From TLC: "When we last saw Jon & Kate, they were on a different page. Where are they now? In this one-hour, up close and personal season premiere, side by side Jon and Kate address what the future holds for their family." May 25, 9:00 p.m. (Note that TLC's website now has this episode as 75 minutes long, rather than an hour.)
As an aside, this past weekend a close friend of the blog lost a loved one suddenly and tragically. It's a reminder to us all what *really* matters, and hint: it's not a cable television show about people none of us know in real life. With that said, we are not in the mood for much negativity or ugliness and may feel the need to moderate more carefully, so please be respectful in your comments. Thanks.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 204 of 204It seemed to me that Kate was trying too hard to appear to be the better parent. Fortunately, those who have watched the show from the beginning will recognize her statements as self-serving. She never took care of the kids alone - even when Jon was working, he got the kids up and dressed them in the morning (she didn't like to get up early) and gave them baths at night. Plus Nana Janet's, Jodi's, etc.'s contributions.
theonlydude- I happen to agree with you 200%.
As I have stated before, Jon and Kate signed up for this. They agreed to allow cameras film their lives, and unless their contract states specifics of what is not allowed to air- they can hardly complain about it 5 years in, can they?
They made a conscious decision to become PUBLIC figures, complete with what that entails. If they have changed their mind, their only option is to end the show. You can't be a TV star and not have public scrutiny, especially when you make a public spectacle of yourself.
As far as the blame game goes; I feel the need to make a public reminder that we are all just outsiders looking in. Our opinions are just that, and most simply speculation.
We, those who watch the show on a regular basis, have gotten an edited idea of the personalities involved on the show.
We know some of the kids are more shy than others, some more prone to tantrums, some laugh more, some are less or more outgoing. What has been aired shows us that both parents love their kids, and what we have been shown are claims that they love each other. We have been shown that Kate is a bit OCD about some things, is a dominant personality, and is outspoken. We have been shown that Jon is more submissive and passive. I worded this in such a way as to point out that this is all we have been shown...not necessarily how it is all the time.
Being as we do not have ALL of the pieces, we can assume why these issues have arisen based only on our perception as viewers.
My perception and opinion is that both are to blame.
Kate is guilty because she seems overbearing in many ways. Her time onscreen is rarely spent actually discussing and listening to her husband. She has decided how she wants things done, and expects all others to fall into line getting it done. The "fame" has only increased the size of her ego. She loves the perks of this lifestyle and makes no bones about it. I fully believe she wants her kids to have everything (she didn't have and feels entitled to), and will run over anyone who tries to prevent that. Is this really a horrible thing? I don't think it is. Ambition is good. Ambition at the expense of your relationships...not so good. Balance is needed.
In my opinion, Jon is guilty because he sabotaged his marriage on purpose. I agree with many posters who stated that he feels stuck. They are, most likely, in a contract that requires his participation. Without the intervention and use of lawyers and a hit on his nice paycheck, how else would he extricate himself? No one can convince me that he was unaware that the media follow his every move. No one can convince me that he did NOT know he would be caught with another woman. He knew, and it worked for him. Get Kate to remove him and he's not responsible anymore (in his eyes). It would explain his halfhearted apology that sounded more like a scripted comment.
I also believe that Kate did indeed go to him 6 months ago and tell him how things would be. I do NOT believe she thought he would actually do it. Why do I believe this? Because I have done it. But that's a story for another time. Point being, I find nothing fantastical about making arrangements to get through a situation with pride and sanity intact. Most especially when children are involved.
In my eyes, the show needs to end. As long as they are on air, they have no way around the publicity. I cannot say if ending the show will save their marriage, as I have yet to see them both wanting to make the changes needed for it to succeed.
I will admit I cried a bit after the season opener. not because I am too involved with the show, but because I know how close I am to their situation. I am just lucky enough to not have a camera recording it.
"Can you blame him for falling out of love with Kate? "
Yes I can--I had extreme anger issues for several years that came to a head.
I thank God that my husband stood by my side instead of saying to hell with it and falling out of love.
Love isn't guaranteed--it has to be worked on.
We are working through various issues right now and while I hate that we have certain issues, I am more in love with my husband now than I ever was. He stood by me, I stand by him.
We have zero tolerance for my past behaviors and his past behaviors.
It required therapeutic intervention for both of us--but marriages that end in divorce most of the time are done so by choice. It is b/c at some time during the stress, the couple forgest the "For worse" part of the vows.
Many marriages can be saved if the 2 people act like grown ups, put on their big boy/girl panties and deal with it.
Sadly there are issues that cannot be worked. But even a fraction of those are b/c one party refuses to do so.
I see Jon sulking. Sure he is depressed. His marriage is not in a happy place right now and it is partly b/c of HIS character flaw.
He could not have known that Kate was the demeanor that she was.
I purchased the US magazine today. It sounds like Kate's post partum experience may have included post partum depression/psychosis. This is based on the hearsay published of "witnesses" during that time.
PPD can get pretty ugly.
All the dirt brought up about Jon not getting to hang with friends--makes me role my eyes b/c the paparazzi is still trying to bring Kate down.
There are so many intricacies to relationships and the press and the public are just seeing a 2 dimensional view of it.
So with every spek of imperfection that Kate has--I do blame Jon for falling out of love for her.
I had PPD with all of my babies. In fact my last one began while still pregnant. My meds were on standby when I was ready to take them. And I sunk so low into a depression that I thought I was going to die (as in my son would kill me and I would never see him or live to his first birthday).
The fact that Kate lost one of the babies via miscarriage--that will rock any woman's world.
Jon may not have been able to deal with the emotional fallout and anger from these--but that is what therapists and counselors are for.
At any time--he could have spoken up that he was worried for his wife and he didn't do that.
The tabloids say that Kate is a monster--to an extent I agree, but my personal opinion is that it goes deeper than she is being mean just for the sake of being mean.
I see myself in Kate. I want her good qualities, but I possess many of her bad ones. Having been in and out of therapy for years and FINALLY getting a correct diagnosis, I can see the behaviors ebbing off and slowly disappearing.
Humans do not become monsters b/c it feels good--something is very wrong.
This is the "for worse moment" and the "in sickness" moment--but Jon can't handle that b/c he behaves like a child.
Children cannot be adults--and while I by no means am a Gosselin basher, there are some very childlike qualities that both possess that will not be healed just b/c Jodi and Kevin or GWOP wants them to be.
Does it mean tv was the poor choice. We can't say for certain. I would be willing to bet my home that many of their traits and problems would exist anyway.
Jon's unwillingness (based on his own words)--tells me that he chooses to fall out of love. The going got tough and he cowarded out.
I harbour no sympathy for him. I harbour sympathy for them as a couple. Kate I have only some loose sympathy b/c I see myself in her and know that it is plausible that she is not able to control her emotions.
It does seem a little hypocritical to have a camera crew follow you around, then object to paparazzi cameras. I guess the difference is that one set of cameras has their permission, the other is looking for dirt. Still...
How is that hypocritical.
Say you hosted a party and you had your set guest list. But then some folks decided they were welcome to your party anyway and came on over.
I mean--if you invite some folks, clearly you were blessing the whole community to come on over.
It is dishonest to refer to the Gosselines as hypocritical when we should know how etiquette works and what it means to have an "invitation" versus just "crashing" an event/stalking a person.
The public is sadly loosing site of when the welcome mat is worn out if they think it is okay to rationalize the papparazzi's actions based on a person's choosing to be on tv.
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