Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sound Off-New House

What do you think about the new house and the manner in which it has been discovered? Is this an invasion of privacy?

No anonymous posting please.


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Anonymous said...

Why can't you just own your opinion without playing games and trying to twist things to suggest that everyone feels the way you do?

Sorry I guess I didn't read the GDNNOP manual for posting. I didn't realize I was "playing games" or "twisting things". It seems more that you didn't like what I was saying so you decided to attack my writing style to make yourself feel better. Again, IN MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION, the pot calling the kettle black, yet again.

Guinevere said...

It seems more that you didn't like what I was saying so you decided to attack my writing style to make yourself feel better.

You are giving yourself way too much credit. Being told that we're just like GWoP doesn't make me feel bad; I hear it all the time and I know it's not true.

If you read what I wrote you'll understand what I took issue with - I don't like it when posters say things like "let's face it", because it implies that everyone agrees with them. I don't like it when people state an opinion for people other than themselves, which you did. I consider it manipulative. That's all.

Anonymous said...

quiltgal, you seem to spend alot of time on this site arguing for someone who calls the rest of us obsessed.
"hello, pot. my name is kettle and i think you're black."

Anonymous said...

If you read what I wrote you'll understand what I took issue with -I don't like it when posters say things like "let's face it", because it implies that everyone agrees with them. I don't like it when people state an opinion for people other than themselves, which you did. I consider it manipulative. That's all.

I did read what you wrote and I don't agree. You may not like how other people choose to write their posts but we all have the right to use whatever terms we feel like. If you don't like they way I am phrasing things, skip over my posts and don't read them. Your posts can be nitpicked as well for inappropriate comments. You state "If you read what I wrote you'll understand what I took issue with". You are implying that I didn't read your post before responding or that I am apparently not intelligent enough to understand it because if I did then I would understand and agree with what you took issue with. I don't like when people assume that you must not have read what they said if you don't agree with them. I read it. I don't think either of the things I said imply what you feel they do.

quiltgal, you seem to spend alot of time on this site arguing for someone who calls the rest of us obsessed.

I guess if you call posting 4-5 messages obsessed then I guess I am. And if you consider it arguing to state a dissenting opinion to what someone else has written, then I guess I am guilty as well.

Guinevere said...

I did read what you wrote and I don't agree. You may not like how other people choose to write their posts but we all have the right to use whatever terms we feel like.

And I have the right to call you on it if I think you're using manipulative language. See how that works?

If you don't like they way I am phrasing things, skip over my posts and don't read them. Your posts can be nitpicked as well for inappropriate comments. You state "If you read what I wrote you'll understand what I took issue with". You are implying that I didn't read your post before responding or that I am apparently not intelligent enough to understand it because if I did then I would understand and agree with what you took issue with.

No, I was commenting on your claim that my problem was with what you said, not how you said it. I'd specifically said what I had an issue with and you chose to ignore it and claim that I had to make myself "feel better" after apparently being so deeply wounded by your awesome post.

I don't like when people assume that you must not have read what they said if you don't agree with them. I read it. I don't think either of the things I said imply what you feel they do.

Fine, well, we aren't going to agree, then. But if I have a problem with x, tell you I have a problem with x, and you respond, "oh, no, you don't, you have a problem with y and you're just bringing up x to make yourself feel better", then I am going to feel compelled to respond and reiterate my point.

IMO, you don't want to have a straight-forward conversation; you want to play games with words in the hopes of "winning" the argument.

Nina Bell said...

"I know you don't feel that way but as an outsider looking in, it looks that way to others."

I think it is important when you leave comments that you speak for yourself.

I also really do feel that your obsession is as great as you accuse others. Just because you don't leave comments, does not mean you are any less obsessed.

I don't see this as an obsession. That is how I feel. It is fun, it is entertaining and it probably won't be forever. It is no different than people who blog for other interests such as sports or politics.

Anonymous said...

IMO, you don't want to have a straight-forward conversation; you want to play games with words in the hopes of "winning" the argument.

Sorry you feel that way. You are wrong. My intention in posting was never to play games with words or win an argument. It's a shame that you feel the need to attack people's writing style to make yourself feel and look better. I know you don't think that is true but that's how it came off to me. My writing apparently came off to you in a way that was not my intention. Yours has apparently done the same for me.

I also really do feel that your obsession is as great as you accuse others. Just because you don't leave comments, does not mean you are any less obsessed.

I certainly have an interest in the show and the family. To say that my level of obsession is as great as many others here or at GWOP is probably not true. I read the sites usually 2-3 times a week. I've probably made 8-10 posts total at both sites until this week. I'd say that's a pretty low level of obsession compared to many others at both sites who read and post daily. That being said, if others want to spend more time reading and posting about this family and their show, that is their right. I have no desire to quibble about who is more obssessed. I fully admit that I have an interest in this show and family and enjoy reading the sites about them.

By the way, thanks for the warm welcome. I'm looking forward to spending more time on this site in the future.

abbra said...

The National Enquirer has an article about Jon and Kate Gosselin in their paper this week saying the Gosselins although not pleading poverty are now charging 20.00 dollars for a photograph of the family and also have a plate passed around for donations for them after and during their speaking engagements in churches and other venues.
It's time the Gosselins were exposed for the charlatans they really are. Kate claims that when funds from the tv show stops they will have to make a living somehow to support their million dollar lifestyle of expensive homes, gardeners, organic chefs, housekeepers, and personal assistants.
The Dilley Sextuplets and other families who have had multiples born to them seem to be getting along just fine without all the perks that the Gosselins seem obsessed in acquiring before their gravy train travels on down the track.
Perhaps Kate can take lessons on how to live frugally from Mrs. Dilley, Mrs. Duggar and even my grandmother who raised 21 children without so much as a food stamp, social service benefit or help from others and My mom and all her siblings were well fed, clothe and educated without the help of nannies, cooks and personal assistants.

Anonymous said...

For those who claim the Gosselins live "in the middle of nowhere" you need to enlighten yourself.
We live (I am nearby) 65 miles from Times Square, NYC, in a densely populated area with Berks county having almost 400,000 and being surrounded by other more populous counties. Jon and Kate are Pennsylvania natives. Anyone who observes Kate can see she is not the "sweet tea and fried fish" type associated with the southeast states. Like the Gosselins I aspired to, and achieved, land holdings in a prime spot. Good for them, says me. This is a greatly diverse and physcially gorgeous part of the world.

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