell said...I love Monday nights :-)

I agree! Even better when you have the day off (which I was lucky enough to have).

merryway said...

This show is up there in my top fav. It was really cute and I was thoroughly entertained. My fav moment was Lexy(?) screaming for her red shoes when Jon was just one foot away. The kids playing store outside was so cute and funny. I think they said as we get back we forgot something at the store. I think they say it so they can go back and back. But it was funny because it's so often true. Also Lexy saying she could be beautiful with braids (or while coloring?) and batting her eyes. I don't know where they get that stuff. Today, my little one declared a strange (we didn't know him) maintenance man the second love of her life. I told her no but as he was leaving she called him honeycakes. I just didn't know what to do for a minute. Oh my. We watched Enchanted last week, maybe that was it.
The painting was fun and the kids seem to love Bart. I liked Collin method and Hannah's continuing to paint. I liked J&K picking out tile and just watching them talk. Well,, just everything. I liked the tile they picked out. Oh and I heard Kate mention her new fridge. But, it's just another step in their grand conspiracy.
Yes, I think whirlpool is a sponsor. :)
I have left my power cord elsewhere. I will soon be offline and it will be strange. Where I go my laptop follows.

I can't wait to see the puppies. Looks like Cara and Mady are in next week's show.

marci said...

First off...was it once again a figment of someone's overactive imagination that got passed around(and not a fact...thank you, Sam) that Kate freaked out over a dent in the new dishwasher???

Anyway, this was a really enjoyable episode. The tups were so serious and methodical about doing the painting. I was very impressed.


Saint and NMD,

Yes! I've read comment after comment for months now where people don't get that there's a lag time between filming and airing the episodes. (i.e., J & K are "begging" for furniture in a show aired in February when they probably received said furniture in late-October/early-November of last year).

These posters are either morons or simply ignoring the obvious to fabricate something to bitch about, IMO.

There's no way to construe anything the Gosselins have said on their show or at any speaking engagments in the last 9 months (at least!) as saying they're poor, suffering financially or asking for financial assistance from their audience.

MrsRef said...

Actually in the Philadelphia market, the show was advertised with Kate dealing/freaking with a dented appliance. It was on the previews shown here all week. It was not a figment of someone's over-active imagination. The furniture has apparently come from Lane Furniture - you can go on their website and try to guess what they got. It was cute that they let the kids paint but I have two words, Painters Tape.

Anonymous said...

This was an entertaining show, for the most part. Loved the kids painting and the interaction between Kate and Jon during those scenes. So cute to see Kate flip Collin upside-down while she was looking at the bathroom tile! But Kate REALLY needs to show more respect for Jon. She is downright rude and treats him like an idiot. I couldn't believe some of the stuff that came out of her mouth during the interview, especiallly the "interrupting" stuff at the end! What is wrong with her?

Jenn said...

I thought the kids painting was super cute. I am not patient enough to let my kids paint like that. I thought Kate was harsh when she snapped at Jon for talking over her but his reaction to it was the best. To me it looked like he was trying to control his laughter. Good episode.

Anya@IW said...

Merryway said...Today, my little one declared a strange (we didn't know him) maintenance man the second love of her life. I told her no but as he was leaving she called him honeycakes.

Aww, that's so sweet and cute.

* * * *

The Gosselins maintenance guy (Bart?) seems like a nice guy. I like how he interacted with the kids and was very mellow about the touch-up he was probably going to have to do when the kids painting was over.

I thought this was one of the better episodes we have seen recently. I enjoyed seeing the kids play their games outside and they were just adorable in those oversized t-shirts. Collin and his methodical approach is so endearing. I loved the Alexis comments too.

Others have already commented on Kate's penchant for correcting Jon, so I won't go there. On the flooring debate, however, I will say that I agree with Jon - I like warmer colors better. The dark gray might be nice outside, but not inside the home. Glad Jon won that battle! :-)

Anonymous said...

Why in the world does the family need TWO washers and dryers? Especially when they are the kind that can do mega-loads? Kate said she could do all the sheets from eight beds in one load in them.
One of the crew asked her how much laundry she does. She said three loads a day. One washer can handle that!
I have seven kids, dh is a mechanic and we live on a farm and one lowly washer that gets it all done.
I'm tellin' ya. Two is not necessary and it's a waste.

Guinevere said...

I liked this episode - the kids were adorable at the end, coloring. I was a little surprised that they were allowed to "paint", though they seemed to have fun. *I* wouldn't let a 4-year-old paint near freshly painted baseboards, so I'm amazed that Kate did! (Of course, she had a contractor who was willing to fix up any smudges.)

Kate was silly for getting on Jon for interrupting her. If someone does that all the time, I can see addressing it, but I think it's natural in the interviews for them to talk over each other. The one thing I would say is what I've said before - Kate lets Jon know how she expects to be treated (even if she's being unreasonable, as I think she is in this case). Jon is free to do the same, and I don't believe for a second that he is too cowed to. He chooses not to. That's a little frustrating. But if it doesn't bother him, then I guess I shouldn't let it bother me.

Why in the world does the family need TWO washers and dryers? Especially when they are the kind that can do mega-loads? Kate said she could do all the sheets from eight beds in one load in them. One of the crew asked her how much laundry she does. She said three loads a day. One washer can handle that! I have seven kids, dh is a mechanic and we live on a farm and one lowly washer that gets it all done. I'm tellin' ya. Two is not necessary and it's a waste.

A waste in what way? They have the space for them. They can afford them, or they were given in exchange for free advertising. I don't get where the waste comes in. Presumably, with two there will be less wear and tear, and they'll last longer. I cannot say whether they "need" two - I just don't know. But I don't see what is wasteful about having two. Maybe it's for when laundry piles up when Kate's away and she need or wants to get it all done in a day.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if anyone else caught the episodes after this one, but tonight TLC showed the episode where the family went skiing in Utah. This episode was brought up in the discussion of do they or don't they eat fast food, after Jon insisted the kids have never eaten it in the TV interview that was posted.

I have to admit I have been hoping to catch this episode ever since someone (Fiona maybe?) mentioned that there is not a McD's close by so it's highly unlikely that Jon was bringing in Happy Meals. For sake of clarification, I can state with 100% accuracy that Jon walked into the condo with bags of McD's Happy Meals. (This is definitely stop the presses news - lol! In case it's not clear I'm mocking the importance of this discovery.) Just another observation - while the kids were sitting in airport eating lunch, they also enjoyed a pop tart with their sandwich and banana.

What does this mean overall? Absolutely nothing other than the fact that Jon walked into the condo with a lot of Happy Meal bags (and yes, I checked to make sure they were Happy Meals vs. regular McD's bags to thwart any argument that maybe the McD's were for someone else.)

Now, I am expecting others to bring up the fact that this proves nothing, and maybe Jon and Kate make sweeping statements that they never do anything because people know husbands/friends/family members who do that sort of thing.

Well, to that I say, you are applying characteristics to Jon and Kate that you don't know for a fact. You don't know them personally, and you don't know what type of people Jon and Kate are. You are trying to find a rational explanation on why Jon would tell people something that is not true and your explanation is just a guess that can't be proven.

Personally, I don't think there is an explanation - I think Jon and Kate want to create an image and will say things that are not true to reconfirm that perception. This theory can't be proven either, but what is a fact is that Jon has stated something that isn't true.

In case people are thinking that I am sitting on my couch saying "a ha - finally definite proof they are evil, ha ha ha!", I'm not. I just wanted to set the record straight to avoid another 50 some posts over the do they/don't they eat fast food argument.

Anonymous said...

I didn't see the episode so I can't comment on it. But I'm enjoying reading all the posts. And I just wanted to say that I love Guinevere's avatar, it's really beautiful. It brings to mind many wonderful childhood memories, I just now pulled out my old St. Joseph's Missal and plan on going through it today.

Samantha@IW said...

I was suprised they let the kids paint since the trim had been done already- I think the idea of letting the kids draw/paint on the walls before you redo them is a great idea, our daughter would LOVE that (I would too.)

Sometimes I like Kate and other times I can't stand her- she constantly interrupts/corrects Jon and then she lets him have it for making a side note while she was speaking? Nevertheless he's a grown man and can fight his own battles (I think.)

Lately I do not enjoy the interview segments and would rather just see the little ones. Has anyone noticed the lack of Mady and Cara lately? Imagine that, they aren't being "forced" to appear on camera.

I hope they are enjoying their new space, so much room to run and play :)

marci said...

MrsRef said...
Actually in the Philadelphia market, the show was advertised with Kate dealing/freaking with a dented appliance. It was on the previews shown here all week. It was not a figment of someone's over-active imagination.

Actually, two of us who post here (who live on opposite coasts) have mentioned in this thread that this "dented appliance" scene did not appear in the previews in our areas...but thanks for your input.

The furniture has apparently come from Lane Furniture - you can go on their website and try to guess what they got.

No one here is questioning where the furniture we'll probably see on future shows came coming of the mods here posted the link.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a fan of the Duggars but I am of the Roloffs. Matt Roloff went to Iraq to help two your children receive leg operations so they can walk better. It was not a self promotion of anything! People it is Iraq.... war zone... dangerous. They did the kid's surgery in a trailer in 125 degree heat that one surgery had to be done at night because the air conditioning couldn't keep up w/the heat. At one point the generator went out. Yes, the Roloffs built a huge addition to their house, but also, the Roloffs work outside the home, Amy is a pre-K teacher and Matt owns his own business, along w/the farm business. Roloff Farms is a working farm. The kids are refreshing in their down-to-earth ways. Teenagers are teenagers and kids are kids. You see the kids getting grounded, playing w/their friends. They have a messy house, a dog, named Rocky who drools, living in the house and a cat who climbs on countertops. Amy runs her house like I run mine, casually. Amy also disagrees with Matt and his over the top ideas but never calls him ding dong... Just see the 2-part episode when their friend Mike passes away. I cried all the way through to see such sorrow. Yes they take trips, but not over the top trips as a family. I loved seeing Amy belly dancing on a table, eating a grub, riding a horse, etc... This is a real family that doesn't need product placement in their home to make more money.

Samantha@IW said...

I suppose its neither here nor there but as far as the Roloffs go Amy constantly undermines her husband. She puts him down frequently and acts as if he has no right to discipline their children, as a result the children have picked up on it and often treat him the way their mother does. I like them as a whole but the way Matt is treated often makes me cringe.

MoreCowbell said...

I honestly do not understand why people want to watch somebody pick out flooring, complain about free appliances, receive free furniture, and have her house painted? I think tonight's episode will be VERY boring and I do not plan on watching.

Then by all means, don't watch! But, then what will you (and the rest of the "advocates") have to complain about?

Okay, here's my question. Maybe this was covered in the first 10 minutes of the show (which I missed), but what kind of painters were these people? You hand paint and rollers to six four year old's and you don't put that fancy blue painter's tape on the woodwork, first?

HELLO! (tm Kate)

Four year old's can barely color inside the lines, let alone paint walls without splattering on the white woodwork. Hell, I am the messiest painter on the face of the earth! I have to use that blue tape on EVERYTHING. I should actually use it on myself, because every time I paint, I find paint splattered on parts of my body that paint should never get on. I find it in my HAIR a week later.

Blue tape on the woodwork. I'm just sayin'.

Previews for next week: PUPPIES! WHO-HOO!

Oh, and regarding Whirlpool. I live in the same area as the Whirlpool corporation. It's one of the biggest manufacturers in this county, and if providing J&K with appliances and getting free advertising from that, helps to keep people in my county employed, then go for it. People are losing jobs left and right around here. If Whirlpool went under, it would devastate the area, so RIGHT ON to the free publicity and advertising that TLC, Figure8 and the Gosselins are giving them by installing their products in J&K's home.

It's not just about Jon and Kate and what they're getting, you know. Every time a company gives them goods and it is shown on that show, it's free advertising. It is keeping people at that company employed. It's Marketing 101. Perhaps the "advocates" should look it up.

marci said...

Barb said...
This is a real family that doesn't need product placement in their home to make more money.

You made some nice observations about the Roloffs, which I can appreciate because I've watched this family since the beginning as well. But on this point you lose me.

I don't think the Roloffs are somehow more "real" than anyone else...maybe you can relate to them more.

And there's not a show they do that doesn't have product placement in it, whether it's promoting tourism in the Bahamas, Arizona, Oregon Coast, Seattle, Vancouver, Kentucky, Florida, etc., or any of the hundreds of things Matt has put on the farm in the last couple years (haven't you ever noticed the camera zooming in on the vendor's signs?)...building contractors for the house and barn, radiant heat heating system, the pool, the deck(s), the mules, Christmas lights, Amy's gazebo...all this stuff was product placement and probably free.

And, let's face it, in the episodes about pumpkin season last year there were Roloff books, t-shirts, and JAM for crying out loud. If this isn't "branding", I don't know what is.

I like the Roloffs. I don't run my house anywhere near the way Amy does, but that doesn't mean she's *wrong*. Amy and Matt have said much nastier things to each other than Jon and Kate, but I'm not predicting the downfall of their marriage either.

These families are different in many ways...but still real and still entertaining.

marci said...

MCB said...
It's not just about Jon and Kate and what they're getting, you know. Every time a company gives them goods and it is shown on that show, it's free advertising. It is keeping people at that company employed. It's Marketing 101. Perhaps the "advocates" should look it up.

Great point! The more money companies save on advertising in this economy, the more likely they can keep their employees working.

LOL about the painter's tape! That's exactly what I was thinking. Who paints the trim and baseboards *first* anyway???

The guy's company name was Mr. Trim...but I'm not sure with a name like that if his specialty is painting. ;)

Anonymous said...

The kids are refreshing in their down-to-earth ways. Teenagers are teenagers and kids are kids. You see the kids getting grounded, playing w/their friends.

I find nothing about the Roloff kids to be refreshing. They are rude and disrespectful. They destroy property like it means nothing. Jeremy was caught making racist comments online. There is NO discipline in that house. I can't imagine how anyone wouldn't consider the private yacht trip to not be over the top, and that was just one of several trips they took last year.

Anonymous said...

That's exactly what I was thinking. Who paints the trim and baseboards *first* anyway???

When we had our house painted they did all the trim work first. I asked when they were painting the walls why they didn't use tape and he said because they are professionals! LOL

Anonymous said...

I live in Canada and up until Sunday they were advertising the show with Kate freaking out about a dented appliance. During Sunday they started to show them in the tile floor. So no its not a figment of anybodies imagination. It actually WAS on TV. I didn't watch the episode but I have read that it wasn't part of the show, the only reason I can think of for that is they saw all the negative reactions it got and edited it out last minute.

So with all the people who HAVE seen the commercial there is no reason for people to think they are making it up. It did happen, and Im sorry you didn't see it.

Anonymous said...

Jersey Girl. WHat teenager isn't rude and obnoxious at times. But I have seen them hug their Mom quite a few times which to me is sweet. That is just it they are being teens. You need to look at the Jon and Kate couch interviews this season. They are rude and obnoxious... Again, Roloff Farms is their job and livlihood, Do Jon and Kate work for Whirlpool or Lane Furniture? The Roloffs also make their kids work during pumpkin season whether they like it or not. Yes, Matt had commercial decorators come into the home when they had the big party, but Amy said furniture doesn't make a house a home. Which is so, so true. She didn't like all the fuss, because her family was going through a very difficult time.

lulubae said...

Since we are all "confessing", I live in Puerto Rico and also saw the preview with the now infamous "dent". But to be quite honest, I didn't even think about it while watching the show. I was reminded of it by reading here. I guess they edited it out for whatever reason.

Goes to show again that its 22 minutes of 'edited' television thus making it difficult to assume all we see is 100% true. And this goes both ways (for rabid supporters or rabid haters).

Wanted to say that I love the flowers on the homepage and wanted to congratulate the mods for keeping the site fresh and funky! :D

Anonymous said...

Marci, I understand your list, but find it odd that the one thing on it that makes sense was the straw the broke your literary camel's back.

Why would it be odd for a farm named Roloff Farms to sell a jam?

I thought the J&K show was so cute with the kids last night. I thought Kate's comment at the end was quite biting (though I've done it myself, just haven't been able to replay and tape myself like that).

And it really does help to bring samples home. You can see the color choices so much better in the environment. I have wanted certain colors, like Kate did, that really wouldn't have worked.

Can anyone explain the whole avatar thing to me? How do you create the individual ones?

Lizzy said...

I have to weigh in a minute on the Roloffs... I agree with the posters who have remarked that Matt and Amy are far more abrasive with each other than Jon and Kate. Regardless of Matt's ambitions it is evident that he has big ideas that do not always pan out. Personally I have no problem with freebies or sponsorships for any of these shows (since its just a perk of being on TV) but I do have a problem with the fact that Jon and Kate are villainized for taking the free furniture yet Matt and Amy are seen as amazing people no matter what they have gotten for free. I think the way Matt and Amy treat each other is really appalling at times (especially when they were threatening divorce) as well as how their kids have acted. I still like the show and see its merit, but at least from my view it is wrong to see Matt and Amy as model parents and then turn around and scrutinize and criticize every detail of Jon and Kate.

Anonymous said...

I think the difference with Matt and Amy is you always see them make up and its obvious that there IS love between them. Im not saying Jon and Kate don't always make up, its just we don't see it. Also there doesn't seem to be love between J&K anymore. The recent interview sessions are proof of this.

marci said...

CincyMom said...
Marci, I understand your list, but find it odd that the one thing on it that makes sense was the straw the broke your literary camel's back.

Why would it be odd for a farm named Roloff Farms to sell a jam?

Maybe it didn't come across in the way I wrote my post...I don't think it's odd. I think it's pretty obvious that the Roloffs have created a brand.

I guess what I do think is odd (as in, different from how Kate's branding is perceived) is we've seen Amy Roloff making jam only in the episode when they were actually labeling the bottles for sale, not as a day-to-day thing she would do for her family.

But, conversely, somehow Kate Gosselin has been criticized as a mother who doesn't mother and a cook who doesn't cook (this, we have seen as day-to-day activities) so how dare she write books about it and market herself as such.

This is, once again, where I think people who criticize Kate for something we see other people on tv doing (marketing and branding themselves to earn income outside the show) going over the top.

marci said...


The Roloffs have their own group of critics who have gotten just as nasty on the internet as the "Katehaters".

Jon mentioned in his UT interview that they've been in contact with the Roloffs. I'm certain they were given some good advice how to handle vitriole from Matt and Amy.

There doesn't appear to be any lack of misery out there.

marci said...

The recent interview sessions are proof of this.

And when they laughed and bantered in the tile store, and the interview portion at the beginning was perfectly calm that's "proof" that they're Ward & June Cleaver, right?

Gina said...

" is wrong to see Matt and Amy as model parents and then turn around and scrutinize and criticize every detail of Jon and Kate."

Here, here! The folks on these shows are REAL people, not actors playing characters in a fictional world. This means that they are not perfect--they all have faults and virtues.

It is this double-standard that makes it difficult to take much of the J&K criticism seriously. It does not support one's argument logically to have a different set of criteria for each family and then try to compare and contrast them.

Anonymous said...

Has anybody seen Matt or Amy make fun of their children. Has anybody seen Amy tell her child numerous times on television that she has Nasty teeth? Has anybody heard Amy say that boys are just nasty?

Lizzy said...

Marci, you said "There doesn't appear to be any lack of misery out there." Good observation there... I think this is part of why the entire anti-Gosselin constituency blows my mind. There is so much negativity in the world as it is, so why is it seen as necessary to encourage and heighten the hatred? I try to give the Gosselins as well as anyone on TV (or online!) the benefit of the doubt but this is becoming increasingly difficult.

Last nights episode had some really adorable moments (especially Collin's painting and how the kids were playing pretend outside) that I don't think a lot of anti-Kate people would have noticed. That is a shame-- you see what you want to see though so if someone wants to see a horrible mom who is abusing her kids then they will find any outlet for that viewpoint. (And, of course, by the same token, since I choose to see parents who are trying their best and being vulnerable enough to open their homes up to the public, I am seeing those sweet moments that remind me of how the show was in the beginning. Yes, it has changed, but everything changes as time passes so I see no reason to crucify Jon and Kate for evolving and growing as people during the time they have done their show. If they had not changed I would be worried!!)

Nina Bell said...

Thanks Lulubae, we try.

Cincy Mom, you have to use your google ID account. Once you sign, up there is a place where you load up any picture of your choice. The avatar will just appear whenever you post using your google ID.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Nina Bell. I figured as much, but was interested in the unique ones, like trolls and "That's kate being Kate". Those seem to be self created. Can you do that there too?

I tried to open an account and everytime I entered it here, it never recognized me so I gave up and just type my name. Maybe I'll give another try.....

And Marci, I don't mean to sound argumentative about a farm having their label on a jam, I just feel we're not understanding eachother's points. I meant to say it seems normal for a farming family to have their brand name on their product and that's separate from the show completely in my view. They would do that whether they were on the show or not, IMO.

Nina Bell said...

Cincy Mom

Some of them were created using Paint. I think there is another website out there people are using but I can't remember what it is called. Maybe other people can weigh in on this later today.

MomOfFour said...

If y'all think the Roloff kids are disrespectful then what do you think poor Mady is going to be like when she's a teen? She's already showed major disrespect to her mom on those early shows (when Kate was discussing the Octuplet mom gave birth).

The difference between the Roloffs and the Gosselins is the Roloffs are trying to promote their FARM, which is their livelihood. They are not promoting their CHILDREN as their livelihood.

I have no problem with Kate writing books or whatnot. My problem is her selling out her children.

Anonymous said...

You need to look at the Jon and Kate couch interviews this season. They are rude and obnoxious..

Jon and Kate arguing has nothing to do with how disrespectful and rude the Roloff kids are. If you want to compare apples to apples, we can discuss the relationship between Matt and Amy. Are you seriously going to say that they are loving? Amy can barely contain her distaste for Matt. She hardly even hugged him when he came back from Iraq. She poured far more emotion into Mike than I ever see her give Matt. She gets routinely exasperated with him and has said many rude things to him.

Again, Roloff Farms is their job and livlihood, Do Jon and Kate work for Whirlpool or Lane Furniture?

The Roloffs have been receiving as many free things as the Gosselins, including unbelievable vacation upon unbelievable vacation. The fact that they also sell stools & teach preschool doesn't negate that. Getting free things can't be wrong for the Gs but a-ok for the R's or the Duggars. Just like its absolutely ridiculous to claim that its exploitation to tape the Gosselin kids but perfectly fine to tape the Roloffs and Duggars.

Anonymous said...

"Has anybody seen Matt or Amy make fun of their children. Has anybody seen Amy tell her child numerous times on television that she has Nasty teeth? Has anybody heard Amy say that boys are just nasty?

Yes--on numerous occasions. They've commented on national tv some pretty obvious observations.

Whether they did it in a polite manner or not is irrelevant. I haven't been watching lately as they are all reruns so I can't go and do research.

But she does this regularly--commenting on typical things her typical children do as typical adolescents that make grown ups wonder where their common sense is.

She does this all the time.

Now--I'm not saying it is right or not.

But since you may not have noticed, perhaps b/c she was clearly joking or clearly frustrated it was "okay" to you and not enough to heighten your radar of imappropriate behavior.

It is either okay or it isn't to make fun of your kids on tv OR to point out obvious things that are out of place.

Whether or not the parent is serious or saying it in jest should not be the litmus of why it is okay for one family and not the other.

Personally--I have not been offended on behalf of the Gosselin children for anything the parents disclose on tv.

It is likely most of the world will forget about most of what she says years from now and it is no different than what you may tell your friends about your kids.

It is either okay to discuss your children or not regardless of the size of the audience.

I won't condemn Kate or Amy b/c in real life--I do commiserate, celebrate, rejoice, or vent regularly with my peers in regards to my children.

Now, I don't go into grotesque detail or anything--but neither does Kate or Amy.

I know there is the infamous episode with constipation. I watch it now and cringe, but I really didn't think twice about it at the beginning.

In reality--for a situation like that, there is little you can do to help them pass. They just have to pass. We don't know if he was given anything orally to assist or via suppository.

I do remember a particulary painful poo my oldest had to take. We didn't realize she had a problem until she was trying to eliminate and all we could do was talk her through it and help her keep in position as she went in her diaper. It was really like coaching a new mom through pushing. We felt bad for her--I would probably have kicked out the camearas. But she was 18 months and we had to help more via the coaching.

There is little you can do with a 4 year old.

Heck--my 2 year old son is likely to push me away if the same situation happens.

But knowing what I know now and realizing how tough that was for that child--it really didn't blip on my radar of inappropriateness.

No it wasn't a violation of privacy nor is any moment any more so than what you share about your children with your family and friends.

Any mom who can claim she NEVER discloses ANYTHING about her kids to ANYONE outside of a need to know basis--I will stand right here and tell you that I don't believe you for one second.

There just is no way that is possible.

And if it is, I congratulate you on perfect mommyhood.

Anonymous said...

Oh--and I love this episode!

I haven't moved since having children, but I am sure this would be the same with us.

Loved the exploring! Loved the moments.

I Don't care if Kate raised Holy HEck about the dents.

I did notice that she told Jon (rather politely actually) to have the movers watch the door as they brought in stuff as she didn't want scratches.)

If they did damage something on entry, they are responsible for making it right. IT is just the way it is.

Since they didn't show a dent and I didn't have those previews, we have know way of knowing how this was "fixed" or what the full reaction was.

I will say that sometimes they will show a preview of Kate--then show the full clip with that preview and it is a one millisecond meltdown/upset moment in the span of an ordinary 2 minute course of action. In other words--it ends up being benign on the scale of what will rock Kate's world and upset her.

Loved the episode--did think it was odd to not tape anything. But if they were pro's and they could fix it, no big deal.

Tape can often be a pain to remove and sometimes I find it more hassle that it is worth.

No idea why they painted the trim work first.

Loved the show.

Anya@IW said...

CincyMom -

I am "new" to all this too, but if you Google "text generator" there are many websites out there that will help you create avatars. I haven't found one I love yet, or I'd give you a recommendation. Maybe just play around and see what you find. They are all free...

Darlene Williams said...

Well I thought this episode was cute. No big melt downs. Kate freaking over the trim with the kids but when she did it and her reaction was just to funny. When the Lowes commercial came on and seeing my washer and dryer being advertised was cool. I saw Bart and thought oh no poor guy is going to get harassed and stalked. As for the trim, like Bart said, it's just paint.

Anonymous said...

It does not support one's argument logically to have a different set of criteria for each family and then try to compare and contrast them.

Exactly. Its funny how its "exploitation" when its the Gosselins but the creepy Duggars and the Roloffs are different.

Anonymous said...

The difference between the Roloffs and the Gosselins is the Roloffs are trying to promote their FARM, which is their livelihood. They are not promoting their CHILDREN as their livelihood.

ROFLMAO I should have read ahead, the hypocrisy always rears its head.

Anonymous said...

If y'all think the Roloff kids are disrespectful then what do you think poor Mady is going to be like when she's a teen?

She will more than likely be a nightmare for her parents. What does that have to do with how the Roloff boys are? Have you seen the racist comments Jeremy made online? The fact that they hug their parents doesn't negate the fact that they are allowed to freely act as irresponsibly and rudely as they want.

Bridget said...

I just signed up for Goggle and added an avatar. I was looking for a baby sheep, but couldn't find one. I'll spend time later looking for a clever Jon/Kate one.

merryway said...

Pam said...
...One of the crew asked her how much laundry she does. She said three loads a day. One washer can handle that!
I have seven kids, dh is a mechanic and we live on a farm and one lowly washer that gets it all done.
I'm tellin' ya. Two is not necessary and it's a waste. ...

I see where you're coming from and I do agree on a level of anti-consumerism and living simply / simply living. Their lifestyle is different than that, although I think Kate is practical in many ways. Even if I had the close to $s they made, I would live differently than them. It's just a question of one's own priorities. Also, there's the question of quality and longevity. Some of the high-end products are really worth the investment. They last forever and the warranties are great and renewable. I love whirlpool, second would be G.E, their middle price stuff for me. It was worth every penny for the portable washer and the 110 dryer that may go with me to any home and fit anywhere there's a sink and a plug. I think that's what is fun about this show. Aside from the many vacations, it's just daily stuff we all do at some point but with a much bigger family.

Jerseygirl, that's funny about the painters.

Barb said...
Roloff Farms is their job and livlihood, Do Jon and Kate work for Whirlpool or Lane Furniture? The Roloffs also make their kids work during pumpkin season whether they like it or not. Yes,

Yes, J&K do work for Lane furniture. They are on their website and I don't think they did it for fun. Do you really think there is no product placement on the Roloff's?

MomOfFour said...
If y'all think the Roloff kids are disrespectful then what do you think poor Mady is going to be like when she's a teen? She's already showed major disrespect to her mom on those early shows (when Kate was discussing the Octuplet mom gave birth).

Oh no, not a kid who talks to back to their mom? I've never seen a child like that before. She's destine for ruin I'm sure.

She and another bazillion kids just like. There's no way to predict how Maddy will be when she's a teen.

I actually found Kate really tolerable on the couch and I enjoyed all of the clips with her. I loved her face when she painted over the trim most of it with her I really enjoyed. I guess there's been some comments about her calling him a ding dong and what she said about Jon talking over her. I thought it was unnecessary, but mild for Kate. That's how their marriage is for now. I have no idea what the future holds for them, but that's who they are and how they work. I thought it was interesting she didn't get her way on the tile and went Jon's way. But later when they talk about it, they sometimes act like 12 years old or very old grumpy married people.

Nina, love your shirt!

Lizzy said...

Bridget that is ADORABLE!! Love it :). The Google ID thing is a great idea-- if anyone is interested I'd be happy to walk you through how to set one up. At least for me it lets me know that you are who you say you are and makes it so no one can really steal your screenname (unless they choose to use the same name and then we can tell its not you because it is not attached to your Google ID or OpenId...)

Speaking of avatars, merryway yours made me laugh out loud!!

Guinevere said...

Matt Roloff went to Iraq to help two your children receive leg operations so they can walk better. It was not a self promotion of anything!

I disagree. Since it was filmed, it absolutely is self-promotion. That's not a criticism of the Roloffs, just a statement of the facts as I see them.

This is a real family that doesn't need product placement in their home to make more money.

The Gosselins are a real family, too. Having a messy home doesn't make one more real. I don't watch LPBW but I would imagine there is some product placement on the show. Maybe not, but product placement seems to be a fairly ubiquitous part of TV and films these days. It's hardly an evil that the Gosselins alone have unleashed upon the world.

Guinevere said...

I live in Canada and up until Sunday they were advertising the show with Kate freaking out about a dented appliance. During Sunday they started to show them in the tile floor. So no its not a figment of anybodies imagination. It actually WAS on TV. I didn't watch the episode but I have read that it wasn't part of the show, the only reason I can think of for that is they saw all the negative reactions it got and edited it out last minute.

I HIGHLY doubt that. Things appear in previews for TV shows all the time and then don't appear in the show. If the producers were worried about "negative reactions", we'd be watching a very different show.

WHat teenager isn't rude and obnoxious at times. But I have seen them hug their Mom quite a few times which to me is sweet. That is just it they are being teens. You need to look at the Jon and Kate couch interviews this season. They are rude and obnoxious...

So the Roloff kids get a pass for being (apparently) rude, but J&K are obnoxious when they bicker on the couch?

I don't watch the Roloffs' show. I don't judge them for whatever they do, how their kids behave, how messy their house is or what freebies they get. But when you come here and make explicit comparisons between the Roloffs and the Gosselins in order to advance the point that the Roloffs are better and more virtuous people, and then dismiss any evidence to the contrary when it's offered, it's hard to take you and your POV seriously. There's no rule that says you have to be consistent but when you show a prejudice, people can't help but notice it.

Jenner7 said...

Here's my take on the Roloff's. I used to watch, but have stopped recently. I did enjoy the episodes they dedicated to Mike's passing. But, the reason I don't care for it anymore is because of Amy's parenting. I don't think Matt is perfect either, but Amy uses her kids to go after Matt. She's done it on several occasions. Matt will get upset with one of them for doing something they knew they shouldn't have done and Amy attacks Matt for it. Those kids do get away with a lot. I don't think Amy is a horrible parent either. I just choose not to watch it.

But, anyway, I didn't mind their trips and the freebies. That just comes with the business of reality tv.

I really enjoyed this episode. Everyone was relaxed and fitting right into their new home.

Portia said...

Let's see, no furniture endorsement, no dented appliances,(or did I miss it) no decorating, no adult (seriously) painting.
Lots of cute kid moments, Jon and Kate going shopping together and Jon winning the floor battle, only one "Kate moment" at the end. Nice episode.

Anonymous said...

But, the reason I don't care for it anymore is because of Amy's parenting. I don't think Matt is perfect either, but Amy uses her kids to go after Matt. She's done it on several occasions. Matt will get upset with one of them for doing something they knew they shouldn't have done and Amy attacks Matt for it.

Im not a Matt fan but that bothers me too. At least he does make some comments when the boys disobey the whopping 2 rules they have. The boys ripped up the yard on one of the Kawasaki Mules and Matt was annoyed. Amy got angry at Matt for being annoyed that the boys didn't listen about not driving the thing on the grass. Just today I saw a repeat where Matt said something to Zach something about how he wouldn't butt into Zachs business. Zach and his friend proceeded to mock Matt as he walked away. I believe the quote of the friend was something like "Since when does Matt Roloff not butt into other peoples business" Sorry but that kid would never be allowed in my home again. So rude. Disrespect is just not something I tolerate from my own kids, much less their friends.

MrsRef said...

Marci: Thank you for pointing out my mistake in posting something that had already been posted. I did not realize that it had already been covered elsewhere and I was being redundant. I actually thought the kids were cute last night with their painting and playing outside.

Kikibee said...

I liked this episode. More cute kid stuff, less J&K bickering.
I was wondering if I had missed the dented appliance, "heads will roll" incident. Guess not.

The house pictures the kids were coloring have been freeze-framed,zoomed in on, and scrutinized. Apparently, they were from some fancy playhouse company. So we have the outrage over that to look forward to, if they actually show up on the show.
I guess that'll be after the outrage over the furniture,when we see it, and the puppies. So much to look forward to.

Anonymous said...

Forgive me if this was suggested already, but I don't think it was. About the dented appliance in the promo - maybe Whirlpool got wind of it and put a stop to it airing during the show. I think I wouldn't want anyone talking badly about my product even if it was just a dent and not a complaint about the function of the machine, or even if it was just the fault of the delivery people. Kate being angry in conjunction with my product, I just wouldn't like it if I was a sponsor.

EveryoneLovesErin said...

I agree with you. Sometimes I want to strangle Kate.

This of those times. If she asked the paint crew ONE MORE TIME if the paint would come off of the trim I think I was going to scream. If it makes you that nervous either 1. Don't let the kids do it or 2. Leave the room.

IMO, her neurosis (I'm not using this term diagnostically, more colloquially) really comes out when there are work crews in her home. I get so frustrated when shes barks at people or makes rude remarks. It's embarrassing but I think I've said before that my sister is Kate's twin. So..I'm sure like everyone, I'm projecting when I watch the show (LOL).

I hate when she talks to Jon like he's a child. The interrupting...not cool.

So why do I not join the ranks of the Kate haters? Because her lack of social skills does not make her a monster. You cannot convince me that this woman does not love her family. It's so evident, IMO.

I'm not always going to like what she does, and I may gripe about it...but please...I'll take Kate Gosselin over 65% of the parents I work with (and that's being generous). Those who haven't worked in social services/mental health/family law/education or medical care truly cannot fathom the depths and extent of chronically bad parenting.

lulubae said...

I'm not always going to like what she does, and I may gripe about it...but please...I'll take Kate Gosselin over 65% of the parents I work with (and that's being generous). Those who haven't worked in social services/mental health/family law/education or medical care truly cannot fathom the depths and extent of chronically bad parenting.

YES! My sentiments exactly. I come in contact every day with parents who have molested, beat, abandoned, neglected, you name it, their children. Those kinds of experiences really put things into perspective.

Watching 8 children that are well fed, cleanly clothed, have a two-parent home, a roof over their heads, activities galore, and the well wishes of millions of people. Yeah, the Gosselin kids really have a crappy life...

Anya@IW said...

Bridget said...
I just signed up for Goggle and added an avatar.

Hey Bridget, nicely done! :-) What a cutie.

And what about the rest of you? Mrs.Ref, CincyMom, JerseyGirl, Linda, Eileen , Kikibee, etc. etc.

We want to see what you guys come up with too!

Laura said...

wait, i thought this blog was about the gosselin family, why is there all this chatter about the Rolloffs?

Nina Bell said...


It is?

Anya@IW said...


Ask "Carol F.".

What did you think about Monday's episode?

Anonymous said...

And what about the rest of you? Mrs.Ref, CincyMom, JerseyGirl, Linda, Eileen , Kikibee, etc. etc.

Could you give a little lesson on how to add an avatar? I saw there are some sites to get them from, do I download them and then add them to my google profile? I made a goggle/bloggername but it keeps telling me I have an incorrect password when I try to use it here.

Anya@IW said...

JerseyGirl: Could you give a little lesson on how to add an avatar? I saw there are some sites to get them from, do I download them and then add them to my google profile? I made a goggle/bloggername but it keeps telling me I have an incorrect password when I try to use it here.

LOL. The idea of me giving technical advice to anyone is a bit absurd, but here goes.

I know a few people have had password problems. You may just want to create a new ID (depends on how much work you really want to put into this).

Once you have you ID set up, it's really pretty easy to upload an image. I just started with Google images to find ones I liked. You can get more creative if you want, but it's certainly not required. :-)

If anyone else wants to weigh in, feel free...

Jenn said...

I don't watch LPBW. I can only watch so much reality TV. Speaking of... who is watching American Idol???

EveryoneLovesErin said...

I can't do American Idol anymore. I stopped watching last season and haven't watched at all this season. I hear they have a 4th judge...does she balance Paula being drunk and high every night (LOL)?

Guinevere said...

Hey Bridget, nicely done! :-) What a cutie.

Yes, adorable!

And I just wanted to say that I love Guinevere's avatar, it's really beautiful.

Thank you! Someone mentioned to me today that the moderator of a Gosselin hate blog (I can't remember which one) was complaining about my avatar today - she assumed that it was a slam against her. Because she thought it was the Virgin Mary, and she...likes the Virgin Mary? I don't know. It wasn't quite clear to me, but other people's narcissism can be hard to comprehend from the outside.

Anyway, just to clarify, the avatar is an homage to my favorite saint, Saint, courtesy of Google Images. Saint was kind enough to give me a shout out and I was just returning the favor. And it IS a pretty image.

Denise said...

I enjoy watching both the Roloffs and the Gosselins, and think both sets of parents are doing a great job with their kids. I do wonder how Kate is going to feel about her choice of stainless appliances in that kitchen, however, after she has to polish away all of those little fingerprints at the end of every day - I speak from personal experience.

I miss seeing Cara and Mady and hope they'll be back next week!

Unknown said...

Que said......

I don't know if anyone else caught the episodes after this one, but tonight TLC showed the episode where the family went skiing in Utah. This episode was brought up in the discussion of do they or don't they eat fast food, after Jon insisted the kids have never eaten it in the TV interview that was posted.

I have to admit I have been hoping to catch this episode ever since someone (Fiona maybe?) mentioned that there is not a McD's close by so it's highly unlikely that Jon was bringing in Happy Meals.


I live in Park City. There is a McDonalds about a 1 1/2 down the road from the Canyons.

merryway said...

Guin, you're right about the narcissism, on that same blog, I thought it was amusing that Dr. Phil was supposedly trying to sneak Kate onto his show. He changed the dates and all because he didn't want people to know who or when his guest was on. Oh, the logic. :) It all revolved around the blogworld controversy you know.

Nina Bell said...


Someone emailed me those comments also. Since I already knew that your avatar was complimenting Saint, I just shook my head. Especially since I know that you do not read there.

Anonymous said...

I'll try to get an avatar but it will probably be awhile before you see it, I have to wait for help from my husband or one of the kids. I am completely computer illiterate, which drives my husband insane as he's a computer wiz and can't understand how I don't get it.
Guinevere, that is the Virgin Mary and Child Jesus, and what a nice compliment to Saint.
And I don't think anyone can have a patent on the Virgin Mary so I don't see how anyone can view that as a slam. I'm so lost here.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why the Roloffs and Duggars are being applauded for traveling overseas to help needy children/families.

I would have been more impressed with the Roloffs and the Duggars had they helped some American families that are affected by the economic crisis. I know children in poorer countries need help but there are plenty of unwanted, needy children and families in this country too!!

JerseyGirl said...

I would have been more impressed with the Roloffs and the Duggars had they helped some American families that are affected by the economic crisis. I know children in poorer countries need help but there are plenty of unwanted, needy children and families in this country too!!

It would have been nice if the Duggars took a trip to Appalachia. LPBW should have brought the 2 Iraqi kids here instead of having Matt fly to a war zone with the surgeon.

MrsRef said...

Where do I go to make an avatar. I tried once to upload a pic of my daughter and Shane Victorino of the Phillies but it didn't work.

Lizzy said...

To post a picture you have to go to your dashboard within Google. Once there you can click on "edit photo" and either upload one from your computer (like I did now!) or put in the url from a picture you found online. Hope that helps!

Nina Bell said...

Mrs Ref

When you sign in you should see an edit profile button. Click on that and it will take you to a profile page. There is a section in the middle of the page that allows you to upload a photograph. Just make sure you click the save button at the bottom before you exit the page.

Lizzy said...



Portia said...

I don't know if this helps but, when you are putting in your username you need to put in the email address you signed up with and not the name that shows. Also, you have to preview if you want to check the little box to receive comments in your email.

Lizzy said...

Hey, speaking of avatars (since thats all we ever talk about here), Nina what is yours about? That kitty is so cute :).

Nina Bell said...

Well I have seen this cat wondering around my house quite a bit lately. Snooping around and trying to cause problems. She came across the border from Michigan so hence the name Michigan. I think she must be the world's fattest cat.

I am going to keep her. She loves to hang out with the mice and rats and really is more of a barn cat. I am growing attached to her and since I really can't get rid of her I will just keep feeding her.

She isn't very smart and is not an independent thinker, so she needs a lot of assistance.

JerseyGirl said...

To post a picture you have to go to your dashboard within Google. Once there you can click on "edit photo" and either upload one from your computer (like I did now!) or put in the url from a picture you found online. Hope that helps!

I think I need my 7 yr old to do this for me. LOL

Lizzy said...

Hahah Jersey Girl its not near as tough as it seems in the beginning. Just takes getting used to the account setup with Google :). Another way to do it is when posting a comment (since you are logged in) you can click on your screenname to get to your profile page. When you get there its just like what Nina said-- click the "Edit Profile" option then you can scroll down to Photograph and you are on your way!

Nina, I commend you for your compassion to a poor cat who had nowhere to go. That was a really nice thing to do!

MrsRef said...

Ok - I tried putting an avatar - just checking to see if it works.

Lizzy said...

Mrs Ref, it works :). What is that a picture of anyway?

Oh and on topic I was thinking about the episode this morning and how so many cry foul when Jon and Kate mention a need/want in one episode then suddenly they have it the next episode. Besides the fact that these were taped MONTHS ago so there is no way Kate mentioning a need for furniture last week on TV would have anything to do with what was given to them back in November, I also think its just a way for viewers who may not catch the show all the time to track with what is going on. Other reality shows have the intro segment where there are clips of what happened before, and while those of us who watch all the time may get annoyed with the repetitiveness of this kind of thing it does make sense from an editors standpoint for continuity. Whether the shows are taped in order or not (I think most of the time they are not) its better to have that info shown for the millions that watch and have no clue about the blogs regarding Jon and Kate.

merryway said...

mrsref, it worked. Is it an ostrich?

MrsRef said...

It's a baby bald eagle. I used to have it as a screen saver. It looks like I feel some days. Actually I watch a webcam of an eagle's nest in Cambridge MD. It's neat to watch the eggs hatch and how the parents take care of the baby birds until they fly. Thanks for telling me how to do this.

merryway said...

Mrsref, that's cool. There's falcon cam that I watched all last year while they hatched and until they flew away. It was really fun and educational for the little one. It was amazing how fast they grew. I guess it's getting close to that time again.
Sorry, I'm off topic.

Anya@IW said...

Mrs.Ref: Looks great! :-)

Anonymous said...

So, I guess my sons' Youth Group at church shouldn't be traveling to the DR to work on a YoungLife Camp; they should be helping families in our country through the "economic crisis." But since I don't know anyone who has lost their job or home...
If people would stop listening to the media and purchase things instead of feeling guilty; we could roll through. If you are someone or live in one of the fairly limited areas effected by the real estate demise, best of luck. At least people can draw unemployment benefits for 6 months now; and it'll be longer soon. You all know that's why the numbers look inflated right? They aren't showing new applicants in that statistic.

MrsRef said...

Carlissa: Your son and his youth group should absolutely go the DR for a youth ministry. My kids have all done those kinds of trips, only one went overseas (Jamaica) but they were life altering experiences for them. It really helped them to learn to appreciate what they have at home and have a heart for others. It doesn't matter where you do service, it is having a servant's heart that makes a difference.

Eileen said...

Carlissa, I get what you are saying about help being needed right here in the US, I always felt that way myself, I know we need to help others world-wide, but there's so many in need right here in our own backyard. But all in all, what MrsRef said is the truth, it's about having a servant's heart. Very well said.
And about the economic crisis you are not alone in your thoughts, Carlissa, I just heard on the news this morning that the real estate crisis is limited to five or six States and it's not really nation-wide. I feel bad for those States but that would be good news for our nation.
I guess I'm always suspicious of our government, I never did like the idea of 'we have to rush through a bail-out package', I always felt like the government was pulling the wool over our eyes. I'm not a big fan of Washington, no matter which Party is in charge.

MrsRef said...

I so agree with you, Eileen about trusting Washington. I still think the politicians are protecting their own interest. Nothing they have done in that stimulus package will help anyone in my family except for the extension of unemployment (my son and daughter-in-law are both out of work and had to give up their apartment) I read last week that several banks are charging people to access their unemployment funds - apparently their benefits are loaded onto ATM cards and they are paying up to $6.00 to withdrawl money. Several were the banks that just got bailed out by the gov't. I am getting down from my soapbox now :)

Eileen said...

Oh, MrsRef, I haven't even started on how I feel about Washington, and I better not. Suffice it to say I don't think there are too many politicians that have our best interest in mind, add to that the media with their own agenda (BOTH Republicans AND Democrats) where are we to turn? I now read everything with a grain of salt. What's that old saying? Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see. I think it's believe none of what you hear or see with Washington, it's all a dog and pony show if you ask me. Heaven help our kids and grandkids.
'Very sorry to hear about your family, I hope things turn around for them soon. I'll say a prayer.