"Since Jon is in contact with them, why don't they convince him to stop agreeing to the show and say he doesn't want the kids on it either? "
A little bit of trivia--if they already are in contract that the kids can be on the show, then it cannot be revoked until this contract's term has expired. And even then, it can be iffy depending on what happens with the marriage an custody agreements in the event of a divorce.
The example that comes to mind is Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen. He sued to not permit his children to have any screen time on her reality show. However--I believe she has full custody and can make those parenting decisions herself. The court sided with her and that he did not have the right to stop them from being filmed even though he was the biological father.
I cannot find specific links, but I that I remembered that she won the decision.
Granted she is not a shining example of reality television either--
Illinois Mom: "Fact is, most people have seen the writing on the wall for a few season, how could you not?"
If you are speaking to me in particular, I'm not how you get from my posts that I saw no writing on the wall.
If it is a generalized term, then disregard the above comment and I agree with you.
I cannot rule Kate a narcissist as of yet--that's a bit more harsh than calling someone lazy. One bein a way of life and the other being a psychiatric term.
I'm still wondering why folks thought this family was perfect and all Leave it To Beaver like when it was clear from their episodes that they never were and never would be.
I don't know what DWL. The acronym is just not bringing anything to mind.
As far as repeating--well until I know what it is can't really comment.
Do you have proof that this is not a couple who does not live together.
If they address the situation in the first episode, how are we to know that they are not working on it. If the show is about the twins and sextuplets--why would taking them on a family outing be BS.
As the child of a 4x divorced mother--the world didn't stop nor were we included in all the "divorce" stuff.
At one time--quite disturbingly I might add--her ex still lived in the house in a separate room with his girlfriend. Man were we an insane family.
Then later--he lived in his own room and the girlfriend lived downstairs in the converted garage with the father of the baby she was pregnant with.
Can't say those were good times--but a family carrying on for whatever reason despite the dysfunction does not necessarily mean it is all BS as in a lie for the world to see.
I'm curious how you can safely draw that conclusion when we have no idea what goes on with Jon and Kate behind closed doors without cameras and mics.
So far all we have is he said/she said and hearsay.
Kikibee said... ITA with what Tyra said. Julie has new posts on her blog, saying we "don't know everything", blah, blah. Well, obviously there is nothing CPS worthy, so it's basically Jodi,Kevin and Julie (why is she involved with this?) don't approve of J&K. Kikibee, I totally agree with Tyra, too and I also totally agree with you as to what in the world Julie has to do on this. To state on her web site that the Gosselin children are living in horrific conditions is totally irresponsible. She has nothing to do with the Gosselin situation except that she is Jodi's sister and the haters are now treating her with the acclaim they would a returning warrior.
If the Gosselin children were living in "horrific" conditions, the authorities would have stepped in by now. The haters have certainly tried hard to enough to make them take a look.
Some of the hate blogs are now stating that the Gosselin children need to be put into foster care or GIVEN to Jodi, while the parents are investigated. This is beyond the pale as far as I'm concerned. I would love to see the conditions that some of these people are raising there own children in while they are sitting oh their computers 24/7 ragging on Kate Gosselin.
Whoever called Jodi and Kevin "JoKe", could not have picked a better name. These THREE, Jodi, Kevin and Julie are one big joke and have done nothing but further the exploitation they almost forgot to mention when they gave their oh-so-concerned-and-holier-than-now interviews. What a sorry lot!
Oh, and FWIW, Kate never said she was a better baker than Jodi, so Jodi, you can keep your bake-off crown!
Okay, the whole point of the DSM is that it is to be used as a TOOL during interviews conducted by an experienced, educated professional to diagnose mental health issues. It is not a checklist anyone can use to diagnose someone after seeing a snippet of their lives on TV. Anyone who thinks that they can just decide someone is a narcissist 'cause they looked up the criteria is A) wrong B) a gossip C) not an ETHICAL trained psychologist because an ethical trained psychologist would have taken a class on ETHICS and would know hat diagnosing someone without an interview is completely irresponsible at best and potentially damaging at worst.
Yes, I have a degree in Psych, emphasis in counseling.
Dr. H said... Okay, the whole point of the DSM is that it is to be used as a TOOL during interviews conducted by an experienced, educated professional to diagnose mental health issues. It is not a checklist anyone can use to diagnose someone after seeing a snippet of their lives on TV.Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am so sick of hearing these armchair diagnoses of Kate Gosselin's mental health that I could scream! I have read today that she is a narcissist (one of the haters' favorites) and is mentally unstable. I'd love to do an armchair diagnosis of the folks who are applying those terms so freely to Kate. Enough already...
A Mom-ynous,I know they have contracts and all, but if Jon were to get lawyered up and say he didn't want the kids filmed anymore,that would at least put a crimp in things, don't you think?
I was also thinking of the public relations aspect of it. In light of all the publicity lately, if one of the parents said "This is hurting my kids, we need to stop", would TLC really demand they continue? And would the sponsors go along? It doesn't matter anyway, because I don't think Jon would do that.
I get Carolyn's point . . . if Jon thinks that his wife is having an affair with Mr. Grey the security guy (who I think is very hot . . . but that is neither here nor there), then they are having a pretty civil conversation in that picture.
I'm thinking that my husband would be photographed giving Mr. Grey a quick and powerful left hook to the chin if put in a similar position.
I am suspicious of that picture too. They look too calm to me although I guess I'm thinking they should be fighting over her or something from an old movie. I never expected to see them talking to each other. But he does look cute and I hear he is from New Zealand, so you know he has that Hugh Jackman accent.Yummier than oreos!
Wendee said... I am suspicious of that picture too. They look too calm to me although I guess I'm thinking they should be fighting over her or something from an old movie. I never expected to see them talking to each other. But he does look cute and I hear he is from New Zealand, so you know he has that Hugh Jackman accent.Yummier than oreos!
May 17, 2009 7:49 PM ************************* Has anybody ever thought that MAYBE, just maybe, there was no truth to the rumor of the bodyguard?
He's still working for them, meaning his wife doesn't believe the rumors. Jon's there and Jon's talking with him, so I guess that blows Jodi and Kevin's stupid blurbs out of the water.
If the Gosselin children were living in "horrific" conditions, the authorities would have stepped in by now. The haters have certainly tried hard to enough to make them take a look.
Some of the hate blogs are now stating that the Gosselin children need to be put into foster care or GIVEN to Jodi, while the parents are investigated. This is beyond the pale as far as I'm concerned. I would love to see the conditions that some of these people are raising there own children in while they are sitting oh their computers 24/7 ragging on Kate Gosselin.
Whoever called Jodi and Kevin "JoKe", could not have picked a better name. These THREE, Jodi, Kevin and Julie are one big joke and have done nothing but further the exploitation they almost forgot to mention when they gave their oh-so-concerned-and-holier-than-now interviews. What a sorry lot!
Oh, and FWIW, Kate never said she was a better baker than Jodi, so Jodi, you can keep your bake-off crown!
May 17, 2009 12:52 PM
I totally agree with you Quiltart. I used to post at Gwop and do not anymore because I do not believe that the Gosselins are the horrific parents that the gwoppers claim they are. The kids are not living in horrific conditions. Those kids are well loved and taken care of. Despite what we are seeing played out in the media right now, they love and are loved by both their parents.
If it is true that all press is good press, the Gosselins are doing great. I have seen them on more shows this weekend than ever. They were even on the weekend update on SNL. They said TLC would be airing two new shows. Kate plus four, and Jon plus four. I had no idea that many people even knew who they were. If they didn't before, they do now. I imagine ratings will be through the roof. I won't be one of them though, because if it is truly reality, I don't want to watch the train wreck. If this has all been for ratings, I don't like to be taken in that way.
Going to the tabloids a "last resort"? Last resort for exacting maximum revenge, maybe. Trashing reputations of family in tabloids is helpful, loving, thoughtful, and healing. Rigggght. Plus hey, free money.
Get real. Whatever sugar coating they paint on it, the primary motivators for Aunt Jodi and Brother Kevin are hurt feelings, bitterness, revenge, and money.
It's pitiful. It's low. It's cheap and tawdry. I can see why Kate wanted to make sure relatives had no mercenary motive to mix with the children. How completely ugly it is.
Do Jodi and Kevin really think by doing this that they are the "better" people? Give me a break! Someone is now looking for "their" 5 minutes of fame now that they are banned from the show! They disgust me even more than the tabloids that are getting a kick out of this family's troubled times. Please, don't give auntie and uncle another minute in the spotlight...and as for her sister, Julie, ban her blog as well! UGH!
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 234 of 234Victoria,
The whole show is BS, or aren't you following.
"Since Jon is in contact with them, why don't they convince him to stop agreeing to the show and say he doesn't want the kids on it either? "
A little bit of trivia--if they already are in contract that the kids can be on the show, then it cannot be revoked until this contract's term has expired. And even then, it can be iffy depending on what happens with the marriage an custody agreements in the event of a divorce.
The example that comes to mind is Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen. He sued to not permit his children to have any screen time on her reality show. However--I believe she has full custody and can make those parenting decisions herself. The court sided with her and that he did not have the right to stop them from being filmed even though he was the biological father.
I cannot find specific links, but I that I remembered that she won the decision.
Granted she is not a shining example of reality television either--
Illinois Mom:
"Fact is, most people have seen the writing on the wall for a few season, how could you not?"
If you are speaking to me in particular, I'm not how you get from my posts that I saw no writing on the wall.
If it is a generalized term, then disregard the above comment and I agree with you.
I cannot rule Kate a narcissist as of yet--that's a bit more harsh than calling someone lazy. One bein a way of life and the other being a psychiatric term.
I'm still wondering why folks thought this family was perfect and all Leave it To Beaver like when it was clear from their episodes that they never were and never would be.
I don't know what DWL. The acronym is just not bringing anything to mind.
As far as repeating--well until I know what it is can't really comment.
Tyra -
You are 2 for 2! In total agreement with what you wrote.
Illinois Mom--
Why are you saying the whole show is BS?
Do you have proof that this is not a couple who does not live together.
If they address the situation in the first episode, how are we to know that they are not working on it. If the show is about the twins and sextuplets--why would taking them on a family outing be BS.
As the child of a 4x divorced mother--the world didn't stop nor were we included in all the "divorce" stuff.
At one time--quite disturbingly I might add--her ex still lived in the house in a separate room with his girlfriend. Man were we an insane family.
Then later--he lived in his own room and the girlfriend lived downstairs in the converted garage with the father of the baby she was pregnant with.
Can't say those were good times--but a family carrying on for whatever reason despite the dysfunction does not necessarily mean it is all BS as in a lie for the world to see.
I'm curious how you can safely draw that conclusion when we have no idea what goes on with Jon and Kate behind closed doors without cameras and mics.
So far all we have is he said/she said and hearsay.
Nope A Mom,
Wasn't addressing you.
You offer up your share of opinions on here, which I mostly disagree with.
The fact that you don't agree with me does not matter to me.
I have all the proof I need to make a descion about Kate and Jon.
I don't mean to be curt, but really this is how I feel.
Kate is mentally unstable. Jon is irresponsible.
The show is a sham.
The kids are miserable and exploited.
They will divorce.
I don't need Jodi or Julie or Kevin or a rag mag to tell me any of that.
Illinois Mom, if you think the whole show is BS, than don't watch it.
Kikibee said...
ITA with what Tyra said. Julie has new posts on her blog, saying we "don't know everything", blah, blah. Well, obviously there is nothing CPS worthy, so it's basically Jodi,Kevin and Julie (why is she involved with this?) don't approve of J&K. Kikibee, I totally agree with Tyra, too and I also totally agree with you as to what in the world Julie has to do on this. To state on her web site that the Gosselin children are living in horrific conditions is totally irresponsible. She has nothing to do with the Gosselin situation except that she is Jodi's sister and the haters are now treating her with the acclaim they would a returning warrior.
If the Gosselin children were living in "horrific" conditions, the authorities would have stepped in by now. The haters have certainly tried hard to enough to make them take a look.
Some of the hate blogs are now stating that the Gosselin children need to be put into foster care or GIVEN to Jodi, while the parents are investigated. This is beyond the pale as far as I'm concerned.
I would love to see the conditions that some of these people are raising there own children in while they are sitting oh their computers 24/7 ragging on Kate Gosselin.
Whoever called Jodi and Kevin
"JoKe", could not have picked a better name. These THREE, Jodi, Kevin and Julie are one big joke and have done nothing but further the exploitation they almost forgot to mention when they gave their oh-so-concerned-and-holier-than-now interviews. What a sorry lot!
Oh, and FWIW, Kate never said she was a better baker than Jodi, so Jodi, you can keep your bake-off crown!
ITA Quiltart on all that you said.
It is despicable how Julie is spreading lies and truly exploiting the Gosselin children. Same with Jodi and Kevin.
Seems like the Kreider's are cashing in on the Gosselin kids just like their parent's.
Excellent points Tyra and Kikibee and well-said. ITA.
While looking at the party pictures I see that Jon is there. I also see the bodyguard Steve there too. Mady doesn't look very happy though.
What pictures Carolyn? Do you have a link?
Lanie, JustJared.com and RadarOnline.com have party pictures from today. Poor Mady or Cara had a meltdown again and the cameras are all in her face.
Pictures of the party at:
(scroll down and you will see them)
Oh don't forget the picture on radar online of Jon and Kate's supposed boyfriend standing together talking. Guess it was all a scam.Disgrace.
thanks Carolyn!
I see Grey there in one pic doing his job. Just standing there in the stance of a bodyguard.
I don't see any picture of Jon and Steve the bodyguard talking. Does anyone else see it?
Nicole, go to radaronline.com and look at the main page, go to the right and click on the red blinking sentence.
This is driving me nuts.
Okay, the whole point of the DSM is that it is to be used as a TOOL during interviews conducted by an experienced, educated professional to diagnose mental health issues. It is not a checklist anyone can use to diagnose someone after seeing a snippet of their lives on TV. Anyone who thinks that they can just decide someone is a narcissist 'cause they looked up the criteria is A) wrong B) a gossip C) not an ETHICAL trained psychologist because an ethical trained psychologist would have taken a class on ETHICS and would know hat diagnosing someone without an interview is completely irresponsible at best and potentially damaging at worst.
Yes, I have a degree in Psych, emphasis in counseling.
Dr. H said... Okay, the whole point of the DSM is that it is to be used as a TOOL during interviews conducted by an experienced, educated professional to diagnose mental health issues. It is not a checklist anyone can use to diagnose someone after seeing a snippet of their lives on TV.Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am so sick of hearing these armchair diagnoses of Kate Gosselin's mental health that I could scream! I have read today that she is a narcissist (one of the haters' favorites) and is mentally unstable. I'd love to do an armchair diagnosis of the folks who are applying those terms so freely to Kate. Enough already...
A Mom-ynous,I know they have contracts and all, but if Jon were to get lawyered up and say he didn't want the kids filmed anymore,that would at least put a crimp in things, don't you think?
I was also thinking of the public relations aspect of it. In light of all the publicity lately, if one of the parents said "This is hurting my kids, we need to stop",
would TLC really demand they continue? And would the sponsors go along? It doesn't matter anyway, because I don't think Jon would do that.
I get Carolyn's point . . . if Jon thinks that his wife is having an affair with Mr. Grey the security guy (who I think is very hot . . . but that is neither here nor there), then they are having a pretty civil conversation in that picture.
I'm thinking that my husband would be photographed giving Mr. Grey a quick and powerful left hook to the chin if put in a similar position.
Now, I'm going to eat some oreos.
I am suspicious of that picture too. They look too calm to me although I guess I'm thinking they should be fighting over her or something from an old movie. I never expected to see them talking to each other. But he does look cute and I hear he is from New Zealand, so you know he has that Hugh Jackman accent.Yummier than oreos!
Wendee said...
I am suspicious of that picture too. They look too calm to me although I guess I'm thinking they should be fighting over her or something from an old movie. I never expected to see them talking to each other. But he does look cute and I hear he is from New Zealand, so you know he has that Hugh Jackman accent.Yummier than oreos!
May 17, 2009 7:49 PM
Has anybody ever thought that MAYBE, just maybe, there was no truth to the rumor of the bodyguard?
He's still working for them, meaning his wife doesn't believe the rumors. Jon's there and Jon's talking with him, so I guess that blows Jodi and Kevin's stupid blurbs out of the water.
Illinois Mom, your post of May 17, 2009 12:29 PM was just plain rude.
If the Gosselin children were living in "horrific" conditions, the authorities would have stepped in by now. The haters have certainly tried hard to enough to make them take a look.
Some of the hate blogs are now stating that the Gosselin children need to be put into foster care or GIVEN to Jodi, while the parents are investigated. This is beyond the pale as far as I'm concerned.
I would love to see the conditions that some of these people are raising there own children in while they are sitting oh their computers 24/7 ragging on Kate Gosselin.
Whoever called Jodi and Kevin
"JoKe", could not have picked a better name. These THREE, Jodi, Kevin and Julie are one big joke and have done nothing but further the exploitation they almost forgot to mention when they gave their oh-so-concerned-and-holier-than-now interviews. What a sorry lot!
Oh, and FWIW, Kate never said she was a better baker than Jodi, so Jodi, you can keep your bake-off crown!
May 17, 2009 12:52 PM
I totally agree with you Quiltart. I used to post at Gwop and do not anymore because I do not believe that the Gosselins are the horrific parents that the gwoppers claim they are. The kids are not living in horrific conditions. Those kids are well loved and taken care of. Despite what we are seeing played out in the media right now, they love and are loved by both their parents.
Illinois Mom said:Kate is mentally unstable. Jon is irresponsible.
The show is a sham.
The kids are miserable and exploited.
...that is my general consensus too
That was my point. I don't think that there is any truth to the rumor of Ks affair with the bodyguard.
As you said, if there was some truth I'm thinking that his wife might object to him continuing on that security detail.
If it is true that all press is good press, the Gosselins are doing great. I have seen them on more shows this weekend than ever. They were even on the weekend update on SNL. They said TLC would be airing two new shows. Kate plus four, and Jon plus four. I had no idea that many people even knew who they were. If they didn't before, they do now. I imagine ratings will be through the roof. I won't be one of them though, because if it is truly reality, I don't want to watch the train wreck. If this has all been for ratings, I don't like to be taken in that way.
Illinois Mom said:Kate is mentally unstable. Jon is irresponsible.
The show is a sham.
The kids are miserable and exploited.
...that is my general consensus too
May 17, 2009 9:36 PM
Couldn't agree more!
Going to the tabloids a "last resort"? Last resort for exacting maximum revenge, maybe. Trashing reputations of family in tabloids is helpful, loving, thoughtful, and healing. Rigggght. Plus hey, free money.
Get real. Whatever sugar coating they paint on it, the primary motivators for Aunt Jodi and Brother Kevin are hurt feelings, bitterness, revenge, and money.
It's pitiful. It's low. It's cheap and tawdry. I can see why Kate wanted to make sure relatives had no mercenary motive to mix with the children. How completely ugly it is.
Do Jodi and Kevin really think by doing this that they are the "better" people? Give me a break! Someone is now looking for "their" 5 minutes of fame now that they are banned from the show! They disgust me even more than the tabloids that are getting a kick out of this family's troubled times. Please, don't give auntie and uncle another minute in the spotlight...and as for her sister, Julie, ban her blog as well! UGH!
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