Okay, so what do you all think about this Michael Phelps drama?
Well, let me preface my comments by saying that I've never smoked pot or done drugs. I have many friends who have, however. It was always offered and I just said no. Not that I'm some kind of Nancy Reagan "just say no" disciple. I just hated the smell of it. It literally made me sick to my stomach, so I passed.
That said, yes, I know Michael Phelps is a role model for kids. I also know he's a 23 year old kid himself. One who's never had a normal life because he spent most of it in a pool. He just accomplished a feat that no other human being ever has, and did it by forfeiting any semblance of a normal life, spending most of his waking hours in the water with no one but a not-so-attractive older man with a whistle barking orders at him. Suddenly, he’s on the cover of every magazine across the globe, has cash literally falling out of his pockets, and all the hot chicks who once thought he was a great big dork, are throwing their panties at him. Yeah, I think he’s making up for lost time. And I also think he’s earned that right. I also think he's young and immature and is going to make mistakes like most kids his age.
Besides, it’s not like pot is a performance enhancing drug, unless you count the 24-hour convenience store dash for microwave burritos and bags of Frito Lay and Hostess products.
Plus, I'd like to know just WHO made money off this photo. What goody-goody narc attended that party, snapped a photo with his/her cellphone and then decided to make a buck off it by ruining someone else's life. Here's a newsflash for you, Skippy. Enjoy whatever money you made from the tabloid while you can. They're arresting people who weren't even AT the party (like the rocket scientist who owned the bong, wasn't even AT the party, yet tried to sell it for $100,000 on E-bay because it was the "bong in the Phelps picture." Duh. Moron). The camera happy opportunist may end up spending his ill gotten gains on lawyer fees.
And what about the South Carolina cops who are now going completely overboard on this? They're arresting people who attended the party and the kids are reporting that the only thing the cops are interested in during questioning is getting dirt on Phelps. First of all, how can you prosecute a guy for a photo? You have no real evidence that there was pot in the bong (yeah, there probably was, but prove it). Or that he wasn't just messing around (the old Bill Clinton "I didn't inhale" defense). And, they haven't tested Phelps! No urine or hair test for drugs in his system. Hello? Can you said "railroaded?" I think I can. They see a big fish with some notoriety and they're going after it. This way, Mr. Bad Ass Prosecutor and Police Chief can get their names in the papers.
It all goes to our culture. We love to set up our heroes and then watch them fall from grace. People get their kicks out of it. Look no further than the "advocates" for a prime example of that mentality!
Um, let's just say that Phelps has a certain reputation in a city he spent a lot of time training at and I wasn't too surprised at the photo. Smoking pot probably wasn't the result of his success.
That being said, I don't really care. He's at an age where pot smoking is common. He's not in the major training mode right now. To me, it's overblown. And, the prosecution is overblown as well.
I think situations like these can be used as a way to open up sometimes difficult converations about drugs and consequences of poor decisions with our kids.
As for Michael Phelps, I agree with McB that we need to look at the narc who sold the pictures. I think what Phelps did was wrong but I also think he has handled himself with grace and dignity despite being completely thrown to the wolves by some people.
I guess my initial reaction was disappointment. I felt empathy for his mother. Isn't she a principal in a middle school. I imagine explaining things to his mother was more difficult than earning any medal he has ever won. I think he also had a previous DUI back in 2004, which in my mind is a much more serious infraction.
He will learn from this. And move on.
I was not aware that the local South Carolina Sheriff's department was pursuing this. Thanks for the info. I will have to read up.
We fired our daycare provider yesterday. In a quick recap here is what has been going on... For the last few week our sitters son has been pretty rough with my son. He's is younger than my son but very wild. When I'm there he's running wild, taking his clothes off, not listening, etc. Anyway, last Friday I picked up my son and he immediatly told me that the sitter and her hubby got into a fight and that he threw a newspaper at her. She immediatly made it sound like it was not a big deal. Later that night Cam also told us that he yanked the phone out of her hand. My hubby and I discussed seeing about getting him into full day school. On MOnday when I pick him up he is crying hysterically. After much prodding I find that my son tried to take his toy so instead of them verbally arguing about it the sitters son rammed his head into my sons neck. The sitter acted like she didn't know about that part. I told both boys that if they could not be nice to each other that my son was not going to be able to come back. The sitter just sat there. Things were okay for Tues and Wed. My son said they were mostly kept apart. On Thurs I pick up my son and he has scratches on his hands that were not there that morning. I didn't notice them until I was putting him in the car. I asked what happened and he tells me that the other kid squeezed his hand and scratched him. I confront the sitter about it and she tells me that it's impossible because she made my son stay in the playroom all day by himself and didn't let the kids play together at all. I siad it's possible my son could have made it up and I would take care of that... but how did the scratches get there. She said she didn't have any idea. So my thoughts are, how the F do you not know how my son got hurt? Is he in a room by himself all day with no one looking after him? What if he put something into his mouth. Oh, he choked but I don't really know how it happened. I told her I was concerned that she didn't know how that happend and that my sons last day would be at the end of the month. She responded with telling me that my son is a liar and that she is tired of her kid getting blamed for my son being a liar. (keep in mind that this is the kid who will run out the front door, run around the cars, while his mom or dad chases him. no one has any control over him). I really wanted to rip her head off. So, we fired her.
Sorry, not a quick recap, but I had to vent. This happened yesterday and I'm still mad about it!
I think the SC police should have more pressing concerns than trying to get Michael Phelps for smoking some pot. If they can even collect enough evidence to prosecute, what would the charge be--a misdemeanor? With budget cuts in about every state's law enforcement departments, why would they waste time and money on this trivial issue?
Regarding the link Lizabeth put up--wow. The kid looks a lot younger than 13. What I wonder is why do so many of these teen parents, especially if their families are already struggling financial, don't consider adoption for the baby. IMO, it shows the immaturity and selfishness of both the teens and their families. The needs of the baby should be the first priority. I am sure it is tremendously difficult to give a baby up for adoption, but being a parent means making difficult choices in the best interest of the child. I just do not see a bright and happy future for a baby with a 15-year-old mother and a just-turned 13-year-old father.
I think the Michael Phelps issue was made into a media circus with the arrests of those people at the party he was at. He made a mistake and hopefully will grow and move on. When someone is a role model they need to watch their P's and Q's. He is not the only athlete messing up though. Look at all the steroid athletes out there. He didn't lose all his endorsements so that is good for him. Nina, I agree about his mom and feel bad for her. As parents we want our children to be perfect.
Jen, I'm so sorry for you. There is nothing worse for a mother than to feel she is leaving her child in the hands of someone she doesn't feel completely comfortable with. You are entrusting your most precious treasure to someone else's care, you have to have complete confidence that the caretaker is worthy of that trust and that great responsibility. That little guy can't advocate for himself, he's so lucky to have a Mom that listens to him and puts his welfare first. In my opinion that babysitter's actions/reactions were outrageous. And you wouldn't want your son around that element in any case. All good wishes for you and your family. I'll say a prayer.
Re: Phelps, I feel bad for him. He's young and got caught doing what he knew he wasn't allowed when many many are doing the same thing. What a hard life lesson for him. I hope he is a little wiser about society.
I agree with Nina that the DUI is a more serious offense. I find that concerning and in light of the pic, well, I don't know. I had no knowledge of that or that this was being so pursued. That is disheartening. It's a photo, what you're smoking with shouldn't be enough evidence for criminal proceedings.
Society is so hypocritical on this issue. There was Clinton's “I didn't inhale” statement and I remember a video of Schwarzennegger with a big fatty after he won Mr. Universe. MCB. You get me into a whole nother issue, such as the Laguardia report, legalization, etc. I haven't been to CA for years. But some friends went and he said on the dock he realized the cig butts were roaches and couldn't believe it was just laying there. I was supposed to have already gone to Amsterdam but that hasn't happened. I'd like to revisit CA. There's some things I just like to see for myself.
Lizabeth, that is unbelievable. Looking at that clueless little boy, I had no idea what to feel. I want to jump and blame the parents, but this could have happened anywhere they alone. It's really sad, thank goodness the families are there to support their children and the new baby. These poor kids should be begging to get out of chores to go and have fun, not being responsible for a new life and having their parents take on so much.
Thanks for your support Eileen. I'm not oblivious to think that my son is perfect. He's not. I know the issued with the head butting was started by my son because he was trying to get on it too. He did get into trouble for that as well. I know you can't keep your eye on a child 24/7 and I know the sitter has other kids to watch. But I also know her son is sneaky, I've seen him slip out the door unnoticed until I brought it to her attention. So I don't really buy that there was no way he could walk down 5 steps and cause some trouble before anyone noticed. I'm hoping we can get the school to allow Cam to start full days a week early so that way I don't have to take off work.
On a positive note, my son is thrilled that he does not have to ever go back. He said he was happy about that because he was tired of being hurt by the other kid.
Oh, and today we start our 4 day weekend and tomorrow my husband and I will celebrate our 5 year wedding anniversary. My sis is watching the kids and we have hotel room in the mountains for 2 nights. woo hoo mini-vacation here we come!!!
Lizbeth, I saw that this morning on Perez Hilton (i know, i know). That child looks like he's about 10, not 13. And the mom is 15. Holy cow.
I have a friend who is a high school teacher. She informed me that the way girls are getting into gangs these days is to be "f-ed in". Boys are still jumped in. I had no idea that girls were going that just to get into a gang.
I also just read that Nadya Sulemans mom had a gag put on her so she can't talk about the family. The article also said that the grandmother may have been paid $40K for selling Nadya out.
Jenn, that is the worst. Even if you find the good daycare or sitter, there's still the sometimes crying at the door. I don't know remember how many daycares I had to pull my son out of. The first was church run and he got out the door into the parking lot when he was under 2. Another lasted 3 days when I had to pull him out because all ages played together outside and you can imagine the nightmare for little ones, it was 3 yo and 8 yos. It had a great play area so that was a disappointment. Even at the good one, there was a biter (I knew the mom and she was so embarrassed) and a black eye. I was finally lucky enough that my mom wanted to sit and sat my niece and nephew as well. But, when he got older, there was one when he was about 6 that he refused to go back. A daycamp was a nightmare with several kids being shoved into the dirt. They failed to tell me that there counselors might be as young as 13. He was in the corner screaming when I picked him up. Finding a good summer program was really hard.
Jenn, that sounds like a horrible thing to have to go through!! I am glad you took a stand and got your little guy out of there though. I know that we all do our best with the kids we watch or are parents to, but for her to just say she had no idea how he got hurt and take no responsibility for what happened on her watch is just wrong and dangerous.
Oh-- and I LOVE Perez Hilton!! Thats where I found the link even :). Makes me laugh when some anti-Gosselinites talk about him exposing Jon and Kate. The amount of love he has for Violet Affleck and (at times when she is cute) Suri Cruise makes me think he'd be more apt to post adorable pics of Leah or Aaden than bash Jon and Kate :)!!
GLO, I agree that to have a baby at age 12 and 15, respectively, and think you can just start a happy life together is not exactly realistic. Just sad that kids are having kids and that their parents don't seem to mind all that much from what the article said.
Oh Jen, my sister had a similar problem with her daycare, but my nephew's leg was broken! And she said she didn't know how it happened. Well, she was supposed to be freakin' watching him, so she should have known. My sister took him to the ER (I was with her when she picked him up, thank goodness, so I was a witness that he was hurt before she got there) and they called CPS and everything. I tell anyone i know not to go to that daycare. I get all rageful just thinking about it.
Dr. H, that is horrible!! What ended up happening? You don't have to answer if its too intense a situation still, but I am so sorry your family went through that as well. My mom watches my nephew and while he hasn't really been hurt at her house (besides a bump on the head and that kind of thing) but it is a constant fear.
I think its more the response that you both mentioned as well- the "Well I don't know what happened" attitude which makes me angry. I was a nanny and worked at a day care (infant room supervisor for 1 1/2 years) and I know I worked my tail off to make sure those kids had a great time but were safe as well. Accidents happen, but even when the baby I watched would get a small cut or bruise (like when she was pulling up on a table and popped her lip even though I was right there, etc) I took full responsibility for it. I guess this is a bit of a hot button issue for me, too, since I know there are some amazing care givers out there so the ones who are so lackadaisical about their choice of job make those of us who do love and care for kids look bad.
Jenn, I am glad to hear how happy your son is that he doesn't have to go back...that's a sure sign you did the right thing. It must have been a nightmare for all of you to go through, though.
Regarding Mr. Phelps: I am saving my opinion on him until after I get my kids through these difficult teen years unscathed. I have wonderful children with minds of their own. We get along very well, but they sometimes ignore my advice. So I think I'll just keep my mouth shut for another ten years!
Thanks for the post MCB. I totally agree with everything you said. As Glo said, with budget cuts everywhere, wouldn't you think law enforcement would have better things to do? I think your assertion is correct - they are looking to score a "big fish."
I also agree that the DUI is a much more critical error in judgment on his part.
It's not my cup of tea (that would Pinot Grigio), but I think we should just go ahead and legalize pot. I know not everyone feels the same way about that, but expending any tax dollars on enforcing laws against it just seems like a huge waste of time and resources.
Merryway, I don't think California is Amsterdam yet, but there have more times than I can count when I have been walking the street and smell someone smoking pot. It's pretty out in the open here. I guess they know the cops don't really care...
Jenn, sorry you had to go through that. You absolutely need to feel that you're leaving your son someplace where he is safe and well cared-for. The babysitter sounds irresponsible at best.
Regarding Michael Phelps, I feel bad for him. I don't see pot as a big deal and feel it should be legalized. I agree that the person who sold the photo is a sleazeball.
Jenn said...On a positive note, my son is thrilled that he does not have to ever go back. He said he was happy about that because he was tired of being hurt by the other kid.
Oh, and today we start our 4 day weekend and tomorrow my husband and I will celebrate our 5 year wedding anniversary. My sis is watching the kids and we have hotel room in the mountains for 2 nights. woo hoo mini-vacation here we come!!!
Jenn, I am glad you were able to get him out of there. I hope everthing goes smoothly in getting him into his new spot. Working full-time and arranging the best daycare always equals stress in my experience. You hang in there.
Congrats on your anniversary and I hope you and your husband have a wonderful romantic time! _______________________________________________________
Oh and on Nadya's mother, well at least her actions make more sense now. Only 40k? I have no idea what Nadya has put her mother through, but I can't condone her mother's actions at all. Seems she has unintentionally really egged on some of the hysteria that has built up against her daughter. I think it's time for the media and all of us to step back and let the family and the proper authorities resolve this matter as best they can in private. Wishful thinking, I know...
Thanks guys for being so supportive! I feel like this is going to be the best for him. Just the fact that he's so happy.. dancing around, saying the other kids can't hurt him now, says that it really wasn't a great place for him to be. I'm aso considering reporting what happened. I'm just glad he's safe!!
I now have to clean house so the dog sitter won't be freaked out by my train wreck of a house! I hope everyone has a great Valentines Day!!!
Jenn, Have a great anniversary weekend. I feel bad I'm not planning much for V-day after 11 married years (16 total).
I have to clean too! My husband has been gone all week and BOY have I let it all go. He'll be back tonight around 6:30, so I better get crackin!
And I don't know if NC resident reads still since she seems to have gone all GWoP, but just so you know, the weather here is beautiful, so I'm tempted to walk instead of clean!
The kids are calling each other Jon and Kate when playing pretend :). At one point Aaden holds up a stick and says "This is sticky... and I am Jon..."
Uh oh -- Hannah flinched when her baby penguin did it's 1st flip around. Does baby penguin smack her when the camera is off? More importantly, would that be okay since its Hannah and not one of the others?
I can sympathize with you on a childcare issue. Back when my son was 3 years old I had a sitter who watched him in our home and he started telling me things that she denied so his dad set up a video camera hidden and we were able to see for ourselves and let her go immediately. There is nothing worse than worrying about your child's care. I hope you find a good place and do not have to worry.
I don't have kids, but I'm a doting auntie :) This might help Jenn or anyone else seeking decent daycare:
When my sister was looking for daycare, she did NOT accept "state certification" as being good enough. (As a state government worker she knew that its daycare certification might have well come off a cereal box). She inspected the premesis of each place thoroughly, and only considered places where the workers all had childcare/childhood development degrees. Real ones, not ones gotten simply by declaring them on the Internet ;)
I'm been thinking of the families who lost their loved ones in the plane crash in upstate New York. It's sad expecially among the 44 passengers killed was a woman whose husband died in the World Trade Center attacks of 9-11. Michael Phelps getting caught smoking weed isn't a surprise to me but then again not alot of things surpise me these days.
Wow. Jenn. I went through the childcare wars when my son was small. One day, a coworker, recommended his brother's wife, a stay at home mom, as a sitter for my son. A couple months went by. She was okay. They lived in a trailer and needed the money, so I was okay with it. They had a son who was a couple months older than my son. Then one day, my friend and his wife stopped by apologizing and feeling tremendously guilty for recommending his brother and sister-in-law, because they had seen first hand how my son was being treated while in their care. For one thing, for naptime, he was forced to sleep on the DOG BED. Yes, the cushion you put on the floor that dogs sleep on. I decided to sneak up on the house early one night and caught the brother shaking my son by the arm and screaming in his face. An adult. I didn't knock, just opened the door and said, "Excuse me, is there a problem?"
Then there was the teenagers I had. When I was finishing my degree, I waitressed at night and had the two teenage sisters who lived around the corner, do the babysitting. I soon found out that the younger sister was using my house as Party Central. One night, I came home and EIGHT boys were in my house with her. My son was happily playing in his playpen, oblivious to everything with his diaper so soaked that he was wet from the neck down. I found a bottle of whiskey in my attic stairway and stalks and seeds on my son's high chair tray. Yes, the high chair tray was used as a rolling tray. But all that was nothing compared to what I found under the couch. A towel. With a dried substance on it. With the unmistakable smell of male...you know.
I wanted to vomit. Oh, and they broke my kitchen window and used my vacuum to clean up the broken glass, causing my vacuum to have to be replaced. No, I am not exaggerating. All this actually happened. One of my friends was there and witnesssed the whole thing and as the parade of guys left my house, looked at me and said, "I cannot believe you just PAID her!"
I said, "I did?" I guess I was so shocked, I didn't realize what I was doing.
Yes, I called her mother and then had to endure a month of her stupid little friends calling my house, calling me a "bitch" and hanging up on me. Gee. I'm the bad guy because I won't let your high school stoner assses part in my house? That's rich.
Luckily, all the babysitter wars were when my son was small enough that it had no affect on him. At least I don't think so. He's 21 now. But it may explain his smart assed attitude. But then again, that might just be heredity.
I'm not sure how far you want to take this, but you may want to consider reporting the incident to whoever in your state certifies daycare providers. As much because of what happened to your son from the other child, but also because of the arguing that your son has witnessed between the couple.
Just a thought.
Mostly enjoy your weekend with the hubby. I'm envious.
Both of my kids are swimmers, so the whole Phelps thing is quite disappointing to me.
I do wonder if Phelps might have a developing addiction. Not sure, but I do wonder. I recall that for years before we learn about a celebrity's entrance into rehab the star is usually arrested a few times, shown partying in a picture, etc.
Just a thought
The story about the boy who is 13 and now a dad makes me sick.
Oh. My. God. Your stories are very upsetting. I have a 15-month old and thankfully we've had nothing but positive experiences with her daycare and with babysitters. But we are likely moving in the coming months so I will need to find another daycare if I'm not able to stay at home.
About Michael Phelps--I actually live in the Colubia area, and the Richland County Sheriffs Dept has arrested 2 people in connection with the party. News outlets are reporting that the max punishment Phelps could get it $800 fine and up to 30 days in jail. So we are bleeding $$ to crucify this young man. A woman was strangled in her home and her apartment building burned to cover it up last week, and we're going after Michael Phelps for a bong hit. Ridiculous.
indianprincess said... I'm been thinking of the families who lost their loved ones in the plane crash in upstate New York. It's sad expecially among the 44 passengers killed was a woman whose husband died in the World Trade Center attacks of 9-11.
Indianprincess, thanks for mentioning this. They have been on my mind too. Incredibly sad.
Mom said...Anyone see Joaquin Phoenix on Letterman? I'm calling an Andy Kauffman stunt.
Not yet, but I want to. I intend to get caught up on all the video (incl. Kate's appearance on Dr. Phil), I missed over the upcoming long weekend. Aww, love that phrase.
I had such a crush on Joaquin Phoenix after I saw him in "Walk the Line." Whatever his current deal is, he is not looking very hot these days. LOL.
Rachel107, I was wondering: Have there been any crimes, or incidents involving the sheriff's office, that have drawn negative-to-law-enforcement media coverage recently? If so, maybe that's why the sheriff is going after Phelps et al--to try to generate positive coverage as well as the image that they're very tough on crime. I've seen this kidn of thing happen before...
Jenn - Finally read this entire thread - so sorry for what you have gone through. It's any working mom's nightmare. Always trust your intuition. You did the right thing.
Lizabeth - That Sun article and that little boy - unbelievable.
Anya - I always thought that Nadya's mom was paid for that.
I just saw the Joaquin Phoenix appearance on the David Letterman show. Wow. David Letterman is the best, I will have to say. I don't know how he keeps a straight face.
As much as I hate to concede to the fanatics... Nadya Suleman really might have been influenced by the Gosselins. I'm kinda joking, but:
First, she (or her publicist) repeat the line that she "wanted just one more." Then, The Mirror posts an interview with this quote from her: "I’m a control freak, you see. But I’ll have to accept help."
Sounds like someone memorized Multiple Blessings! ;-)
Michael Phelps - An unfortunate choice, but he's young and he'll certainly have to deal with the repurcussions of his actions.
Daycare - Definately make a report on the bad daycare experience!!!!
When my son was too young to vocalize I actually went to the government entity in my state/county that oversees daycares and asked to read the file of the daycare I was considering placing him in. (They HAVE to let you read it!) There were only a couple incident reports for very minor infranctions that I can't recall the details of, so I went ahead and placed him.
The day he started I went to the director and casually mentioned I'd gone and "looked her up" but was glad not to have seen anything serious. I wanted them to be on notice I wasn't a parent who didn't take my child's care VERY seriously.
Also, I only ever put him in larger daycare facilities. I think the ladies who do it out of their homes...who don't get coffee and lunch breaks, where the kids ages are too mixed, and who don't have someone "watching" them...are the ones that seem to have the problems that tend to make the evening news. JMHO
I LOVED the daycare he was in as a baby. I was in school (change of career) so I'd go early and hang out with the "teachers" and play with the other babies, watch how everybody got along. All the other "teachers" from the older kid "classes" would take their lunch breaks in the baby room and play with the babies, so my son was held ALL DAY LONG. So much so, I'd have problems trying to get anything done at home because he was so used to being held.
But, honestly, having a bad daycare experience was a MAJOR worry for me during the periods I've had to place him. My mom is lucky I trusted her. ;)
Joaquin Phoenix - LOVE HIM! I sure hope it's a prank, because he's too good an actor to quit now.
Mom, Nina, all others about the Joaquin Phoenix, I caught that. I thought it was totally faux, I agree it's an Andy Kaufman, but not nearly as good. River prob could have pulled it off. He was so talented. I also don't know how Letterman keeps a straight face. I did like Joaquin in Walk The Line, but I didn't like the movie.
My house is soo quiet. It's lovely. I'm getting so much done.
Anya, I'm supposed to be touring Europe for an prolonged stay at this time in my life. That all has changed as I have little 5yo tag-a-long. California is much more feasible these days. I do want to take her to Europe sometime in her teens. If I don't do it then, I don't think I'll care anymore after that. My hope is that she'll love it and I won't be just dragging her around with me. It's too soon to tell how that might go.
Theresa, that is so gross. That would be a strange ending to the story of his life. His face is just grotesque. I feel like I grew up with him, from the J5 cartoon with the mice to waiting to his next video sensation. Even in BAD his features had changed so much and he kept going on and on. I thought he looked incredible in Thriller. oh blech, whenever I think of the 80's all I can remember is the high maintenance fashion. ugh.
Kuromi said... As much as I hate to concede to the fanatics... Nadya Suleman really might have been influenced by the Gosselins. I'm kinda joking, but:
First, she (or her publicist) repeat the line that she "wanted just one more." Then, The Mirror posts an interview with this quote from her: "I’m a control freak, you see. But I’ll have to accept help."
I know you're not 100% behind this comparison, but I thought I'd add this to the conversation:
Suleman started having her children before the sextuplets were born and was certainly pregnant with the octuplets before the J&K show really took off last year and the book was released.
I think Suleman was blindsided by the huge negative reaction she's gotten, has seen Kate Gosselin brought forward by the news media in the last few weeks as a "prime" example of a mother of multiples, and is just puppeting what she thinks might *work* to improve her image. Suleman has said a lot of nutty things to the media (post-partum induced or not) and may be grasping for something positive way to explain the unexplainable.
After that, any comparison between the two women falls short.
There's NOTHING about this woman that reminds me of Kate Gosselin except she's given birth to multiples. Nothing about how she lives or has conducted herself exibits signs of any control, especially over herself, in her life.
I am disappointed in Michael Phelps. Sure, everyone makes mistakes. Sure, what he did in the long scheme of things isn't that terribly serious. BUT, he's been actively working as a role model and recruiting children to the world of swimming. He knew that children were watching him, but he made a big mistake. I don't think he deserves to be villified, and I do respect how he's so quick to accept responsibility for his actions.
When he got the DUI, he cried and told the police officer "I have so much to lose." You'd think that little incident would have helped him think the bong incident through. Shame on the person who took the picture, but didn't he think this would get out somehow? He's been set high on a pedestal, and it's a big fall. That being said, I would still TOTALLY let him come talk to my students about making mistakes and accepting responsibility for those mistakes.
The funny part is, the Friday before this happened, someone gave me a bunch of Michael Phelps pictures. I hung them up in my classroom, and my students all said he was my boyfriend. THAT weekend, there's Michael Freaking Phelps with a bong. My students came in WILD on Monday to tell me how my boyfriend was a pot head. Perfect timing, Michael!
Your recollection about Phelp's DUI arrest is similar to mine and why I've got concerns that he might be developing an addiction. He knows how much he has to lose and yet he continues to do the same risky behavior.
Nina Bell said... It looks like Jon and Kate have teamed up with Lane Home Furnishings
Good for them. I just read the Princess Boards and the critics have the same predictable responses.
For what it is worth, I had never heard of Lane Entertainment before. After seeing this link, I clicked on their website and found a store 15 miles from my home. I am not in the market for any new home entertaiment stuff right now, but they got their name out to at least one possible future customer. I would love to organize all my teenager's gaming equipment...
The website shows some of the furniture that Jon and Kate picked...and it's obvious it's free for them, unless you count the advertising they've done for Lane on the show and the website. Kate's complaint last week about having no where to sit can't be construed as anything more than Kate being Kate. There's no way she was looking for free furniture when it's clear they already found it!
Wow, I can't believe they're endorsing Lane. Lane was smart to snatch them. If there was ever any one who endorsed Lane before them, I don't know who that would be. J&K are everywhere these days. They are doing so well. I know Jon pulls his fair share as house daddy. But, this family would prob be really struggling if it weren't for Kate. I love Lane furniture and have a few treasured pieces. My beautiful end table and sofa table made it through two boys. My last little one took a sharpie to the legs of the end table (it's actually hard to see) it soaked in, but I think it can be repaired sometime. Scarfoot, that's funny about your students. What perfect timing. :)
I can never catch up on comments. I'm like kid who comes in 40 mins late to class then annoys everyone by asking a question that was covered in the first part of class.
Dunce hat for me...trying to read all of the posts.
Geez, I am gone for 3 days and look what I've missed.
By the way, we had a GREAT weekend! We attended a renewal of vows on Friday night. Our best friends were celebrating their 10 year wedding anniversary and 20 year being together anniversary. We spent the rest of the weekend w/ them. Saturday we had dinner @ a Fondue place downtown. It was sooooo good. Lobster tail, shrimp, duck... I was miserablly full by the end. We followed that up by seeing The Wrestler. Then we went back to our lodge and drank a few bottles of wine. Sunday morning we went to the Champagne Bruch and once again had a great meal. We got home a little bit ago. I am so glad that I have 1 more day off!
J&K's DVD's received a positive half page review, complete with color photo, in today's NY Times... http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/15/arts/television/15stew.html?_r=1&scp=1&sq=jon%20and%20kate&st=cse
I thought this part was particularly interesting and helps to explain why Jon & Kate are getting all these endorsement deals (despite the consternation of their critics):
Now that formula is a big hit on reality television. “Jon & Kate Plus 8,” in its fourth season, is the highest-rated show on TLC. Its Jan. 26 episode drew 1.6 million women between the ages of 18 and 49, a group advertisers particularly covet. That handily beat the season premiere of the TNT series “The Closer” starring Kyra Sedgwick, which drew 1.2 million from the same demographic.
On a separate note, I do wish the fact checker had double-checked the kids ages! LOL.
Anya, I liked The Wrestler. I had heard a lot of good things so maybe my expectations were too high. I didn't love it. We saw Gran Torino and I thought that movie was FABULOUS!
Quiltart, Thanks for the link. It was really favorable but I was all confused because of the kids ages being wrong. It irks me when they mess up those details. It seems official that J&K are loved by a good part of the population. I liked the writer's take on how long the show might last and especially on how real their marriage is. “Jon & Kate Plus 8,” in its fourth season, is the highest-rated show on TLC. Its Jan. 26 episode drew 1.6 million women between the ages of 18 and 49, a group advertisers particularly covet. This was interesting. Anya, you're right, they must all want Kate. I bet certain companies are drooling to get them to endorse. She couldn't ask for a better place to be to make some serious $s!! I bet she wonders how she ever found herself in this position.
Jenn, your trip sounds so nice. I'm glad you had such a good time.
The plot thickens with the 12 year old dad/15 year old mom story. Apparently now there are two other boys who think they might be the father. Sigh. What is this world coming to??
Glad to have you back, Sam!!
Quiltart thanks for that link-- I think they have the ages wrong since that is how old they were in the beginning of the DVDs at least... could be pretty much a copy and paste from the jacket :).
Lizabeth said... Quiltart thanks for that link-- I think they have the ages wrong since that is how old they were in the beginning of the DVDs at least... could be pretty much a copy and paste from the jacket :).
Lizabeth, The ages are correct. They were reviewing the DVDs from the third season.
The plot thickens with the 12 year old dad/15 year old mom story. Apparently now there are two other boys who think they might be the father. Sigh. What is this world coming to??
Oh my...
And why are their parents allowing them to give interviews? I don't get it. Do they *want* publicity? The whole thing is very sad.
Okay, so what do you all think about this Michael Phelps drama?
Well, let me preface my comments by saying that I've never smoked pot or done drugs. I have many friends who have, however. It was always offered and I just said no. Not that I'm some kind of Nancy Reagan "just say no" disciple. I just hated the smell of it. It literally made me sick to my stomach, so I passed.
That said, yes, I know Michael Phelps is a role model for kids. I also know he's a 23 year old kid himself. One who's never had a normal life because he spent most of it in a pool. He just accomplished a feat that no other human being ever has, and did it by forfeiting any semblance of a normal life, spending most of his waking hours in the water with no one but a not-so-attractive older man with a whistle barking orders at him. Suddenly, he’s on the cover of every magazine across the globe, has cash literally falling out of his pockets, and all the hot chicks who once thought he was a great big dork, are throwing their panties at him. Yeah, I think he’s making up for lost time. And I also think he’s earned that right. I also think he's young and immature and is going to make mistakes like most kids his age.
Besides, it’s not like pot is a performance enhancing drug, unless you count the 24-hour convenience store dash for microwave burritos and bags of Frito Lay and Hostess products.
Plus, I'd like to know just WHO made money off this photo. What goody-goody narc attended that party, snapped a photo with his/her cellphone and then decided to make a buck off it by ruining someone else's life. Here's a newsflash for you, Skippy. Enjoy whatever money you made from the tabloid while you can. They're arresting people who weren't even AT the party (like the rocket scientist who owned the bong, wasn't even AT the party, yet tried to sell it for $100,000 on E-bay because it was the "bong in the Phelps picture." Duh. Moron). The camera happy opportunist may end up spending his ill gotten gains on lawyer fees.
And what about the South Carolina cops who are now going completely overboard on this? They're arresting people who attended the party and the kids are reporting that the only thing the cops are interested in during questioning is getting dirt on Phelps. First of all, how can you prosecute a guy for a photo? You have no real evidence that there was pot in the bong (yeah, there probably was, but prove it). Or that he wasn't just messing around (the old Bill Clinton "I didn't inhale" defense). And, they haven't tested Phelps! No urine or hair test for drugs in his system. Hello? Can you said "railroaded?" I think I can. They see a big fish with some notoriety and they're going after it. This way, Mr. Bad Ass Prosecutor and Police Chief can get their names in the papers.
It all goes to our culture. We love to set up our heroes and then watch them fall from grace. People get their kicks out of it. Look no further than the "advocates" for a prime example of that mentality!
Um, let's just say that Phelps has a certain reputation in a city he spent a lot of time training at and I wasn't too surprised at the photo. Smoking pot probably wasn't the result of his success.
That being said, I don't really care. He's at an age where pot smoking is common. He's not in the major training mode right now. To me, it's overblown. And, the prosecution is overblown as well.
I think situations like these can be used as a way to open up sometimes difficult converations about drugs and consequences of poor decisions with our kids.
As for Michael Phelps, I agree with McB that we need to look at the narc who sold the pictures. I think what Phelps did was wrong but I also think he has handled himself with grace and dignity despite being completely thrown to the wolves by some people.
And now there is this...
I have no idea what to say.....
I guess my initial reaction was disappointment. I felt empathy for his mother. Isn't she a principal in a middle school. I imagine explaining things to his mother was more difficult than earning any medal he has ever won. I think he also had a previous DUI back in 2004, which in my mind is a much more serious infraction.
He will learn from this. And move on.
I was not aware that the local South Carolina Sheriff's department was pursuing this. Thanks for the info. I will have to read up.
Just a little venting...
We fired our daycare provider yesterday. In a quick recap here is what has been going on... For the last few week our sitters son has been pretty rough with my son. He's is younger than my son but very wild. When I'm there he's running wild, taking his clothes off, not listening, etc. Anyway, last Friday I picked up my son and he immediatly told me that the sitter and her hubby got into a fight and that he threw a newspaper at her. She immediatly made it sound like it was not a big deal. Later that night Cam also told us that he yanked the phone out of her hand. My hubby and I discussed seeing about getting him into full day school. On MOnday when I pick him up he is crying hysterically. After much prodding I find that my son tried to take his toy so instead of them verbally arguing about it the sitters son rammed his head into my sons neck. The sitter acted like she didn't know about that part. I told both boys that if they could not be nice to each other that my son was not going to be able to come back. The sitter just sat there. Things were okay for Tues and Wed. My son said they were mostly kept apart. On Thurs I pick up my son and he has scratches on his hands that were not there that morning. I didn't notice them until I was putting him in the car. I asked what happened and he tells me that the other kid squeezed his hand and scratched him. I confront the sitter about it and she tells me that it's impossible because she made my son stay in the playroom all day by himself and didn't let the kids play together at all. I siad it's possible my son could have made it up and I would take care of that... but how did the scratches get there. She said she didn't have any idea. So my thoughts are, how the F do you not know how my son got hurt? Is he in a room by himself all day with no one looking after him? What if he put something into his mouth. Oh, he choked but I don't really know how it happened. I told her I was concerned that she didn't know how that happend and that my sons last day would be at the end of the month. She responded with telling me that my son is a liar and that she is tired of her kid getting blamed for my son being a liar. (keep in mind that this is the kid who will run out the front door, run around the cars, while his mom or dad chases him. no one has any control over him). I really wanted to rip her head off. So, we fired her.
Sorry, not a quick recap, but I had to vent. This happened yesterday and I'm still mad about it!
I think the SC police should have more pressing concerns than trying to get Michael Phelps for smoking some pot. If they can even collect enough evidence to prosecute, what would the charge be--a misdemeanor? With budget cuts in about every state's law enforcement departments, why would they waste time and money on this trivial issue?
Regarding the link Lizabeth put up--wow. The kid looks a lot younger than 13. What I wonder is why do so many of these teen parents, especially if their families are already struggling financial, don't consider adoption for the baby. IMO, it shows the immaturity and selfishness of both the teens and their families. The needs of the baby should be the first priority. I am sure it is tremendously difficult to give a baby up for adoption, but being a parent means making difficult choices in the best interest of the child. I just do not see a bright and happy future for a baby with a 15-year-old mother and a just-turned 13-year-old father.
I think the Michael Phelps issue was made into a media circus with the arrests of those people at the party he was at. He made a mistake and hopefully will grow and move on. When someone is a role model they need to watch their P's and Q's. He is not the only athlete messing up though. Look at all the steroid athletes out there. He didn't lose all his endorsements so that is good for him.
Nina, I agree about his mom and feel bad for her. As parents we want our children to be perfect.
Jen, I'm so sorry for you. There is nothing worse for a mother than to feel she is leaving her child in the hands of someone she doesn't feel completely comfortable with. You are entrusting your most precious treasure to someone else's care, you have to have complete confidence that the caretaker is worthy of that trust and that great responsibility. That little guy can't advocate for himself, he's so lucky to have a Mom that listens to him and puts his welfare first. In my opinion that babysitter's actions/reactions were outrageous. And you wouldn't want your son around that element in any case. All good wishes for you and your family. I'll say a prayer.
Re: Phelps, I feel bad for him. He's young and got caught doing what he knew he wasn't allowed when many many are doing the same thing. What a hard life lesson for him. I hope he is a little wiser about society.
I agree with Nina that the DUI is a more serious offense. I find that concerning and in light of the pic, well, I don't know. I had no knowledge of that or that this was being so pursued. That is disheartening. It's a photo, what you're smoking with shouldn't be enough evidence for criminal proceedings.
Society is so hypocritical on this issue. There was Clinton's “I didn't inhale” statement and I remember a video of Schwarzennegger with a big fatty after he won Mr. Universe. MCB. You get me into a whole nother issue, such as the Laguardia report, legalization, etc. I haven't been to CA for years. But some friends went and he said on the dock he realized the cig butts were roaches and couldn't believe it was just laying there. I was supposed to have already gone to Amsterdam but that hasn't happened. I'd like to revisit CA. There's some things I just like to see for myself.
Lizabeth, that is unbelievable. Looking at that clueless little boy, I had no idea what to feel. I want to jump and blame the parents, but this could have happened anywhere they alone. It's really sad, thank goodness the families are there to support their children and the new baby. These poor kids should be begging to get out of chores to go and have fun, not being responsible for a new life and having their parents take on so much.
Thanks for your support Eileen. I'm not oblivious to think that my son is perfect. He's not. I know the issued with the head butting was started by my son because he was trying to get on it too. He did get into trouble for that as well. I know you can't keep your eye on a child 24/7 and I know the sitter has other kids to watch. But I also know her son is sneaky, I've seen him slip out the door unnoticed until I brought it to her attention. So I don't really buy that there was no way he could walk down 5 steps and cause some trouble before anyone noticed. I'm hoping we can get the school to allow Cam to start full days a week early so that way I don't have to take off work.
On a positive note, my son is thrilled that he does not have to ever go back. He said he was happy about that because he was tired of being hurt by the other kid.
Oh, and today we start our 4 day weekend and tomorrow my husband and I will celebrate our 5 year wedding anniversary. My sis is watching the kids and we have hotel room in the mountains for 2 nights. woo hoo mini-vacation here we come!!!
I saw that this morning on Perez Hilton (i know, i know). That child looks like he's about 10, not 13. And the mom is 15. Holy cow.
I have a friend who is a high school teacher. She informed me that the way girls are getting into gangs these days is to be "f-ed in". Boys are still jumped in. I had no idea that girls were going that just to get into a gang.
The world is a scary place!
I also just read that Nadya Sulemans mom had a gag put on her so she can't talk about the family. The article also said that the grandmother may have been paid $40K for selling Nadya out.
Can anyone say dysfunctional????
Jenn, that is the worst. Even if you find the good daycare or sitter, there's still the sometimes crying at the door. I don't know remember how many daycares I had to pull my son out of. The first was church run and he got out the door into the parking lot when he was under 2. Another lasted 3 days when I had to pull him out because all ages played together outside and you can imagine the nightmare for little ones, it was 3 yo and 8 yos. It had a great play area so that was a disappointment. Even at the good one, there was a biter (I knew the mom and she was so embarrassed) and a black eye. I was finally lucky enough that my mom wanted to sit and sat my niece and nephew as well. But, when he got older, there was one when he was about 6 that he refused to go back. A daycamp was a nightmare with several kids being shoved into the dirt. They failed to tell me that there counselors might be as young as 13. He was in the corner screaming when I picked him up. Finding a good summer program was really hard.
Jenn, that sounds like a horrible thing to have to go through!! I am glad you took a stand and got your little guy out of there though. I know that we all do our best with the kids we watch or are parents to, but for her to just say she had no idea how he got hurt and take no responsibility for what happened on her watch is just wrong and dangerous.
Oh-- and I LOVE Perez Hilton!! Thats where I found the link even :). Makes me laugh when some anti-Gosselinites talk about him exposing Jon and Kate. The amount of love he has for Violet Affleck and (at times when she is cute) Suri Cruise makes me think he'd be more apt to post adorable pics of Leah or Aaden than bash Jon and Kate :)!!
GLO, I agree that to have a baby at age 12 and 15, respectively, and think you can just start a happy life together is not exactly realistic. Just sad that kids are having kids and that their parents don't seem to mind all that much from what the article said.
Oh Jen, my sister had a similar problem with her daycare, but my nephew's leg was broken! And she said she didn't know how it happened. Well, she was supposed to be freakin' watching him, so she should have known. My sister took him to the ER (I was with her when she picked him up, thank goodness, so I was a witness that he was hurt before she got there) and they called CPS and everything. I tell anyone i know not to go to that daycare. I get all rageful just thinking about it.
Dr. H, that is horrible!! What ended up happening? You don't have to answer if its too intense a situation still, but I am so sorry your family went through that as well. My mom watches my nephew and while he hasn't really been hurt at her house (besides a bump on the head and that kind of thing) but it is a constant fear.
I think its more the response that you both mentioned as well- the "Well I don't know what happened" attitude which makes me angry. I was a nanny and worked at a day care (infant room supervisor for 1 1/2 years) and I know I worked my tail off to make sure those kids had a great time but were safe as well. Accidents happen, but even when the baby I watched would get a small cut or bruise (like when she was pulling up on a table and popped her lip even though I was right there, etc) I took full responsibility for it. I guess this is a bit of a hot button issue for me, too, since I know there are some amazing care givers out there so the ones who are so lackadaisical about their choice of job make those of us who do love and care for kids look bad.
I am glad to hear how happy your son is that he doesn't have to go back...that's a sure sign you did the right thing. It must have been a nightmare for all of you to go through, though.
Regarding Mr. Phelps: I am saving my opinion on him until after I get my kids through these difficult teen years unscathed. I have wonderful children with minds of their own. We get along very well, but they sometimes ignore my advice. So I think I'll just keep my mouth shut for another ten years!
Thanks for the post MCB. I totally agree with everything you said. As Glo said, with budget cuts everywhere, wouldn't you think law enforcement would have better things to do? I think your assertion is correct - they are looking to score a "big fish."
I also agree that the DUI is a much more critical error in judgment on his part.
It's not my cup of tea (that would Pinot Grigio), but I think we should just go ahead and legalize pot. I know not everyone feels the same way about that, but expending any tax dollars on enforcing laws against it just seems like a huge waste of time and resources.
Merryway, I don't think California is Amsterdam yet, but there have more times than I can count when I have been walking the street and smell someone smoking pot. It's pretty out in the open here. I guess they know the cops don't really care...
Jenn, sorry you had to go through that. You absolutely need to feel that you're leaving your son someplace where he is safe and well cared-for. The babysitter sounds irresponsible at best.
Regarding Michael Phelps, I feel bad for him. I don't see pot as a big deal and feel it should be legalized. I agree that the person who sold the photo is a sleazeball.
Jenn said...On a positive note, my son is thrilled that he does not have to ever go back. He said he was happy about that because he was tired of being hurt by the other kid.
Oh, and today we start our 4 day weekend and tomorrow my husband and I will celebrate our 5 year wedding anniversary. My sis is watching the kids and we have hotel room in the mountains for 2 nights. woo hoo mini-vacation here we come!!!
Jenn, I am glad you were able to get him out of there. I hope everthing goes smoothly in getting him into his new spot. Working full-time and arranging the best daycare always equals stress in my experience. You hang in there.
Congrats on your anniversary and I hope you and your husband have a wonderful romantic time!
Oh and on Nadya's mother, well at least her actions make more sense now. Only 40k? I have no idea what Nadya has put her mother through, but I can't condone her mother's actions at all. Seems she has unintentionally really egged on some of the hysteria that has built up against her daughter. I think it's time for the media and all of us to step back and let the family and the proper authorities resolve this matter as best they can in private. Wishful thinking, I know...
Thanks guys for being so supportive! I feel like this is going to be the best for him. Just the fact that he's so happy.. dancing around, saying the other kids can't hurt him now, says that it really wasn't a great place for him to be. I'm aso considering reporting what happened. I'm just glad he's safe!!
I now have to clean house so the dog sitter won't be freaked out by my train wreck of a house! I hope everyone has a great Valentines Day!!!
New Webisode!!
The kids are calling each other Jon and Kate when playing pretend :). At one point Aaden holds up a stick and says "This is sticky... and I am Jon..."
So adorable!!
Jenn, Have a great anniversary weekend. I feel bad I'm not planning much for V-day after 11 married years (16 total).
I have to clean too! My husband has been gone all week and BOY have I let it all go. He'll be back tonight around 6:30, so I better get crackin!
And I don't know if NC resident reads still since she seems to have gone all GWoP, but just so you know, the weather here is beautiful, so I'm tempted to walk instead of clean!
Jenn, you did the right thing. Glad your son is happy and in better hands.
I join you and CincyMom in cleaning. Although, taking a walk seems like a better alternative to me Cincymom! :)
The kids are calling each other Jon and Kate when playing pretend :). At one point Aaden holds up a stick and says "This is sticky... and I am Jon..."
Uh oh -- Hannah flinched when her baby penguin did it's 1st flip around. Does baby penguin smack her when the camera is off? More importantly, would that be okay since its Hannah and not one of the others?
I can sympathize with you on a childcare issue. Back when my son was 3 years old I had a sitter who watched him in our home and he started telling me things that she denied so his dad set up a video camera hidden and we were able to see for ourselves and let her go immediately. There is nothing worse than worrying about your child's care. I hope you find a good place and do not have to worry.
Jersey Girl that was hilarious :).
I don't have kids, but I'm a doting auntie :) This might help Jenn or anyone else seeking decent daycare:
When my sister was looking for daycare, she did NOT accept "state certification" as being good enough. (As a state government worker she knew that its daycare certification might have well come off a cereal box). She inspected the premesis of each place thoroughly, and only considered places where the workers all had childcare/childhood development degrees. Real ones, not ones gotten simply by declaring them on the Internet ;)
Anyone see Joaquin Phoenix on Letterman? I'm calling an Andy Kauffman stunt.
Anyone see Joaquin Phoenix on Letterman? I'm calling an Andy Kauffman stunt.
I agree! The Letterman appearance really made me believe he's faking it for his mock-umentry.
I know we did the right thing, but it really helps that everyone is in agreement!
I'm been thinking of the families who lost their loved ones in the plane crash in upstate New York. It's sad expecially among the 44 passengers killed was a woman whose husband died in the World Trade Center attacks of 9-11. Michael Phelps getting caught smoking weed isn't a surprise to me but then again not alot of things surpise me these days.
Wow. Jenn. I went through the childcare wars when my son was small. One day, a coworker, recommended his brother's wife, a stay at home mom, as a sitter for my son. A couple months went by. She was okay. They lived in a trailer and needed the money, so I was okay with it. They had a son who was a couple months older than my son. Then one day, my friend and his wife stopped by apologizing and feeling tremendously guilty for recommending his brother and sister-in-law, because they had seen first hand how my son was being treated while in their care. For one thing, for naptime, he was forced to sleep on the DOG BED. Yes, the cushion you put on the floor that dogs sleep on. I decided to sneak up on the house early one night and caught the brother shaking my son by the arm and screaming in his face. An adult. I didn't knock, just opened the door and said, "Excuse me, is there a problem?"
Then there was the teenagers I had. When I was finishing my degree, I waitressed at night and had the two teenage sisters who lived around the corner, do the babysitting. I soon found out that the younger sister was using my house as Party Central. One night, I came home and EIGHT boys were in my house with her. My son was happily playing in his playpen, oblivious to everything with his diaper so soaked that he was wet from the neck down. I found a bottle of whiskey in my attic stairway and stalks and seeds on my son's high chair tray. Yes, the high chair tray was used as a rolling tray. But all that was nothing compared to what I found under the couch. A towel. With a dried substance on it. With the unmistakable smell of male...you know.
I wanted to vomit. Oh, and they broke my kitchen window and used my vacuum to clean up the broken glass, causing my vacuum to have to be replaced. No, I am not exaggerating. All this actually happened. One of my friends was there and witnesssed the whole thing and as the parade of guys left my house, looked at me and said, "I cannot believe you just PAID her!"
I said, "I did?" I guess I was so shocked, I didn't realize what I was doing.
Yes, I called her mother and then had to endure a month of her stupid little friends calling my house, calling me a "bitch" and hanging up on me. Gee. I'm the bad guy because I won't let your high school stoner assses part in my house? That's rich.
Luckily, all the babysitter wars were when my son was small enough that it had no affect on him. At least I don't think so. He's 21 now. But it may explain his smart assed attitude. But then again, that might just be heredity.
I'm not sure how far you want to take this, but you may want to consider reporting the incident to whoever in your state certifies daycare providers. As much because of what happened to your son from the other child, but also because of the arguing that your son has witnessed between the couple.
Just a thought.
Mostly enjoy your weekend with the hubby. I'm envious.
Both of my kids are swimmers, so the whole Phelps thing is quite disappointing to me.
I do wonder if Phelps might have a developing addiction. Not sure, but I do wonder. I recall that for years before we learn about a celebrity's entrance into rehab the star is usually arrested a few times, shown partying in a picture, etc.
Just a thought
The story about the boy who is 13 and now a dad makes me sick.
I still haven't started cleaning! AAAAA!!!
Bus comes in 45 minutes, husband in 3 hours.
Play time and dinner to account for.......... Pray for me!
(Imagine if I have 14!)
Oh. My. God. Your stories are very upsetting. I have a 15-month old and thankfully we've had nothing but positive experiences with her daycare and with babysitters. But we are likely moving in the coming months so I will need to find another daycare if I'm not able to stay at home.
About Michael Phelps--I actually live in the Colubia area, and the Richland County Sheriffs Dept has arrested 2 people in connection with the party. News outlets are reporting that the max punishment Phelps could get it $800 fine and up to 30 days in jail. So we are bleeding $$ to crucify this young man. A woman was strangled in her home and her apartment building burned to cover it up last week, and we're going after Michael Phelps for a bong hit. Ridiculous.
Okay, has anybody seen this about Michael Jackson? Yikes!
indianprincess said...
I'm been thinking of the families who lost their loved ones in the plane crash in upstate New York. It's sad expecially among the 44 passengers killed was a woman whose husband died in the World Trade Center attacks of 9-11.
Indianprincess, thanks for mentioning this. They have been on my mind too. Incredibly sad.
Mom said...Anyone see Joaquin Phoenix on Letterman? I'm calling an Andy Kauffman stunt.
Not yet, but I want to. I intend to get caught up on all the video (incl. Kate's appearance on Dr. Phil), I missed over the upcoming long weekend. Aww, love that phrase.
I had such a crush on Joaquin Phoenix after I saw him in "Walk the Line." Whatever his current deal is, he is not looking very hot these days. LOL.
Rachel107, I was wondering: Have there been any crimes, or incidents involving the sheriff's office, that have drawn negative-to-law-enforcement media coverage recently? If so, maybe that's why the sheriff is going after Phelps et al--to try to generate positive coverage as well as the image that they're very tough on crime. I've seen this kidn of thing happen before...
Jenn -
Finally read this entire thread - so sorry for what you have gone through. It's any working mom's nightmare. Always trust your intuition. You did the right thing.
Lizabeth -
That Sun article and that little boy - unbelievable.
Anya -
I always thought that Nadya's mom was paid for that.
Lordy be, MCB! Between your babysitter story and Jenn's experience, I can skip going for a movie this weekend! What a nightmare.
I just saw the Joaquin Phoenix appearance on the David Letterman show. Wow. David Letterman is the best, I will have to say. I don't know how he keeps a straight face.
Theresa said...
Okay, has anybody seen this about Michael Jackson? Yikes!
Yikes is right. Can you say c-r-e-e-p-y.....
And as a side note, let us not forget that Jackson still has custody of his kids. See it's not so easy to take away someone's children, is it?
As much as I hate to concede to the fanatics... Nadya Suleman really might have been influenced by the Gosselins. I'm kinda joking, but:
First, she (or her publicist) repeat the line that she "wanted just one more." Then, The Mirror posts an interview with this quote from her: "I’m a control freak, you see. But I’ll have to accept help."
Sounds like someone memorized Multiple Blessings! ;-)
Michael Phelps - An unfortunate choice, but he's young and he'll certainly have to deal with the repurcussions of his actions.
Daycare - Definately make a report on the bad daycare experience!!!!
When my son was too young to vocalize I actually went to the government entity in my state/county that oversees daycares and asked to read the file of the daycare I was considering placing him in. (They HAVE to let you read it!) There were only a couple incident reports for very minor infranctions that I can't recall the details of, so I went ahead and placed him.
The day he started I went to the director and casually mentioned I'd gone and "looked her up" but was glad not to have seen anything serious. I wanted them to be on notice I wasn't a parent who didn't take my child's care VERY seriously.
Also, I only ever put him in larger daycare facilities. I think the ladies who do it out of their homes...who don't get coffee and lunch breaks, where the kids ages are too mixed, and who don't have someone "watching" them...are the ones that seem to have the problems that tend to make the evening news. JMHO
I LOVED the daycare he was in as a baby. I was in school (change of career) so I'd go early and hang out with the "teachers" and play with the other babies, watch how everybody got along. All the other "teachers" from the older kid "classes" would take their lunch breaks in the baby room and play with the babies, so my son was held ALL DAY LONG. So much so, I'd have problems trying to get anything done at home because he was so used to being held.
But, honestly, having a bad daycare experience was a MAJOR worry for me during the periods I've had to place him. My mom is lucky I trusted her. ;)
Joaquin Phoenix - LOVE HIM! I sure hope it's a prank, because he's too good an actor to quit now.
Mom, Nina, all others about the Joaquin Phoenix, I caught that. I thought it was totally faux, I agree it's an Andy Kaufman, but not nearly as good. River prob could have pulled it off. He was so talented. I also don't know how Letterman keeps a straight face. I did like Joaquin in Walk The Line, but I didn't like the movie.
My house is soo quiet. It's lovely. I'm getting so much done.
Anya, I'm supposed to be touring Europe for an prolonged stay at this time in my life. That all has changed as I have little 5yo tag-a-long. California is much more feasible these days. I do want to take her to Europe sometime in her teens. If I don't do it then, I don't think I'll care anymore after that. My hope is that she'll love it and I won't be just dragging her around with me. It's too soon to tell how that might go.
Theresa, that is so gross. That would be a strange ending to the story of his life. His face is just grotesque. I feel like I grew up with him, from the J5 cartoon with the mice to waiting to his next video sensation. Even in BAD his features had changed so much and he kept going on and on. I thought he looked incredible in Thriller. oh blech, whenever I think of the 80's all I can remember is the high maintenance fashion. ugh.
Kuromi said...
As much as I hate to concede to the fanatics... Nadya Suleman really might have been influenced by the Gosselins. I'm kinda joking, but:
First, she (or her publicist) repeat the line that she "wanted just one more." Then, The Mirror posts an interview with this quote from her: "I’m a control freak, you see. But I’ll have to accept help."
I know you're not 100% behind this comparison, but I thought I'd add this to the conversation:
Suleman started having her children before the sextuplets were born and was certainly pregnant with the octuplets before the J&K show really took off last year and the book was released.
I think Suleman was blindsided by the huge negative reaction she's gotten, has seen
Kate Gosselin brought forward by the news media in the last few weeks as a "prime" example of a mother of multiples, and is just puppeting what she thinks might *work* to improve her image. Suleman has said a lot of nutty things to the media (post-partum induced or not) and may be grasping for something positive way to explain the unexplainable.
After that, any comparison between the two women falls short.
There's NOTHING about this woman that reminds me of Kate Gosselin except she's given birth to multiples. Nothing about how she lives or has conducted herself exibits signs of any control, especially over herself, in her life.
You have outdone yourself. If there was a prize, you would win.
You have outdone yourself. If there was a prize, you would win.
That is hilarious. I always forget to flip over until someone says something.
I blanked about The Office and 30 Rock this week, catching up now, also choc icecream. ahhh.
I am disappointed in Michael Phelps. Sure, everyone makes mistakes. Sure, what he did in the long scheme of things isn't that terribly serious. BUT, he's been actively working as a role model and recruiting children to the world of swimming. He knew that children were watching him, but he made a big mistake. I don't think he deserves to be villified, and I do respect how he's so quick to accept responsibility for his actions.
When he got the DUI, he cried and told the police officer "I have so much to lose." You'd think that little incident would have helped him think the bong incident through. Shame on the person who took the picture, but didn't he think this would get out somehow? He's been set high on a pedestal, and it's a big fall. That being said, I would still TOTALLY let him come talk to my students about making mistakes and accepting responsibility for those mistakes.
The funny part is, the Friday before this happened, someone gave me a bunch of Michael Phelps pictures. I hung them up in my classroom, and my students all said he was my boyfriend. THAT weekend, there's Michael Freaking Phelps with a bong. My students came in WILD on Monday to tell me how my boyfriend was a pot head. Perfect timing, Michael!
scarfoot -
Your recollection about Phelp's DUI arrest is similar to mine and why I've got concerns that he might be developing an addiction. He knows how much he has to lose and yet he continues to do the same risky behavior.
I'm not sure, but it does make me wonder.
I love your students...too funny. It alsways seems to backfire, doesn't it?
Hope everyone has a great Valentine's Day and a nice relaxing 3 day weekend.
It looks like Jon and Kate have teamed up with Lane Home Furnishings
I'm really laughing at that avatar, Nina!
Nina Bell said...
It looks like Jon and Kate have teamed up with Lane Home Furnishings
Good for them. I just read the Princess Boards and the critics have the same predictable responses.
For what it is worth, I had never heard of Lane Entertainment before. After seeing this link, I clicked on their website and found a store 15 miles from my home. I am not in the market for any new home entertaiment stuff right now, but they got their name out to at least one possible future customer. I would love to organize all my teenager's gaming equipment...
Nina Bell said...
Hope everyone has a great Valentine's Day and a nice relaxing 3 day weekend.
Same here!
Three-day weekends rock!
The website shows some of the furniture that Jon and Kate picked...and it's obvious it's free for them, unless you count the advertising they've done for Lane on the show and the website. Kate's complaint last week about having no where to sit can't be construed as anything more than Kate being Kate. There's no way she was looking for free furniture when it's clear they already found it!
Lucky Gosselins.
Wow, I can't believe they're endorsing Lane. Lane was smart to snatch them. If there was ever any one who endorsed Lane before them, I don't know who that would be. J&K are everywhere these days. They are doing so well. I know Jon pulls his fair share as house daddy. But, this family would prob be really struggling if it weren't for Kate. I love Lane furniture and have a few treasured pieces. My beautiful end table and sofa table made it through two boys. My last little one took a sharpie to the legs of the end table (it's actually hard to see) it soaked in, but I think it can be repaired sometime.
Scarfoot, that's funny about your students. What perfect timing. :)
I can never catch up on comments. I'm like kid who comes in 40 mins late to class then annoys everyone by asking a question that was covered in the first part of class.
Dunce hat for me...trying to read all of the posts.
Geez, I am gone for 3 days and look what I've missed.
By the way, we had a GREAT weekend! We attended a renewal of vows on Friday night. Our best friends were celebrating their 10 year wedding anniversary and 20 year being together anniversary. We spent the rest of the weekend w/ them. Saturday we had dinner @ a Fondue place downtown. It was sooooo good. Lobster tail, shrimp, duck... I was miserablly full by the end. We followed that up by seeing The Wrestler. Then we went back to our lodge and drank a few bottles of wine. Sunday morning we went to the Champagne Bruch and once again had a great meal. We got home a little bit ago. I am so glad that I have 1 more day off!
You are living like the Gosselins! You lucky thing, you!
Haha needless to say we did not exchange presents this year. The weekend was our present to each other.
Jenn, what a wonderful trip. Good friends, good food, good wine. Can't go wrong.
What did you think of "The Wrestler"? Everything I have heard has been very positive, but it seems so dark.
J&K's DVD's received a positive half page review, complete with color photo, in today's NY Times...
Quiltart, thanks!
I thought this part was particularly interesting and helps to explain why Jon & Kate are getting all these endorsement deals (despite the consternation of their critics):
Now that formula is a big hit on reality television. “Jon & Kate Plus 8,” in its fourth season, is the highest-rated show on TLC. Its Jan. 26 episode drew 1.6 million women between the ages of 18 and 49, a group advertisers particularly covet. That handily beat the season premiere of the TNT series “The Closer” starring Kyra Sedgwick, which drew 1.2 million from the same demographic.
On a separate note, I do wish the fact checker had double-checked the kids ages! LOL.
I liked The Wrestler. I had heard a lot of good things so maybe my expectations were too high. I didn't love it. We saw Gran Torino and I thought that movie was FABULOUS!
Quiltart, Thanks for the link. It was really favorable but I was all confused because of the kids ages being wrong. It irks me when they mess up those details. It seems official that J&K are loved by a good part of the population. I liked the writer's take on how long the show might last and especially on how real their marriage is.
“Jon & Kate Plus 8,” in its fourth season, is the highest-rated show on TLC. Its Jan. 26 episode drew 1.6 million women between the ages of 18 and 49, a group advertisers particularly covet.
This was interesting. Anya, you're right, they must all want Kate. I bet certain companies are drooling to get them to endorse. She couldn't ask for a better place to be to make some serious $s!! I bet she wonders how she ever found herself in this position.
Jenn, your trip sounds so nice. I'm glad you had such a good time.
Hey ladies- I'm back!!! I missed you guys :)
Samnc, Welcome Back!
Hope your trip went well. You have been missed and missed alot.
The plot thickens with the 12 year old dad/15 year old mom story. Apparently now there are two other boys who think they might be the father. Sigh. What is this world coming to??
Glad to have you back, Sam!!
Quiltart thanks for that link-- I think they have the ages wrong since that is how old they were in the beginning of the DVDs at least... could be pretty much a copy and paste from the jacket :).
Lizabeth said...
Quiltart thanks for that link-- I think they have the ages wrong since that is how old they were in the beginning of the DVDs at least... could be pretty much a copy and paste from the jacket :).
Lizabeth, The ages are correct. They were reviewing the DVDs from the third season.
Latest news re: Michael Phelps
"Phelps' Bong Probe Up in Smoke"
What a waste of time and tax payers money!
Welcome back, SamNC!
GLO said... What a waste of time and tax payers money!
I agree!
Lizabeth said...
The plot thickens with the 12 year old dad/15 year old mom story. Apparently now there are two other boys who think they might be the father. Sigh. What is this world coming to??
Oh my...
And why are their parents allowing them to give interviews? I don't get it. Do they *want* publicity? The whole thing is very sad.
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